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Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts

15 Jan 04 - 09:12 PM (#1093764)
Subject: BS: Kat's Sparky needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

Some of you may remember my dad, Sparky, and maybe have his tape of Cow Songs. He's going to be 87 this May and until earlier this past year, was still driving 60 miles round trip once or twice per week to "entertain the old folks" in nursing homes.

Yesterday, when I had my weekly chat with him, he said his "waterworks" were plugged up and that the specialist whom he was to see, today, would probably be able to fix things.

His wife just called me this evening. She said the urologist said there is not much to be done because of age (surgery is out) so he'll be faced with daily catheterization and more meds. for the long term, it seems. It's not cancer or anything, apparently just old plumbing.:-)

Anyway, it's really getting him down. His short-term memory is scant and he's not been in his music room to practise for the past month; the first time in memory that has happened. He has a physical therapist and home health aid coming in everyday and the physo told him today that they'd have him playing music again, soon, so hopefully he'll try to focus on that and feel better. He is talking a lot about checking out and we've talked about it, in the past, and he knows that's okay, but his wife and docs don't think it's in the cards, right now, at least.

So, my thought was if his Mudcat friends would like to post some good thoughts/messages, I'd print them off and send them over or take them over, whichever comes first and maybe that would help cheer him up and to feel better. He's always appreciated your messages so much as I have, too.

Thanks so much,


15 Jan 04 - 09:18 PM (#1093771)
Subject: RE: BS: Kat's Sparky needs some good thoughts
From: magician

I will do what I can under the cicumstances and from this distance. I have just discovered that it is possible to recover with help.

Thinking of you,


15 Jan 04 - 09:22 PM (#1093774)
Subject: RE: BS: Kat's Sparky needs some good thoughts
From: Ebbie

Blessings on him- and on you, kat.

Have they thought of simply leaving a catheter in, with a catch bag? It's not painful and far less invasive than repeated insertions. One can walk around with it too. Infection from either method is a possibility that has to be guarded against.

Tell him that you have made a lot of friends for him on the Mudcat! Many of us will be thinking about him and bathing him with light.

15 Jan 04 - 10:32 PM (#1093819)
Subject: RE: BS: Kat's Sparky needs some good thoughts
From: Amos

Well, I love his songs, and I am cheering him on. If he wants to check out, I reckon he will, but if he has a few songs left in him to play, I would love to know he is making them happen.


16 Jan 04 - 07:50 AM (#1094035)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Morticia

Well, Sparky, your tape is one of my most treasured of 'Catter's music and I am so sorry this crap stuff is happening to you, but I would really appreciate another tape one of these days, so could you hang on in there, please?

Thinking strong, positive, soothing thoughts from over the pond,

much love


16 Jan 04 - 08:56 AM (#1094080)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: GUEST,The Manager

Dear sir,

I wish to appologise for the inconvineiance that you have suffered due to the problems with the plumbing at our Hotel. Let me assure you that we are doing everything possible to make repairs but as you can imagine, with such a beautiful old building we sometimes have to work round a problem in order to get to a solution. Can I please assure you that we have absolutely no intention of asking you to "check out" and move on and that we hope you will be a much valued guest here for a long long time.

yours sincerely

The Manager

16 Jan 04 - 09:13 AM (#1094089)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: artbrooks

Best of luck to him. An occupational therapy consult might be who has music of his/her own (like my wife, Jenn) would probably have some suggestions.

16 Jan 04 - 10:31 AM (#1094150)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Partridge

Thinking good positive thoughts for your Dad Kat and sending some in your direction too. Take care,


Pat xx

16 Jan 04 - 11:24 AM (#1094199)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Steve Parkes

Dads are precious: they need a lot of love. (Sounds like Sparky has his fair share already!) My dad's only in his 70s (as is Mom), but is beginning to show signs of wear and tear, so I know it's important to keep the Good Vibes going for him. Who was it said "youth is wasted on the young"? They were right -- we should keep some back for when we're old enough to apreciate it!


16 Jan 04 - 11:28 AM (#1094206)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

Thank you're making me cry, but it's good tears of gratitude all wrapped up a bunch of other emotions. I love my dad so much.

The passed go and went straight to my heart.


16 Jan 04 - 11:34 AM (#1094210)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Sorcha

Come on Sparky, you know it ain't time......gotta go play for the old folks some're like fine wine, you aren't old, just well aged.

16 Jan 04 - 11:47 AM (#1094223)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Jeanie

Good thoughts zooming your way, Sparky, from over here in England.

- jeanie x

16 Jan 04 - 12:21 PM (#1094236)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Tinker

I've got a rambling big ol' house. In fact, some Mudcatters have best described it as funky. Amongst it's charms is a wonderful woodburning stove in the front foyer that the insurance agents made us disconnect when the previous owners couldn't produce the papers proving it was installed to code 25 yeras before. Now you could argue that it's just an aged out shell with no purpose left, but you'd be wrong. It's still the hearth. When you open its doors, it now holds a dragon of burnished red metal who holds the flame on his tounge, in his heart, in his belly, and at his source. He's burning now and even though he no longer provides the burning flames that blast one from the room with heat, he provides a centering steady burn guide us through.   today he flames for his namesake. Tend the flame Sparky, and let it guide you, as long as the embers are burning, tend, rekindle, and fuel....

Blessings and Light


PS Kat I'll send you a picture when my dial up connection stops jumping on and off from the cold.

16 Jan 04 - 02:23 PM (#1094342)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Walking Eagle


Already your name tells me a lot about you. You have spunk and spark! You have to hang around a bit to pass the music talent along to your great grandchild. Heaven knows that his grandmother doesn't have any! *BG*. So, I officially hereby charge you with the job of being the great grandfather music talent passer on. See that you do your job properly, great grand!

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{BIG Cherokee bear hug goin' to ya}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}


16 Jan 04 - 04:29 PM (#1094412)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: RoyH (Burl)

Dear Kat's Dad, I'm sure that anyone who has earned the name Sparky is not going to be knocked down by waterworks problems. You'll come through I know, and you'll be getting those 'old folks' dancing in the aisles and singing the choruses to raise the roof. Tons of good luck to you sir, from over here in the UK. Burl and Mrs Burl.

