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Mudcat Profiles

14 Dec 03 - 12:40 PM (#1072096)
Subject: Profiles
From: Leadfingers

Can anyone give me a good reason why , if you wish to join the rest
of us in the forum , and often in the Chat , so few members ever do a
profile ? So often I come across some one in the forum or the Chat
who I would like to know more about , without going through all the who what where stuff in the chat.

14 Dec 03 - 12:57 PM (#1072118)
Subject: RE: Profiles
From: GUEST,Profileless

Freedom of choice.

14 Dec 03 - 01:00 PM (#1072123)
Subject: RE: Profiles
From: CarolC

I'm not entirely sure why, but I have an aversion toward putting a profile about myself in the profile page. Something about tooting my own horn maybe. But my posting history is extensive, so if people want to find out things about me, it's not all that terribly difficult to do. All they have to do is look in my posting history for thread titles that ask questions about members and seeing what I have to say there.

14 Dec 03 - 01:01 PM (#1072126)
Subject: RE: Profiles
From: Clinton Hammond

I suspect laziness is a major factor...

14 Dec 03 - 02:07 PM (#1072179)
Subject: RE: Profiles
From: bbc

Profiles are completely optional, but they are a nice way to get a sense of who a person is. Content is completely up to the person supplying it; horn-tooting or not is up to you!



14 Dec 03 - 02:34 PM (#1072190)
Subject: RE: Profiles
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Freedom of choice" isn't any kind of explanation, because the question is why do people choose not to post profiles.

I suspect it is as Carol C suggested, to do with a feeling that it's tooting your horn, which I don't think is necessarily so, but it can feel like that.

However something that a lot more people do is post a photo - but a whole lot more don't, and I think that's a shame, because it's fun to have a ganders at someone you are involved with in a discussion, or an argument.

14 Dec 03 - 02:53 PM (#1072202)
Subject: RE: Profiles
From: wysiwyg

Here's what I think happened.

Mudcat Profiles started long before it became standard practice in web boards to have a profile you could get by clicking the members' name in their posts. Nowadays in most boards, the profile is a form you fill out when you join, and then you can choose to make it open or closed. Our equivalent to this was that you could click a memberna,e and get all their old posts-- you'd get the peson in their own words, not a short form filled out. Very few people had profiles here at Mudcat, and even by the time I joined, late in MudDev, most of the profiles were from the perfroming pro's among the membership.

So I think that at Mudcat, profiles served a different purpose than they do now on boards-- such as putting up the ICQ ID that was needed then for Mudcattish chats, but also (IMO more important) making a a place to talk about (promote) your music. Remember, at its inception Mudcat was on the cutting edge, but now we have universal webmania. When the Cat started there were a lot of folks with no idea how to use a PC for more than the most basic purposes. It was handy that professional musicians among Catters could make a profile and give the URL to it, in their PR, if they had not yet developed a website.

Nowadays people are much more sophisticated about developing their own web content, and it's easy to get and build your own free site. If you want a "profile" now, as they have been at Mudcat, you can just assume anyone looking for info on you will Google you up in short order.


14 Dec 03 - 02:53 PM (#1072204)
Subject: RE: Profiles
From: GUEST,An English Patriot

I didn't know they had profiles on here. HOw do you find them and how do you create them?

14 Dec 03 - 02:59 PM (#1072209)
Subject: RE: Profiles
From: the lemonade lady

Go to the 'Quick Links' drop down and click Member Photos and Info... etc.



14 Dec 03 - 03:09 PM (#1072218)
Subject: RE: Profiles
From: kendall

I heard that some members have been stalked and had their profile removed.

14 Dec 03 - 03:40 PM (#1072227)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Bill D

one need to compose a profile that does not reveal sensitive info, if one is worried. I am not...with a little work, anyone could drive right to my front door.

14 Dec 03 - 03:40 PM (#1072228)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Gosh, Lead... maybe they're just bashful....


14 Dec 03 - 03:49 PM (#1072236)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Matt_R

Don't feel bad...mine hasn't been updated in like 4 years.

14 Dec 03 - 04:12 PM (#1072249)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: wysiwyg

But we still love ya Matt.


