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Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion

15 Jan 04 - 06:40 AM (#1093202)
Subject: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Tony Day

This August will be the 25th consecutive year of laughing, drinking and unaccompanied singing since the Middle Bar Singers took up residence in the Anchor at Sidmouth.

We're celebratig the year in numerous daft ways, starting with a 25 hour sing (no repeats) at our winter reunion in the Anchor on 20-21 February.

We already have sufficient pledges of attendance and all night singing on the Friday to ensure a brilliant weekend, which will include the legendary "Wimmin's Hour" and other frolics throughout Saturday too.

All like minded laughers, drinkers and singers will be more than welcome - it's free (collection for the charity Friends of Sidmouth Festival). Accommodation available nearby for around 30 quid inc. breakfast.

There will be a special silver jubbly yellow t-shirt on sale, a limited supply of commemorative pottery tankards, and even a rather tasteful black (!) Middle Bar sweatshirt! Should I ever get my finger out there may also be a book, setting out the "offishul" gory history of the folk world's biggest fringe event.

If you need more info, there are several regulars on here who have experience of our previous reunions (including all nighters) and who are up to speed with this year's plans.


15 Jan 04 - 08:01 AM (#1093238)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Cllr

Looking Good

15 Jan 04 - 08:05 AM (#1093242)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: alanww

I'll be there! And I know there will be lots of :-
Laughing, drinking and singing ...!

15 Jan 04 - 08:24 AM (#1093255)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: GUEST,Phot, at work

Try keeping me away! Unfortunatly work may just do that, so if I'm not there can you save me a tee shirt and a sweat shirt (xl) please?
It should be a blast! Ifyouv'e never been before, go!

Wassail! Chris

15 Jan 04 - 12:55 PM (#1093457)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Morticia

Chris, go awol.....I'll get Her Majesty to write you a note....I'm sure she'll understand the MBS reunion takes precedence.

15 Jan 04 - 01:12 PM (#1093469)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Phot

Dear Liz 2,
          Please can I have the day off on 20 feb to sing myself horse, get mightily confused about the words at three in the morning, have beer with breakfast, not sleep for 25 hours, and genrally have a great time with lots of like minded nutters and friends.

                   ta very much Chris.

p.s. Hope Phil is fine, and the Corgies have stopped crapping on the carpet.

That should do the trick Morty!

Wassail! Chris

15 Jan 04 - 05:23 PM (#1093613)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Herga Kitty

I shall be slumming it in the Royal York (standard room, no sea view, but given the amount of time I'll be in the Anchor it's unlikely I'd have noticed even if it was on the Esplanade side...).

Have we sorted out arrangements for a laptop to keep track of songs and avoid repeats?


PS I thought from his MBS message that Tony had posted as a guest. I hadn't realised he'd actually joined Mudcat. So, big welcome!

15 Jan 04 - 06:34 PM (#1093665)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Liz the Squeak

ooh, any spare beds for a wandering idiot?


16 Jan 04 - 04:10 AM (#1093919)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: fiddler

I'll be there (without fiddle)!


16 Jan 04 - 10:21 AM (#1094140)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Phot


    Dear diary, this is my first day in the Tower............................................................HELP!

Chris ;.)

16 Jan 04 - 10:38 AM (#1094156)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Morticia

oh ohhhh.......MBS rescue squad, form up....

16 Jan 04 - 12:23 PM (#1094238)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: alanww

Does anyone know whether the Radway English Music Sessioners are having their reunion on the same weekend?
"Dancing and singing, bellringing ...!"

16 Jan 04 - 07:19 PM (#1094537)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: pixieofdoom

I was gonna bake a cake with a file in it but then I realised that with the way I make cake, you don't really need the file. I could also do pastry........handy for bludgeoning the guards with

17 Jan 04 - 07:01 AM (#1094753)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Morticia

I reckon if we get Tony to do The Music Man, those Beefeating chappies will get so carried away on the Jerusalem bit we can sneak you out of there before they notice you've gone.

Otherwise we'll have to call in the Bodrhan and Tipple Heavy Brigade, with the Melodeon Light Infantry and Cecil Sharpe's Stormtroopers and no-one wants that much bloodshed......except possibly Pixie, she likes bloodshed.

17 Jan 04 - 08:03 AM (#1094777)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Liz the Squeak

Morty - you forgot the SWAT - Swanee Whistle & Accordion Trio....... guaranteed to put fear in the heart of the toughest folkie - and if not, you know where the swanee whistle will go!


