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BS: Good Stuff!

12 Dec 03 - 01:20 PM (#1071028)
Subject: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Kim C

All right then. It's holiday time. Time for peace and good will and all that. I've been sick this week, as has nearly everyone in my office, and I need a little perking up.

What's good right now, and what are you looking forward to in regards to the holidays?

As for me, I am back at work today after lying on the sofa the last two days. I scored some new holiday duds cheap on eBay; the new shoes I bought via mail-order fit and don't have to be sent back; we learned two new Christmas songs this year; and the Giant Puppy is learning his manners.

I am looking forward to having some time off next week to have lunch with a friend, do a little C'mas shopping, and make my annual plum pudding. Most of all, I really enjoy putting up my itty-bitty tree and wrapping presents. :-)


12 Dec 03 - 01:39 PM (#1071041)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Wesley S

I'm looking forward to a date with my wife tonight and a visit to Atlanta just after Christmas to see by brother { Mudcat name - Ironmule } and my sisters extended family. We'll go to see The Return of the King - a Christmas tradition for the last two years - seeing the Ring movies. My Christmas shopping will be easy this year. Now I just need to get those cards in the mail so I can reallly relax.

And big news - our son Brendan turns THREE tomorrow. How time flies.

12 Dec 03 - 02:06 PM (#1071053)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Pseudolus

Hmmmm what's good? Well as of this morning the twins are bulking up. Jake is 3 lbs 3 1/2 ounces and Josh is 3 pounds 14 ounces. Not bad when you consider that's a 50% increase from day 1!!! They are both breathing room air and we hope that they lose the nasal canula (sp?) within the next week. Once they learn to latch on to Mom's breast they can come on home!! Best guess has it the last of the month. It's gonna be a great start to the New Year!!!

12 Dec 03 - 02:24 PM (#1071058)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Amos

My mothe rin law just blew my socks off by ordering me a king size Tempur-pedic -- or whatever it is called --Swedish high-denisty-foam mattress, the kind that cures back aches. Ya gotta love her.


12 Dec 03 - 02:30 PM (#1071062)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: LilyFestre

Good news? My daughter gave a kick ass presentation in front of an audience of about 50 was her first time ever speaking in front of a group and I am SO proud of her! My husband got to work safely despite a rather icy start this morning...that's ALWAYS welcome news! And then I got this letter in the mail's chapter of my life has come to an end with a brand spanking new beginning just calling my name!!!!!!!!!!   Yep...definately a day of good news!!!!!

Hope you are feeling better soon!


12 Dec 03 - 02:45 PM (#1071067)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Kim C

Hurrah everyone! Yes, thanks Lily, I am feeling less lousy as the afternoon goes on. I am tired, but in a good humor at least.

That is great news about all the babies! They get big fast, or so I'm told.

Amos, I envy you. I wisht I had me one a them mattresses.

12 Dec 03 - 02:49 PM (#1071070)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Metchosin

You'll love it Amos! We got a new ObusForm mattress a few months back. It has that high density foam in a wide horizontal strip that corresponds to the hip area of the body.

I could not believe the difference. For the past 5 or 6 years I thought I was starting to develop arthritus in my hips and spine because of morning joint pain and stiffness and it turned out that it was entirely our old mattress of 20+ years.....jeez, I sound like one of those old buggers on the thing you know I'll be extolling the virtues of golf diapers.....ah gee....I started out feeling really good about this thread...hmmm.

12 Dec 03 - 03:17 PM (#1071090)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Kim C

They make pillows out of that stuff, don't they?

12 Dec 03 - 03:21 PM (#1071094)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Peace

Metchosin: And what exactly is wrong with golf diapers, may I ask?

12 Dec 03 - 03:25 PM (#1071096)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Metchosin

Yes they do Kim, my husband and one of my daughters have used them for a couple of years now. I couldn't get used to the weird dip and never perservered. I still prefer plumped up feathers or down, but then, I don't have asthma, which they do.

12 Dec 03 - 03:27 PM (#1071098)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Rapparee

What appears to be the last can of worms in our new house is being corrected for about three thousand less than we expected, there's snow on the mountains and not on the roads, I'm working, our budget here was cut by only $5,000 in the latest round, my wife's with me, and we're both reasonably healthy and have (for now) some money in the bank. AND we're mostly debt-free.

12 Dec 03 - 03:28 PM (#1071099)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Metchosin

sorry brucie...there I go again....I take it you like yours? I've got into trouble with friends for saying "I may be old, but I'm still too young to play golf".

12 Dec 03 - 03:49 PM (#1071112)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Kim C

What's a golf diaper?