14 Dec 03 - 05:55 PM (#1072319)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Celtaddict

In my case, CarolC, Clinton, and Susan are all right, and Jerry too.
I am not a musician, just a fan, of the sort my family refers to as an "active appreciator." A good number of profiles seem to be musician referral sources; some have more than I want to know of biography. But I also rather like the idea that I can check to see what other messages a member has posted, and have formed pretty clear ideas of quite a few members from their postings. I feel a little silly posting a profile but I also rather like the idea that I am not anonymous, as anyone on the same threads may have an idea of me as I do of them, but that my location, gender, day job, and such are just not relevant to what interests me or what I wish to say.

14 Dec 03 - 06:03 PM (#1072330)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Amergin

possibly we don't have anything worthwhile to put in there. or possibly we just don't care.

14 Dec 03 - 06:52 PM (#1072377)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles

Privacy. If you want to know more about me, ask...or read the threads.

14 Dec 03 - 06:57 PM (#1072384)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: McGrath of Harlow

But how about tbe photos? (You can still be as private as you like, if that really matters - wear a disguise, for example...)

14 Dec 03 - 07:07 PM (#1072401)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: The Borchester Echo

Yes, my pic is there. And what people don't know about me they make up anyway,

14 Dec 03 - 07:36 PM (#1072434)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Barb'ry

Put mine up recently but have to admit to feeling a little foolish....I think I sound like a right prat!! Not putting a photo up tho - no one would talk to me then!

14 Dec 03 - 07:41 PM (#1072439)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: GUEST,celtaddict at work

McGrath, I love the idea of posting a photo in a disguise! (Yours, however, is quite distinguished looking in whiskers that definitely look real.) We went on a cruise once, and the ship's photographer is always there taking those coming-aboard shots, and there was an entire family group, a dozen or so from preschooler to grandparents, who all put on those Groucho glasses with eyebrows, nose, and mustache attached. Great! Maybe I shall post a photo of my hands.

14 Dec 03 - 08:17 PM (#1072468)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: bbc

ok, folks, my son suggested them when we started the member pages. It was a way to put up more information, conveniently, if people wanted to. I remember encouraging some of our members who made their living from the music to put up a profile to get more visibility, link to their websites, get bookings, etc. That's not the only reason, though. Some people just like to share more of themselves than others. All of the parts of the member pages were intended to help people get to know each other & stay in touch. Originally, they were on a different website than the Mudcat server, so that if it went down, we'd still have those resources. Times change. If any part is not needed, it can be eliminated or not added to. However, if you *do* have information up--profile or email--it would be nice to make sure it's current.



14 Dec 03 - 08:21 PM (#1072476)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Clinton Hammond

This reminds me I might need to update mine...


14 Dec 03 - 08:37 PM (#1072486)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: GUEST,Jon

Thanks bbc I was just about to link to this post as I was unhappy with Susan's version of events.

If I remember rightly, from there, eventualy you packed in but it was still some time from then before MC developed what one could call theire own profile system?

14 Dec 03 - 09:18 PM (#1072507)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: wysiwyg

Hey, it's not a "version," it's just an observation of how it seemed to be used, at the time I wandered in here, and a possible explanation of why it's not used more by people joining later, and why it differs from how boards do profiles now when you join.


14 Dec 03 - 09:38 PM (#1072513)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: GUEST,Jon

OK Susan, accepted. I have no answer to this but my own opinion is that there are many factors, all of which have probably been suggested above.

1. Laziness. I would be tempted to suggest that this is compounded at Mudcat by a system which at least last time I looked at it requires info sent to someone else to do the job. I know it would be a further off putting factor for me but with what little evidence I have at folkinfo and the annexe, it does not appear to be a major one.

2. Although I agree with those who suggest that people can post anything (within reason) I suspect some may think they are "trumpet blowing".

3. And I think the most important: People have differing opinions over what they feel is thier personal security/safety on the Internet. I'm one of the breed that would give full name, address and tel no on the Internet but I can fully accept that others may not wish to...


14 Dec 03 - 09:39 PM (#1072517)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: bbc

Thanks, Jon. I didn't remember exactly, just generally, what the intention had been.

best to you always,


14 Dec 03 - 09:57 PM (#1072523)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

The MudCat prophiles....have served as touchstone-alchemist's-dream for some twisted souls on the other-side of the net.


14 Dec 03 - 10:04 PM (#1072524)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: GUEST,Jon

oh and a 4th,

I think some people simply don't want to be that personal.


14 Dec 03 - 10:09 PM (#1072526)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Mark Clark

After several years of membership, I finally asked Jeff to add a profile for me a while back and I admit I felt a little foolish about doing it. I wanted to think that our give and take here on the forum was sufficient to give observant regulars as much information as anyone needed.