17 Jan 04 - 12:19 PM (#1094895)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Micca

Q " What did they give Phot in the Tower of London?"

A " 1/100th of a second at f4"

17 Jan 04 - 09:04 PM (#1095233)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Morticia

He said he wants to focus....." What, both of us?"

18 Jan 04 - 05:19 AM (#1095373)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Phot

I was awoken this morning with a bowl of gruel, it was a bit cold, "add ten magenta" I told the jailer, he ignored me and caringly hit me on the head with a tuning fork, "F" I said, Eff your self, he replied, just wait to see the torture we have for you!

It was worse than I thought, Leadfingers had defected and I had to endure three hours of RAF jokes and banjo playing, eventually I was allowed to return to my cell, I was dertermined to escape and after a few hours hard digging, I was free of that stinking cell 26..........
I am writing this from stinking cell 27.............

Wassail Chris

18 Jan 04 - 08:31 AM (#1095434)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Leadfingers

What do you mean - Leadfingers had defected- You know bloody well I will play ANYWHERE if the money is right.

18 Jan 04 - 03:20 PM (#1095692)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: pixieofdoom

If you're now in cell 27, I think you might be digging the wrong way........damn good effort though

19 Jan 04 - 02:44 PM (#1096436)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Herga Kitty


If we finally get an answer on the other thread about the date of the Radway musicians' reunion you might be able to bring your fiddle to Sidmouth, for a quick spasm in the other pub!


19 Jan 04 - 03:48 PM (#1096486)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: running.hare

want to come, I mght manage to swap more pub shifts, but it's unlikely, taken to many already 4 Job interveiws & Panto!

But I'll Do my best!

*Smuggles The Intrenching tool we buried him with at Warham into Chris*

Good Luck Matie, Hope that assists with the digging efforts.

19 Jan 04 - 03:52 PM (#1096490)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Hawker

1/100th sec at f4? I hope Phot isn't over exposed!
I've heard he's got a very nice flash!
Cheers, Lucy

20 Jan 04 - 04:30 AM (#1096856)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Morticia

Anyone heard from Phot recently? They haven't beheaded him, have they?

20 Jan 04 - 08:09 AM (#1096966)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: GUEST,Cllr at work

I am visiting him on Thursday presuming he is still incarcerated.

20 Jan 04 - 08:59 AM (#1097005)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Tony Day

Yes, Mike, but are you bringing him to Sidders? And if so, is you two staying up all night? (We'll let you drive the really busy bit from 5am - opening time!) And if not why not!?

Anyone else on here coming (apart from tose that have said "aye" in another place)?

Get yor silver jubbly yeller t-shirts at the Anchor on 20 Feb!

Musicianers welcome! Their instruments not!



20 Jan 04 - 11:23 AM (#1097150)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: GUEST,Cllr at work

Phot has said that he will be there (unless work takes a particulary nasty turn) He only lives in Honiton and he is happy to drive. I am happy to drive as well, I will be staying up for as long as possible -How long is the bar open for? and if it doesn't close, is your last post a trick question?
We could do a sea shanty hour Hmmmmm five O'clock in the morning doing shanties with no audience... Still we could aim for the longest version ever of "drop of nelson blood"
Ie second verse "two drops of nelson's blood wouldn't do us any harm." third verse "three drops of nelson's blood wouldn't do us any harm." fourth verse "four drops of nelson's blood wouldn't do us any harm."
etc etc Yes, Phot and I could keep that one going for a hell of a long time. (I do use the word "hell" advisedly)

20 Jan 04 - 05:55 PM (#1097487)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Phot

YIPPIEE!! Time off for good behaviour! (I fixed the cell wall!)

See you there!


Chris :~)

26 Jan 04 - 06:29 PM (#1102039)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Herga Kitty

Refresh, for Mike B

27 Jan 04 - 11:00 AM (#1102576)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: snake19

Sorry Tony wont be making it,Keep me A T-SHIRT i give you a bell.See you at Sidmouth Festival.A very old friend.

27 Jan 04 - 02:56 PM (#1102746)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion


Will that be M (limited supply), L, XL or XXL?


28 Jan 04 - 06:23 AM (#1103287)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: snake19

What has it got to do with you?.
Your not even a member of Mudcat.

28 Jan 04 - 06:38 AM (#1103297)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Morticia

actually Twinkle, I am guessing that Kitty is Herga Kitty who is indeed a member here and who is trying to help you.....t-shirts will be limited this year. Not everyone has Mudcat membership where they work and at home, and have to post as Guest at work.