12 Dec 03 - 04:45 PM (#1071161)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Sorcha

Spent most of the day making my famous cheeseballs...Presents mostly bought and wrapped, got over the flu/staph, feel much better. Little Owen not so little anymore.....

12 Dec 03 - 04:45 PM (#1071163)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Amos

Yes they make Tempurpedic pillows and Tempurpedic pads which lie atop a regular attress, as well. I don't know what a golf diaper is -- presumably it is a disposable that lets you play a full 18 holes even though incontinent.

(Remember, no man is an island, but some are in continent).

I'll get me coat, then ...


12 Dec 03 - 04:49 PM (#1071166)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Kim C

Or maybe it just lets you play the full 18 holes without stopping for the loo...........

12 Dec 03 - 05:50 PM (#1071204)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Bill D

isn't that what the sand traps are for?

12 Dec 03 - 11:05 PM (#1071357)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Kim C

Hmmm..... I never thought of it that way! 'Course, I'm not a golfer.

All right, how about some more Good Stuff?! I know there's more out there. I survived the day, and my stepfather's birthday party. Actually it was quite fun. We finally met my parents' neighbors across the street, and it turns out they are into home brewing just like Mister. Small world.

And my throat doesn't hurt anymore!

13 Dec 03 - 02:59 AM (#1071408)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Metchosin

It Depends. Golf diapers are sometimes what the old guys who drive to the Club in their Lincoln Incontinentals wear under their plaid pants. Sort of like an internal sporan....hmmm.....maybe the should call them Sporn Frees. I sure wouldn't want to drink out of their quaichs though.

On the bright side, the ferry strike is over and just in time!!! We can finally get off the Island to go to Vancouver, in time to celebrate our youngest daughter's Birthday.

13 Dec 03 - 03:25 AM (#1071410)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Metchosin

Kim C, they are pull up disposable diapers for adults. In Canada the main brand is called Depends. For the past few years, they have been advertised constantly on TV here, by showing senior citizens out playing golf or dancing and extolling the virtues of their new found freedom and peace of mind. We nicknamed them golf diapers.

Its the kind of ads we get in this part of the country where a very large portion of the population is retired and golf courses abound. I shouldn't be so flippant, there have been many times on Mudcat I've laughed so hard I could have used them.

13 Dec 03 - 02:02 PM (#1071625)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Peace

I will omit details of names and the town involved.

The department was fighting a fairly large bale fire. A young fellow who was new was under my care until we could see how he worked out as a fire fighter. An hour into the fire he told me he had to 'use the facilities'. I told him to go behind the truck and 'empty the hose'. He said it was more than that. I told him to ask the farmer for the use of his toilet (and report back when he had 'finished his business'). He did. However, he spoke quietly with me and asked if I could keep the 'emergency' to myself, because he didn't want to be embarrassed in front of the guys. I gave him my solemn assurance. Next practice, he had a dozen adult diapers on his hook, in the pockets of his bunker gear, in his lid, and he received the nickname, "Depends". He has never forgotten that and we remain good friends.

14 Dec 03 - 12:42 AM (#1071874)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!

14 Dec 03 - 12:55 AM (#1071883)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: GUEST,Boab

Good stuff for Christmas? My enemies will love this. I bought round trip air tickets for my Christmas --New Year spell in the Auld Sod. I then went to sort out my Partner's out-of date passport at the nearest Govt. office, and found that MY papers were "duff". Being a "landed person" and resident of Canada over 12 years, I'm told that I require a special Permanent Resident's card in order to re-enter the country!---And am told, besides, it take twelve weeks to arrive. So I buckled down, and filled the forms, supplied the documents and mailed the lot to the appropriate office. Then, for a Vancouver Island resident, a disaster; a full-blooded ferry strike.Given the atrocious attitudes of the incumbent ratpack in Victoria right now, I could see no quick end to it, so I quickly reserved a berth on one of the few available flights left, and paid the whack for that. Wouldn't you know it----the strike was off the next day. Jeeze!---I hope Santa hasn't got something else up his sleeve. OCH! Maybe I'll get to attend the Celtic Folkfest in Glasgow in January!!!

14 Dec 03 - 02:58 PM (#1072208)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Kim C

Today's good thing: we got out of the grocery store for less than $80. That rarely happens anymore!

14 Dec 03 - 03:27 PM (#1072221)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Peace

And what will you do after you eat the loaf of bread?

14 Dec 03 - 04:56 PM (#1072282)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Liz the Squeak

I made a Black Forest Gateau (on the second attempt - the first sponge came out like a chocolate place mat) that my sister in law (the nice one) accused me of buying in a shop.

