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BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down

29 Dec 03 - 04:01 PM (#1081748)
Subject: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: JedMarum

When I decided to do this, Mudcat was the last place I thought I'd look for help - but it seems there is no good info available on household remedies for "putting the old girl down."

Maggie, our 16 year old Whippet is a poor tired, painful old bag of bones. She's been a sweet dog, and it's obvious that her time has come. I hate the thought of paying someone else do put her down for me. It's my responsibility and a task I want to perform for her, assuming I can do so gracefully. I don't own a firearm (and it's unlawful to shoot it in the backyard anyway). So - anyone konw if there are there good, effective, over-the-counter sort of meds that would break up nicely into a bowl of favorite food? Any thoughts?

29 Dec 03 - 04:10 PM (#1081753)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Leadfingers

Jed- Over here in Yooker Land there are a number of places where an old / sick pet can be departed this mortal coil, some for a small donation, some at a more commercial rate, and with no distress to the departing beastie. Dont you have R S P C A equivalents in the old U S of A ??

    I have never had to do it myself but my folks have,and have been allowed to be with the cat/dog to the end.

29 Dec 03 - 04:14 PM (#1081755)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: CarolC

I euthanized a dog by myself once, Jed. It didn't turn out very well, I'm afraid. I was a veterinary assistant at the time (not trained in giving injections though), and I was able to get a syringe of euthanasia fluid which I was going to inject into the dog's heart. It appears that I missed the heart, and it took the dog a long time to die. I felt pretty bad about that. After that, I took all animals who needed to be put down to the vet so that it could be done with the least amount of suffering for the animal.

Good luck with it though, whatever you decide to do. It's never easy to have an animal put down.

29 Dec 03 - 04:28 PM (#1081766)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Bill in Alabama

Hey, Jed:

We have had something like five or six canine friends put down. We take them to our vet, and we hold the dog as the vet gives the injection. It is a solemn ceremony for our whole family, and we really believe that it's the best, and believe me, I've tried other ways.


29 Dec 03 - 04:36 PM (#1081778)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: NicoleC

Jed, the vet really is the best way, and you can be with them the entire time. They know what you are doing and she'll say goodbye.

29 Dec 03 - 05:22 PM (#1081810)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Rapparee

Jed, go to the vet.

There are other ways that you can do it yourself, but the vet will let you stay with her (if not, go to another vet). Tell them what you're doing and why.

In some ways it's like hospice, or holding your friend or loved one as they go.

Believe me, having someone who knows what they're doing is best. My family and I have had to do it other way -- ask the vet for help.

29 Dec 03 - 05:29 PM (#1081816)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: wysiwyg

Some vets will come to your home so your dog can skip the "I HATE vets" panic as their last outing with you. You could ask them to give you a tablet form of sedation to administer at home, if what you want is for Maggie just to fall asleep in your lap, and then the vet could come along at an arranged time and complete the process by injection.

Some folks shoot old dogs. Life in the farm country is rough.... I've had to shoot an injured and suffering duck, and I've drowned a few crippled chicks, too, and oh my GOD it was awful. Hardi has put down cats, bats, skunks, and so forth by pistol, racquet, and arrow, at various times, and he reports it being quite grimly sad as well.

I also did some injection euth myself once-- a farmfull of diseased cats and rabbits when I took over the farm section of an outdoor ed facility. I did a rabbit myself via heart injection; it was grim enough that I decided to ask the vet to visit himself, for the rest of the culling, and we did it together. I caught and held, he injected and bagged. It was still grim, but much better not done alone.

"Grim" does not necessarily mean "icky." But it goes against the grain to take life, even when logic and stewardly love require it. No matter how humane, it's not a thing to do inhumanly-- i.e., alone.

Please, do not do this alone. Get some help and if it's the right help, they will know how to involve you so you can feel right about seeing to it. Believe me you will feel equally "responsible" no matter who pushes the plunger.


29 Dec 03 - 05:30 PM (#1081819)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Peg

I am wondering what makes you think her time has come? Has she been to the vet recently? Some older dogs suffer minor probems that can be cured or treated to prolong their years (like a simple cortisone shot for arthritis)
I would recommend consulting your vet also re: her some sort of "meds" may not work and then you'd just end up poisoning her; not pleasant for anyone concerned...

29 Dec 03 - 06:25 PM (#1081870)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: artbrooks

If the time has come, it has, and there is no point in making her suffer. We had to have a cat put down recently...our vet did it for us, and we got to hold him as he went gently to sleep, in about 15 seconds. The vet seemed as sad as we were.

