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BS: Silly Season Opens Early

26 Dec 03 - 12:10 PM (#1080282)
Subject: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: wysiwyg

Seems the annual/cyclical/periodic/inevitable cabin-fever/silly season TROLLING is underway a bit early this year.

Remember all the great commitments you made last time, about not rising to the bait?

(hint hint)

Great time to focus on real friendships (IRL as well as at Mudcat)instead of being "right" in places where being right doesn't make a whole lot of difference... enjoy the site's music resources.... clean up some permathreads.... dig up some new/old Origins..... plan a Mudcat Gathering.... do some CD reviews... get the New Year's Tavern open early..... coupla song challenges couldn't hurt.... argue about MUSIC?????

(hint hint)


26 Dec 03 - 01:08 PM (#1080306)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: Don Firth

Interesting. One person who doesn't seem to have a whole lot to do has posted 67 times so far today. I don't know how many threads he's started, but there are several. All pretty trivial. Bloody waste of bandwidth, it seems to me. . . .

Don Firth

26 Dec 03 - 02:35 PM (#1080350)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: GUEST,ranger steve at work

and one person who doesn't seem to have a whole lot to do has counted how many times that person has posted. Sorry, Don, but I couldn't resist pointing that out.

26 Dec 03 - 03:03 PM (#1080364)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: Don Firth

Easy to count, GUEST. Click on a person's name in the "FROM:" part of the heading (you'll note that is a link) and it will take you to a list of that person's posts. In the left column at the very top (the list is sorted in reverse order) is the number of posts that person has submitted. Scroll down to where the date changes to a previous day, subtract that number, and you have the number of messages the person has posted that day.

It takes about thirty seconds. No big deal.

When I checked a number of new threads and discovered 1) that they ranged from trivial at best to downright silly, and 2) that they were all started by the same person, I got curious to know just how much bandwidth this dingaling was wasting. Quite a bit.

Don Firth

26 Dec 03 - 04:15 PM (#1080395)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early

Well we should just package up that bandwidth and send it to India. -guest

26 Dec 03 - 04:34 PM (#1080410)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: Gareth

Susan - IRL google can't find it ! Do you have a ULR for it ?


26 Dec 03 - 04:42 PM (#1080412)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: Don Firth

Yup. Susan's right. Silly season.

Don Firth

26 Dec 03 - 04:42 PM (#1080413)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: The Fooles Troupe

If someone is posting a lot of threads, and especially if you have read the content and that person is obviously hurting, then the Mudcat may well be providing a useful lifeline that may stop the person from doing something silly & tragic. Xmas is one of the most tragic times of the year, medically speaking, for lonely people.


26 Dec 03 - 05:50 PM (#1080448)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: Don Firth

Maybe so, Robin, but all one needs to do around here is say so, and this usually brings forth a flood of support. I just question threads like "What is the best (fill in subject of your choice)?" or "What folk singer has the longest nose?" or "Is Life really a fountain?" when several such thread get started almost every day and it's the same person who keeps starting them.

Don Firth

26 Dec 03 - 06:32 PM (#1080475)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: wysiwyg

Cast your vote here for the silliest whatever-- at least that may reduce the debate over it in the other threads. "Silly Season coverage here, film at 11!"

Commentators welcome!


26 Dec 03 - 07:02 PM (#1080498)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early

Foolestroupe could be right. I'm afraid that if they did come here for comfort they would get precious little from this tribe; unless known to the elite.

27 Dec 03 - 02:28 PM (#1080523)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: wysiwyg

(a troll enters stage right)


27 Dec 03 - 04:28 PM (#1080598)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

au contraire, GUEST-
all one need do is post an honest plaint, and the response is overwhelming.

Sign me,

One Who Knows

27 Dec 03 - 06:13 PM (#1080648)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: The Fooles Troupe


If you want to see the noses on the faces of the fascinating witches who put the scintilling stitches in the britches of the boys who put the powder on the noses of the faces of the ladies of the Harem of the Court of King Karatakis?


(Boom! Boom!)

Because they've just...

(Boom! Boom!)


(Boom! Boom!)


(Boom! Boom! - Boom!)

(with apologies to Rolf Harris! - now you know what that song was about!)

27 Dec 03 - 08:47 PM (#1080708)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: GUEST,Guest 2

Us guests really do get up your noses don't we?

Which is some feat, considering how far some of you have them stuck up each others backsides.

67 posts??????????? So what, I have enjoyed some of them far more than the back slapping, self congratulating, drivel amongst the named heirarchy.

Do we threaten your idyll, by sometimes pointing out that your attitude is quite frankly close minded and uncharitable in the extreme.But don't let it worry you, there's safety in numbers.

27 Dec 03 - 09:00 PM (#1080713)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: Amos

Well, we're open minded and charitable, as a rule, to those who are of good will. What gets up my nose -- I dunno who the "us" you have in mind is -- is sniping and backstabbing instead of communicating.    As for safety in numbers, it is Guests who seek it by claiming to be everyone. I have never expressed any viewpoint other than my own, or wanted to.


27 Dec 03 - 09:08 PM (#1080719)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: GUEST,Guest 2

67 postings IS communicating in my book.

And anyone recently bereaved, as he has been,is worth listening to on many levels.

27 Dec 03 - 09:08 PM (#1080720)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: wysiwyg

I already took my turn playing I AM AN ASSHOLE; if any of the other Elite would like to join in, jump right on in!


27 Dec 03 - 09:14 PM (#1080724)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: GUEST,guest 2

An admirable illustration of my point, thankyou.

27 Dec 03 - 09:41 PM (#1080738)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: Amos

I don't know who you are talking about or what 67 posts you are referring to. I have seen well more than 67 posts on this forum that were distinctly aimed at destroying communication rather than establishing it, so I don't see what the numbers serve. I also dunno who the elite are or whether or not I need to stand up and be counted as one of those who knows themselves to be an asshole. I am sure I qualify as an asshole, and a number of the true Elite will confirm that, but I dunno if they would consider me a candidate.


28 Dec 03 - 12:29 AM (#1080794)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: Stilly River Sage

Insiders (the Joe Clones in particular) who help keep Mudcat running by performing various voluntary tasks are seen as more equal than others in the eyes of some guests. Guests who don't join or identify themselves, preferring to take pot shots from an anonymous position. It has always been this way, and the argument cycles through every few months.


28 Dec 03 - 05:00 AM (#1080829)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: Hrothgar

Somebody kill this thread.

29 Dec 03 - 01:16 AM (#1081322)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: Peace

Dear GUEST: If you do need help, say so. If not, say that, too. Merry Christmas to you. From one of the regulars.

GUEST 2: You don't really have the ability to threaten anything. If you have issues or don't feel part of the 'elite' team of 'catters, try being nice and give people a name you can be called by. The folks I've met here are wonderful people, and I don't give a rat's ass what kind of spin you put on that. Merry Christmas to you, too.

To you 'elite' 'catters: Thank you for the opportunity to be part of the group. Just think, a few months ago I was just a simple, ordinary, average, everyday saviour of the world's destiny, and now, I'm in the elite. Go figure. Merry Christmas to all of you.

30 Dec 03 - 10:03 PM (#1082897)
Subject: RE: BS: Silly Season Opens Early
From: The Fooles Troupe

Well, since anonymous GUESTs want to fill up this thread with garbage, I'm tempted to insert some as well.
Technique Piano Accordion for The Recycled Muso