16 Jan 04 - 04:56 PM (#1094421)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: open mike

Any chance of any other copies of the cow songs tape? sounds precious..
I could trade a tape of my most recent radio show i did in December..
or the one i am going to do tomorrow...january songs to warm us up in the middle of winter...(recorded music) and food songs.....from a live radio performance i will be presenting from----moi! the name SPARKY ,
as was mentioned, has connotations of energy, vigor, and cracklin' fire!
Come a ti-yi-yipee-yippee-YO! well, gotta go practice my songs!! and I hope to hear you are doing the same, Sparky! Laurel

16 Jan 04 - 05:07 PM (#1094428)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Dear Sparky, You are a bright light for Kat and for all of us. Chin up, and try to get yourself to the music room again- I've found it the best antidote for what ails ye, although my ailments aren't physical.
Blessings on you and your loved ones!


16 Jan 04 - 05:55 PM (#1094472)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: DougR

I think I know what might get the old water works back in shape. Hit to old campaign trail for George W. Bush! Take your guitar, banjo, fiddle, or whatever along and sing some cowboy songs. Soon lots of folks will gather around to see what the old cowboy is singing and before you know it, you will have a huge crowd gathered so that George can make speech inviting their votes come this November.

Your daughter will be VERY proud of you! Hee Hee Hee!

Take care,


16 Jan 04 - 06:30 PM (#1094507)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: CarolC

Good luck to you, Sparky. Sometimes bodies just don't want to cooperate. I hope you will be able to find enjoyment in your life for as long as you live.

16 Jan 04 - 06:44 PM (#1094514)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Micca

Dear Mr Hudson, Forgive the formality of address but I would feel quite cheeky to address you as "Sparky" when I hardly know you. I felt I must write and say , hang in there, Fella, play music, sing, it is among the best medicine you can get.
You are known of, and respected in more parts of the world than you probably suspect,even though many of us only know of you through your "Cow songs" recording but we are all pulling for you and hope you will feel better in your self soon. We look forward to future recordings and to your mrmories of life in Colorado in harder times, Yours, with Respect Micca

16 Jan 04 - 08:10 PM (#1094571)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Bobert

Yo, Sparky,

First of all, ignore Doug's suggestion.

Second of all, it's okay to not wanta get in yer car and drive 60 mph to play fir other folks but it ain't okay not to play. Sp play what ya' can. Music has an amazing ability to heal. Plus, clears out yer danged head a tad... (No jokes, thank you...).

I am not one of those who has been blessed to hear yer music but would like to. Maybe you can let me know how to get a CD, 'er tape, 'er wax, 'er....

Now, go play a little music... fir yer own pleasure...



16 Jan 04 - 08:14 PM (#1094573)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Art Thieme


Sorry to hear this but you remember to tell him all about that urologist twho sings the blues. URETHRA FRANKLIN !!

Sparky, I love your tape of cowboy songs--but you know that. I thought it was as good as so many of the Library Of Congress colllected cowboy songs. Matter of fact, I'm gonna send a copy of it to Joe Hickerson--now retired from the Folklife Center there. (I'll only do that if it's o.k. with you.) I know Joe will enjoy it and make sure it's archived there with all the great collections of lore and music.

Another thing to keep in mind is that back a few years nobody had catheters. But BEN FRANKLIN, knowing the old adage, "Necessity is the mother of strange bedfellows", when he had troubles like yours and mine, he improvised and used the hollow quill of a porcupine.
Remember, Surgilube is cheaper than K-Y. Pretty much the generic brand that doctors use.) Yes, I know all about these things. If you guys need to talk, Kat has our phone number.((((((**BIG SMILE with hugs to boot**)))))


16 Jan 04 - 09:04 PM (#1094595)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Peace

Hello, Sparky. We have never had the pleasure of meeting you, but I can see by what your daughter says that you are a performer. I'm glad to hear that you can help keep the older ladies and lads entertained.

We understand that you have been feeling poorly of late, and we wanted to wish you a speedy recovery. Medical problems sure can get a person down, but we know that musicians always bounce back. We will keep you in out prayers, Sparky, and someday we hope to hear you sing in person. Bless you, buddy.

A gang of us in Alberta, Canada.

16 Jan 04 - 09:46 PM (#1094607)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Mark Clark

Kat, I'm sure sorry to hear this news. He'll get every good thought I can muster… well I may save a few for you too.

      - Mark

16 Jan 04 - 11:25 PM (#1094651)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: karen k

My thoughts are with you for a speedy recovery. Your tape is a favorite. Hope you will be back making music soon.

17 Jan 04 - 12:26 AM (#1094679)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: wysiwyg

Sparky, you made a good'un when you made Kat, and she has blessed many a life. In her and in so many other ways, you have left this world a better place than you found it. May the next world be a constant wonder and delight.


17 Jan 04 - 02:27 AM (#1094706)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Escamillo

Blessings on Sparky and his proud daughter, from this far land of the tango. Please be back to music very soon !

Un abrazo
Andrés (in Buenos Aires)

17 Jan 04 - 04:51 AM (#1094729)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: fat B****rd

All of the above and more from the fB.

17 Jan 04 - 10:19 AM (#1094830)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Sonnet

Hello Sparky,
This is just to let you know that positive thoughts for you are coming from near Sheffield, England. Kat's frequently the first to respond in times of crisis, and has shown kindness to me, although we're unlikely ever to meet.

Love, light and hugs,

Jay McS

17 Jan 04 - 10:54 AM (#1094849)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Peg

Sounds like your Dad has a good support system! I hope he can remain positive in the face of this challenge. There are some Chinese herbal treatments that strengthen the kidney and bladder and these tend to work subtly but effectively within a few days...might make him feel a bit better. (Like vitamins or herbal supplements, but they each have a combnation of herbs) I can get the herbs or treatments in Chinatown, let me know if you're interested.
Best wishes to Sparky.

17 Jan 04 - 11:47 AM (#1094877)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Hey, Sparky!

We're sending prayers out to you that you will remember how much you still have to GIVE. I'd fix you up with my Mother if you were closer to her. But, you're kinda young for her. She's going to be 97. She's finally going to have to give in and use a wheel chair to get around because her legs are getting too weak. But, that won't stop her from trying to do things for others. Today, the Men's Chorus I sing with is singing at the 101st birthday of a member of our church.
She keeps busy by feeding those in the nursing home who don't have the strength in their hands to feed themselves any more.

You got yourself quite a daughter, you know...

Jerry and Ruth

17 Jan 04 - 01:24 PM (#1094938)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts

When my kitty Fred had your problem, he occasionally surprised the vet with a healthy flow - just to let him know who was boss. Feel free to do the same.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prasyers. Kat is already there. Your daughter is very special to me.