But I slowly came to realize that I often checked pictures and profiles to help clairify who is participating in a discussion and perhaps gain some additional insight into peoples' backgrounds and points of view. As I became aware of my use of the profiles I started to think that others might be using them in the same way and perhaps I wasn't being fair with them by withholding my own information.

There is still a long list of frequent participants I'd love to see profiles on. Not because I need to validate their posts but because they seem so interesting, I'd like to know more about them.

Here's to hoping more people add profiles.

      - Mark

14 Dec 03 - 10:13 PM (#1072530)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: George Seto -

I don't think I ever did one.

Can't remember why, but I think it's more along CarolC's thoughts. I do, like Jon, not worry about people knowing my e-mail or where I live. It's easy to find me in the 411s.

I can't conceive why anyone would do so, but if a Mudcatter was coming this way, I certainly don't mind having them call on me to "put a face to the name".

I have met Mudcatters, RR for one came for a visit to Halifax a few years ago. HAven't heard from him much the last couple of years though. Hope Rich is still doing well out in the prairie lands.

14 Dec 03 - 11:14 PM (#1072557)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Tinker

If you spend enough time teaching your kids not to post personal information on line,some of that caution seems to rub off. In fact when I went to my first Getaway my then 13 year old daughter gave me a lecture. " So you're going off into the woods,to someplace you've never been, to meet a bunch of people you've only met on line... Real smart Mom.. At least break down and buy a cell phone.." I bought the phone, but I went to Getaway.


15 Dec 03 - 03:52 AM (#1072625)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Roger the Skiffler

I agree with Kevin about photos, although I had put a profile up for some time, I finally succumbed last year & put some photos up because I found the feature useful for "Mudcat meets" and felt I ought to reciprocate.

(The face made for radio...)

15 Dec 03 - 06:33 AM (#1072712)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Little Robyn

I've looked through them and thought about it but I haven't figured out how to do it yet???? And yes, I've looked at FAQs but gave up.

15 Dec 03 - 06:53 AM (#1072721)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: bbc


Just go to the member info section & click on the link to personal message or email to Jeff. You just write up what you want to submit & he will take care of it. If there are questions, I'm sure he'll get back to you.


16 Dec 03 - 12:12 AM (#1073257)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: GUEST,Chuck

it has also served as a e-mail addressbook for WYSIWYG's version of 'spreading the word'

16 Dec 03 - 03:53 AM (#1073323)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Clinton Hammond

" I've looked at FAQs but gave up."

Ya... The FAQs here tend to be like that...   Ya gotta already know how to do what it is ya wanna learn how to do...

16 Dec 03 - 11:29 AM (#1073746)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Dave Bryant

Both Linda and I keep meaning to, but we still haven't got a photo that we're happy with - and with my looks we probably never will.

16 Dec 03 - 12:46 PM (#1073800)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Burke

I don't know why I haven't. I'll get to it sometime.

16 Dec 03 - 12:51 PM (#1073805)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: fogie

             xxxxxxxxx xxx

This is a very amateur profile of myself

16 Dec 03 - 01:32 PM (#1073835)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: PoppaGator

Shortly after joining up, I found myself looking up other people's profiles and photos, and therefore felt it was only fair to post something of my own.

I haven't looked back for some time, but I'm guessing that my profile doesn't tell you much beyond my age (relatively advanced) and locale (New Orleans). I was somewhat more forthcoming in my contributions to the photo section, since I have a decent collection of digital images of myself participating in various interesting cultural/musical activities.

If I were a working musician, I would definitely not hesitate to supply more info. However, at this point in my life, I'm more of an "active appreciator," like CeltAddict describes himself above. I spent several years of my wayward youth trying hard to make it as a performer, with ultimately inadequate results.

Today, I enjoy occasional opportunities to sing onstage, I've picked up the guitar and begun to relearn how to pick after years of inactivity (and after discovering a workable treatment for the arthritis that had stopped me from playing earlier). But, reading and writing about musicianship in this forum has been largely an exercise in fantasy (or, at least, nostalgia) for me. On the other, I have tried to assure that the profile (as far as it goes) and the photos are true-to-life.

16 Dec 03 - 02:03 PM (#1073861)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: GUEST,Midchuck downstairs

Fogie has the idea.

My profile is pretty much that of a slightly underinflated balloon.

