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BS: Black room is getting me

02 Jan 04 - 01:33 PM (#1084675)
Subject: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Walking Eagle

I could use a little help. I've been fighting off my black room of depression for a few days now, but my energy level for doing that is getting low. Good proper eating helps and so do my meds, but sometimes the 'world is too much with me' and I have a hard time. Encouraging words anyone?

02 Jan 04 - 01:39 PM (#1084681)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: GUEST,MMario

been there...a total indulgence book (something read sheerly for pleasure) or a "no-brainer- entertainment only" movie will frequently give me enough of a mental "kick-start" to get me out of the black room.

02 Jan 04 - 01:45 PM (#1084686)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Kim C

I try to apply logic. For instance, if I start thinking "why do I bother" (which is where it always starts with me), then I engage my brain instead of my feelings and tell myself why I really do bother. If I start wondering who would miss me if I disappeared, then I logically answer that question as well.

I have to ask myself, is this justified despair, or just depression talking? If it is just depression talking (which it usually is), then I tell it to shut the hell up. Take a hot bath, watch a favorite movie, take a nap, just get my mind away from it. Sometimes it is a struggle. But I also have to remind myself, this too will pass.

02 Jan 04 - 01:45 PM (#1084688)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Cluin

Is it SAD-related? Get some sunlight when you can. Maybe a vacation.

02 Jan 04 - 01:48 PM (#1084690)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Tinker

I have to agree with Mario. "Bubble bath" books while indulging in a fragrant hot soak (full of bubbles) are one way I like to let the close out the world and let myself collect again. Treating myself to a total pamper ( especially when I don't feel I deserve it) can often let we reopen the door to the rest of the world.

Re-ordering a small cornor of this chaotic old house, which can truely overwhelm me at times, can help me get a sense or order and color back in the world as well. Small means small the top of the desk not the whole room. I may then move to another small cornor, but sometimes I just move on...

02 Jan 04 - 01:52 PM (#1084691)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Metchosin

get outside and do something, anything, physical. Sunshine Vitamin D is really necessary and you need some exercise to get those endorphens flowing. Even if it's just a bit of a speed walk.

02 Jan 04 - 02:06 PM (#1084696)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Walking Eagle

Keep 'em coming folks. These suggestions are all very thoughtful and nice. I wish it were SAD related. I,unfortunately,have inherited the characteristic from my grandmother.

I am gratefull to all of you.


02 Jan 04 - 02:09 PM (#1084698)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Rapparee


Try watching a silly movie -- I like "Cat Ballou" or "Robin Hood: Men in Tights" or "Young Frankenstein" or "MASH" or 'most anything along those lines. NOTHING with A Message -- "Blazing Saddles" would okay. Or the Marx Brothers. Or Red Skelton.

Read a funny book. Patrick McManus's stuff is good. Dana Stabenow's "Breakup" or the Nordstrom's/Party scene in "Blood Will Tell." Again, don't read anything with A Message.

Very little will survive laughter. And friends. Have a "Silly Movie" party, invite friends over, and laugh together. Make it a weekly event: everyone brings their favorite funny movie.

And get what exercise and sunlight you can, too, but don't deplete what energy you have doing so.

02 Jan 04 - 02:18 PM (#1084707)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Clinton Hammond

Sometimes yer the windshield
Sometimes yer the bug...

Good luck to ya WE!

02 Jan 04 - 02:20 PM (#1084710)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: wysiwyg

What has really worked for me is listening to good Bible teaching/preaching/messsages. The truth that shines out of them shines right through the gloom. There is a lot of good stuff online, too, that you can play on the puder.

Also, just collapsing into Jesus' lap and letting go can be very rewarding.

If you would like me to offer more on either of these ideas I will, but I don't want to push. I will, however, renew the message for the prayer chain, with your posts here as an update. OK?


02 Jan 04 - 02:26 PM (#1084712)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: GUEST,pdc

I come from an entire family of people with depression. One of the hardest parts of depression is that although you have a thousand good ideas for overcoming it, getting started on one of those ideas is very difficult. Once you've started, it's easier to keep going, but the start itself is tough. I have a sister who fakes a smile -- she has found that the fake smile sometimes fools the brain into cheering up (and she says that if she keeps it up long enough, she feels so silly that she actually smiles).

Metchosin is right -- force yourself up from wherever you are and get some exercise, preferably outdoors. A simple walk helps, and if it's sunny out, even better. Dr. Hans Selye, an expert on depression and stress used to emphasize exercise. (Don't laugh here!): I used to clean my house, put things away, wash the floors, walls if necessary, because not only did the exercise involved in doing so help a lot, but when I was finished, and the depression had eased a bit, there I was with a nicer environment!