And I survived a day with 9 children running riot, 7 of whom are under 10, and my eldest nephew likes me because I'm funny.

I'm now sitting here with a lovely beer and a warm glow of appreciation.

Oh, by the way - the accidental soiling of lower body wear, by laughing too hard/severe shock etc, is called "putting your trousers on a warm wash".


14 Dec 03 - 05:50 PM (#1072314)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: GUEST,Lilyfestre

Today's "Good Stuff" includes a beautiful snowfall in North Central Pennsylvania (it's supposed to snow almost all night which hopefully means another day at home for everybody..YEAH!). We decorated our Christmas tree today and I must say, I think it is the most beautiful tree we have ever had!!!! My daughter and I painted ornaments while a pot of chili simmered on the stove. Hot chocolate for everybody and a nice fire in the woodstove to keep us cozy! Yep...all good things!   :)


14 Dec 03 - 05:56 PM (#1072322)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Little Hawk

Life is good. The countryside is beautiful. I've got some good friends. Ebay has proven to be very reliable. Business is good. Things are great generally.

- LH

15 Dec 03 - 08:18 AM (#1072781)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Kim C


Liz, congratulations on your cake. I can bake bread with my eyes shut but I still haven't mastered cakes. :-)

15 Dec 03 - 08:21 AM (#1072785)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: The Fooles Troupe

I went and bought a pack of tampons. I've always wanted to water ski....

Robin o->

15 Dec 03 - 09:51 AM (#1072860)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: jeffp

My first granddaughter was born Friday as described in this thread. Emily and Halla went home from the hospital yesterday and all is well.

Christmas came early this year.


15 Dec 03 - 09:53 AM (#1072863)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Kim C

Congratulations Jeff! That's very exciting. Who could ask for a finer Christmas gift than that?

15 Dec 03 - 02:13 PM (#1073072)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Peace

Congratulations, jeffp. That is wonderful news.

15 Dec 03 - 02:17 PM (#1073075)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Amos

Congratulations to you too, Robin!! I am not sure if there is a connection between your purchase and your ambitions, but there could be, and it never hurts to be prepared...


15 Dec 03 - 04:00 PM (#1073150)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: GUEST,Midchuck down in the office

Amos, you ruined your first post on this thread by not stopping after nine words....

Two major snowstorms here (Vermont) in a week. Fortunately, the first one mostly melted before the second, so we don't get ice dams and all that mess...yet.

Heading out to Bozeman, MT, in a week. Both kids are there now.


16 Dec 03 - 07:31 AM (#1073431)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!

16 Dec 03 - 08:32 AM (#1073471)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Kim C

I am almost finished with Christmas shopping!

17 Dec 03 - 02:24 AM (#1074299)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: The Fooles Troupe

I have been watching all those TV ads... you just buy a pack of Tampons, and then you can do all those things....

17 Dec 03 - 04:46 AM (#1074346)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Metchosin

Wow Foolestroupe! I guess that means if I wear a Depends and a tampon too and I could take up golf and never be daunted by any water hazard, personal or otherwise.

17 Dec 03 - 07:13 AM (#1074392)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: The Fooles Troupe


Yea man! you can waterski, snow ski, parachute jump, all those great things! And with no training either! I'm really impressed, what with being a guy and all like I am.... I've just had a thought - I wonder where I'll put them...


17 Dec 03 - 08:06 AM (#1074427)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Amos


Peter, I try to practice truth in advertising.


17 Dec 03 - 02:52 PM (#1074704)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Metchosin

Well, I think the "OB" in "Carefree OB" that is sold in Canada, stands for "orfice bung", Foolestroupe, so that leaves, even a male, a few options to contemplate.

17 Dec 03 - 03:07 PM (#1074718)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Metchosin

I also know whereof I speak. When they were first introduced here, they ran an ad campaign stating that they were designed by a woman gynocologist and consequently the "OB" stood for confidence.

I wrote a letter to the manufacturer questioning their reasoning and also requesting that they tell me the true meaning "OB", because my mind still kept tuning over stuff like "orfice bung", among other things. They never sent me back a reply, so I surmised that my guess was correct.

17 Dec 03 - 04:06 PM (#1074750)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Kim C

Hey! How did my Good Stuff thread get hijacked into a tampon discussion fielded by men who don't even use the things?!!!? ;-)

17 Dec 03 - 05:09 PM (#1074790)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Metchosin

Hey!!! I'm female, at least I was the last time I looked and though I haven't had the dubious pleasure of golf diapers, I can assure you I have had many, many years experience with the other product and considering the alternatives, I'd class it as "Good Stuff". Sorry Kim C, I've drifted all over the place on Mudcat in the past day or so. I don't usually wander, I guess I just get the urge to break the rules occasionally.

