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Art T. to be off line for a while

12 Oct 03 - 10:56 PM (#1034364)
Subject: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Art Thieme

Howdy folks,

My son Chris will be revamping my whole computer over the next few days--weeks--months--years--whatever. I'll miss hanging here and fully expect to have withdrawal pains that rival the ones Rush Limbaugh will soon be having. So please don't P.M. me or send e-mail as I won't be reading it.

All the best,

Art Thieme

12 Oct 03 - 10:59 PM (#1034365)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Art Thieme

If one of you could refresh this every so often until I return, I would greatly appreciate it.


12 Oct 03 - 11:18 PM (#1034373)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Rapparee

Okay, Art. And ain't them Cubs doing okay, though?

12 Oct 03 - 11:27 PM (#1034376)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Amos

Miss you already -- withdrawing from technology is much easier than withdrawing from art.


13 Oct 03 - 02:10 AM (#1034404)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Amergin

so would this be a good time to forward all messages to art?

13 Oct 03 - 07:28 AM (#1034499)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Big Mick

Hurry back, my friend.


13 Oct 03 - 09:14 AM (#1034575)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: dwditty

listening to my AT tape and cd until he returns.

13 Oct 03 - 09:32 AM (#1034585)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Amos

Let us direct our attention to the theme of our Art, while awaiting the Art of Thiemes.


13 Oct 03 - 09:40 AM (#1034593)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: katlaughing

The world would be a poorer place without Fine Art. Hurry back, darlin'!

14 Oct 03 - 09:43 AM (#1035330)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: GUEST,Pete Peterson

hurry back, Art!

14 Oct 03 - 11:52 AM (#1035399)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: wysiwyg

Uh, guys, if he's reading this, he's back.

Welcome back, Art! How did you survive without the Cat?


14 Oct 03 - 07:12 PM (#1035722)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Rapparee

Yeah, let's talk about him! A guy who like the Cubs can't be all bad, can he?

14 Oct 03 - 08:06 PM (#1035770)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: wysiwyg

That's prolly why He's REALLY offline. Glued to the tube. Hey Art, how 'bout those Cubs?

~Chicagoan Far From Home

15 Oct 03 - 06:36 PM (#1036384)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: open mike

i was listening to Art's music and got to wondering
how to pronounce his name--my d.j. friend said it is
not the same as "theme" can someone fill me in here?

15 Oct 03 - 07:10 PM (#1036411)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Bill D

your DJ may not have gotten his facts from the source..."theme" is the ONLY way I have ever heard it..

15 Oct 03 - 07:42 PM (#1036437)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: katlaughing

That's the only way I've ever heard it pronounced, as Bill says, and that includes a live intro of him on his CD, "The Older I Get, the Better I Was."

For anyone who hasn't heard him, I highly recommend his CD and tapes from Folk Legacy. You can read more about his CD in this thread. Then you'll hear why I call him our Fine Art!

16 Oct 03 - 05:28 AM (#1036630)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Hrothgar

A guy who likes the Cubs can't be all smart, either.


Welcome back, when you're back, Art.

16 Oct 03 - 09:01 AM (#1036713)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Rapparee

Those who like the Cubs and the Red Sox are, ipso facto, life members of the Optimist Club.

If Art's off because he's watching the Cubs, he'll be back today.

16 Oct 03 - 10:49 AM (#1036793)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: GUEST,Big Jim in Jackson

Having met Art in person, having seen him perform, having been in email contact with him for background on some of his songs, I can tell you that Mudcat is the poorer for his temporary absence. When I open a thread I always scan the red list to see if Art or his pal (and mine!)Jerry Rasmussen are among the respondants.

17 Oct 03 - 11:18 AM (#1037311)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: JohnInKansas

Okay - so it's been a while. Where y'all at, Art?


17 Oct 03 - 07:11 PM (#1037523)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: DonMeixner

Art thou there? Art?

18 Oct 03 - 05:50 PM (#1037812)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: GUEST,Big Jim from Jackson.

As per your request, Art, this is being done mostly to "refreash" this thread. Bye the bye; I playeded your "Aint no limit to the Things you see in Chicago Town" song on the show. It will plan in the next couple of weeks.

19 Oct 03 - 04:12 PM (#1038076)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: JohnInKansas

Well folks, do we talk about Art, or about the son who's not getting him back in circulation?

Refresh anyhow.


19 Oct 03 - 05:07 PM (#1038091)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: open mike

guest-big jim--what show?
where heard?

19 Oct 03 - 07:46 PM (#1038134)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Rapparee

Art's mourning the Cubs....

19 Oct 03 - 08:47 PM (#1038147)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: GUEST,Big Jim from Jackson

Ahh, Open Mike.......You are dealing with a VERY priviledged character here! I and two friends have a radio show (recorded folk music)on KRCU FM, a public radio station in Cape Girardeau, MO. The show is recorded and broadcast on KBIA, Columbia, Mo. and its two repeater stations. We play the pre-recorded show at 7PM every Saturday. Art's song ran on the 11th of October, but I will play it again on Nov. 15th. You can access information about the show at If you go to you can tie into our streaming audio. The thing that makes me privileged, however, is a tape that was sent me several months ago from a source who shall remain nameless. It consists of 90 minutes of unreleased Art Thieme material! And that is where the song mentioned above comes from. Art knows I have the tape and has given me permission to use in on the air. Priviledged? I think so!