Good luck to you.

02 Jan 04 - 02:35 PM (#1084714)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Kim C

Yes - exercise really does help, even if you just take a walk around the yard.

I also keep a journal. I can yell and scream and holler in it without disturbing anyone.

02 Jan 04 - 02:41 PM (#1084716)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Tinker

Much of the movement patterns in old fashion hands on cleaning actally does help jump start the brain. The warm water and repetive motions of dish washing. Hands and knees cross motor patterning of floor scrubbing. It sounds strange, but they do help the brain move to a more meditative state.

Along with Rapaire's laughter... let some of your own silliest stories from the past float up and re-play. Our own stories can be the most powerful. My teenage self coming to grips with the fact my gradparents came to the Halloween party as Adam and Eve can usually get me to at least admit to a smile. If I then find stepping stones to another tale, and another.... Engagment of , like here at Mudcat, is always a good start.

02 Jan 04 - 02:42 PM (#1084717)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: fat B****rd

I wish I had something more helpful to say WE but I hope mine and all the above kind thoughts will help. All the best from the fB.

02 Jan 04 - 03:17 PM (#1084738)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Helen

Hi Walking Eagle,

I use a multi-B Vitamin supplement when I am feeling depressed or stressed. I often forget to take it but when I do remember it is there things often start to ease off. There is a supplement here called Executive B-Stress, Very good. Good old Oz has Vegemite on toast as a remedy from the pantry. I often crave Vegemite when I am not feeling the best emotionally, too.

My favourite funny movie for when I am down is Drop Dead Fred. It's funny, but it is about feeling low and being put-upon by the world, and it always makes me cry at the end, but in a good, uplifting way. I also love Rik Mayall's wacky brand of humour, and I can totally relate to the imaginary friend bit because I had a friend, called Betty, when I was a kid.

I especially love the scene in the psychiatrist's waiting room with all the imaginary friends carrying on with silly behaviour in the middle of the room, and their kid friends trying not to laugh and alert the parents to what the IF's are doing.

This thread is closed now,

Help: Lost my sense of humour

so you can't post to it, but I started it 4 years ago because I was going through an extremely painful and stressful experience which was - and still is - seriously affecting my physical health as well. There are lots of humour and joke threads on Mudcat but I'm particularly fond of this one.

I started it because one day, after almost a year of emotional trauma, I realised that I had lost my sense of humour, and that thread helped me to laugh again. A lot of people thought I was, as we say in Oz, "bunging it on", i.e. pretending to be traumatised/sick when I wasn't, but believe me, it was the worst time of my life and I am just coming back to some sense of normality.

Another thing which really seems to help me is listening to running water, either out in the wild, or even a fountain. Soemthing about that sound really calms me down and reminds me of the energy and creation of the Universe, and why we are here.

Music I listen to includes: Vivaldi - The Four Seasons, but especially a 5 CD set I have called the Complete Sacred Choral Works. Baroque music has been proven scientifically to have positive effects on the brain waves. See for more details, if you are interested.

Also I have a tape which has Albinoni's Adagio in G Minor (the one used in the film Death in Venice) followed by Pachelbel's Canon & Gigue in D Minor. The Albinoni is deep and mournful, but very spiritual, but leaves me feeling that we all die some day, and then slowly but surely the Pachelbel lifts me up and reminds me of how wonderful the world can be. It's a very powerfully uplifting, but cleverly surreptitious piece of music. It sneaks up on me every time.

I also have a copy of Mudcatter Musicman/Paul Evenden's CD called Farewell. It is sad but it lifts me up as well.

Look after yourself. Pamper yourself. I have my tv & stereo set up near the bathroom so I can lie in the bath watching movies, or listening to music. Very luxurious but also a life saver sometimes.


02 Jan 04 - 03:25 PM (#1084741)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Jerry Rasmussen

As it says in the bible.. "And it came to pass." Or as the Stones said, "Time is on your side." Or as Nick Lowe said "Time wounds all heals."

Been through it Walking Eagle...

Keep you in prayer..


02 Jan 04 - 03:41 PM (#1084755)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Amos


Empty ONE ashtray or trashcan. Put away one thing left out. Complete ONE letter or other communication. Complete one incomplete task NO MATTER HOW MINOR.

Repeat as needed.

Eat well, breathe, sleep as long as you need to and keep seeking the light.