28 Jan 04 - 07:29 AM (#1103323)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: snake19

Okay understand Morticia.
Its already been sorted thanks.

28 Jan 04 - 04:06 PM (#1103732)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Herga Kitty

Thanks Morty - my cookie disappeared yesterday for no particular reason, but has now been reset.

Twinkle - there is an MBS newsgroup on Yahoo, too, but I guess if you want to surprise Tony you won't be joining it yet!


29 Jan 04 - 05:55 AM (#1104123)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: snake19

Yes i know about the newsgroup.
I don't need to surprise him as we are good friends.

16 Feb 04 - 10:28 AM (#1116968)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: GUEST,Cllr at work

Hey hey hey, only a few more days to go.

16 Feb 04 - 02:47 PM (#1117143)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Herga Kitty

We may, or may not, get sweatshirts or t-shirts that fit, in yellow, or tasteful black,

but the singing will be fantastic!


PS I think JudeL may be looking for somewhere to stay...

16 Feb 04 - 03:34 PM (#1117176)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: fiddler

Just looked it all over looks great - will my Landrover with tent atop be an eysore or even noticed in teh Anchor car park all weekend?

As a winter reunion virgin I expect you all to be gentle with me!


16 Feb 04 - 04:30 PM (#1117214)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: JudeL

I am indeed in need of a place to stay. However since it's to be an all night sing friday night somehow the idea of paying for a hotel room I'm not going to use that night sounds a bit daft. At the moment the idea of quilts in the back of the car is starting to sound good. That is if I make it there at all.

17 Feb 04 - 05:41 AM (#1117583)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Phot

Fiddler, it'll be noticed by me! You lucky person, metallic red if I remember...
Three days to go, this is going to be great! Jude, just doss down at the back of the bar, I can vouch that the floor isnt that bad!


17 Feb 04 - 07:20 AM (#1117610)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: snake19

I have been to several reunions from the begining when Alvin and John ran the pub in the 80's those were happy days and great fun doing the 24 hrs with no repeats,no swearing and the fine box out.Good Luck Everyone from a dear friend of The Anchor.

17 Feb 04 - 11:49 AM (#1117791)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Phot

Wouln't it be great to get Alvin and John back again, the occasional free beer, the Irish session in the Devon Fayre.............Things change, not always for the best, still all our friends are there, save for the few who are now singing in the upper bar.
Happy to meet, sorry to part, happy to meet again, the MBS has been and always will be one of the finest parts of my life!
Long may we continue!


18 Feb 04 - 09:05 AM (#1118345)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: JudeL

Yes Phot I know you can sleep anywhere, I have photographic evidence of you sleeping on the floor ....... outside even.

I finally found & had developed the film from last year's Wareham Wail.

18 Feb 04 - 09:29 AM (#1118368)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Morticia

Why Chris, that was almost poetic!!! Looking forward to seeing everyone on drinking trousers on!

18 Feb 04 - 10:22 AM (#1118403)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: DG&D Dave

We'll be there (Dave & Fiona, slumming at the RY&F with Kitty).
And we're bringing Lyn the A.I. Whether you like it or not.

Does the extended singing rota impinge on the Friday night pub crawl? (Well it wont impinge on mine, but then I'm not exactly an MBS).

Looking forward to seeing you all on Fri.


18 Feb 04 - 03:07 PM (#1118608)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Herga Kitty


Oh singer(?) man, where you going to crawl to? Investigations of the Swan and Radway would probably be useful, although as far as I know the Bedford is staying open in February for the first time, this year, so might also be worth a visit.

I'd just like to point out that (as far as I know) we're slumming it in different rooms at the RY&F - so are Chris and Gwynneth and Ivor...

Lyn the AI is Catter MBS Lynne, and will be very welcome. If you don't already know what AI stands for, don't ask unless you've watched "All Creatures Great and Small" ....

How incriminating is Jude's film then?   Actually, yes, Phot did sleep outside, but by the fire, and it was only the beginning of September.


18 Feb 04 - 06:13 PM (#1118704)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Phot

Well it was nice and warm! Most sane people leave their transport outside and sleep inside, so I did it the other way round,.......Its great to be a nutter! BTW, did anyone get a piccy of the bike in the garage? See you all soon!


Hmmmm, nice car park at the Anchor....

19 Feb 04 - 06:53 AM (#1118986)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: DG&D Dave

Volunteer, Radway, Swan, Dove and Anchor.
Optional additions Balfour, Bedford, Ship, Black Horse, Threshers, Top Wok.....