There is a picture of me in the pictures section under bigchuck. It's actually of all three Woodchucks. Senior Woodchucks, as it were.


16 Dec 03 - 03:02 PM (#1073921)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: PoppaGator

Wait just a minute, there -- I stand corrected! I never *did* post a profile, just a set of pictures. I suppose I'll have to correct that, sooner or later.

I'll have to think about this. There are other forums/groups elsewhere on the internet where I have put up very minimal self-descriptions; here at Mudcat, where I wasn't required to fill in a profile form, I was glad to pass on the opportunity to volunteer a profile.

If I'm going to do this, it'll have to be good -- all or nothing at all, that's my motto. (Well, sometimes.) Don't expect to see anything from me on the profile page until after the holidays, though -- much too busy with (among other things) my seasonal second job playing Santa Claus at the mall.

In the meantime, you can always check out the photo section for more than you ever wanted to know about me.

16 Dec 03 - 04:16 PM (#1073971)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles

I've been involved in legal action that has carried on for a number of years(and will probably carry on for a few more)--I don't want some Private Investigator to download my picture, profile, or my musical or other opinions and present them to the judge as proof that I am a total flake because I like folk music--

16 Dec 03 - 04:18 PM (#1073973)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: GUEST,MMario

which doesn't preclude you adopting a stable psuedonym - so that we can communicate more easily. It is very difficult "talking" with a faceless, voiceless, unseen person - who can be imitated by any passing stranger.

16 Dec 03 - 09:09 PM (#1074170)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Sam L

I eventually got around to posting a photo after I bought a scanner and hired a guy who looks kind of like me to pose. I'm slow to learn how to do anything with a computer.

As for profile, I talk about myself enough anyway on everything I post to. On top of that, I'm a boring person, trying pathetically hard to invent a funny and interesting persona. Maybe a profile incognito... hm. Now I'm getting interested.

The photos are kind of interesting because it seems to me that folkies age better than musicians in other styles. Not that anyone has AGED--but why is it that with SOME sorts of musicians the men turn into bitter hard-nut types of buttholes, and the women into bereaved-looking icicles? Or am I crazy? Folkies seem to look different.

16 Dec 03 - 09:13 PM (#1074174)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Sam L

One other thing--why aren't there more naked photos? I appreciate the three, but a few more would be nice. I'd do it, but the guy wanted more money.

16 Dec 03 - 09:28 PM (#1074188)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: The Fooles Troupe

Damn You Fred!

Now I have to look at ALL the profiles...


16 Dec 03 - 09:37 PM (#1074198)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Ebbie


16 Dec 03 - 11:22 PM (#1074256)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: pdq

Fred...a blues musician once said "you have to play who you are"...

17 Dec 03 - 09:49 AM (#1074503)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: John P

One reason that more people don't post profiles or pictures is that there isn't a way to do it without bothering Pene Azul. If there were a form that could be filled out that would automatically put a profile up and allow edits I think a lot more people would do it.

17 Dec 03 - 10:05 AM (#1074510)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: McGrath of Harlow

Dave Bryant - you're already in there in this photo. A fine figure of a folkie in its natural environment.

And GUEST who's worried about lawyers, as suggested already, it really would be better to try on a stable pseudonym (eg GUEST, Bashful") to avoid getting confused with some of the other bods who post as GUEST (click on the GUEST at the head of your post and see why you woldnn't be want to be confused with some of them).

And you could post a photo with a false beard or a Lone Ranger mask - or a picture of a pet or an instrument. Just something to individualize yourself.

17 Dec 03 - 10:06 AM (#1074513)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: GUEST,Jon

John, I'd commented on that one earlier, though not from the angle of bothering Jeff. If he (perhaps with good reason - I had that debate with him a couple of years back and it was an "agree to dissagree" one - there are good reasons not to go "open"...) chooses to operate that way, I don't see it being "bothering" him - though perhaps others might.

Personally, I see it more a matter of additional hassle if I have to email/ pm material to someone else saying "please can you put that up for me" or "please can you update this information". It's something that I'd rather do myself.

The forums I am responsible for the maintainence to (annexe and folk info) allow a profile without a picture and this do be done themselves. I can't convince myself that we get a higher % of people supplying info to this than Mudcat does with its system - therfore I am doubtful how much this really is a factor.

As for pictures, it's something that was talked about at the Annexe and something I'm still thinking about (months on). I'd like to go user updatable but do worry at ensuring size limits and that what got posted say as a jpeg was a genuine image file - I'm not really sure what games could be played with binary files if we did get someone malicious.