02 Jan 04 - 03:47 PM (#1084759)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: CarolC

Consider some of the way you've added beauty to the world. Re-reading some of your Mudcat posts might be a good way to refresh your memory if you're having trouble with this. If that's not enough, you could do more things that add beauty to the world. And then think about those.

02 Jan 04 - 04:03 PM (#1084771)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: M.Ted

It may sound a bit odd, but cold bottle of sparkling mineral water can often be a great help. Also, avoid snacking, particularly sweets,   but don't neglect your meals--I have found that a good bowl of chili or a trip to a good Thai restaurant for something seasoned with hot pepper beats any three psychiatrists--

02 Jan 04 - 04:39 PM (#1084804)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Jeri

I watched an interview with Christopher Reeve last night. He talked about living in the moment and focusing 100% on whatever you were doing now. It makes a lot of sense to me. Animals do that - they don't wish for yesterday or dream about tomorrow or wonder whether things might have been different, if only...

Sometimes I can do that. Sometimes I find something that has to be done which requires focusing. If I look for something I want to do, I find too many reasons not to. I don't think that this is useful for getting out of a depression, but it sure helps in getting through one.

02 Jan 04 - 05:05 PM (#1084824)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Sorcha

Take a bubble bath by candle light. Take yourself out to a nice dinner. Buy yourself a present. Call a friend and TALK! Pet the dog/cat. Smoke some weed. Meditate on a candle flame. Clean out a closet or attic. Clean something, even if it's just the kitchen sink. Go for a walk. Put lavender oil on your wrists.

02 Jan 04 - 05:44 PM (#1084844)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Walking Eagle

I really, REALLY appreciate all of your concern and ideas. It looks as though the 'room' is going to get me. I wish I could do some of the things, but I can't.

02 Jan 04 - 05:44 PM (#1084845)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Kim C

Adding to what Jeri said, yoga is very useful for learning how to focus on the moment at hand. I am still a new practitioner but it has gone a long way towards helping me not to dwell on things in the past I can't change, and things in the future I don't have any control over. I know that personally, I have wasted a lot of time on that stuff. I don't want to waste it anymore.

02 Jan 04 - 05:47 PM (#1084846)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Peg

Go for walks! Nice brisk, long ones, cuz endorphins are nature's Prozac...

Oh, and treat yourself well; set the table nicely, have a good meal, make sure at least a few things in your surroundings make you happy to look at them...Get a new   print for the wall or paint a   few walls. Shades of green, orange and rose are very uplifting colors. Sometimes just a bunch of fresh flowers livens up your home.

Citrus essential oils are uplifting and recommended for mild depression: they are also the most inexpensive ones! Try grapefruit, sweet orange, lemon, bergamot, mandarin, blood orange, etc. Put in a diffuser, the bath, or heat some water and add to the steam, to scent the air...

02 Jan 04 - 05:56 PM (#1084853)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Liz the Squeak

Just remember that the room has a way in, so it has a way out as well.

Sometimes you need to sit in the room and look for the door. Whilst you're in there, try reading something. My Dr wouldn't prescribe me more pills, he gave me a book list instead. One of them is called the 'Feeling Good handbook', which I would recommend.

Take care, and remember we are here.


02 Jan 04 - 06:05 PM (#1084859)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: McGrath of Harlow

"I wish it were SAD related. I,unfortunately,have inherited the characteristic from my grandmother.

That doesn't follow - could even have been SAD related with her, and you've inherited that. But whatever, getting into the sunshine and the fresh air is probably better than not doing that.

Which isn't to say, do that and it'll all sort itself out. Are you getting any face-to-face help and support from someone who you can tell more about yourself than you possibly can here?

People here can give all kinds of good suggestions that might really help, but it sounds to me as if you shouldn't just leave it at that.

02 Jan 04 - 06:22 PM (#1084873)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Tinker

Remember that even that black room can be lit by the tiniest of star light.... Find just one pin hole and the search for the next part of the constellation... The door way is still there, it may just be on the other side. If your meds usually help they may need to be adjusted and levels rechecked.   This is a stressfull time of year for everyone and you've had more than your share lately. In fact give yourself some credit for coming in here and checking back in with us.

Holding hands in the dark is a good thing too.

02 Jan 04 - 06:24 PM (#1084875)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me

This time of year is somehow conducive to depression. I have gone for years without an episode but I have been slipping deeper and deeper into one over the past month.

