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Lyr Req: Jim the Roper

03 Sep 03 - 02:35 PM (#1012151)
Subject: 'Jim the Roper'
From: GUEST,Jan Asle Sele

Hi all,

Would anyone out there happen to know anything about an old cowboy song (possibly poem) called "Jim the Roper"? I read it many years ago in an old book of cowboy songs and poems, but haven't been able to find any info on it since. It deals with the death of, well, Jim the roper, and that's about it, but for some reason, the song has stuck with me for all these years. And, if anyone happens to have the exact lyrics to this song (I've tried to write it down from memory on occasion, but haven't entirely succeeded), that would be great, too! Any input appreciated!

Best regards,
Jan Asle Sele

03 Sep 03 - 02:55 PM (#1012169)
Subject: RE: Anyone know 'Jim the Roper'
From: Bardford

I did a quick Google search on "Jim the Roper", which resulted in a number of hits.

According to this site:, Jim the Roper can be found on this record:

       Hinton, Sam. Family Tree of Folk Songs, Decca DL 8418, LP (195?), cut#B.02

Furhter down the results page was this link, , where apparrantly exists a sound file. My computer isn't set up for that, so I can't verify.

I hope you're able to dab a loop on that song.

Happy trails to you,

03 Sep 03 - 03:10 PM (#1012179)
Subject: RE: Anyone know 'Jim the Roper'
From: Sorcha

Bet Dale has it.....

03 Sep 03 - 05:45 PM (#1012267)
Subject: RE: Anyone know 'Jim the Roper'
From: dick greenhaus

it's on Sam's Bear Family single CD.

03 Sep 03 - 06:18 PM (#1012285)
Subject: RE: Anyone know 'Jim the Roper'
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Is anyone able to post the lyrics?

03 Sep 03 - 06:28 PM (#1012293)
Subject: RE: Anyone know 'Jim the Roper'
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Would someone please post the words?

04 Sep 03 - 01:55 PM (#1012763)
Subject: RE: Anyone know 'Jim the Roper'
From: GUEST,Jan Asle Sele


Thanks for the link to the sound clip. I had found some links before, to where it said that Sam Hinton had recorded the song, but have somehow managed to avoid finding the link to that sound clip, apparently...! Anyway, looks like I'd better get hold of that Bear Family cd. Might be some info on the song there, too, if I'm lucky - Bear Family cds tend to include some pretty informative booklets, I seem to recall.

Well, thanks again!

Jan Asle Sele.

04 Sep 03 - 02:41 PM (#1012780)
Subject: RE: Anyone know 'Jim the Roper'
From: jimmyt

First I thought this thread was about me, then I notices it is ROPER and not Groper.........nevermind.

05 Sep 03 - 02:32 PM (#1013480)
Subject: RE: Anyone know 'Jim the Roper'
From: GUEST,Lighter

Lyrics and tune are in Margaret Larkin's "The Singing Cowboy," about 1930. Naturally, I don't have it handy.

05 Sep 03 - 06:01 PM (#1013581)
Subject: Lyr Add: JIM THE ROPER
From: Q (Frank Staplin)


They dug him a grave at the set of the sun,
His riding was over, his roping was done.

Brown-featured and bonnie and strong were those brave
Rough cowboys who gathered around Jim's lone grave.

In silence, grim silence they covered him o'er,
To ride the wild bronco and rope cattle no more.

They turned toward their cabins deserted and grim,
Close by the green grave where they buried poor Jim.

They turned toward their cabins, deserted and lorn,
Since Jim the brave rider and roper was gone.

No sound save the Yellowstone dashing a-foam,
Is heard midst the ruins, once Jim's happy home.

And so went the story and so it still goes,
That Jim's ghost is seen where the Yellowstone flows.

From Margaret Larkin, 1931 (1963), "Singing Cowboy," Oak Pub., pp. 164-165, with music. From E. B. Reddick. Katlaughing might be able to provide Sam Hinton's version.

07 Sep 03 - 09:22 PM (#1014636)
Subject: RE: Anyone know 'Jim the Roper'
From: Art Thieme

Yes, that's it. I can hear Sam Hinton singing it as I read the lyric. THE FAMILY TREE OF FOLKSONG on Decca Records. What a fine LP that was.

Art Thieme