17 Dec 03 - 10:30 AM (#1074522)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: McGrath of Harlow

If we had personally updatable photos, I'm sure we'd have all kinds of problems cropping up that we haven't even thought of. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

17 Dec 03 - 10:33 AM (#1074526)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: wysiwyg

I believe the only way to auto-upload a photo now is in the Auction. You'd have to be auctioning yourelf off, serially, to update a profile photo.

On the other hand, there are lots of free places to hang up a photo online. You can put a link to that, in your profile, without having to sell yourself off by lots.



17 Dec 03 - 10:38 AM (#1074529)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: GUEST,Jon

I think we understand each other here McGrath but, just in case, I certainly was not trying to suggest that MC should go user updatable on anything in the profile.


17 Dec 03 - 11:13 AM (#1074546)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: treewind

It's the extra hassle of getting someone else to update it that's been the small psychological barrier to me putting up a profile so far. Especially updating it. I sometimes go though frenetic phases of "tinkering" with my web site, often for quite minor cosmetic reasons, and I'd hate to have to waste some worthy and overworked Mudcat maintainer's time just for my vanity :-)

As for overlarge images or anything else unacceptable in user-driven updates, surely the answer is for Pene (or whoever it is) to be alerted automatically when a profile or image is updated so they can do a quick check. These facilities are members-only so abuse is controllable.

Maybe I'll just send in a profile with a link to my web site...


17 Dec 03 - 11:30 AM (#1074554)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles

Had one - had it removed - not interested now -

17 Dec 03 - 11:37 AM (#1074559)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well a picture of GUEST wouldn't be much help anyway in connecting it with any post, would it?

17 Dec 03 - 11:46 AM (#1074566)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: GUEST,Jon

Thanks Anahata. I'm only looking at this from "my own" sites viewpoints... I do like the idea of having an admin notified - certainly on our scale that would be easy. On something like a graphic, I guess it would be quite feasible to say it doesn't go "live" until "approved"...


17 Dec 03 - 11:53 AM (#1074572)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: GUEST,bbc at work

When profiles were originally offered by me & my son, it was as a freely-offered service. When Jeff took it over, he kept much of the site as it had started, except that it was on the Mudcat server, rather than on my son's website. Things can certainly be changed/eliminated at any time. At this point, that's up to Jeff & Max, as far as I can see. I'm not sure why there seems to be such controversy about a completely optional service.


17 Dec 03 - 12:10 PM (#1074588)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: GUEST,Jon

bbc, I don't seem to be reading much in the way of controversy/criticism in the posts I've read in this thread.

Most of it seems to me to be a reasonable attempt at an anlysis as to why some may not chose to offer a profile and perhaps some discussion over relative merits and failings of alternative approaches.

I'm not under the impression any of us who have attempted to provide reasonable feedback are out to knock what you set up or the current system here. I know I'm not.


17 Dec 03 - 01:08 PM (#1074635)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: McGrath of Harlow

As a system it seems to work admirably. The only thing is, is the reason why relatively few people take advantage of it because they choose not to, or because they didn't realise it was there to be used? And the value of this thread is that it draws their attention to it, and I suspect there are quite a lot like that.

That isn't a complaint about the existence of the photros and the profiles facility not being better signposted. One of the good things about the Mudcat, as I see it, is the fact that it's quite complicated. You can still find surprises about it after being a regular here for yonks. Like a neighbourhood, in fact, you go a different way one morning and notice a path you hadn't ever seen before.

To quote Tolkien, which seems particularly timely this week with the new film out:

"Still round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate,
And though we pass them by today,
Tomorrow we may come this way
And take the hidden paths that run
Towards the Moon or to the Sun."

One facility which perhaps might be added, in the light of the way the Internet has developed, would be to have, alongside the photos and the profiles and such under Members' Photos and Info, a section of links to "Members' Websites", subject to them requesting such a link to be included. And of course people can edit and amend their own website, or a profile page within it, as much as they choose.

But I think signing up to the Rogues Gallery of photos is the most important thing - it's a way of being friendly towards other Mudcatters.

17 Dec 03 - 01:30 PM (#1074651)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Little Robyn

OK, OK, I'll get onto it when I get a break - maybe after Christmas. I want to give it a bit of thought first and find a decent photo to scan.
See ya soon (or vice versa)

17 Dec 03 - 01:30 PM (#1074652)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: PoppaGator

If you're disappointed at not finding a profile for a given individual, by all means check the member-photo section before giving up.

