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BS: Sorcha's Xmas Day...Tell Yours!

25 Dec 03 - 11:19 PM (#1079993)
Subject: BS: Sorcha's Xmas Day...Tell Yours!
From: Sorcha

Well, family and friends, we had a wonderful, wonderful day here. All the kids and Owen came for breakfast (green chile quiche) and presents. We did food and gifts, we all loved what we recieved, Kids all went away to the Other Parents House. Mr. and I cooked turkey,dressing, bashed praties, gravy and pumpkin pie. Mr and I ate....Kids finally showed up to eat. They ate. They went home. Again. Daughter and finace showed up with his little brother and sister, so we went to see Owen again.....One of the most Wonderful Christmases in recent years....(I think it was ok for the kids too....they got to do what they wanted to) Pics here.... Scroll down for the Xmas ones and note that there are 2 pages....

25 Dec 03 - 11:23 PM (#1079996)
Subject: RE: BS: Sorcha's Xmas Day...Tell Yours!
From: khandu

I have been ill for several days. Lucky wife Cheryl went to her Mom's for Christmas dinner while I stayed home & coughed, slept & sniffled!

But it was a good day!


25 Dec 03 - 11:36 PM (#1080005)
Subject: RE: BS: Sorcha's Xmas Day...Tell Yours!
From: Clinton Hammond







X-mas ROCKS!

25 Dec 03 - 11:37 PM (#1080007)
Subject: RE: BS: Sorcha's Xmas Day...Tell Yours!
From: Amos

We had a wonderful dancin' Xmas eve with Barky serving up gifts as the Elf, and the wine flowing free, and we got down to a new complete set of Elvis and strated dancing around and being effusively affectionate. This morning we did stockings and had finger-puppet fights -- mine won because it was the lion, I think. Then we had a day of lazing about and entertaining visitors and running around beiong visitors. Edain was over for a while and she and Barky struck it off. All in all a wonderful day despite having a broken network!!


26 Dec 03 - 12:16 AM (#1080025)
Subject: RE: BS: Sorcha's Xmas Day...Tell Yours!
From: Sorcha

Well, Whoopee Then! (aside, I'm pretty sure Guest and The Gargoyle will disapprove of this thread, but I don't care!)

26 Dec 03 - 12:29 AM (#1080028)
Subject: RE: BS: Sorcha's Xmas Day...Tell Yours!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Food, Family, thanksgiving and a Shellback.

We had family over for breakfast.. all on my wife's side, as my side of our family lives too far away to come here. I made turkey bacon, pancakes and scrambled eggs, and served a big bucket of Kentucky Fried chicken, while Ruth added fruit salad and corned beef hash. Hello stomach!

Got a great phone call from my oldest son, his wife and our two grandkids down in Florida. Our 5 year old Grandson Hunter wouldn't get off the phone. I bought him a two foot tall robot warrior who talks like he's on steroids, walks like he just wet his robot pants, points a flashing pistol at anyone who passes by, which makes all sorts of B-picture science fiction sounds and has enough dettachable (and re-attachable) parts to keep a kid busy for several hours. Hunter had to have me listen to every threatening saying and weapon sound before I could get off the phone, and then he did the same thing for Ruth. He had totally ignored every present his parents had given him. He said to me, "Grandpa Jerry, I've wanted this present ever since I was four!"

His only competition for playing with the robot was from his Dad, who thought it was ultimately cool and wished I'd bought one for him when he was a kid. He's wanted one since he was four, too, and he's 34..

After breakfast, we all spread out around the house. I went downstairs and was Indiana Jones on my Playstation2 for awhile, until the slightly younger "kids" and our grandson on Ruth's side took over.
In the recording "studio" (read attached garage)a card game broke out with a soundtrack of rhythm and blues oldies from the fifties, and action resumed in the kitchen.

Just as I finished carving the turkey, we got a phone call from Col K, which completely blew us away! What a treat to suddenly realize that we were having a Mudcat Christmas, too.

Dinner was the usual turkey, stuffing, tossed and potato salads and three trays of lasagna I'd made the day before, along with barbequed meatballs, collard greens with smoked turkey, some more Kentucky fried chicken, and then apple pie, peach cobbler and a giant sheet cake with an edible photo of our grandson when he was inducted into the International Karate Hall of Fame (at the age of 12.)