19 Feb 04 - 10:31 AM (#1119156)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Tony Day

It's 25 hours in one bar, you pillock, not 25 bars in one hour!

Sheesh, do I have to explain EVERYTHING!?


19 Feb 04 - 03:26 PM (#1119383)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Herga Kitty

Interesting time signature, that, 25 bars to the hour.......

See you tomorrow!


22 Feb 04 - 09:42 AM (#1121026)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Phot

What a great weekend! I had a fantastic time and didn't forget too many words! Great to see so many other Catters there, soon be Sidders!



22 Feb 04 - 10:45 AM (#1121062)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: snake19

Glad you all had a great weekend.As you say its Sidmouth soon,see you there Chris.

22 Feb 04 - 01:15 PM (#1121136)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Herga Kitty

411 different songs during the 25-hour non-stop no repeats sing, and a few more which hadn't been sung yet in the lunchtime Survivors' Session today. It was especially great to see people who'd never been to a Winter Reunion before, and Lynn Heraud who'd not sung in the Anchor for 25 years.


22 Feb 04 - 01:18 PM (#1121139)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: fiddler

Damm good fun = even being oute
d as me by leadfingers and my guru Huh - Anonimity gone gone gone forever.

CU all in August


22 Feb 04 - 02:27 PM (#1121204)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Leadfingers

So now to complete the 'Outing' I will say "Sorry Andy!" And I cant think why I slept so well on Saturday Night !!!

22 Feb 04 - 02:45 PM (#1121215)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Morticia

What a great weekend!Many thanks to Tony and all the other drivers, even if they did make wearing a Mudcat badge a fine-able offence!

22 Feb 04 - 02:54 PM (#1121227)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: GUEST,Kathy & Jon

Thanks Tony and all the other MBS's. Nice to know that the old Swan singers are still supporting you all. There again...when did I beome a swan?

22 Feb 04 - 06:22 PM (#1121367)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: My guru always said

Brill weekend, an excellent Quality Marathon Sing (more like 25 & 3/4 hours), congrats to all who lasted the course, even with cat-napping!!

A strong contingent of catters included: myself, Merek'n'Dary, Richard Atkins, Leadfingers, Cllr, Tony Day, Alanww, Andy Jackson, Morticia, PixieofDoom, Phot, Snuffy, Breton Cap, JudeL, Herga Kitty, Rueben, MBS George, Fiddler, Gervase, MBS Lynne & D&DG Dave....

Now, did we miss anyone????

Very unfair to have a fine for wearing our Mudcat badges - especially as Tony Day had his hiden in his pocket throughout the proceedings!!!!!

22 Feb 04 - 06:40 PM (#1121387)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Tony Day

Naughty Tony! Remind me to whack myself. Didn't stop you wearing 'em tho! And no-one bloody paid up!!

Yes, it was very much the biggest reunion we have had, and prolly the best (but they're nearly always the best ever!)

Funny enough the number of songs sung was lower than some of the 24 hour ones. Maybe fewer people forgt the words half way through thse days? Maybe we sing longer songs? Or sing 'em slooooower? (We'll not mention the enforced five minute silence when t'landlord thought there was an unwelcome presence outside, only to discover it was George's big burly bloke walking 't dog in a high vis vest!!} It might just be that Fred can't count - but all will be revealed, as I have a boffin working on it. Watch this space. Or some other space, if you like.

Beer was good, too, huh?


22 Feb 04 - 06:47 PM (#1121396)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: pixieofdoom

It was a splendid weekend, I had a great time and am very glad I have a day off tomorrow! Thanks to all involved

23 Feb 04 - 09:00 AM (#1121726)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: GUEST,Lynne Heraud

I had a lovely weekend. although I'm an interloper and hadn't been in the middle bar for 25 years you made me feel so welcome.

If anyone knows of any accommodation locally from 29th July to 1st august inclusive, I'd be willing to pay my way. A bit of floor would do!

23 Feb 04 - 09:17 AM (#1121740)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Snuffy

Wonderful songs, wonderful singing, and wonderful singists.

And yes, Tony, the beer was good too - and lasted very well!

WassaiL! V

... but we go on and on and on and on and on

23 Feb 04 - 09:38 AM (#1121758)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: DG&D Dave

Though it grieves me fullsore, ye gods fom above!
The beer in the A****r was far better than the Dove.

The Volunteer and the Radway were pretty good too. Missed out the Swan, must make more effort in Aug.

Good to see all of you and to put some faces to cat-names.