17 Jan 04 - 05:08 PM (#1095067)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Hollowfox

Well, sir, I haven't had the honor to meet you, but your daughter has made an awfully good impression on me, as well as a lot of other folks. Seems to me that anybody who can raise such a classy young'un must be an all right sort of fellow.
I've heard that you could use a bit of a pick me up, so when I get home from work tonight, I'm going to fire up one of my genuine purebred midwest @#$%-reduction candles to help the project along. Love, Mary

17 Jan 04 - 06:16 PM (#1095116)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: alanabit

Another thumbs up from over here in Germany. Hope to hear you'll be back and at it again soon.

18 Jan 04 - 09:34 AM (#1095463)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

You all mean the world to me, thanks so much. I will be printing this out for Dad, today, and send it out, tomorrow. He will be touched and the tears will spring to his eyes as they do mine, at your kinddess and caring. You are all truly reflections of what you give so freely and lovingly.


18 Jan 04 - 11:23 AM (#1095534)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Art Thieme

And Kat,

Thanks for the $50.00 ;-)



18 Jan 04 - 12:01 PM (#1095550)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

LOL, you're most welcome, Art. Next time, how 'bout a hunnerd?

18 Jan 04 - 02:25 PM (#1095656)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: open mike

last night i visited my 92 year old fiddler friend in the hospital and sang a played a few songs for him. I was sending them out to Sparky too.
Luckily every time i do such a thing, others in the bldg get to hear it too--sharing music is a joy...both in the sending and receiving...glad
to hear that others are into it too! hang in there, and wishing you all the best! Laurel

18 Jan 04 - 03:33 PM (#1095699)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Mudlark

Ah, the aging body humbles us all. Thank God we have the wisdom to know that the body is the least of what we are. Best thoughts and wishes to you, you've clearly made a lot of people very happy with your music, with your selflessness and caring, with your being. I hope to hear you are back in that music room soon.   nancy

18 Jan 04 - 04:51 PM (#1095733)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: KT

Sparky, though we've not met, I have to say, you're an inspiration! It brings me joy to think of the many, many people you've touched with your music. From igniting kat's love of music, to sharing music with the seniors, bringing to them, great joy and healing, to the many, many folks with unknown faces who've heard your recorded music.....You've touched so many with your gift!   Take what time you need to rest a bit, then make some more music, and take what healing you can from it for yourself. Lots of good thoughts and prayers are being sent out there for ya, Sparky.   And when you feel up to it, jot us a note and tell us how you got the name Sparky!   All the best to you, KT

Hey kat, how 'bout telling us where to find some of these cow songs?

18 Jan 04 - 04:55 PM (#1095737)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Rustic Rebel

Dear Mr. Sparky,
I am wishing you a speedy recovery so you can get yourself back out into the music scene and put some "spark" into those folks you play for.
Love, Rustic

18 Jan 04 - 11:27 PM (#1095985)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

I don't have the words to express my gratitude to you, each and every one. KT, the cow songs are on a homemade 4-track tape my dad did and I will gladly send one to you; you also, Laurel. If anyone else would like one, please let me know. You can read about it and the track list HERE. IT may take me awhile. We just moved my office from one end of the house to the other and I am not sure where everything is, yet!

Thank you all, very much,


19 Jan 04 - 01:42 AM (#1096038)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts

Thanks, kat! I'd love a copy!! Don't worry about sending it right away! Whenever you can get to it is fine!!   KT

19 Jan 04 - 08:53 AM (#1096178)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: artbrooks

I couldn't get that to work...try this link.

19 Jan 04 - 12:16 PM (#1096346)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: JenEllen

I'm sorry to have missed this. If it can't be in print, at least pass along love from me and the wondermutt, eh? (He's got a four-legged fan)~JE

19 Jan 04 - 04:53 PM (#1096538)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

Well, I just called Dad and tol dhim about you all and your well-wishes. He sounded weak, but lucid and was moved to tears just knowing that you all are beaming good stuff his way and singing songs for him. I have just edited out all of the html stuff and am printing this out for this afternoon's mail. Thanks, again, so much. I'll keep you posted.

Oh, forgot to say: he got his nickname from making his living as one of the best damn oilfield welders there ever was!**bg** Ebbie and KT, he even worked up on Amchitka and loved the people on Alaska Airlines and in general. I still have a paper placemat from them which he brought to me from one trip.


19 Jan 04 - 05:56 PM (#1096585)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Mickey191

For Kat's Dad Sparky,
Sending you all my best wishes for recovery & a quick return to the music room and the seniors who share your love of music.Kat,hang in there kiddo.Mickey191

19 Jan 04 - 06:21 PM (#1096602)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: catspaw49

Well now don't this really stink? I mean like I don't hang around and look what happens?

So Spark, ya' got plumbing problems huh? I ain't the guy to talk to about it. The plumbing in my house is a disaster so you don't need me working on yours. Now my plumbing works just fine, it's just that it's an amalgamation of various types of piping, including a few automotive parts thrown when I couldn't figure out a better way to fix something!

So here's what I can do for you.......I'll promise just to send some good thoughts your way and not try to fix you up with any auto parts if you'll promise to do what the doctor says and get better. Deal?

BTW, my Cockatiel has an infection that's also caused some plumbing problems for him. Turns out his whizz is dry! I didn't know you could do that and it sounds pretty painful. Anyway we found him on the floor of his cage and managed to get him to the Birdie ICU on time. He's on the mend now and gets released on Wednesday. You need to be encouraged by this because if they can fix a bird with dry whizz, you oughta' be a piece of cake.

Get Well and Beat Your Daughter,


19 Jan 04 - 08:46 PM (#1096697)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Alba

Sparky, I am Thinking of you. I have heard so much about you and you sound so wonderful. You have so much more to share with us so don't leave the Music room empty for too long now ya hear!
You have given me a great Friend in your Daughter and I suspect that she got her very Kind Heart and Love of Music from you.
If you need ANYTHING just ask....Kat can pass it on to me.
You are and will continue to be in my Thoughts.
Blessings, Light and Love.

26 Jan 04 - 09:04 PM (#1102152)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

Thanks, again, to all of you. I just spoke with dad. He received your messages, today, in the mail and was really so pleased and grateful. He just thinks the world of all of you.

He sounded a tiny bit stronger, and said he felt better than yesterday, but his wife said he's much the same. He will see the urologist again this Thursday.

