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Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.

11 Aug 03 - 07:43 PM (#1000530)
Subject: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: GUEST,Len Wallace

Hi Mudcateers,

I'm just doing a reality check. How many of you out there watched on television or went to the Rolling Stones concert in Toronto?

Were the Stones terrible or is it just that I'm turning into a curmudgeon?

Were they using a drum track? It didn't seem that the drummer was playing what I was hearing.

Was the whole experience a bit surreal?

Was it worth paying $5 million to raise $400,000?

Am I just out of whack with the rest of Canada?

Len Wallace

11 Aug 03 - 08:24 PM (#1000558)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: Clinton Hammond

Ahhh... The Antiques Roadshow finally came to Toronto...

11 Aug 03 - 08:31 PM (#1000561)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: cockney

Rolling Stones? - Rolling Money Grabbing has-beens!!!

Brian Jones must be looking down and thinking "What a bunch of C**NTS!"

11 Aug 03 - 09:06 PM (#1000575)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: Desdemona

I have to agree; a very keen friend bought tickets for me & mine last time they were in the Boston area, and a more boring evening I have seldom spent. Don't get me wrong, I think they were absolutely brilliant songwriters & amongst the best examples of what was right with popular music in the late '60s/early '70s (plus I always had a little thing for Keith; a big part of the reason I enjoyed "Pirates of teh Caribbean" so much!), but at this point it's juts an enormously bloated, embarrassing, grossly overpriced spectacle. Even were I given tickets, I'd sell 'em; I shan't be bothered to see them again.

12 Aug 03 - 01:01 AM (#1000649)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: Little Hawk

I like a lot of the Stones' material from the 60's and 70's, and a little from later on, but I've never had any real desire to see them in concert.

Daylia, however, did go to that show, and she tells me that they were great. The best act of the day, according to her.

I now await the avalanche of negative response to that... :-)

Myself, I've got no opinion about it. I wasn't there, and I didn't watch it on TV either.

Remember this, though: if you scorn the elderly just because they are elderly you may find it coming back on you some day. No one scorned John Lee Hooker because he was old...or any other blues player either. That's a nice thing about the blues. Country was like that too before video and "New Country" got hold of it and turned it into the usual "pretty face" commercial crap.

- LH

12 Aug 03 - 11:12 AM (#1000853)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: mexican

Wouldn't go if you paid me - saw them at Hyde Park in 1969 they were rubbish then!

Brian Jones was the only talent in the band - he co-wrote all the best stuff - but never got credit - even back then the LSE trained money grabbers were scheming.

Funny how Jones got murdered just before he was going to sue for songwriting credits!!!

12 Aug 03 - 11:19 AM (#1000856)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: melodeon king

Saw the poster for a recent tour - Pathetic! 60 year old multi-millionaires, pouting and sneering as if they were working class teenagers with attitude, when we all know they are an unsavoury bunch of caviar & champagne quaffing luvvies!

May the Ghost of Brian Jones haunt these creeps the rest of their days!

12 Aug 03 - 11:51 AM (#1000883)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: Ron Olesko

Such sour grapes here! The band is far from "rubbish"!

I missed the Toronto show, but I did see the Madison Square Garden concert last spring and I was pleasantly surprised. Not having watched them since the mid-80's, I thought they still put on a great show.

Don't judge what you watch on a TV as the representation of the concert - TV cannot capture everything that goes on.

12 Aug 03 - 01:57 PM (#1000951)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: GUEST,alanabit on another computer

The Stones are playing - if not writing - as well as ever. So much guff about Brian Jones I have never read. Even Ian Stewart, who never said anything unpleasant about anyone, described his attempts at songwriting as "desperate". Brian Jones was mediocre on several instruments. That is what the "legend" of that unpleasant young man was based on. Maybe he would have matured into a more likeable man had he lived. The Stones fired him because he was unreliable at a time when they were all working day and night. There is also no real reason to suspect that he was murdered. He wasn't the only sixties icon to die after mixing drugs and alcohol.Watch any clip of the Stones playing live in the sixties and you will see that Keith was the main guitarist even then. Mick Taylor was far and away the best guitarist the Stones ever had. I think his leaving was the greatest loss musically that the Stones ever had to bear. I don't like stadium rock. It usually means musicians having to stand too far away from each other to be able to understand what's really going on. You can hardly blame the Stones for being so popular that it is effectively impossible for them to play in a smaller venue.

12 Aug 03 - 08:24 PM (#1001120)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: GUEST,Himself

I didn't go,but my 14 yr old daughter and 15 year old son went.
   Remember that the Stones were not the ONLY band there.
   Richard was blown away by AC/DC and thought Stones "average" .Rebecca loved the Stones.
    They also came back saying how well behaved the young people were and how the older people (my generation 45 + ) weren't.
    Me ?? With the teenagers gone for the day,my wife and spent a quiet day listening to "Let It Bleed" and "Beggars Banquet" Two great albums.

12 Aug 03 - 09:18 PM (#1001136)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: ddw

I think that bugger Clinton stole my line!