29 Dec 03 - 06:26 PM (#1081872)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Clinton Hammond

Ya can mix enough Warferin into food to bring down just about anything... but it's a messy end... not at all what I'd imagine you wanna do...

Over The Counter, Do It Yourself Kits eh... Hummm... Ya very well might be on to a marketing dream here...

Myself, I'd rather leave it to a trained professional...

Best of luck to ya...   and to Maggie....

29 Dec 03 - 06:46 PM (#1081889)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Helen

When I had to get my Timmy-Cat put down I arranged for her previous human-friend to be there as well (I was only supposed to have her for a short time, but she ended up staying with me for about 10 years). It was over so quickly. She just went to sleep very suddenly and was gone.

I cannot imagine even considering doing it myself. There are so many things that could go wrong, and then the suffering could be so much worse. A trained professional, with a caring manner, is the only way I would consider doing it.

I brought her home, put her on my lap, played her some music on my Celtic harp - a tradition I started with my last cat - and buried her in the back yard under a beautiful bright pink geranium. The geranium is going like a rocket now, so I tell everyone that she is pushing up geraniums and doing a great job of it.


29 Dec 03 - 07:01 PM (#1081902)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Peace

Dear Jed,

Saying goodbye to a pet is painful. I have done it a number of times. I shot a cat once, and a dog. I will never do either again. The best (terrible word in this circumstance) method--that is, a method that allows me to hold my friends when they die--is a visit to the vet. Vets do the service, they have seen the tears of the owners, seen the last kiss from the animal--hell, they got into the vet business because they love animals. That is how I say goodbye to pets. It ain't easy, but I find it to be better. Bless you, Jed, and your canine friend.

Bruce M

29 Dec 03 - 07:15 PM (#1081914)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: vectis

My vet will let you hold your pet while he does the injection so you can be an important part of their life right to the end. It's fine. It is always worth asking if s/he'll come to your home so your dog can die in her own bed in her own home, many vets will - for a fee.
Good luck

29 Dec 03 - 07:26 PM (#1081926)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Dave Swan

I've PM'd you Jed, but here are the high points:

Ask the vet for heavy duty tranquilizers. Once your pet has fallen heavily asleep in your lap, then the trip to the vet's is far less traumatic for all. This has been our experience.

Clinton is correct. Warfarin is a bad choice associated with a slow end. Not for a pet you love. Not even for rats.


29 Dec 03 - 07:33 PM (#1081932)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down

Take her to a vet, Jed or have one come to you. Quiet, quick, and she will go with dignity.

29 Dec 03 - 08:14 PM (#1081970)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Gareth

Jed - I sympathise, I've been there myself. I am afraid this decision is part of the price for having a companion.

But please, utilise the vet, it gives a dignity, and is painless for your friend.

Gareth - Damn - I'am going to cry myself to sleep.

29 Dec 03 - 08:56 PM (#1081993)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Bobert

Well, I've always used my vet, Clint Pease (peace), in suh difficult times since he has known and treated my cats and dogs during their lives and it is the *only* civil way of dealing with and end of life situation for a dieing *and suffering* friend. Not all, however, are suffering. Just dieing anfd that's okay. No, it's tough to loose a pet but just because a pet is dieing doesn't mean it should be put to sleep. You, as it's gardian and friend, should know the difference. I have have lots of dogs and cats and, to date, its about 50/50 on allowing them to die naturally in their own surroundings or with Clint Pease. If I'm in doubt, that means to me that I'm supposed to not make thre trip to the vet. If I'm not in doubt, then it's a must.

Now, just a side bar to this is that Clint loves all my animals and when it's time there are tears in his eyes also... Tough loving these critters but we do, dangit. Yeah, we say, after the lose of each one that we'll not take in another but.... we do.... and we will... and will... and will...

My heart goes out to you. Loosing a friend is never easy...


29 Dec 03 - 09:01 PM (#1081999)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Rapparee

I think that those who are truly human do the best they can for the animals they care about. If this means sighting down a rifle barrel, you do it; if it means asking a vet to inject while you hold the animal, you do that too.

If you didn't care the dilemma wouldn't exist. You do care, so you do what you have to do.

29 Dec 03 - 09:10 PM (#1082008)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Cluin

Go to the vet, Jed.