See some of you at The National, Warwick, Sidders and/or Bromyayd.


23 Feb 04 - 09:46 AM (#1121763)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Morticia

Oh dear God, you mean we have to do it all again in the summer? NNNoooooooooooh........oh,alright then *G*.

23 Feb 04 - 01:09 PM (#1121903)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: alanww

Just got back - via Ross-on-Wye ... Sandy thanks everyone who asked after her at Sidmouth and, having had a good weekend herself, says: "hello to you all!".
The Reunion was certainly was a brilliant weekend of unaccompanied singing! It was great to see so many singing friends!
Well done to Tony Day for organising it and to all those who sat on the bench at various times during the weekend - I was co-driver myself from 11pm Friday to 1am Saturday & at 3pm to 4pm Saturday and I drove it from 4am to 6am Saturday morning!!!
Happily, even at that time of night we never got down to less than 13 singers in the circle, so it came round about every 50 minutes and so it wasn't too difficult to keep it going.
Having gone through Friday night and Saturday without any sleep, Snuffy and I did eventually get to bed at 1am on Sunday morning!
BTW, Tony, in terms of the number of songs sung, I think that the fewer singers there are in the middle of the night, then the more songs are sung in an hour - I suppose there are fewer interuptions. In previous 24 hour sings I believe that there were far fewer singers on the night shift - down to 6 or so!
Thanks for logging all the Mudcatters' names My Guru. I can't think of any more myself.
There were a lot of good moments during the weekend (but for me one wasn't hearing that old rascal Keith Beeby singing "Row On" before I had even had a chance to sing, as I had decided that I would sing it as my first song!)
In fact the first round set a record with no fewer than 50 singers in the round (I was the 50th!) and having started at 9.10pm it got round to me at 12.30am!!
It was great to see my mate Chris Gorniak there, and he sang some brilliant songs, eg "Blessed Quietness" and his own composition "The Folk Singer Cut Down in his Prime". I think he got the biggest rounds of applause during the weekend. Well deserved!! I am sure we all hope that he will be able to come again in August.   Good luck Chris!
I am now looking forward to some more great singing session at the Sidmouth festival in the summer!
"... I can laugh, drink and sing!"

23 Feb 04 - 03:02 PM (#1121988)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: vectis

Can do Lynne; ring me at home.

23 Feb 04 - 05:42 PM (#1122105)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion

And the cider was really good too!

Love Lynne

24 Feb 04 - 07:02 AM (#1122469)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: GUEST,frogette

Never mind all you Middle Bar singers having such a good time, who can tell me the dates of Wareham Wail this year. Some of us have to book our holidays in advance and dont want to miss the best sing we can get to in the year.

24 Feb 04 - 07:16 AM (#1122480)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: alanww

Hi frogette
Wareham Wail is indeed a great sing and Alan White was at the Middle Bar Singers Reunion. Anyway its on the weekend of 3-5 Sept and, even though I am meant to be singing with the Shellback Chorus at Fylde FF on the same weekend, I shall be at the Wail instead!
"... bedecked with bay and rosemary!"

24 Feb 04 - 10:53 AM (#1122591)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: GUEST,kathy

If you like a really good sing come and join us at the Fox and Hounds at Bridestowe on May 14/15/16. Quite a few of the MBS come for a good sing there. Irish landlord...good craic.

26 Feb 04 - 04:42 PM (#1124673)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Cllr

any one got any photo's to post?

29 Feb 04 - 12:09 PM (#1126209)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: GUEST,Phot at work

Not fair!! I missed the survivors session! Bloody Navy.....muttermuttermutter! See you all soon, probably at Miskin or Crediton (any one know the dates?)

Wassail!! Chris

29 Feb 04 - 01:27 PM (#1126260)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: snake19

Miskin is the Easter w/e,Sorry dont know Crediton.

01 Mar 04 - 03:18 AM (#1126707)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: snake19

try for latest line up.

01 Mar 04 - 09:51 AM (#1126953)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Snuffy

Crediton Festival is definitely off this year. May be a song & ale but I haven't heard anything definite

01 Mar 04 - 10:50 AM (#1126996)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Dave Earl

Hello everybody.

I have finally got myself back onto Mudcat.

Had a great time at the reunion. See you all in August.

We will have the rest of the "Pottry Tankards" then.

Luv 'n Stuff

01 Mar 04 - 11:07 AM (#1127008)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Morticia

Hi Dave, good to see you and Elizabeth on here,


17 Nov 04 - 03:19 PM (#1330262)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion

17 Nov 04 - 03:43 PM (#1330291)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Herga Kitty

I don't know who Guest was, but the next reunion will be 18-20 Feb 2005.