And I did indeed have the pleasure of celebrating my youngest daughter's 25th Birthday with her...geez, I feel older than dirt.

17 Dec 03 - 05:17 PM (#1074796)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Kim C

Yeah, but I don't think Amos has any real personal experience with tampons, aside from buying them for the ladies in his house. ;-)

17 Dec 03 - 05:30 PM (#1074806)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Amos



  b-sttrk, b-

also ob·stet·ri·cal (-r-kl)

Of or relating to the profession of obstetrics or the care of women during and after pregnancy.

Latin obstetrcius, pertaining to a midwife, from obstetrx, obstetrc-, midwife, from obstitus, past participle of obstre, to stand opposite to : ob-, opposite to; see ob– + stre, to stand.

All clear, are we??


17 Dec 03 - 05:45 PM (#1074819)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Metchosin

well Amos, I can assure you that the product is not required when one is pregnant and rarely comodious enough during the post partum timeframe.

17 Dec 03 - 05:58 PM (#1074831)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: The Fooles Troupe

I'm sorry, it is "The Silly Season" in Australia....

Mea Cuplpa...


17 Dec 03 - 06:02 PM (#1074835)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Metchosin

which leaves the definition of the preface "ob" as the description of the Carefree product, which is the opposite of what the product name is supposed convey.

17 Dec 03 - 06:51 PM (#1074881)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Amos

Well, I tried to help but obviously I am of my depth here so I will go back to the discussion of mattresses, a subject with which I am much more comfortable! It turns out that a California King mattress is different from an "Eastern King" being a foot shorter and a foot wider, or vice-versa. As a result of this semantic distinction, we have to wait for another delivery to take place. But soon we will be sleeping on a thick Tempurpedic.


17 Dec 03 - 10:00 PM (#1074995)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Metchosin what depth do you refer Amos? I thought the placement of an orfice bung was "fundamental" in males.

17 Dec 03 - 10:02 PM (#1074997)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Amos

Well, whatever depth you care to measure, Mets!! LOL!!   I have a yardstick I can lend you if that will help. :>)


17 Dec 03 - 10:24 PM (#1075016)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Metchosin

I'm glad you're LOL, Amos, and not ROTFLMAO, 'cause then where would you put it? ............pardon me while I quit this thread...I have to go find a golf wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes, of course.

17 Dec 03 - 10:45 PM (#1075031)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: The Fooles Troupe

... and don't forget, any guy can have a 15 inch ***** - it just depends on how far up his a****** he starts measuring! :-)

20 Dec 03 - 07:05 PM (#1077039)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Kim C

Okay, I am changing the subject!

I am pleased to report, that this year's plum pudding has turned out famously. Bon Appetit!

22 Dec 03 - 04:57 AM (#1077679)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Dave Bryant

The title of this thread is one of the things that "Essex Girl" will expect me to provide her with over Christmas !

22 Dec 03 - 10:31 PM (#1078144)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Peace

That thing about tampons and water skiing reminded me of the gal who fell off her water skis and broke the world record for the hundred yard douche.

23 Dec 03 - 10:22 AM (#1078430)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Kim C

Brucie! That is not "good stuff." ;-)

23 Dec 03 - 05:57 PM (#1078791)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Peace

You're right, and I'm sorry.

23 Dec 03 - 10:04 PM (#1078970)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Metchosin

Well I think it could have been "good stuff" if she had only remembered to put on a golf diaper before she got on her skis. Golf diapers are guaranteed not to leak....hell, she wouldn't have even needed a life vest.

23 Dec 03 - 10:11 PM (#1078974)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Metchosin

For some other really good stuff, I finally got our Christmas tree decorated last night and I'm early. Unfortunately our new puppy ate the tinsel garland from around the bottom limbs of the tree, while I was out doing my Christmas shopping. Boy, is his ass going to be talking to him tomorrow.

23 Dec 03 - 10:27 PM (#1078987)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: GUEST,Ella

Ooops, our two year old daughter ate a very small, although evidently appetising looking length of red tinsel last year, and her poo was glowing in the dark for days, potty time was akin to a sci- fi movie.

24 Dec 03 - 09:51 AM (#1079191)
Subject: RE: BS: Good Stuff!
From: Kim C

Okay, I admit it, I can't help but laugh at the tampon jokes and the nuclear poop. :-)