12 Aug 03 - 10:53 PM (#1001160)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: Sandy Mc Lean

This was started as a SARS benefit but ended up as just another money grabbing promotion.
A damn shame that the governments put far more money into this than they did helping those afflicted with the disease.
I heard that the Stones benefit contribution was part of their T-shirt sales, after collecting their full performance fee.

12 Aug 03 - 11:05 PM (#1001163)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Of course the attention that they brought to Toronto and the confidence that they instilled that it is safe to travel there again meant nothing, right? And all the money that hotels, restaurants and other businesses earned that helped to make up for all the money lost during the SARS scare didn't mean anything either, right?

Those Rolling Stones are certainly scum aren't they?

12 Aug 03 - 11:28 PM (#1001171)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: Sandy Mc Lean

It is sad that Toronto was more concerned about the loss of tourist dollars than about those who died from a terrible disease that is not yet understood.
The scum is not only the Stones!
It sure shows that money is the only important thing!

12 Aug 03 - 11:54 PM (#1001177)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko


I'm sorry but I don't think those who died from the disease were forgotten. There was a great deal of research and work being done, but money isn't always the answer, nor is it always something to be mocked.

The World Health Organization reported that as of July 11, there were 250 cases reported in Canada since November of 2002. There were 38 deaths. Globally there were approximately 8500 reported cases with approximately 800 deaths. The last new cases reported were in June.

While it could come back with the onset of cold weather, how much resources should be committed to solving this "epidemic"? All life is sacred and I am not trying to diminish the horror of this disease.   However, there comes a point where life needs to go on. This is the only way we can honor those that have passed on.

While research continues, there are many people who need to make a living. You can say what you want about the Rolling Stones, I do not expect to change your mind about millionaires earning more money. However there is a trade off. For every dollar they earned, the rest of Toronto got it back and more. Tourism suffers and people who make a living suffer. Being laid off because business is down is a hardship that effects whole families, sometimes with longer lasting effects than a disease.

Could the Stones have been more generous? Of course. However don't gloss over what they accomplished. It is easy to take shots a a band of aging millionaires, but there are more people that earn a living because of what they are doing.


13 Aug 03 - 12:52 AM (#1001190)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: Clinton Hammond

That's the folk tradition David!


13 Aug 03 - 07:31 PM (#1001564)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: Cluin

My opinion?... a not-my-favourite band in a not-my-favourite city.

Still, I hope it all did someone some good.

13 Aug 03 - 08:21 PM (#1001584)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: ddw

Maybe so, CH, but Dog'll still get you for it.


14 Aug 03 - 05:17 AM (#1001753)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: GUEST,Beatle Bones

Ron Olesko - you've hit the nail on the head old chap. SCUM that's what they are! Muderous money worshipping scum that made it's millions by selling crap to working class teenagers - pretending to be junkies, posing with cigarettes, liquor etc making it seem cool whilst loads of stupid impressionable kids followed their example and died! I was there. And who's that Johnny-come-lately creep with the pinhole eyes that are too close together, stupid haircut & pointy nose? he got fed up with crawling around Rod Stewart and discovered Prick Jagger!!!

They will rot in hell for eternity.
So who cares.

14 Aug 03 - 12:26 PM (#1001999)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: cockney

Oh dear, not everybody's working class heroes.

14 Aug 03 - 12:52 PM (#1002026)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: Ron Olesko

decaf Beatle Bones, decaf

14 Aug 03 - 06:57 PM (#1002302)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: Ken Ningham

It's true!

15 Aug 03 - 10:46 AM (#1002708)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: woodsie

I notice this thread has been heavily censored by the central scrutinizer If you don't agree with an opinion - delete it!

15 Aug 03 - 12:16 PM (#1002770)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.

Just to add another two cents to something I started.

Interesting the views on the Stones themselves. I'm torn in terms of what may be auggested as their musical accomplishments. Whether I like it or not they have made a contribution (the emphasis on the past tense).

As to being "working class heroes". Some of the boys were from the working class, Mick Jagger certaily not. Rather upper-upper middle class London School of Economics and all that.

What irks me though is that they formerly cancelled their concert in Toronto because of SARS (along with Elton John and Billy Joel). I had two gigs in Toronto and travelled from Windsor during that time. My gig didn't have a cover charge and the beer was cheap and I didn't get no 300,000 people come see me!

Len Wallace

08 Dec 04 - 05:42 AM (#1350767)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: eltham man

Like this one!

08 Dec 04 - 06:17 AM (#1350783)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: GUEST,Jonjo

Why do folks bother paying good money to see "has-beens" (or, in some cases n'er-weres)anyhow? When was the last time Dylan gave a performance worth seeing? His last performance at the Sheffield Arena was a joke. I prefer to remember him how he was.

08 Dec 04 - 07:15 AM (#1350827)
Subject: RE: Rolling Stones in Toronto. Opinions.
From: eltham man

Well said Jonjo - a young friend of mine (18)went to see Dylan a while back, paid about £70 to watch him grumble over a piano.