Last night I dug through piles of dusty books to find my copy of "The Feeling Good Handbook". I hate the author. He is a smug self righteous egotist. I have even blackened out his teeth and crossed his eyes on the cover. But he does offer good, practical advice on how to reverse the process.

Play some music that you love. Sing out loud along with it. Do some simple exercise and tell yourself "I feel great!"

Keep in mind that you are not alone. Recognizing that you are depressed is the first step to getting out of it.

02 Jan 04 - 06:25 PM (#1084876)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Peace

McG of H's parting thought is a good one, Walking Eagle. Depression--the diagnosed type of depression (not the "I'm havin' a bad day" stuff) is a cast iron SOB. If you have a therapist available, that can help, big time. You didn't mention what meds you're taking, but it is possible your dose has to be adjusted BY THE PRESCRIBER. Do you have people around you or with you? If they understand the nature of depression, they may be able to help. I guess, in reality, that we all face it alone, but having others with us can be a big help. Wish I could be more of a help.

02 Jan 04 - 06:29 PM (#1084881)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: mg

didn't you just go through a major health situation? If so, you are most likely depleted of just about everything..make sure to get as much protein and fat as your body needs..not sure what that is..good fats..lots of fish..coconut oil, butter, olive oil for

02 Jan 04 - 06:36 PM (#1084887)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Liz the Squeak

Oh, if only the people around me knew about depression - one of them, my other manager, knows nothing at all, and is very VERY unhelpful. I'm one of two in our office who have had problems with this in the past. Her idea to make us feel happy and wanted and valued was to move our desks around just because her little pet wanted to sit where the other girl sits and thinks I don't do any work because she can't see me.

Something guaranteed to send one or both of us back over the edge, changing our routines and environments.

Having people around who know what is happening is sometimes worth all the Prozac in Hollywood.


02 Jan 04 - 06:42 PM (#1084893)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Peace

Hey, Walking Eagle, I thought you might enjoy some of these. They are remarks folks have made to various people who suffer from depression. I'm sure you've heard a few of them before. I know I have. Hope you get a kick outta them.

Pull your socks up
Just learn to smile more often
You don't LOOK depressed
Get over it!
It's not as bad as you think
Go to bed and you'll feel OK in the morning
But WHY do you feel down?
Why do you feel down? You have everything goin' for you
There are people worse off
You're taking things too seriously
Oh! You're in one of THOSE moods
I thought you were on medication. Why are you still acting this way?
So, what's the REASON for your depression?
You could change if you put your mind to it
It's just in your head. Snap out of it

I really wish I could help. I have some idea what you are going through, and the only gleam of light I can offer is this: You WILL start feeling better soon. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but soon. Please know that, from one who shares your pain. If you want to send a message to me just to talk, please do. I won't be back at the computer until early tomorrow--Alberta time--but I will get back to you, OK?

Bruce M

02 Jan 04 - 06:54 PM (#1084901)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: freda underhill

hi Walking Eagle..
immersing the body in cold water (sea, preferably or shower), can give your metabolism a kick start, and "clear away" bad vibes & cobwebs. i know it sounds tough - people with chronic fatigue have used it as a form of metabolic "rebirthing"

certainly easier to do in hot weather.
but when you haven't got the energy to get there - try this thread: Sgt Kat & her howling commandos!

it's another great laugh.

one thing is clear - you're not alone.

good luck and best wishes,

02 Jan 04 - 06:57 PM (#1084904)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Sorcha

Walking Eagle, PLEASE PM me...I have been there...and PLEASE promise me NOT to hut yourself today...tomorrow is another day, and you will have to promise again...

02 Jan 04 - 07:03 PM (#1084909)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Peace

Ditto that.

02 Jan 04 - 07:28 PM (#1084933)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Walking Eagle

Thanks again catter critters. Brucie, I've heard those things so many times I could repeat them in my sleep! Made me smile though!

I do have professional help, but things are sort of complicated and she can only come to see me once a week.

Sorcha, I sent you a PM.

02 Jan 04 - 07:32 PM (#1084938)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Peace

Hey, Walking Eagle,

Listen to Sorcha, OK? She knows where she's comin' from. And, she knows where you're comin' from, too. I am at the computer for a few hours. If you feel like writing, I sure feel like reading.


02 Jan 04 - 07:33 PM (#1084939)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Penny S.

Walking Eagle - take up the artificial smile advice now! It has scientific backing. The muscles at the corner of your mouth that you use to smile give direct feedback to the brain. I have tested it - going around with a silly "I'm a member of a really happy braindead cult" look on my face makes me feel as if I do.