I'm sure I'm not the only one to have sent in a photo or two without having written a profile. And, of course, there must be others who have provided profiles (with or without accompanying pictures) but not contributed to the photos-only section.

This thread has, hopefully, served the purpose of encouraging greater participation on the part of more members -- and there's nothing controversial about that! If it also prompts greater ease and efficiency in the way profiles, pictures, etc. are handled, so much the better!

17 Dec 03 - 03:29 PM (#1074727)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: GUEST,Les B.

I haven't put up a profile because of privacy/security concerns, nor a photo because I need to lose weight! (Actually I'm in there somewhere from when Bill Sables & Alan visited the West)

What I've always thought would be neat - although I know technically it's probably impossible - is to have a little photo of the posting Mudcatter appear just near the Subject, From, Date header at the top of each message. Then you could get a feeling you were actually conversing with a person (wouldn't really need the profile).

17 Dec 03 - 05:46 PM (#1074821)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: McGrath of Harlow

I'd have thought that techncally Les B's suggestion would be quite possible. Discussion forums often have an option to have a "avatar" icon selected by a member appear in that way, and I can't see why using a small photo-image need be much different.

But I think I'd be against it - I think it'd be likely to tip over the balance a bit far towards putting the emphasis on the poster rather than what they posted. A compromise would be to have some indication next to the name of the person posting that would indicate if they'd got a picture on file.

17 Dec 03 - 07:12 PM (#1074904)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: Uncle_DaveO

Would it be feasible to have an icon appear with a post, next to the poster's name, which pops up the photo of the posting member if clicked?

Dave Oesterreich

17 Dec 03 - 07:25 PM (#1074914)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: The Fooles Troupe

On a technical line - downloading lots of piccies - even thumbnails - would just cause me to turn off graphics loads on web pages. On a dial up - which has to go across the ocean anyway - often the download speed nearly kills Mudcat for me as it is.

I'm even annoyed with the fact that each web page contains hundreds, even thousands of padding "blank lines and spaces" and lots of wasted space - but that's the way the pages are served ... If I save the page and edit it I can often "sqeeeze" it by a considerable percentage... but that's all off the discussion topic and one of my personal HTML bugbears...

I recently PM'ed to put up my birthday - not year - and am getting something else together - but want to think about it so as not to keep bothering teh workers, and have something reasonably explanatory, without rabbiting on too much.


17 Dec 03 - 09:26 PM (#1074972)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: bbc

Thanks for your post, Jon. I didn't mean to sound defensive. It just seems like a lot of fuss over a pretty simple thing. If people want to put information up, the option is there. If they don't, that's fine, too. Some people would like more people to be represented, but it's only up to the individual. Seems to me that most of the opinions have already been expressed. I can't believe the number of postings on this thread has gone so high. I guess I've said my piece now & will bow out.



17 Dec 03 - 10:36 PM (#1075028)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

HELLO...Hello...hello...Mr. GUEST Leadfingers....

Gone, disappeared, lurking the web...for guilty souls that have not responded to the collection data-base of the MC>?

Folk and and folies....PLEASE guard your personal data on the closely as you guard/watch your credit-card information.

There are a lot "creeps" out there...out here....out anywhere,


17 Dec 03 - 10:47 PM (#1075032)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Ya....Know....I'm pretty D--ned proud to find that most MC=ers are not intimidated by this callosed attempt to "mine personal information>" (Good Lord knows, this sort of e-mail information that once gained be close to ten-cents for a connected yields less than one-hundreth that.

Well Done ... Bally Hu .... Kudus to You....The MudCat few.


18 Dec 03 - 08:12 AM (#1075272)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: The Fooles Troupe

OK, I've sent off some info and a photo of The Fooles Troupe, as well as a photo of me and my Goddaughter obeying her mother's instructions to me to "tire her out for bed"... -

I dare say it'll get put up when the Gnomes get A Round TUIT...


19 Dec 03 - 12:18 AM (#1075916)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
From: The Fooles Troupe

Jeff put it up (thanks - I think!), but I had sent a humourous pic for "The Fooles Troupe", and instead of using that, he carefully cut out from the real pic of me and my Goddaughter obeying her mother's instructions for me to "tire her out for bed", just a "head and shoulders" - unfortunately that segment in isolation makes me look half-pissed....