17 Nov 04 - 06:53 PM (#1330480)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion

So what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Sidmouth will be a disaster next year so why bother with a reunion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

17 Nov 04 - 07:06 PM (#1330491)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Morticia

How very negative , Guest.......seems to me you can't have ever been to an MBS reunion or you wouldn't be feeling like that.To me it's one of the best events on my folk calendar.

17 Nov 04 - 07:29 PM (#1330514)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Snuffy

Why not arrange a Disaster Prophesiers' Reunion somewhere else at the same time to teach those nasty Sidmouth traders a lesson? That should bring them to their senses.

17 Nov 04 - 07:35 PM (#1330521)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Tattie Bogle

Just realised, it's NOT a rugby International weekend in 2005, so might be able to persuade my other half to come down and see his Mum and Dad and I could come singing all weekend! And now you can fly from Edinburgh for less than the real cost of bringing the car down and save yourself a lot of frustration on the M6 and M5.
To Guest, Id say, I've never been to a reunion but I know the MBS in August are bl**dy good, and if only 50% of them come it will be an amazing time so shut yer face (except to sing if you can) and try it!

17 Nov 04 - 10:21 PM (#1330659)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Cllr

I wannna be there I have a course I can't get out of WWWWWWWWWWWhhhhhhhhA.
The singing is better than during the festival its the best I hae ever been too WaAAAAAAAAAHHAAAA. I will have to shoot someone.

oh guest btw hahaaaaahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaha can't dignify it with anything else...

18 Nov 04 - 02:54 AM (#1330820)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: MBSLynne

Guest...did you refresh this thread just to be unpleasant? Actually the Middle Bar Reunion has very little to do with the actual Sidmouth festival, though of course it wouldn't exist if the festival had never been. The Reunion is now a folk event in it's own right, which takes place in one pub and impinges hardly at all on the rest of Sidmouth or Sidmouth festival. YOU may think Sidmouth 2005 is going to be rubbish...we will make sure it isn't. And the reunion is going to be GREAT as usual!! My advice to you if you think that, is "Don't go to the reunion. Don't go to Sidmouth 2005, but let the rest of us get on and enjoy our festivals as we always do."

The only point I can see anyone having in making an anonymous posting of this nature, is to try and undermine the festival...again. So I wonder who GUEST could possibly be?????

18 Nov 04 - 04:04 AM (#1330860)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Scooby Doo

The MBS sessions when i was involved was brilliant,they are and still a great bunch of mates who come together for a sing and to meet each other just as we do on here.Whoever "Guest" you obviously have never been to a reunion so you do not know what we are talking about,so go back and curl under the stone you just come out from and leave us middle bar singers alone to enjoy ourselves.

18 Nov 04 - 04:25 AM (#1330876)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Cllr

Middle bar singers is an anagram for Balding Red Misers

18 Nov 04 - 06:51 AM (#1330935)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: GUEST,Blowz at work

Possibly unlikely but there is always the possibility that the thread was accidentally resurrected by someone idly reading it and then pushing a wrong button, isn't there?

(It wasn't me but I have accidentally posted before I was ready to, on a couple of previous occasions!)

18 Nov 04 - 08:10 AM (#1330980)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: My guru always said

Also possible that the GUEST who resurrected this thread (thanks!) isn't the same GUEST pouring scorn on MBS.

Personally I really enjoy MBS whether at a Festival, a Reunion or just MBS meeting & singing elsewhere. May we always have music!!

18 Nov 04 - 08:11 AM (#1330981)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: MBSLynne

Ok..that would explain the first GUEST post with no text, but why would GUEST (if it was the same one) then want to go on and say what he/she did? Unnecessary I think.

18 Nov 04 - 04:47 PM (#1331510)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Herga Kitty


It would be great if you could make it to the reunion next February - Gilly Hewitt flew down last February.

Anybody know if the Radway Musicians reunion is the same weekend as MBS?


19 Nov 04 - 04:13 PM (#1332720)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: Cats

We'll be there..

19 Nov 04 - 09:16 PM (#1333037)
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
From: GUEST,The Burnley Cloggies

We've spent many a happy hour enjoying the middle bar singers. While we sadly won't be returning to Sidmouth in August we wish the Middle Bar Reunion every success in February. If the roads aren't too icy we might just make the long journey south to see old Sidmouth friends for one last time.