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copywrite/phil tanner

24 Jul 03 - 05:13 PM (#989923)
Subject: BS: copywrite/phil tanner
From: billy bob

hi guys once again i'm hoing to benefit from your exeperiences
how can i find out who ownes the rights to phil tanners songs?
i think i read somewhere that his nephew (my uncle) owns them. but as he died 2years ago i wonder what happened to them.
thanx in advance

24 Jul 03 - 05:17 PM (#989925)
Subject: RE: BS: copywrite/phil tanner
From: TheBigPinkLad

Depends where you live, as copyright laws differ from one country to another.

24 Jul 03 - 05:29 PM (#989938)
Subject: RE: BS: copywrite/phil tanner
From: billy bob

ok sorry,
phil tanner was also known as the gower nightingale

24 Jul 03 - 06:55 PM (#990007)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: Snuffy

Billy Bob

You never told me you were related to Phil Tanner.

I have a CD of him singing, where the sleeve notes say:

All the rights of the Phil Tanner songs, speech and mouth music were assigned to FOLKTRAX for registration and protection by his nephew, John Tanner, 25/1/67, and registered with the Performing Right Society and the Mechanical Copyright Protection Society the same year.

I guess this means they own the copyright of the recordings, but most of the songs he sang are very old and would be out of copyright.

WassaiL! V
Doh, a beer .........

24 Jul 03 - 07:22 PM (#990038)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: Sorcha

It might help if you searched for "copyright Phil Tanner" instead of copyWrite.........

24 Jul 03 - 10:54 PM (#990148)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

Folktrax is Peter Kennedy's company.

25 Jul 03 - 05:47 AM (#990270)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: billy bob

thanx folks
snuffy, can you post the name/number of the cd,please
is that the folktrax in oz?


ray, a guy.....

25 Jul 03 - 06:35 AM (#990288)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: nickp

Peter Kennedy's Folktrax site

25 Jul 03 - 08:39 AM (#990342)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner



Phil TANNER (1862-1949) - a truly remarkable Welsh performer of folksongs in English. He is introduced by Mr & Mrs Bracey, who were responsible for bringing him to public notice in the 1930's and arranging for him to be recorded by Maud Karpeles and the BBC in 1948, the year before his death


25 Jul 03 - 12:41 PM (#990538)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: BanjoRay

I was brought up on the edge of the Gower, and my late father used to live in Gowerton. When he was young he used to cycle out to pubs around the Gower, and he often used to see Phil Tanner, and heard him sing a few times. I wish my dad had a better ear, and realised the significance at the time. Ah well. If you want to hear him sing The Gower Wassail in 1937, go to
Secret Museum archive
and select the program for march 31, 2002. Set the real player time to 53:00. Good Luck


26 Jul 03 - 12:27 PM (#991105)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: billy bob

wow, thanx for that link bango
that was the first time i've heard him sing

04 Aug 03 - 04:34 PM (#996647)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: GUEST,Matthew Edwards

As a subscriber to Veteran I've been delighted to get their latest CD which has all the recordings ever made of Phil Tanner's singing. This is sheer delight, so thanks to all those who have brought this project to fruition; Mick Tems, Roy Palmer, Roy Harris, Doug Fraser, John Howson, and not least of all Charlie Crump for engineering such wonderful sound.
At last we can all understand why he deserved the title "The Gower Nightingale".
For more information about Phil Tanner, have a look here:- Phil Tanner , but above all just listen to him sing!!

04 Aug 03 - 05:39 PM (#996682)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: Richard Bridge

There are three sets of rights potentially in play. Perfomers' rights (in relation to recordings and broadcasts of performances) as per the Rome convention of 1960. Noting the date of death as 1949 it would take a bit of checking of transitional provisions to see if the relevant rights still subsisted in Rome Convention countries. There are some anomalously long periods of protection in some circumstances, and if mymemory serves me there were stil some jurisdictions not long ago where the rights in the recordings of the Irish Tenor Count John McCormack still existed, but I may be thinking of rights in the recordings not the rights in the performances.   The USA is not a Rome convention country and rights of this nature do not exist there. If such rights now exist in the UK it will be under part III of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 and without checking I think they are limited to 50 years after the date of death so these rights are likely to have expired.