29 Dec 03 - 09:16 PM (#1082014)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: catspaw49

Jed, go back and read my old friend Bill in Alabama's post. We too make it a bit of a ceremony. Our animals count on us to do the right thing and I want to be there with them. It ain't easy, but it's far easier on the animal. Someone said that "Dogs just don't live long enough; there only fault really." ......and I couldn't agree more. Doing the right thing means doing it the easiest and most pain free for the dog or cat. We are the only animal that sees death approaching, they don't. Hold her, scratch her, talk to her, and let the vet do his work.


29 Dec 03 - 09:28 PM (#1082025)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Big Mick

I have done it both ways, my friend. I understand the honor and friendship of your decision. I would recommend the trip to the vet, but I understand it both ways. Once, when I put an animal down, I considered it the ultimate act of friendship. But let me assure you of one thing. Neither is an easier way of saying goodbye.

Whatever your decision, I know it will be done out of love.


29 Dec 03 - 09:53 PM (#1082040)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Stilly River Sage

Our German shorthaired pointer was about 16 when she reached the point you describe with your whippet. Nothing worked, she was always uncomfortable. Like Big Mick says, whether you have her euthanized or not, the situation will be equally painful. Consider the expense of it a necessary price to be sure that it is done properly, with respect and the least discomfort for the pooch.

Daniel Pinkwater read an essay on NPR back in about 1988 that I've never forgotten, the story of when he had to put down his malamute Arnold. I was standing in the kitchen cooking dinner, tears running down my face. It is now published in a book called Uncle Boris in the Yukon, and Other Shaggy Dog Stories. Linda Wertheimer was the news reader that night and after his commentary ended you could tell she was crying as she announced a station break. Find a copy of this and read it as part of that ceremony for your dog. You'll find yourself in the company of a fellow dog-lover.


29 Dec 03 - 10:05 PM (#1082048)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Rapparee

Jed, for reasons I won't and don't want to go into, my brother once drowned a litter of puppies. He thought he was doing the right thing, even though the vet had offered to do the job. He said later that it was the hardest thing he ever did -- this from someone who operated a machine gun on ambushes in 'Nam. After it was over he had a drink -- several of them, in fact. He wishes now that he'd taken up the vet's offer.

29 Dec 03 - 10:27 PM (#1082060)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: GUEST,Ely

If you think it would help, ask your vet if you can call ahead to make sure they have a quiet room available when you get there. Where I work, euthanasias always get priority; we'll bring chairs and put them in the surgery room or the doctor's office if we have to. Ask also if they'll sedate the dog before they actually euthanize it; a lot of our clients seem to find it helpful if the pet is asleep and relieved of pain and fear so they can say good-bye before it's actually dead.

I know there are a lot of rumors that the euthanasia solution takes a long time to work because some animals' bodies react involuntarily, but they're not true. I work for a vet and have been through more euthanasias that I care to recall, and virtually all of them are gone before the injection is completed.

My parents tried to OD our old cat with tranquilizers but it didn't work and the experience was very traumatic. Personally, I would rather see my dog go quietly even if it meant a trip to the hospital; the thought of trying to drug her (when she might throw up the pills) or shoot her (and have to see her in the resulting damaged state) would be much more than I could handle.

29 Dec 03 - 10:29 PM (#1082061)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Gypsy

Jed, use the vet. The other alternative.......when my husbands ancient lab was tottering around one night, i told her it was okay to die. Like the incredibly obedient dog she always was, she died the next day. Sometimes all that is needed is permission. Animals have far less fear of death than we do.

29 Dec 03 - 10:38 PM (#1082067)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Kim C

Aw Jed... I hate that. Ditto about the vet, though... see if they will come to you. Many will.

Peace. :-)

29 Dec 03 - 10:40 PM (#1082070)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: wysiwyg

On finding one who will come to your home-- if your local small-animal vet will not, try the horse vet. A lot of times they also treat the barnyard critters as they visit, and might come to you for this.


30 Dec 03 - 12:04 AM (#1082120)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: JedMarum

Thank y'all for the thoughts. Lot's of good comments, here. It may be off to the Vet tomorrow. It's not the trauma of the event that makes me hesitate, but the fact that I feel like it's my responsibility. But maybe, taking her her to the Vet is how I meet that responsibility.

We'll see what tomomrrow brings. I'll have a word with Maggie tonight, Gypsy - there may be something to your approach.

30 Dec 03 - 12:12 AM (#1082126)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: wysiwyg

There'll be a lot of us with you and thinking of you tomorrow, too.