Seriously, I do know how it feels where you are, and I have a friend who gets in much deeper. I have written out timetables with short completable jobs (as Amos suggests) interspersed with little rewards like cups of tea, or listening to a good piece of music. Then I don't have to decide what to do until I've worked through, and I can't just sit and let the darkness overwhelm me, because I've got to get onto the next thing. If you can't get to do that, ask someone to help you make the list.

When I'm really down, I clean the oven.

Also, keep in mind how you came out of it last time. I've noticed that memory seems to loop up so that you can only access the dark times when you're in one, and it's really hard to remember that the last one passed, and so did the one before.

Visualise the doorway from the room, out into somewhere bright.

I was on another board where people were playing with the idea that lights were actually Dark Suckers - won't bother to explain why, but try visualising something sucking all the darkness out of there.

Go out and dig or shovel something - snow would be ideal - it's very bright, and the air is bracing, and the work feels good.

Remember that there are really positive aspects to being depressive - I can't remember what they are at the moment, but there are, or else there wouldn't be so many of us around. (Probably something to do with creativity, and the number of events in the brain.)

Read something trivial and funny. I use Geoffrey Willan's and Ronald Searle's Molesworth books - they are dip-in books so it's easy to read in short bursts. Also Anthony Buckeridge's Jenning books. (I don't know why I go for schoolboy humour.)

Read something meditative and positive. Julian of Norwich. Or, in between, Rabbi Lionel Blue's books of short pieces with jokes.

Find some sort of serious talk radio to play very quietly while you try to sleep (can you get BBC World Service, well known over here for its soporific effects?) so you get interested in it but have to strain to hear it properly. Or some sort of spoken language tape.

Go out to the shops and chat to people - start them off and listen to them. Fill up the day with contacts and busyness. Do an internal running commentary on what you see and hear outside - but keep the focus external to you.

And remember we are all rooting for you.


02 Jan 04 - 10:22 PM (#1085027)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Bobert

Ahhh, smoke some pot, take a good long walk tomorrow, listen to some good music, write a song or poem about yer feelings, thank Gof fir all the good stuff that has happened in yer life, get a good night's sleep and repeat it again tomorrow...

Okay, maybe with out the pot...

And know, this will pass!!! It will pass!!!! It will pass!!!!!!!!!!!


p.s. There ain't no where in the Bible (new Testament ot Old) that says ya can't occasionally (or more) smoke a little weed. Hey, God put it here, dangit!!! That's my story but, Walking Eagle...

... it *will* pass....

02 Jan 04 - 11:21 PM (#1085048)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: khandu

Know that many who have not met you in the "real" world are caring, crying, hurting, encouraging & praying for you RIGHT NOW!!

I read this thread & shed tears for you, Walking Eagle. Then I got ANGRY!!!! I know that damned room & I hate it! I absolutely loathe it!

You are bigger than that damned room! And you are worth more than you are feeling at the moment. And you are definitely worth my prayers & the prayers of many others, which you are getting RIGHT NOW!!

One more thing, Walking Eagle,...I love you & so do many others here at Mudcat!

You are coming out of that damned room!


03 Jan 04 - 06:50 AM (#1085140)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Walking Eagle, I have nothing to add to the warm and wise advice you've received here. But know that you are being loved and held in the hearts of many, many folks here. We are thinking of you, holding you in the light, and waitig with you while the dark time lasts.

When my Byron died, just knowing how many people all over the world were holding me and caring for me kept me going.

Take care,


03 Jan 04 - 08:12 AM (#1085175)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: The Fooles Troupe

Spike Milligan used to suffer from depression. He scripted the Goon Show - you can get tapes - probably CDs now too from the BBC - but not too sure how available they are int eh USA. They can be listened to for 40 years without losing their humour - especially if you keep them for those times.

If really bored you could visit

The Virtual Fooles Troupe

The Most Popular History On Show! (about 200 pages worth of assorted Tom Foolery - although Tom is no longer with them, having now gone on to bigger and better things...)
A witty, humorous romp through the Comedy of the Elizabethan and Medieval Theater

Robin Hayes
The Author...

03 Jan 04 - 10:04 AM (#1085217)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: smallpiper

WE read my pm do the exercise and let us know how you feel afterwards

the other thing you could do with the viualisation is to paint the black room in many different bright colours.

Remember what has already been said in the above posts there are many that know you and care for you there are even more who don't know you but still care for you.

03 Jan 04 - 10:39 AM (#1085237)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: wysiwyg


You said you can't do any of these things.