His mental attitude sounded better, though. We both agreed it'd be pretty rotten to have to stick around with it being this way, but that he feels he will get well enough to put up with the indignities and not feel so awful while doing so.:-)

Please keep him in your thoughts and thank you,


27 Jan 04 - 09:52 AM (#1102507)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Allan C.

Sparky, just find yourself an Englishman. He'll be sure to take the piss out of you.

27 Jan 04 - 11:31 AM (#1102606)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: moocowpoo

My thoughts to you, for good days to come and to just let you know that people who have never even met you are concerned and wishing for your health and happiness. m

12 Feb 04 - 11:49 AM (#1114929)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

Thanks again to you all. I have good news. Dad is doing much better and sounds like his old self!! Still slow going and a lot of rest, but at least he is coherent and taking the initiative to call, etc. He loves you Mudcatters almost as much as I.


12 Feb 04 - 11:52 AM (#1114931)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: GUEST,MMario

Good news!

I have to admit - I feel guilty reading threads like this - since my folks are still tootling around the country (and other countries!) 8 or 9 months of the year.

12 Feb 04 - 11:52 AM (#1114932)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Giac

Way to go, Sparky!! Best to you, I still enjoy your tapes very much and listen to them often.


12 Feb 04 - 11:54 AM (#1114933)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Jeanie

Great news, Kat. Here's some more good thoughts zooming across from England...zooooom.......zooooom......

With Love,
- jeanie

12 Feb 04 - 11:55 AM (#1114935)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Catherine Jayne

Great News Kat give him our best!


12 Feb 04 - 01:01 PM (#1114980)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Morticia

I knew the darling wouldn't let us down.....big hugs to Sparky and to you news I've had for a fortnight!

15 Mar 04 - 05:13 PM (#1137390)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Amos

'Ow's the ol' dodger now, then??


15 Mar 04 - 06:29 PM (#1137463)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts

Good news,kat. Give him a hug for me.

15 Mar 04 - 09:35 PM (#1137591)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

Thanks for asking. I just spoke to him, tonight, and he is doing much better. His wife even said he was getting stronger and doing better.

Thanks to all for your kind thoughts and prayers and messages. He was "chuffed" beyond belief to read them all.


15 Mar 04 - 09:42 PM (#1137595)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Bobert

Well, go Sparky, go......


16 Mar 04 - 12:47 AM (#1137696)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Peace

Fantastic news, Sparky. Loved to hear it. I guess you know by now how much we all like your daughter. If you're half as sweet as her, you're more than alright with me. Great, great news. Always did like a fighter.

Bruce in Alberta

16 Mar 04 - 05:52 AM (#1137837)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Yay, Sparky!

13 Jul 04 - 10:51 PM (#1225059)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

It seems the time has come to ask you all, those of you who care to, to pray/meditate/etc. for my dad, Sparky. This will be the final time, I think. At 87, he has been gradually losing ground; hasn't played any instruments since January; hasn't been to town in almost as long; and, hasn't been outside in two weeks.

We went to see him about a week and a half ago and he's lost a lot of weight. Short-term memory is not as good as it had been and he spends most of his time sleeping in his recliner with his faithful Jack Russell along side of him, in the chair, of course; his little "Jackie-O." His wife also says he just isn't eating and has lost more weight since we were there.

This is so hard. I love him so much. I'd appreciate anything you all would care to send to him and his wife, Sylvia. I've never seen eye-to-eye with her, but she's taking good care of him and that is all we can ask, imo.

Over the years you all have brought him so much joy and helped with song lyrics. It did his heart good to know there were so many who cared about the old songs and enjoyed his self-recording of Cow Songs. Thank you so very much.

I will be giving thanks that he either heals up quickly and gets better or he passes quickly and with ease; that or something better for the highest good of all concerned.

Thanks for listening and for any and all support.


14 Jul 04 - 12:16 AM (#1225093)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Billy the Bus

Kat - I'm with you and Sparky... Nuf said

LOL - Sam

14 Jul 04 - 04:17 AM (#1225149)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Morticia

oh Kat, I'm so sorry......I will be thinking of you and your dad and sending my best healing thoughts over the water to you both.

14 Jul 04 - 06:15 AM (#1225214)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: RoyH (Burl)

Loving thoughts and prayers from Mrs Burl and me.

14 Jul 04 - 06:22 AM (#1225216)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: jacqui.c

Good thoughts coming from here as well, for all of you.

14 Jul 04 - 06:45 AM (#1225224)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Light and love and healing prayers- whatever form the healing may take-
wafting over Sparky and you, too, my dear.


14 Jul 04 - 08:27 AM (#1225266)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Big Mick

I'm here, sweetie. The great circle continues to turn, and glory be that it does. But these times certainly try our beliefs. Be close, and help him along. Don't worry, his voice will always be with you, just as those that care about you are now.

All the best,


14 Jul 04 - 08:32 AM (#1225267)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Bert

Lots of love and good thoughts are on the way.

Bert & Tree.

14 Jul 04 - 08:33 AM (#1225268)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: GUEST,MMario


Wish they weren't virtual - but hope you can feel them anyway.

14 Jul 04 - 09:00 AM (#1225276)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: wysiwyg

Aw. Breathing love.


14 Jul 04 - 09:40 AM (#1225293)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: jeffp

Hugs and prayers.


14 Jul 04 - 09:46 AM (#1225294)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Áine

Hey there, Sparky,

I'm so sorry to hear that you're ailing. You're an inspiration to a lot of us here at the Mudcat, and I hope that you don't let that ol' plumbin' problem get you down. You have a great family that really loves you, whether you pee standing up, sitting down or standing on your head -- so what the hey!

Keep those spirits up and keep the music going -- they do kinda work together, don't they. ;-)

Big hugs and good thoughts to ya, Áine

14 Jul 04 - 01:12 PM (#1225362)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Escamillo

That's what he is, INSPIRATION for us. Many of us know Sparky through the loving words of his daughter Kat. That's also a good way to be known. Our prayers are with you and your family, Sparky.

Un abrazo,
(I've lost my mother Ester (83) on June 28. She had spread her love to all of us and others, for so many years, and she will be with us forever)

14 Jul 04 - 01:49 PM (#1225374)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Jeri

Kat, I understand this somewhat. Know that through all those arguments and any things you feel you could have done better, he's loved you and known you loved and love him. My mom and I used to joke about that sort of thing: "You remember how mad you got when you wanted to go to Woodstock, and I said 'no'?" Write down the memories, sing the songs, look at the pictures, and talk to him when you can. Remind him there's a whole bunch of folks out in the world who know about him because of you, and care about him and his little girl.