Then movies down stairs, a long phone call to me Mum out in Wisconsin, several phone calls from family members who couldn't make it, more card games with the teenagers in the garage, gently blasting rock and roll on my stereo.

And finally, the exchange of presents... all of which were thoughtfully chosen and fully appreciated.

As family members left, they all had plates piled with lasagna to take home with them. When the excitement finally died down and Ruth and I had our own Christmas, we exchanged our gifts (which we both loved) put away the perishables, and retired into a tired embrace in bed and drifted off to sleep.

Oh yes... we stopped to give praise to God for the gift of his son, before saying grace (with all joining hands, including our Muslim sons who thanked Allah for being there, too.) In our famile, love and appreciation doesn't acknowledge denominations, or a lack of belief in God. It just flows.



26 Dec 03 - 01:09 AM (#1080036)
Subject: RE: BS: Sorcha's Xmas Day...Tell Yours!
From: Sorcha

Damme, and I thougt I cooked....nothing like that tho, Jerry!

26 Dec 03 - 01:46 AM (#1080050)
Subject: RE: BS: Sorcha's Xmas Day...Tell Yours!
From: Cluin

Lots of prezzies for the kids. Diamond earrings for the girlfriend appreciated. Ditto the DVD player for the family. Great food. Drinks and visiting afterward. I dressed up as Santa and spooked the little ones and the dog. A great day all and all. (except for my poor little nephew knocked off his feet with a bad cold).

Now off to bed... A Merry Christmas to all and to all a Goodnight!

26 Dec 03 - 06:01 AM (#1080144)
Subject: RE: BS: Sorcha's Xmas Day...Tell Yours!
From: RangerSteve

On Christmas eve, I went out the the Church of the Brethren for the Church service. The service was broadcast on the radio, so they had a packed church, rather than the usual dozen members. I sang "Beautiful Star of the East" (Look it up at, it's a great song), accompanying myself on tenor guitar. I also sang a duet with the pastor's wife, a verse of Silent Night in spanish, a language I don't speak and which we rehearsed once about 30 minutes before the service started. I only mispronounced one word (forgot that two l's are pronounced like a y). On the way home I stopped at the Quik-chek and got some chicken tenders and macaroni salad for supper, then checked out the Mudcat and started two new Xmas threads, then went to bed.
In the morning I opened up some presents that came in the mail the day before, then went to work. (the other two guys I work with have kids, so I take Thanksgiving and let them have Christmas). My big assignment, directing traffic during the annual reenactment of Washington crossing the Delaware with his troops didn't happen, since the river was flooding, the current was too strong, and there were a lot of uprooted trees coming down the river. The same thing happened last year, so again, we have another year of British rule, driving on the wrong side of the road, eating boiled meat, pronouncing the "t" in "Fillet", and talking with funny accents. For the rest of the day I drove my usual patrol route. Nothing unusual happened, and no laws were broken. For dinner, my room mate cooked shrimp scampi. Later, I watched the news, then played on my computer, then went to bed.I'll call my mom and younger brother in South Carolina today.

My older brother and his wife went to Paris a few months ago, so I knew one of my presents would be from France. I got a bag of French candy - some gummy-textured sugar coated squares that taste like Listerine. I guess the French really do hate us.

Thanks to everyone in the Delaware Valley for making my day at work an easy one, and Merry Christmas/Happy New Year to all you Mudcatters.


26 Dec 03 - 07:08 AM (#1080167)
Subject: RE: BS: Sorcha's Xmas Day...Tell Yours!
From: Crane Driver


Got up



Watched son play computer game (gerrofff, it's MY computer)

Finished writing song about elephants' teeth (don't ask)


The point is, whatever crap January & February may throw at you, once you're the right side of Christmas you're on the road to spring.

Always look on the bright side of life

Andrew (Grumpy Old Man)

26 Dec 03 - 10:25 AM (#1080240)
Subject: RE: BS: Sorcha's Xmas Day...Tell Yours!
From: Kim C


Christmas Eve morning, I did a little last-minute shopping for stocking stuffers. I also bought the Giant Puppy a new doghouse, and got a discount on it because the bonus door was missing. (since when does a dog need a door on a doghouse anyway?) Put on Christmas movie and finished wrapping gifts. Called a friend with a Christmas singing telegram.