How come?


03 Jan 04 - 10:41 AM (#1085240)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: freda underhill

re visualisation
i had my bedroom at home painted purple - with shocking pink ceiling & doors. Curtains are various shades of pink, bedlinen various shades of pink & purple. through filmy violet netting over woindows, i see beautiful green leaves from my from garden.

it's a lovely relaxing place, like going in to another world..

nice room to blob out in..

03 Jan 04 - 10:59 AM (#1085245)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: harpgirl

Light is very important to mood, Walking Eagle! I agree to get outdoors. Indoors, you don't really need a special full spectrum light for mood improvement, just about four florescent lights with a total of 10,000 lumins that will shine into your eyes, which is how the benefits are absorbed. Good luck, sweety!

03 Jan 04 - 12:09 PM (#1085266)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me

play yer musical instrument...

03 Jan 04 - 01:26 PM (#1085287)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Walking Eagle

Many thanks to all of you. I think I may have pin pointed part of the problem and I intend to talk to my doctor about it. Adjusting medication levels. When I'm a bit better, I intend to start meditating again. And my guitars and dulcimers are calling! Funny thing about depression, you give up the things that you love best first.

Again, many thanks 'catter critters.


03 Jan 04 - 01:53 PM (#1085305)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Ebbie

Walking Eagle, as many things as you have gone through- and are inevitably affected by- you could write a book on how to manage. Give yourself a lot of credit- your spirit shines. It's not surprising that from time to time your energy flags.

I've never been diagnosed with clinical depression but the ordinary human contrariness that is common to our lot I call 'poisoning my own well'. And that is something I can control.

03 Jan 04 - 02:29 PM (#1085332)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Tinker

Wandering through threads can be a good path... I found this old thread while searching for a tales the other day. Perhaps while you're waiting for things to level out you might want to take a seat by the fire. In fact, I bet The Fair One would let you put your cold feet upon his chest while Mick tells another tale.....

03 Jan 04 - 06:22 PM (#1085495)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: The Fooles Troupe

Really, laughter does help - that's why I have so much of the comedy stuff around... it stimulates endorphins, which is faster and cheaper than medication. And they help you heal.


03 Jan 04 - 06:34 PM (#1085505)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me

Thanks to you, Walking Eagle, I am back on track. I read through this thread and did everything that was applicable to me. I added one, too. Despite crappy weather, I got up at the crack of dawn and went out for breakfast with a friend thus avoiding waking post noon and bitching that the day was over (as if it should have waited for me). i shoveled snow, played fetch with a dog, sang to myself, and layed out some small tasks which I tackled one at a time. The satisfaction of crossing them off the list is a real boost.

I too am wondering if I need to rethink my medication. As I said above, it has been years since I have gone into this deep a depression for so long. More than likely, thestress oif the new job is behind it.

I know it has already been said but keep in mind that your recent illness (or repeat of an old illness) has taken a lot out of you physically and emotionally. Stay strong. It will pass.

03 Jan 04 - 08:25 PM (#1085557)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Walking Eagle

I LOVED the Goon Show! I'll check into it. Sinsull, we'll BOTH make it.


03 Jan 04 - 10:48 PM (#1085610)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: bbc

I'm sorry to hear that you're having a hard time. I've been feeling down, myself, lately. Though it may not be the same in degree as what you are experiencing, I know that it is hard to get out of. At a time when one should probably seek out contact w/ others, I don't feel like going out, don't feel like picking up the phone. It makes me feel less productive in every aspect of my life. And it doesn't seem to help to tell myself how much I have to be thankful for (& I know I *do* have a lot!). The feeling remains. I believe it will pass, for me, &, I hope, for you. Until then, do what you can & be kind to yourself. Seek out some simple pleasures--foods you enjoy, a game, show, book, etc. that entertains you, comfy clothes & bedcovers, beautiful scenery. Eventually, something will remind you how "good" feels. You are doing a very helpful thing reaching out here. All over the world, we hear you & we care. Keep it up!

best from NY,


04 Jan 04 - 02:06 AM (#1085661)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Liz the Squeak

Seems this thread is being pointed at more than one sufferer!

Walking - if you need to shovel something, I have a room full of crap that needs sorting! I could start my own paper recycling factory with the crap I have here. My job for today is to find the floor for long enough to put everything from the sofabed onto it.

I might even find the computer mice I've lost.... that's the trouble with cordless devices.