14 Jul 04 - 02:08 PM (#1225387)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Mark Clark

Kat, I'm sure sorry to hear this. I'll keep him my thoughts and prayers.

      - Mark

14 Jul 04 - 02:20 PM (#1225399)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Stilly River Sage

I'm sorry, Kat--this is a hard time for your father and the rest of the family. You don't mention any medical attention--I hope that his medical caregivers have the compassion to not make this time a misery of needles and such, unless there is a true cure at hand. My mother finally rebelled against it all and refused food and medication except for pain. She wanted to go in peace, and I hope for your father when the time comes that he also has peace.


14 Jul 04 - 03:24 PM (#1225461)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Metchosin

My heart goes out to both you and your dad, kat. We are going through a similar process with my Mum right now too.
Warmest regards,

14 Jul 04 - 05:37 PM (#1225568)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Bobert

Warm thoughts from this Wes Ginny holler.


14 Jul 04 - 06:15 PM (#1225600)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Amergin

Well hell katdarling, you know you're not suppose to be giving us bad news like this...and your dad knows he's not suppose to get tell him that he's suppose to get better again so he can live to an old age. anyways I'll keep him in my thoughts...and you take care of yourself too.

14 Jul 04 - 06:16 PM (#1225601)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Joybell

Kat and Mr Sparky, My thoughts too from across the ocean. Sorry I missed your thread earlier on Kat. My Dad died when I was 10, nearly 50 years ago, but I still remember his singing. Please give my love to your Dad Kat and keep some for yourself. Joy

14 Jul 04 - 06:21 PM (#1225607)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts

Miss kitty,
How hard it must be for you to let him go. You are both in my prayers. Stay strong, love.

14 Jul 04 - 07:05 PM (#1225630)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: open mike

i am singing a cow boy song here to lift your spirits!
yipee ti yi yo...sometimes life is a hard row to hoe...
there's too much holdin' on and not enough lettin' go
i won't look at hobbles and I can't stand fences...
the smell of pin~on smoke, the wind kickin' up a dust
devil or two, and the freedoem of the wide open spaces,
the sun shine etches lines upon our faces..
the milky way and the coyote's howl
and on the high ridges the panther does prowl
the mustang herd thunders across the plain
life is so real with joy,m grief and pain,
maybe this life is not the best
but oh, aren't we lucky to live in the west!

14 Jul 04 - 09:20 PM (#1225704)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: CarolC

My best thoughts and wishes go to your dad, katlaughing, and to you and the rest of your family.

So sorry to hear about the loss of your mother, Andrés. My best thoughts and wishes go to you and your family as well.

15 Jul 04 - 01:53 AM (#1225800)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: wilbyhillbilly

Hey, come on Sparky, I'm waiting to clean up your NEXT tape, so get on in there to the music room.


Kat, our thoughts and prayers are with you.

15 Jul 04 - 02:14 AM (#1225806)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: JennyO

Surrounding you both with {{{{{{{{{{{{{{love and light}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}


15 Jul 04 - 11:26 PM (#1226660)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: CapriUni



16 Jul 04 - 07:43 PM (#1227335)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts

My dear sister, What wonderful words and thoughts these people have for you and Dad. I wish him love and peace. And for you, remember all the great memories of him that you can. Love ya, bet

17 Jul 04 - 02:47 PM (#1227766)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Sonnet

Kat - picturing you all in a circle of love, light and protection.


Jay and Chris McS

17 Jul 04 - 05:12 PM (#1227843)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: bet

Hum, wonder why I came up as a guest? bet

17 Jul 04 - 05:42 PM (#1227856)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

I was wondering that, too, Sister Dear? Maybe you were on your daughter's pc, instead? Anyway, it's nice to see you here and your beautiful words made me cry, as do most of the postings in here. I often print them out and send them to Dad. I don't know if I will this time, but I'll surely tell him about them over the phone.

Folks, whatever you are doing is helping. His bladder is still old and falling to pieces, but right after I asked for your help, he called me, bright and early the next day, to ask if there was something I wanted to say to him on the phone, the night before, but hadn't had a chance to say! Pretty good moment of short-term memory there.

We talked about him maybe walking on the the other side which he is not doing and that he knows he doesn't have to hang around for any of us. He said, though, he is getting a lot of good out of his dog, cat, and wife and as long as he can get around, even if it's just in the house with a cane, he wants to be here. He said if he ever gets like some "poor bastards" he's seen in nursing homes, bed-ridden, then he wouldn't want to be here.

Your words have gone to my heart and dad's and I am gratefull. Thanks, so much,


18 Jul 04 - 06:03 AM (#1228081)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Flash Company

Hi kat!
Sounds like he has maybe turned an important corner, glad about that, I was getting worried for you.
Tell him that there is an event coming up in Huddersfield, Yorks called Sing Live which in the local paper declares that singers have to be at least 116 years old to take part! (There is no upper age limit!)
I expect to see him there in about 29 years time. Unfortunately I'll still be 20 years to young to take part myself!

LOL to you both


18 Jul 04 - 10:09 AM (#1228154)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Bert

I was just reading the Comfort food thread and got to wondering. Is there anything that your Dad would like that us Mudcatters could make and send him?

18 Jul 04 - 02:02 PM (#1228269)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Mudlark

Love and all good wishes to you both. Sounds like you are both approaching this with grace and a remarkable go-with-the flow attitude, a tribute and an inspiration.

19 Jul 04 - 12:14 PM (#1229036)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Ebbie

Jeri said: "Remind him there's a whole bunch of folks out in the world who know about him because of you, and care about him and his little girl." Thanks for that, kat.

Buddy Tabor recently wrote a song about "wild, running horses" that sings a cowboy's last request. The imagery is wonderful and from the first time I heard it, it has made me think of Sparky. Shows you that you don't have to have met someone in order to know them!

19 Jul 04 - 03:44 PM (#1229182)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: TheBigPinkLad

Ask him for advise. That'll cheer him up.

19 Jul 04 - 03:45 PM (#1229184)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: TheBigPinkLad

Oh ... and tell him I got the 100th post which cheered me up. Thanks Sparky!

19 Jul 04 - 07:04 PM (#1229347)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: GUEST,winterbright

Kat, love to you and best to your dad. White light is boundless.

19 Jul 04 - 07:11 PM (#1229355)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

...and let him know that I included "some of his cowboy ballads" on my short list of favorite ballads in the recent thread here asking for folks' fav trad ballads.