That evening we went to my mom's for supper, joined by my stepbrother and his wife and their FOUR children. Actually they are all pretty good kids. Only the baby is... well, a baby. Cute, but fussy and into everything. My eldest nephew is almost 16, and has become a handsome, smart young man. The next one is a little hoss - there's probably football in his future - but he also plays the cello in the school orchestra, and loves his baby brother. The girl is very sweet and polite.

Christmas morning, Mister and I woke up early. Being a weekday we would be up at 5:30 anyhow, and the dogs don't understand about sleeping in. So we got up, built a fire, and opened presents. We have a friend who started leaving gifts for us overnight on Christmas Eve several years ago - like a visit from Santa! - and lo and behold, there they were again. They have had some troubles this year, and brought us goodies anyway: a Civil War book for Mister, and a fleece blankie with woodland animals on it for me. I fixed us breakfast, then we went back to sleep for a little while!

Went to Mom's again to hang with another group of family. This is usually the breaker for me. But I had a little glass of madeira first. :-) We ate, sat around waiting on my cousin (who had to work till noon - he's in radio) and watched Pleasantville in the meantime. (Excellent movie. I had never seen it before. So many interesting implications, but that's another story.) When Cousin arrived, we started in with gifts. Mom usually gives us all money, which is all right. (I ain't going to tell her I'm going to get a new tattoo with it.) But she also has this habit of buying things just because they're on sale, so Christmas is always a surprise with her.

This morning I slugged around in bed again, and now here I sit with the Giant Puppy at my feet. I think he has irrevocably attached himself to me. :-)

26 Dec 03 - 11:24 AM (#1080266)
Subject: RE: BS: Sorcha's Xmas Day...Tell Yours!
From: Coyote Breath


On the eve we all exchanged gifts. I got some barley wine and a pair of warm sox (down to 40 below). I gave my love, not a cherry but a bagless vacuum sweeper! I know its not romantic but the "hints" were endless; "I REALLY need a new vacuum sweeper, one of those bagless kind". Kelly, she of the newly wedded Parkers, (my love's son) was complaining about a pain in her side which seemed to shoot down into her leg and Bill (our biker friend) and I urged her to "get that looked at". So on Christmas day at seven in the AM I get a call from my love who tells me of Kelly's being in the ER and having a tubal pregnancy and etc. All is well, thank God! Especially since she had a mis-carriage around Thanksgiving.

Spent the rest of Christmas Day setting the top bearing cup into the neck of the chopper frame, calling my children out in Oakland California who had just returned from their traditional Christmas outing of splendid breakfast and The Return of the King (they raved about the movie and said there's at least an hour of hankies and Kleenex level weeping in it).

I finished off the day watching "Black Robe"

It was a quiet Christmas. A little sad because of Kelly's misfortune and the news of a dear friend of ours having terminal cancer.

But it is all part of that great circle we call life and therefore it is wonderful as well as terrible.

Love and blessings to you all!

Merry Christmas

and a happy New Year.


26 Dec 03 - 12:46 PM (#1080296)
Subject: RE: BS: Sorcha's Xmas Day...Tell Yours!
From: open mike

On the eve several friends and neighbors gathered for food, drink, merriment, a slide show by local artist, and nyckelharpa tunes by me,
and we sang carols and played a gift exchange game. Not feeling well,
I left early. On the morn of the 25 some folks here had a sauna but I
could hardly crawl out of bed, so missed it. Later my eldest daughter and her boy friend came for presents, and to bake cookies. I have an
extensive collection of cookie cutters and we made sugar cookies and ginger cookies. Horses, trees, moons, coyotes, holly leaves, moose, footprints, guitars, cactus, angels, flowers, doves, reindeer and more!
My dog Raven is still enjoying here holiday bone. chomp chomp chomp.
and the cat, Moki, has a small stuffed hedge hog to play with. In Swedish hedge hog is Igelkott . I had no tree this year, but had a basket where gifts were kept.

26 Dec 03 - 02:23 PM (#1080341)
Subject: RE: BS: Sorcha's Xmas Day...Tell Yours!
From: Walking Eagle

I hate to put a damper on all of the good festivities, but I was grateful for a slimmed down Christmas. I was in the hospital until two days before Christmas, so very little Christmas decorating got done. My brother visited and helped me out. We scrounged up a Christmas dinner of ham, mashed potatoes and green beans. He left in the afternoon and I cried a lot. Both from gladness that he was here and saddness that he had to leave. We did share a bit of wine and egg nog. So, I guess, I'm grateful for what little we did do.