Take care, and remember, our services are (practically) free and available 24/7. And you can always check into the NYCFTS for a while (that's the Mudcat's own virtual clinic, the Neil Young Centre for the Terminally Screwed - very popular at times here!).


04 Jan 04 - 02:55 AM (#1085668)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Mudlark

Hope you have found the way out of the black room...lots of good suggestions here for both garden variety and clinical depression. Figuring out trigger is usually a big step on the way back to the light.

Talk, exercise, humor, all important. I also spend some time reading back thru my journals. Sometimes it helps me to viscerally realize that I've been here before and have always managed a way out, and that in fact I've often coped very well. In the midst of depression that is hard for me to remember.

Take care of yourself....

04 Jan 04 - 06:49 AM (#1085712)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: The Fooles Troupe

I see a red door and I want to paint it black!
No colours.... etc

Must track down the words and chords for that sometime...

BTW, the BBC have Monty Python - most Goon lovers can cope with them (but many americans could not!) - they put out LP's - probably CD's now available.

BBC also has lots of other humourous spoken word stuff - see a local agent that carries their stuff or go to their website - I think it's something like

Look for My Word, My Music is quite good too - Hancock's Half Hour - he suffered terribly from depression, and could make his stage displayed depression hysterically funny... lots of others I can't remember. The stuff from the 1950-60's was quite good.

also I think - has lots of humourous monologes - many classics - look for the female ones.


04 Jan 04 - 06:57 AM (#1085715)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: The Fooles Troupe

BTW, I should have said in the other previous message - if you like the Goons, you just might like The Fooles Troupe (link above) - what do you think one of it's major influences was?


04 Jan 04 - 11:20 AM (#1085782)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: GUEST,Russ


Lots of excellent advice.


Don't want to get too personal but do your meds include some of the powerful modern psychotropics for clinical depression? They can work wonders but can require frequent careful "fine tuning". If it really "looks as though the 'room' is going to get me" you need to contact your physician IMMEDIATELY.

Don't want to cast any doubts on your physician, but is s/he a psychiatrist with expertise in psychotropics? It is a very tricky area changing on a daily basis and can require careful coordination and constant monitoring of multiple products.

04 Jan 04 - 01:50 PM (#1085853)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Amos

I have found that regular bunches of St John's Wort seriously aids emotional stability and gives a general lift. It is coming to be viewed as an organic substitute for Prozac in dealing with depression, in some professional circles, or so I understand,.   I have found it gently effective. I've been dropping 1200 mg per diem. Of course YMMV; but I urge you to try it, WE.


04 Jan 04 - 02:15 PM (#1085869)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: GUEST, heric

On page 177 of the novel Life of Pi the sufferer takes notice that his suffering is "taking place in a grand setting."

Don't know if that helps at all. You have been tested far more than I ever have and hence are living it at a higher level than I can address. But I thought of you when I read that line last night.

04 Jan 04 - 02:23 PM (#1085876)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: wysiwyg

Creative Types-- sometimes we just need to drift, in between passionate inspirations. It can be easy to mistake this for depression, or the early part of the black room cycle... it can feel very odd to "lose" the passion, especially if you have been using it (abusing it) to get energy for running everything else. But sometimes a little nesting is in order, and if the inner tapes tell you that you are slacking, they may need to be reassured to shut up thankyouverymuch. It's important to be able to distinguish between the inner voice of moving forward and the inner voice of beating yourself up or being scared unnecessarily. A pattern of trusting your gut and acting on what it tells you soon results in useful hindsight for guidance.

Sometimes we are already doing exactly what we most need to do, and it just doesn't feel like that.


04 Jan 04 - 02:48 PM (#1085895)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: mg

I think you are not supposed to take St. John's Wort with other medications for depression...better run that one by your

04 Jan 04 - 05:38 PM (#1085986)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: The Fooles Troupe

I was about to say what Mary garvey said...

BTW, another wonderful radio program from the BBC (might be some selections on tape or CD) is "Just a minute" which ran for years - Peter ??? - the guy who did the voice over for the Douglas Adams series of books when they were on Radio - Kenneth Williams, Derek Nimmo, and others -

You have to talk for a minute on the given subject - no preparation. You can challenge the current speaker on the grounds of repetition, deviation, or hesitstion, if successful you get a point and take over the subject - if not, they get a point and keep talking.

Makes some of the Mudcat thread creep seem trivial.... and Kenneth Williams' "tantrums" are hysterical.

the ABC play them onece a week at 5:30 am - I was awake that early this morning. I can never stay down while listening to this show.