And love to you both, Ms. Kat.


19 Jul 04 - 10:09 PM (#1229488)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts

Remind your father that he should be proud, for the obviously excellent (judging from your posts anyway) daughter he raised. For those of us fortunate enough to be parents, there is no better legacy to leave.

19 Jul 04 - 10:10 PM (#1229490)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: GUEST,Augie

Sorry about the unsigned post-geez I hate those

21 Jul 04 - 03:32 PM (#1230831)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Bert

How is Sparky doing? We can't let this thread drop down too far 'cos we have to let him know we are still thinking of him.

22 Jul 04 - 12:09 PM (#1231441)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Bert

Hey Sparky Lad, we still love you!

22 Jul 04 - 08:02 PM (#1231768)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

Thanks, so much, Bert. Sorry I didn't answer earlier. I hadn't talked to him or his wife until just now, this week.

He seems to be holding his own; having very clear moments, some confusion, lots of sleep. He watches the news and can turn the air blue with what he thinks of the currrent Resident et alia; then ask me to get a copy of H. Rider Haggard's "She", so that he can read it, because "it's very popular right now." He read it years ago, of course, but all in all, he seems to be doing fairly well that way.

Physically, he has a full-time catheter, has to walk with a cane, very slowly, and is still cooped up in the house, but as he said earlier, he's still getting a lot of pleasure out of his dog, cat, and wife. Thank the gawds and gawdesses for the critters...he'd be all alone in the mornings if it weren't for them.

He thinks the world of you all and said to say-so when next I posted. He gets a little teary when I tell him about your words, all of you, and how far-flung are those who know of him and have heard his songs. It touches his heart and I believe it helps him, immensely, to carry-on.

I've been struck with inconsolable crying a couple of nights in a row, now. Don't have any idea why; can't think of anyone I might've picked up vibes from, but I do suspect, it probably has a lot to do, subconsciously, with the thought of his passing and the knowledge of you all and your infinite kindness to us all. Thanks dear friends, from Dad and myself.


22 Jul 04 - 08:32 PM (#1231809)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: catspaw49

It's a tough time katmyluv, but I will hold an even bigger part of my heart open to you with the best thoughts yours for an easy transition as Sparky travels the road.

Much love,


23 Jul 04 - 12:27 AM (#1231921)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Ebbie

You know, kat, since we all do travel that same road eventually (although I personally am not yet sure that I'm going to:), it's a great comfort for the ones who are having to let their loved one go to know that the traveler has chosen the gradual, releasing-the-fingers-bit-by-bit route. Given the choice, animals do that and I think that we can learn a lot from them. To sleep more and more and get all drifty- hey, that's not so bad.

So, yes, cry, get it out- and then when you can't possibly cry anymore, discover that there are yet more tears, and will be for a long time to come.

I still cry sometimes at some losses (including dogs!), no matter how long ago- and I don't cry easily. However, I did learn eventually not to choke back the tears- that lump in the throat is mighty hard to swallow.


23 Jul 04 - 12:41 AM (#1231925)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Mudlark

Dear Kat...anyone worth loving is worth crying over...all dads are special, and yours maybe more than most. Loss is a part of life, but that doesn't make it any easier. But holding it back surely makes it worse. Hang in there, and I hope that Sparky has lots of good times left...good daughters, good wife, good animal companions...that's a lot to live for.

20 Aug 04 - 08:01 PM (#1252576)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

Dear Friends,

Just an update: Dad's quality of life is going downhill with congestive heart failure and all of it attendant problems. I cannot say all that I would, at the moment, except that I'd like to give thanks for an end to his discomfort and suffering.

Thanks, so much,


20 Aug 04 - 08:14 PM (#1252582)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts

I will pray for that, kat. You have had a rough summer. Take care.

20 Aug 04 - 08:27 PM (#1252594)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Bobert

(((((((((((((((Prayers from Wes Ginny & Hugs, too)))))))))))))))

20 Aug 04 - 08:35 PM (#1252601)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Bill D

we don't wish an end, but we don't wish misery and sadness either. He has done pretty durn well for 87 years, and there would be relief at knowing he AND you didn't have to cope every day.

hoping that it all works out reasonably and comfortably...

20 Aug 04 - 08:43 PM (#1252606)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Stilly River Sage

Best wishes to all of you.


20 Aug 04 - 08:56 PM (#1252613)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Amos

He'll make his decision and take his own step past the point of return some time; until then, you do what you can to let him know it is okay, to comfort, and if nothing better is possible, just to sympathize. He knows you.


20 Aug 04 - 09:06 PM (#1252616)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Mary in Kentucky

and I say what Amos said.

kat, you know this, but you'll experience depression. Just don't stay there, come back to us.

21 Aug 04 - 02:24 AM (#1252796)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Amergin

You know...your mum will come by and take him home, when it is time...just know you have friends here....who will offer their shoulders to you virtual or otherwise.

I know your dad is so happy that he has this life....esopecially after raising such wonderful kids...and grandkids. He has a family that loves him. That truly is all a person can hope for.

21 Aug 04 - 10:14 AM (#1252904)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: GUEST,JennyO

Your dad will know when he is ready to move on to the next stage - he knows you will be all right, and part of him will always be with you.

We are all here for support when you need us.

Sending {{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}} from Oz.


21 Aug 04 - 01:10 PM (#1252926)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts


We've seen several parishioners and their families through this (CHF, etc), up close, and I can tell you this-- whatever one's spiritual views may be, it's the most blessed time in a family, as it all unfolds. (I wrote about Kelts' Dillman's lassing in the Why We Sing thread once.) I think you will find the silences the fullest you've ever experienced, and all the usual family stuff that goes wrong in words can go so very right, in that silence. Even the most painful parts are so replete with joy.

I wish you all the best in this time to come... and please, take good care of yourself in it so you can be fully there during and afterwards.


21 Aug 04 - 01:15 PM (#1252930)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: GUEST,kat

Sorry, Susan, I know you mean well, but I see nothing blessed in the pain and suffering he is going through, nor that of his wife who is his principal caregiver. He and I have said all we've ever needed to, to one another and he is not the type to want nor accept what he would consider "mollycoddling" for himself, so no holding his hand, etc, even if I did live close enough to do so. I've had silence aplenty and understand what you mean, it's just not relevant in this instance, imo.