30 Dec 03 - 01:05 AM (#1082146)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Ebbie

I'm with those above who mention a sedative for the animal before the final injection.

I've had to assist twice with dogs in the last year and a half. I told the first vet that if he could not assure me that it wouldn't go the way it had when a vet put down my cat several years ago, I would not allow him to touch the dog, that I would be taking the dog home where he would die in his own time and in his own way.

He gently promised me that it would be painless, peaceful and fast. And it was.

I disagree with people who believe dogs don't have a concept of death. They do.

30 Dec 03 - 01:36 AM (#1082157)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Mudlark

Dear Jed...My heart is with you. It's devastating to lose an old friend. I agree re vet, esp. if you can sedate Maggie first. The image of her passing will be with you, like all the rest of Maggie's Movie, for ever. A peaceful and nearly instant death is the easiest image to live with.

The depth of your sorrow is the reflection of the joys of 16 years of priceless loving companionship. You are blessed to have had her for so long.

Be good to yourself when it's over.   nancy

30 Dec 03 - 03:52 AM (#1082186)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Metchosin

Sorry to hear that the time has come Jed. I too believe you should have the Vet do it. If the Vet can't come to your home, perhaps he or she will do what ours did.

We had to have our old Wort put down last year, after a year of dealing with his kidney failure. My husband and I drove to the Vet's and he came out to a private section of the parking lot and gave Wort the injection while Wort remained bundled in a blanket on my husband's lap in the car. It was private and Wort was in one of his favourite places. We just closed the doors, said our tearful goodbyes and when we felt ready, drove him home.

Never ever an easy thing, but of all the situations we have had, in dealing with a pet's demise, it was the least traumatic for him and us. I don't believe there is a reliquishing of duty because you need someone else to help you with the process. The veterinarian just becomes your assistant, the injection is only a small part of all of it.

30 Dec 03 - 05:16 AM (#1082207)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Marion

Hello Jed.

I think I understand your desire to take on the responsibility of Maggie's death instead of passing the job to someone outside your family.

But maybe your emotional need to take that responsibility could be met by burying her yourself, rather than euthanizing her yourself?

Love to you, your family, and Maggie,


30 Dec 03 - 05:42 AM (#1082219)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Marion

Gypsy's story reminds me:

I recently met a woman whose elderly father had died a week before. He had deteriorated as a result of a disease then lingered in a coma for some time.

The family gathered one day around his hospital bed and conducted a farewell ritual, telling him that they released him from his roles as husband, father, and grandfather. He died soon after - the next day, if I remember correctly.


30 Dec 03 - 10:22 AM (#1082335)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Jeri

Jed, the best vets understand not only the animals they treat but their human caretakers' love for them as well. Vets keep them alive when it takes a level of skill above what most people possess. Ending their lives compassionately also requires skill. If you took Maggie in when she was sick, you fulfilled a responsibility to do what was right. If you take her in now, I believe it fulfills your responsibility in the best possible way for her.

Oh well, by now you've probably made up your mind. Whatever you do, I hope her passing is swift and painless and your memories of good times are strong. I'm sorry for your loss, Jed, but 'there are no roads that do not end'.

30 Dec 03 - 11:38 AM (#1082403)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: JedMarum

We took Maggie to the Vet this morning. She never minded going, although she hated having her nails clipped! So she went along with no worries today. She was gone in 30 seconds. No worrries. The city does not allow you to bury your dog on your property - so we had no choice but to leave her with the Vet. I had wanted our other Whippet to see Maggie dead.

The end of an era. I had a notion a while back to develop a quick, bluesy, finger pickin' melody into a song about Maggie and her Whippet speed - I'd have called it black Maggie's Blues ... I'll keep that thought on the back burner for now.

Thanks for all the thought and PMs. Poor old Maggie had tough final year - but a long and healthy life.

30 Dec 03 - 11:46 AM (#1082413)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down

I'm sorry, Jed. It is tough to lose a well loved pet. I am glad she went peacefully. Sing "When You And I Were Young, Maggie" for her. A better New Year for you, I hope.

30 Dec 03 - 12:03 PM (#1082426)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: JedMarum

Funny you should that, Mary - I am playing a wake this afternoon, and they requested that song!

30 Dec 03 - 12:14 PM (#1082438)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Kim C

Hugs from a fellow dog lover.

30 Dec 03 - 12:20 PM (#1082446)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: wysiwyg

Well done, Jed, and bless you for your big, open heart.