While not "comedy" - it shows intense wit, and thinking on one's feet, and is very funny and totally unscripted.

I do believe that they were treated to a "good dinner" just before hand - including some alcohol.... :-)

Would make a great party game for a Mudcat gathering...


04 Jan 04 - 05:56 PM (#1085998)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: GUEST,Kim C no cookie

WE, I don't know what your personal habits are, but I love to paint my nails! I mean, I do that every Sunday night anyway, but when I'm feeling pitiful, I make SURE I take the time to do it. If you're not a nail-painter, just take time to do some other little something for yourself. Takes your mind off your troubles for a little while.

I know people have differing opinions/experiences regarding antidepressants, but mine have been very good to me.

04 Jan 04 - 06:05 PM (#1086003)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: The Fooles Troupe

I experienced severe paradoxical reactions from the couple that the doctor tried on me. As well as other nasty side effects.


04 Jan 04 - 07:06 PM (#1086041)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Liz the Squeak

If you are in the UK and can get digital radio, I thoroughly recommend BBC Radio 7. It plays all manner of stuff from the Navy Lark to Dead Ringers and is brilliant for cheering up a dull day.


05 Jan 04 - 03:33 AM (#1086203)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: The Fooles Troupe

Ah! The Navy Lark!

The Admiral bringing the destroyer into port: "Left hand up a bit, right hand up a bit, left hand up a bit..."

Dead Ringers is shown on ABC TV in OZ, didn't know the had a Radoi version. Love the Dr Who sendups...

05 Jan 04 - 06:13 AM (#1086272)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: fat B****rd

Foolestroupe, it was Peter Jones who did the "Warm, friendly voice-overs".
How's it going, Walking Eagle ??

05 Jan 04 - 03:49 PM (#1086539)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Walking Eagle

I do thank all of you for your helpa and concern. I have a plan of action now based on many of your suggestions and a few from my oncologist. So let's just say, 'Good job done here' and get on to something else.

My best,
Walking Eagle

05 Jan 04 - 04:52 PM (#1086588)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Helen

Okay, message received, Walking Eagle. We have your permission to stop worrying about you now, and just let you get on with it.

Love & hugs,

05 Jan 04 - 07:48 PM (#1086718)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Hollowfox

I just caught this thread, os of course, I just had to put in my $.02 worth. Simply getting yourself to move helps. This is an old cure, going back to Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy (written a couple of centuries ago. It doesn't have to be much, but walking around a bit helps a lot. One thing that's helped me through bad patches is to not only do some small thing (a bit of dishwashing, etc( but to write it down. ot an elaborate journal or anything, just a sheet of notebook paper will do. I find that I forget that I've accomplished anything, until I look at the paper and see that, yes, I did get something done yesterday.
And of course, I'll fire up an official purebred midwest @$#%-reduction candle in a few minutes when I get home from work.
Remember that you did an important first step in getting out of this room when you posted. Take care, Mary

28 May 14 - 03:01 PM (#3628763)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Claire M

Hiya!! That's true – there *are * people worse off, physically, mentally (or both) but that doesn't help me. Flatmates also have assorted problems, I can't really chat to a lot of them, nor would I want them to know all about me.

I had imaginary friends too, Helen. Still have a couple actually, although I call them anything but. Most are musicians, both living & dead. I am nearly 31 y/o. People talk to God, don't they? This type of thing was/is no different. I'm never bored & I'm happy w/ or w/o company

Actually I *like * the "pull yer socks up" way of thinking. I also keep a journal, amongst reminders of what's on tv, pix I like etc. there's "I'm stressed!"

28 May 14 - 04:54 PM (#3628784)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: Bill D

Claire... this thread is 10 years old. Not sure how you found it, but many who posted are not even here anymore.

28 May 14 - 08:53 PM (#3628809)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me
From: ChanteyLass

Even though this thread is an old one, the suggestions are still helpful, and Claire, I'm glad you have found some ways to deal with the stress in your life.

29 May 14 - 07:30 AM (#3628837)
Subject: RE: BS: Black room is getting me

Part of it's the need to keep a sense of proportion: duty is one thing, becoming a pain in the arse another. The world is full of people who, because they take themselves and everyone else seriously, fail to remember that they are all human, fallible, and thereby the cause of an infinite number of pratfalls which make far more people merry - if they'll allow themselves to be. But no, they shut themselves up in their own little world of pain and isolation, and it's part of the folksinger's art, above all else, to break that apart. But to get through we have to have been there, and so a bit of that kind of experience is cash in the bank!