Thanks to you all,


21 Aug 04 - 02:59 PM (#1252950)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: wysiwyg

No, Kat, it isn't the pain that's blessed, of course not-- I'm sorry to have been unclear. How awful that must have sounded if that's how it struck you! It's the things that will happen on the nonverbal level (in the midst of the pain and sorrow) that I was talking about.


21 Aug 04 - 08:22 PM (#1253138)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Joybell

Thoughts and wishes from this part of OZ too, Kat and Sparky. Joy

22 Aug 04 - 12:17 PM (#1253511)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Áine

Holding all of you in our hearts. No words can ease your heartache, dear one; but hopefully some ease can be found knowing that we all are thinking of Sparky and yourself.

Big hugs to all the shoulders bearing the load.

Love you, Áine

22 Aug 04 - 01:56 PM (#1253580)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

Words still don't come...the heart just doesn't want to go there right now. This seems a good time to share some of Dad's perspective with you all. This was first posted in '99. I post it, along with Lonesome EJ's response. They seem to go together...

I believe the Earth was created simply because God abhors a vacumm and there is need of some sort of proving ground for us before better things. I think people must work and fight simply because it is the inherent struggle for truth in all things and God does not ride near as tight a rein as most religions teach; these teachings are a result of the priesthood's desire to control and prohibit the thoughts and pleasures of the population.

- "Sparky" Hudson - (my dad)

Someone once told me this.

In the beginning there was only God. But He grew tired of being all-knowing, omnipresent and all-encompassing. And so, to pass the time He played a hiding game: He hid himself in intricate disguises of his own devising. He hid himself in rocks, trees and animals. As He grew in His skills, He grew more adept at His hiding, so that by the time He had hidden Himself in the creatures known as human beings, He had a very hard time finding Himself again. And it is in this state that man lives: In constant seeking for the Divinity within himself and others.

And so Kat, I believe that little parable has a lot in common with the wise words of your Father, and I believe that he may be a little more successful in his seeking than many of us.


25 Sep 04 - 12:02 AM (#1280544)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

Well, just thought you'd all like to know that dad was well enough to call me on his own yesterday morning. That hasn't happened in quite awhile where it used to be a weekly event. He sounded stronger and said he was doing better. Of course all of the major problems still exist, but there are good days and I am grateful. I am sure they come about partly due to the caring and good thoughts of you all. I know dad sure appreciates them and is always thrilled to read your messages. So, thanks, again. I'll keep you posted, now and again,


25 Sep 04 - 12:41 AM (#1280557)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Mudlark

What good news, Kat, that your Dad is still having good days. Thanks for keeping us posted.

15 Oct 04 - 12:55 AM (#1297544)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

Just an update...ol' Sparky could use some extra thoughts today, that is Friday, the 15th. He's having a toe removed in the doc's office under local as he's been having trouble with it for some time and they think this will alleviate most of the problem. He said "a horse stepped on it and rearranged it about 70 years ago and it's never been right since."

I'll post as soon as I know how it went.

Thanks a bunch,


15 Oct 04 - 01:31 AM (#1297556)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: emjay

Every good thought for you and your dad. It has been just a few years since my dad left us, and it is still very fresh in my mind. It was a time of sharing for the family. My mother died many years ago and dad outlived two more wives after her.   We didn't want him to be alone so family was with him until the end, including a granddaughter who is a nurse and another who is a nursing assistant as well as a hospice nurse who made frequent visits. They were able to take care of his physical needs very well which helped all of us feel better, but there is no way around the truth--that he is gone and we miss him so.
How wonderful that you have recordings he made. I still think of Dad's wonderful whistling and wish we had recorded some of that.
Your love for him and his for you is so evident in the posts and it blesses your readers on Mudcat as it must bless your father and his wife.
I will especially remember him as he has the surgery. I hope it does give him the expected relief.

15 Oct 04 - 01:57 AM (#1297565)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: wilbyhillbilly

Our thoughts are with you Sparky, and some for you kat.

From across the pond,

John Beth and Danny. xx

15 Oct 04 - 03:34 AM (#1297591)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Partridge

Thinking of you and your Dad


Pat x

15 Oct 04 - 06:01 AM (#1297666)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Warm and loving thoughts


15 Oct 04 - 06:54 AM (#1297696)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Alba

With you Sparky. Hope all goes well.
You are in my Thoughts.
Love and Light and Blessings to Your good Self and to Kat and all the Family.

15 Oct 04 - 03:42 PM (#1298092)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: catspaw49

70 years huh ?   Well it's good he gets these things taken care of right away........

I thought of sending things he might use as a prosthesis but there were problems. I remembered a story of how they used a part of some guy's toe to replace his penis but I don't think it worked out as it turned him into a horny toad. A bird's head as a toe would be attractive but he might end up pidgeon toed.   Probably best and cheapest if you just give him a bag of corn chips and he can have all kinds of fritos.

You know you have our best to you myluv......


15 Oct 04 - 04:12 PM (#1298114)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Tannywheeler

'Course now he loses a malfunctioning toe as a scapegoat. But he doesn't sound like the kinda guy that uses scapegoats. Remind him how far away from his mouth and throat the toe is; he can keep singing.

Well, we're all out here in the waiting room holding your hand. You should have enough help to get him back into the car and home. How will he take to the inactivity of the recovery period? Of course, he's been through a lot of stuff (87!!), but this may be the in God uses; " the eagle, he restores the vigor of thy youth." (part of a hymn line taken from scripture.) From our mouths to God's ear.

Sparky, I'm not the 1st, won't be the last -- Thanks for the warmth and friendship kat practices so ably. Thanks for adding to the store of knowledge and MUSIC in the world -- a definite contribution to "World Peace". Keep on keepin' on.    Tw

15 Oct 04 - 04:53 PM (#1298144)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: wysiwyg

Thoughts, prayers, and sympathies, Kat. Because of our own recent loss, Sparky and you have both been much on my mind these last weeks.


15 Oct 04 - 06:18 PM (#1298202)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Stilly River Sage

My ex-father-in-law had to undergo similar surgery in his later years, due to diabetes. It's no fun losing a digit above or below. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!


15 Oct 04 - 07:54 PM (#1298256)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

Ah, you're such a grand bunch of friends. Thanks so much to you all. I've just spoken to dad's wife and he's being cantankerous, which is about par for the course when he doesn't feel up to snuff. It just means he's chomping at the bit and not wanting too much of a fuss made of him.:-) She said it went alright and they are just hoping it will take care of the problem. She said when he was having so much trouble because of infected teeth he was a LOT better once they were removed, so she thought that might be the case, this time. She went on to say, she guessed they'd just take it a piece at a time!**bg** I told he he had plenty of parts. (Spaw, when he is feeling better I WILL share your suggestions with him. They will tickle his funny bone, which thankfully is intact!)


