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Tune Req: Arkansas (from 'Big River')

25 Sep 03 - 11:13 PM (#1024951)
Subject: Tune Req: 'Arkansas'
From: Jeep man

Written by Roger Miller for his musical "Big River". I have the lyrics but cannot find the melody. Help. Jim

25 Sep 03 - 11:36 PM (#1024956)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: 'Arkansas'
From: Joe Offer

So, Mr. Jeep, would you like to share those lyrics wiht the rest of the class?
-Joe O-

26 Sep 03 - 05:20 PM (#1025320)
Subject: Lyr Add: ARKANSAS (Roger Miller)
From: GUEST,Jeep Man

Glad to, Joe. If I can get lucky and send it.
Roger Miller - Roger Miller (mca 1986) - Arkansas Lyrics submitted by: Kicko

Well, i ain't never travelled much
But someday when the money's such
I'd like to see the world and all
And maybe go through arkansas

Arkansas, arkansas
I sure love old arkansas
Love my ma, love my pa
But i just love ole arkansas

I'd like to get my picture took
Put it in my memory book
And someday hang it on my wall
To say that I'd seen arkansas

Arkansas, arkansas
I sure love old arkansas
Love my ma, love my pa
But i just love ole arkansas

My grandpa was always good
I'd play horsey on his foot
He'd tell me when I'd get tall
We'd both go see arkansas

Arkansas, arkansas
I sure love old arkansas
Love my ma, love my pa
But i just love ole arkansas

Arkansas, arkansas
I sure love old arkansas
Love my ma, love my pa
But i just love ole arkansas

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26 Sep 03 - 05:21 PM (#1025321)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: 'Arkansas' (from 'Big River')

Joe, I hope this is OK. Jim

26 Sep 03 - 06:34 PM (#1025349)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: 'Arkansas' (from 'Big River')
From: Mary in Kentucky

I found a sample of the tune on this page.

click here

26 Sep 03 - 07:31 PM (#1025379)
Subject: Lyr Add: 'Arkansas' (from 'Big River')
From: Sorcha

Add for Jeep Man's post of 26 Sep 03 - 05:20 PM this thread

26 Sep 03 - 08:40 PM (#1025415)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: 'Arkansas' (from 'Big River')
From: Jeep man

Thanks, folks. I still can't make out the tune or if is the other tune listed. Jim

26 Sep 03 - 10:34 PM (#1025462)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: 'Arkansas' (from 'Big River')
From: jimmyt

key of c :    e gg, a ff, defgfee, gggggff, agbdedcc

884,884,8888884, 888888888888884

as you can see, I have no damn idea how to get this concept across, but the word Ar-kan-sas is E-G-G. etc to a rhythm consisting of 2 eighth notes followed by a quarter note, etc the rest should pretty much fall in to place but those are the notes and the approxomate rhythm if you can follow my troglydite logic   jimmyt

28 Sep 03 - 08:41 PM (#1026057)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: 'Arkansas' (from 'Big River')
From: jimmyt

refresh   anyone want to show me a better way of writing out music on a regular keyboard?   I was intrigued at how difficult this is even when the tune is so simple and straightforward. just curious

28 Sep 03 - 09:22 PM (#1026070)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: 'Arkansas' (from 'Big River')
From: Mary in Kentucky

Jimmy, I've been learning ABC notation. Since I can read music pretty well it's fairly easy for me to write an ABC notation file just from looking at the sheet music. Then I put it in the ABC Convertamatic form at, here. Hit submit and go to a page that prints out what I've written and has a midi link to listen to the midi of it.

Try it. If you want to learn ABC notation, search on the net for a site that you feel comfortable with.

Here's the ABC for your tune.......maybe.....check to see if it's right. I used a little judgment to make 4 beats to each measure.

E/E/GA/F/F | D/E/F/G/G/E/E | G/G/G/G/G/G/F | A/G/B/D/E/D/C |
w:Ar-kan-sas, Ar-kan-sas

28 Sep 03 - 09:25 PM (#1026072)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: 'Arkansas' (from 'Big River')
From: Mary in Kentucky

oops...the link should be the first page, here.

28 Sep 03 - 09:48 PM (#1026079)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: 'Arkansas' (from 'Big River')
From: jimmyt

E/G/G,A/F/F.|D/E/F/G/F/E/E.|G/G/G/G/G/F/F/A/| (down an octave)G/B/D/E/D/C/C. thanks, MAry I think I am getting a grip on it! I will sort out the website, thanks for the info as I have written it here, the comma after a letter indicated 2 peats instead of one, I am sure there is a way in this concertina site to simplify it fdr me.