20 Oct 03 - 04:25 PM (#1038557)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while


20 Oct 03 - 04:32 PM (#1038560)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: katlaughing

Unreleased? He's been holding out on us!!! Sheesh!**bg**

Thanks for the info, Big Jim...I'll be tuning in!

20 Oct 03 - 05:03 PM (#1038578)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: open mike

had to pry it out of him!!

I, too played Art on my radio show
It was his Wabash Cannonball on the
folk legacy cd Wilderness Road.
(Crossroads, KRBS 107.1 fm, Oroville, CA
Saturday from 2-4, I rotate with a couple
other programmers)
no web streaming yet, though i do
manage to send the show over a paltalk room

20 Oct 03 - 05:10 PM (#1038584)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Roger in Baltimore

Art says it rhymes with "theme" However if it can be useful in a good joke or pun (and with Art's jokes and puns, 'good' is always a relative description), then it might be rhymed with "Thyme".

Roger in Baltimore


21 Oct 03 - 09:17 AM (#1038900)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Rapparee

Poor Art. He's missing all sorts of things while he's away. Perhaps we should prepare a news summary of 'Cat doings for him. For instance,

The Mother of All BS thread passed 1,300 posts yesterday.
Sorcha become a grandmother.

21 Oct 03 - 09:28 AM (#1038908)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: GUEST,Big Jim from Jackson

katlaughing and any others who might want to listen: To hear our program "Your Folk Connection", go to for streaming audio on Saturdays at 7:00PM CST. We can also be found on and audioed (is that a word?) there during the same time period.
    We push the definition of folk in all directions. Old time, English pub, bluegrass, Australian, singer/songwriter, and Art Thieme.
We have guest singers come through on occasion and record shows or parts of shows with them.
    The program is really three programs in one---each of we three hosts brings about 20 minutes of music and blather and do our little segment with the other two sitting there and commenting on the songs and each other.

21 Oct 03 - 04:52 PM (#1039188)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: GUEST,Art

21 Oct 03 - 04:56 PM (#1039189)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Bill D

well!...the ghost of Art yet to come?

21 Oct 03 - 05:06 PM (#1039202)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: GUEST,Edgar A... (Art here)

Howdy folks.   It's me, Art. I'm at the library here in Peru (Illinois--USA). It is tuesday---October 21st, '03

Just went to the eye doctor and I am dilated. But I had to stop in and say hello !! Doing good. Have read 3 books since signing off. A short bio with his letters of ED RICKETTS ---the marine biologist who was the model for DOC in John Steinbeck's smaller superb work titled CANNERY ROW---always has been one of my favorites. Also read Arthur Schlesinger's (hell, I can't remember the title right now---but it was quite insightful). And am about to start a book titled "1929" --- a novel about Bix Beiderbecke and his era. Good reviews prompte me in that direction.
But Chris is working on the machine----and 75 others where he works. So it may be a while before I get back here regular like.

Thanks for your nice comments. And, yes, my 2 records for Sandy and Caroline at Folk Legacy ( are now available from them only as CDs. But you already knew that, right? ;-)

Will talk to you later when I am undilated.

Love to all,

Art Thieme

21 Oct 03 - 05:12 PM (#1039207)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

That should read ----------- a "y" --- no "t"

Art again

21 Oct 03 - 10:01 PM (#1039343)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: JohnInKansas

Good to hear. We'll still try to keep the thread up front.


21 Oct 03 - 11:11 PM (#1039379)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Amos

Aha! I see someone has added a brief whiff of Art to this thread! That, of course, is Art of a different Thieme.    Until he returns, we have nothing to Art but Art himself!


22 Oct 03 - 12:52 AM (#1039411)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: katlaughing

And, that would be Art for Art's sake!

22 Oct 03 - 02:51 AM (#1039445)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Cluin

Thou Art shameless. Or tho it would Thieme.

23 Oct 03 - 04:09 AM (#1040179)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: JohnInKansas

23 Oct 03 - 07:30 PM (#1040706)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Rapparee

Where art thou, Art?

23 Oct 03 - 08:01 PM (#1040722)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: katlaughing

He's being an Artful Dodger...

24 Oct 03 - 05:39 AM (#1040903)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: sian, west wales

I just saw this and thought of Art's Loch Ness story:

Recently, smugglers threw tons of pot overboard to avoid being apprehended. The weed drifted to shore where it was immediately eaten by gulls, kittiwakes and other sea birds. It has been reported that by the end of the week there wasn't a tern unstoned.


26 Oct 03 - 10:46 PM (#1042300)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Rapparee

He is the Art T. dodger, in Northern Illinois,
Mourning for the Cubbies...