Then there are rights of copyright or neighbouring rights (it's a European distinction, don't ask) in the recordings themselves. These are not likely still to subsist, in that the general rule is that they last for 50 years from the making of the recording. THere are exceptions.

FInally there is the copyright in the words and music of the osngs. Generally these will subsist until 50 or 70 years from the date of death of the respective authors, and until the 31st December of the respective year. But under US law any relavant rights must have needed renewing 28 years after the first term started, and will have expired after another 28 years if renewed (possibly in different ownership) - but the second 28 year period got extended while teh USA was thinking about jining the Berne convention adn if the relevant rights stil lsubsited in teh respective country of origin (probably England and Wales) when the US Berne COnvention Implementation Act was passed, the rights are likely to have been revived in teh USA. So-called "reliance parties" may have a privileged position in relation to the revived rights. US law now contains a "termination privilege" and it may ahve been possible for the rights to ahve been brought back from any long term assignemnt or licence.

In England, an assignemnt made by an author before 1957 will ahve ceased to ahve effect and the rights reverted to the author's estate 25 years after his death (ie 1974), unless the estate confirmed the alienation. Australian position might be similar.

Usual disclaimer

04 Aug 03 - 06:42 PM (#996703)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: Crane Driver

A new CD of Phil Tanner, including extra material not previously released, will be available from October 1st. Mick Tems of Llantrisant has been working on this for some time, but his stroke a couple of years ago put the project back. The CD is by Veteran, (VT145CD), called "The Gower Nightingale", and promises to be great - I can't wait for my copy!

I live in Llangennith, Phil's home village on Gower, just across from his favourite pub and the churchyard where he is buried. Wish I could sing like him!


05 Aug 03 - 07:57 AM (#996999)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: billy bob

so crane driver, which cottage are you in?
as i grew up in well cottage, with my grand dad, walter tanner

05 Aug 03 - 08:30 AM (#997019)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: greg stephens

Anybody know the words of "Pottery Canal" as recorded by Phil Tanner? Have had a search, but come up with nothing.

05 Aug 03 - 08:41 AM (#997029)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: Snuffy

That's great news, Andrew. I'll be putting my order in straight away.

Nice to see you decided to become a member, billy bob. Welcome to the Mudcat.

WassaiL! V

26 Aug 03 - 06:47 AM (#1008221)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: BanjoRay

I picked the new CD up at Sidmouth festival - it's great! The guy had more character and spiritual depth in his voice than a whole band full of amplified "folk musicians". It's brought back to me the reasons I got into folk music in the first place.
You can order the CD number VT143CD from Veteran at 01449 673695.

26 Aug 03 - 11:40 AM (#1008398)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: Skipper Jack

Chantey Cabin had several copies of the Phil Tanner CD (No: VT145CD) "The Gower Nightingale" at the Mumbles Maritime Festival which is where I purchased it. If you are going to the Sea Fever Festival in Hull this weekend you might be lucky to get it from the Chantey Cabin.
I also treasure the 1968 LP of Phil Tanner produced by The EFDSS of recordings made by the BBC in the 1940's. All the songs are included on the new CD.

26 Aug 03 - 05:20 PM (#1008575)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: Crane Driver

billy bob - my house wasn't built in Phil Tanner's day - it's one of a new(ish) close opposite the King's Head carpark (quel surprise!)

And yes, I've got the CD, it's great. It includes the radio broadcast by Wynford Vaughan Thomas describing Phil and his music, as well as recordings of the great man himself. No "Pottery Canal" though - that also doesn't seem to be on the EFDSS LP - guess you'll have to go to folktrax for that


26 Aug 03 - 05:46 PM (#1008586)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: BanjoRay

Does anyone know if there are other Phil Tanner tracks besides the ones on the CD?

26 Aug 03 - 07:52 PM (#1008635)
Subject: RE: copywrite/phil tanner
From: Ralphie


Give John Howson a ring on the number mentioned above.
He spent ages on the Veteran release of Mr Tanner, and he tried to get all of Phils recordings onto the CD, (Hence my involvement with the Wynford-Vaughan Thomas/BBC bits)...I'm sure that if you, (or anyone else) came up with other recordings of Mr T, his expletives would be many !!!
Nonetheless, a fine CD, in the great tradition of Veteran releases.
Now....Go out and buy all the others!
Best Wishes Ralphie
PS, Hello Mr Crane Driver!