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BS: More W.O.M.D.

28 Sep 03 - 08:50 AM (#1025773)
Subject: BS: More W.O.M.D.
From: Greg F.

Another 'Stand Tall America' story. Your tax dollars at work!

This would be amusing if it weren't so appalling.


US spies monitor whisky plant

A distillery manager has told of his amazement after learning that US spies hunting weapons of mass destruction had been monitoring his whisky plant.

Bruichladdich Distillery on the island of Islay was contacted by the Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)...

"They said they had been monitoring our webcams because the process of making something very innocuous and pleasant is close to making weapons of mass destruction..."

Story HERE

28 Sep 03 - 09:03 AM (#1025776)
Subject: RE: BS: More W.O.M.D.
From: Sandra in Sydney

Maybe the agency is really a teetotallers association which is concerned about the number of lives that have been destroyed by the Demon Whisky?

sandra (alert but not alarmed, as our Prime Miniscule wants us to be in these times of terrorists & no-goodniks)

28 Sep 03 - 09:18 AM (#1025779)
Subject: RE: BS: More W.O.M.D.
From: Bassic

I wish I worked in that distillery! Can you imagine the FUN that could be had winding up the "agency"!!

"Donald, just write TOXIC on the side of that bottle of Fairy Liquid and leave it in front o` the camera will ye!"

(For those outside the UK, Fairy Liquid is the leading brand of washing up liquid in the UK, Its advertizing gingle for the last 40 years has been, "To have hands that do dishes feel as soft as your face, use mild green Fairy Liquid" !!)

28 Sep 03 - 09:30 AM (#1025787)
Subject: RE: BS: More W.O.M.D.
From: The Fooles Troupe

Be Alert!

The World needs more Lerts!

Sorry, GregF, the link doesn't seem to work, at least for me.


28 Sep 03 - 09:44 AM (#1025792)
Subject: RE: BS: More W.O.M.D.
From: Arnie

I read this story recently and could not believe what I was reading. The CIA must be paranoid! I bet they're even monitoring MudCat so maybe I'll now come under covert scrutiny! A spokeswoman for the CIA was totally unrepentant and claimed that distilleries could easily switch to making chemical weapons as all the required equipment was already in place. I suppose they must be watching every Scottish distillery just in case. Quite why they would wish to manufacture chemical weapons instead of the water of life, I know not. Despite being tee-total by religion, it is a well-known fact that many Middle Eastern states import Scotch for their governing classes - but perhaps it isn't Scotch after all......

28 Sep 03 - 09:45 AM (#1025793)
Subject: RE: BS: More W.O.M.D.
From: Greg F.

Try it manually, Robin, its the BBC website-

28 Sep 03 - 02:05 PM (#1025838)
Subject: RE: BS: More W.O.M.D.
From: Gareth

Hmmmm ! "Fairy Liquid" harmless ? Actually "Fairy Liquid" mixed with petrol (Trs Gasoline) makes a fairly crude but effective Napalm.

Very usefull for exterminating termites, or sterelising ground from stinging nettles etc. - Sorry I could not find any Agent Orange.

Hey ! don't criticise - even here in Wales we have our weapons of mass destruction.


28 Sep 03 - 02:47 PM (#1025856)
Subject: RE: BS: More W.O.M.D.
From: McGrath of Harlow

"The CIA must be paranoid!"

Yes, and it's now claimed that the Pope is a Catholic.

Where will such astonishing revelations end?...

28 Sep 03 - 03:07 PM (#1025874)
Subject: RE: BS: More W.O.M.D.
From: GUEST,Gimpy

Yes, and the pity of it is that nobody is doing one bloody thing about the horse that kicked me. It's a conspiracy, I tell you!


28 Sep 03 - 10:34 PM (#1026095)
Subject: RE: BS: More W.O.M.D.
From: The Fooles Troupe

Sorry GregF,
had already tried copying & pasting by hand, still doesn't work.

it says - Cannot find server

that's the same message I get for the Mudcat from time to time.

I suspect it's something to do with the path from my ISP...

I'll try drilling down by hand when I've got more time...


29 Sep 03 - 06:51 PM (#1026410)
Subject: RE: BS: More W.O.M.D.
From: Rapparee

What horse? And with the CIA involved, which end of the horse?

30 Sep 03 - 12:18 AM (#1026510)
Subject: RE: BS: More W.O.M.D.
From: Little Hawk

Click on Gimpy's name for the whole sad story, Rapaire. He is attempting to secure the "Biggest Whinger in the U.K." award for the first decade of the 21st Century. It was the hind end of the horse, but the CIA was most probably not involved...this time. :-)

01 Oct 03 - 12:10 AM (#1026942)
Subject: RE: BS: More W.O.M.D.
From: LadyJean

At The S.C.A's annual Pensic war this year, I ran an errand for a friend. He asked me to buy him a bottle of cheap scotch. I obliged. The stuff, labeled "very rare" was on sale at $9.99 per bottle. He assured me the stuff was atrocious. Now, I'm wondering what the CIA is doing about the "very rare" $9.99 scotch.

01 Oct 03 - 09:13 AM (#1027169)
Subject: RE: BS: More W.O.M.D.
From: Dave Bryant

Gareth - are you referring to Male Voice Choirs ?