Well, I'm pooped and someone else can finish the Art T. Dodger song.

27 Oct 03 - 01:37 PM (#1042687)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: open mike

what is art's loch ness story??!!

27 Oct 03 - 02:02 PM (#1042706)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: katlaughing

Hmmm, it doesn't look as though Art's ever posted it on Mudcat. That's surprising. It's on his CD, Laurel. I'll have to refresh my memory to get it right, but it IS a good'un. If I told ya the name of it, I'd give away thepunch line.:-)


03 Nov 03 - 11:35 PM (#1047363)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: katlaughing

I had a nice phone visit with Himself, yesterday. He sounded really good and said to tell you all he is doin' good, as is Carol. Their granddaughter has spent the night and I could hear her in the background keeping them busy, too. They really enjoy her.

He said his son is still working on his computer; something didn't interface as expected or something. Art said he might get out to a library in the next week or so, but he's keeping occupied and sounded happy. ( mean there's LIFE without Mudcat?!**BG**)


12 Nov 03 - 09:14 AM (#1052352)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Rapparee

Where Art thou?

12 Nov 03 - 09:43 AM (#1052366)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Amos

Art Down, Art Thieme? Art Overdue! Art Myste betimes! Come back home!


12 Nov 03 - 10:15 AM (#1052405)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: katlaughing

LOL..I had nice visit with Carol and him, yesterday. He's busy working on some tapes of his stuff and sounded really good. Chris is swamped at work, but working on Art's computer as time permits. It sounds as though it's going to be awhile, yet.

Didja'll see the other thread about his previously unreleased stuff being on the radio on the 15th? Big Jim Jackson posted it. Be sure to tune in!


16 Nov 03 - 11:29 AM (#1054710)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: GUEST,Jean A

I have been craving Art's "Rock River Valley" Song. Many of us listened to Art at the Green Dragon in Fort Atkinson WI for years beginning in the 70s. How do I get hold of that song?

I have his "Older I Get CD", but no others. Are there more available?

16 Nov 03 - 11:39 AM (#1054714)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Metchosin

Jean, go to the top of the page and click on Record Store and you can order one there.

22 Nov 03 - 11:36 AM (#1059102)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Rapparee

Tsk, still gone.

22 Nov 03 - 12:02 PM (#1059124)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Amos

Oh, for a life of Art!! Built around a common Thieme!

Where Art thou now?


01 Dec 03 - 04:35 PM (#1063924)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Cluin

I hear Arthur sleeps with his Knights to return again when needed. At any rate, he would never act unThiemely.

01 Dec 03 - 04:40 PM (#1063932)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Joybell

He's back! He's back! Take a look at the thread about "The Chicago Drug Bust" song! I know I didn't imagine it!

01 Dec 03 - 10:57 PM (#1064171)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: GUEST,Art Thieme I've said before,

I was once part of a a folk group. Elvis, Patti Page, Rosemary Clooney and ME.

We were called "Presley, Page, Rosemary and Thieme"

(nice to be back...!!!!)


02 Dec 03 - 12:46 PM (#1064501)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Rex

Hey Art, I'm reading an annotated version of "A Slow Train Through Arkansas" by Thomas W. Jackson and was pleased to find you in the footnotes. Ayep, Art is everywhere you look.


02 Dec 03 - 01:42 PM (#1064546)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Art Thieme


Why was I there?? Hope it was good. Some think I poked too much fun at Arkansas. For that I am sorry. No harm was intended.


02 Dec 03 - 01:50 PM (#1064559)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Amos

But it was just so EASY!!...


04 Dec 03 - 12:03 PM (#1065518)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Rex

This is from the 1985 University Press of Kentucky printing. There is a footnote (#3) to a joke about chasing a cow off a track and then coming to another that was really the first cow that the train has caught up to. "This story is also found in the reperoire of Art Theime, a modern "folksinger." Also footnote (#6) "Another item in the repertoire of Art Theime (see note 3, above)." It would seem that the editor, W.K. McNeil, caught one of your shows. I wish I might have been there.


05 Dec 03 - 06:13 PM (#1066347)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Art Thieme

Me too.


05 Dec 03 - 06:20 PM (#1066351)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Art Thieme

If I'm thinking about the right tale/joke/line, it was one I used to set up any of a number of train/cow songs then on my song list.

It was about a train that went so slow that they took the cowcatcher off the engine and re-mounted it on the caboose to keep the animals from boarding the train and trampling people.

It was the Amtrack line---here in the USA---which never ran on time in those days. A hobo I knew lay down on the track to commit suicide----and starved to death !

Art Thieme

08 Dec 03 - 11:42 AM (#1067826)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: GUEST,Rex on the work 'puter

Smart, ain'tcha? I really like the Amtrack one. I'm going to use that. And what do you mean "those days"? I don't find them being on time all too much these days either. They did list the joke about moving the cowcatcher to the caboose in the book too.


08 Dec 03 - 12:41 PM (#1067866)
Subject: RE: Art T. to be off line for a while
From: Art Thieme

Ah, 'tis good to be remembered. ;-)