30 Dec 03 - 01:37 PM (#1082525)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Janie

So sorry Jed, that you had to say good bye. You made the right choice, going to the vet. For what it is worth, it is usually possible to have a pet cremated and the ashes returned to you (for a fee, of course.)


30 Dec 03 - 02:39 PM (#1082582)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Metchosin

Jed when you feel ready to compose it, please do, I would love to hear Black Maggies Blues. My brother did the following fiddle piece called March of the Dogs in honour of more joyous times with old Wort and his own dog, Butch. It still brings tears to my eyes now, but they're good memory tears.

30 Dec 03 - 03:28 PM (#1082620)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Helen


Sit down with your other dog and just tell her/him about Maggie. It's surprising what they understand.

Love & hugs,

30 Dec 03 - 04:02 PM (#1082652)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Raptor

I'm So Sorry.


30 Dec 03 - 05:18 PM (#1082695)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Peg

sorry you had to say goodbye,but as one who lost a beloved cat recently, know that your pet knows how much you loved you have and will always have your memories of her.

30 Dec 03 - 05:37 PM (#1082712)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Peace

Sorry, Jed. Hang in, huh?


30 Dec 03 - 07:31 PM (#1082807)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Oh, Jed, I'm sorry. But I'm sure you did the right thing.



30 Dec 03 - 07:41 PM (#1082815)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Big Mick

Yeah, Fellow Beef Bro, count me as one who would love to hear Black Maggie Blues. Sounds like a natural to me.


31 Dec 03 - 09:09 AM (#1083092)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: vectis

Tough decision Jed. Glad it went peacefully.
(((hugs))) Mary

31 Dec 03 - 05:19 PM (#1083471)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Alaska Mike

Hi Jed, I sympathize with your dilemma. For many years, I ran an Animal Control facility. I started my day off with a cup of coffee in one hand and a bottle of Sodium Pentathol in the other. Over the years I euthanized thousands of dogs and cats in as caring and quiet a manner as possible. This eventually took its toll on me and I had to quit a profession I loved and find something else to do.

I urge you to allow your vet or other trained professional to help you put your pet to rest. Doing it yourself is very stressful and will stay with you for a long time. The expertise you will find with a vet will relieve your stress and allow your pet to die in a relaxed and humane manner.

Good luck,

01 Jan 04 - 08:17 AM (#1083801)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: ard mhacha

Having had numerous dogs all my life the best way is to leave them in the hands of your Vet.
I have sworn blind that I will never get another dog as the sadness in losing a faithful friend, is now on par, with a family bereavement.
Try explaining that away to someone who has never owned a dog and you get that sideways look that says your bonkers, the trouble with mans best friend is his short lifespan, my old Lab is 14 and I dread the thoughts of going through that sad ordeal again.
Jed good luck, but the Vet is the best answer. Ard Mhacha.

01 Jan 04 - 01:35 PM (#1083982)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Gareth

It pained you Jed, but Maggie went peacfully, and is at peace.


20 Jan 04 - 04:26 PM (#1097424)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: GUEST,Diva

I had to have my lovely old Mollycat put to sleep last night,her kidneys were failing. Some of you might remember her "singing" on paltalk. I knew it was the right thing to do but it is one of the most difficult things I have ever done and have been in bits ever since. The vet was wonderful and very kind and it was over very quickly.

20 Jan 04 - 06:03 PM (#1097498)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: wysiwyg

I understand. I have one now in kidney failure. It is very sad. I know you held her close as long as you could.


21 Jan 04 - 01:52 AM (#1097621)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: Kaleea

I had to say good-bye to my 20 1/2 year old Kitty a week ago. The vet said her heart was failing & her kidneys shutting down, & she was dying. I held her in my arms with her head over my heart as he "put her to sleep." Her name was "Sis" short for "PerSIStence."

21 Jan 04 - 11:40 PM (#1098490)
Subject: RE: BS: Help: Time to Put the Old Girl Down
From: GUEST,Ely

I'm so sorry. It's wonderful that you had her so long. Hugs from myself and Diamond (and from Ootek, Finn, and Razz in critter Heaven).

I recently found an old cassette tape my mother had made of "mystery sounds" when I was in . . . maybe second grade (she brought it in to my class to see if we could guess what each sound was). It included the engine of our long-sold 1978 VW van and, at the very end, Razz purring. She was PTS in February of 2000 at 16 1/2, when she was blind, had heart problems, and finally refused to eat. Mom and I both started laughing and then cried all over each other.