15 Oct 04 - 08:47 PM (#1298295)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Morticia

He has all of my good both do

15 Oct 04 - 10:06 PM (#1298335)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: open mike

i hope he kicked that horse right back...
and maybe they can remove the cantancerous
part, too?
i listened tohis c.d. justthe other day
and am im a band who ;lays cowboy songs.
got to get a recording made so we can
send it to him!!
yippie ti yi yo!
as one of the members of the Weavers
said when his toe had to be amputated
because of diabetes...he wrote a song
"Ode to my Toe" with instructions about
how to compost it....and other parts
if need be...Lee Hays from the Weavers...

17 Oct 04 - 02:44 AM (#1298844)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: semi-submersible

Sending good wishes your way from the coast of British Columbia, Canada. (I remember once, while listening to a Wilf Carter record, telling my mom I'd like to travel "out West" when I grew up - and she said, "Do you know you'd have to go east from here to get there?")

        Has Sparky read Breaking Smith's Quarter Horse by Paul St. Pierre? I've a feeling you'd like it when you feel like reading. (Horse-breaking has nothing to do with the story. Neither has justice, or Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce, but it's funny how they all contribute to an ironic series of improbabilities during the annual Williams Lake Stampede. Very real characters. Humour that pulls one corner of your mouth much as Rider Haggard's sometimes does.)

        If you're interested, you could try inter-library loan, or I would be happy to try to find you a second-hand copy.

Maureen & family

17 Oct 04 - 03:42 AM (#1298867)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Metchosin

Thinking of both of you, kat, from someone with another of those horse rearranged toes, fortunately still attached.

17 Oct 04 - 06:52 AM (#1298925)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Lots of love,


10 Nov 04 - 08:34 PM (#1322935)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

For those of you who are interested and have shown such kindness, an update:

My dad has been put in hospital today. He'd had a really bad night. The visiting nurse thought he'd had a stroke, but when they checked him out, they found his heart just isn't working well. He isn't getting enough oxygen to all his parts, plus the area where they took his toe is blackened...not a good sign. If all goes well tonight, we'll know more in the morning. If, not, then he's had a very good ride. I feel blessed, either way.


10 Nov 04 - 08:39 PM (#1322938)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Holding Sparky and you in light and love, my dear one,


10 Nov 04 - 08:39 PM (#1322939)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Tinker

Blessings and comfort headed to you both Kat. You'll be held in my thoughts tonight. I'll light up my own Sparky to guide the good will.


10 Nov 04 - 08:39 PM (#1322940)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Amergin

Just want to let you know, Kat...that I'll be thinking aobut you and Sparky...I hope things go well.

10 Nov 04 - 08:41 PM (#1322942)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Bert

Love and kind thoughts from Bert & Tree.

10 Nov 04 - 08:51 PM (#1322950)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Alba

As always you are in my Heart Sparky and Kat.
Light and Love and BLESSINGS.

10 Nov 04 - 09:57 PM (#1322998)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: jacqui.c

Good thoughts coming from Maine, kat.


10 Nov 04 - 10:18 PM (#1323016)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Ebbie

Ah, luv. I'll be thinking about you both tonight. Love and peace to you all.

11 Nov 04 - 09:25 AM (#1323247)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

Thank you all, so much. He made it through the night; something I wasn't sure of when I spoke to his wife. I've spoken to him this morning. It's difficult because he doesn't hear well, but he *thinks* they are going to let him out of there, today, he got some sleep, and is feeling a little better. Of course, all of that has to be independently confirmed because he is notorious for downplaying what's going on. Will keep you posted.


12 Nov 04 - 12:39 PM (#1324711)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: McGrath of Harlow

For some reason I've missed this thread each time it made it on the the forum front page - today was the first time I opened it, and I've been reading through it.

You've got a lot of friends out here thinking about you and Sparky and what you have been going through, and are going through.

Anyway, it all got me thinking about a song that Áine wrote out in Texas, and I sang it on one of the Mudcat CD's - Mudcat CD Rose - it's got no fewer than three titles, but then it is a longish song, for a long life well lived - It's Been Quite A Ride, or The Spring I was Six or The Tornado Song

The old man in the song sounds like I imagine your Dad, kat.

12 Nov 04 - 12:55 PM (#1324735)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

Ah, thanks for that, McGrath. I KNow that song well, it's one of my favs. Dad reminds me of that old fellah, too.

Last night I spoke to his wife and things are about the same. They still aren't sure exactly what's going on, but at least he's more comfortable and not hallucinating now. They are going to start treating him for depression, I think.It just dawned on them that he might ya think? He hasn't played music in over a year! I feel like an idiot for not mentioning it to them...cripes her son-in-law is a doc...I figured they'd know, ya know? I wish I could have been a better advocate for him, but he doesn't let me know what's going on...barely let's his wife know, so I just keep telling myself, this is what he chose and I love him and he loves me. May he go in peace.

Now it sounds as though he will be in hospital for another six days, then will have to go to rehab for who knows how long. There are people there who know him as a kind musician, so he shouldn't be as lonely as at home hwn his wife is gone to work, so maybe it'll perk him up. On the other hand he misses his little Jack Russell, Ms Jackie O'! And, his kitties.

I am rambling. Thanks for lsitening ya'll. Thanks for all of the good thoughts, wishes, prayers, etc. I love you,


12 Nov 04 - 05:26 PM (#1324994)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Ebbie

Sometimes losing a firm touch with reality has a chemical basis. My mother started hallucinating at a certain point. (Cats sitting on the bedpost; her bed floating on a lake; her nurse so tall she had to bend her neck to fit under the ceiling) My Dad took her to a different doctor. Turned out she was taking seven different medications- all of them given by the same doctor -. The new doctor took her off three of them immediately and she never hallucinated again.

The best of outcomes for your dad. Still holding you all in the light.

12 Nov 04 - 09:55 PM (#1325214)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts

Ebbi, your mother's perceptions appear WONDERFUL, why would your father deprive her of such wonderful material?

12 Nov 04 - 10:36 PM (#1325250)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Ebbie

Well, Guest, it's true that she giggled a lot about them- and so did we. One time she told my brother that she and her bed were floating on the lake. My brother said, Oh, Mom, no. You're right here in your bedroom. She said, Just ask Ebbie. I splashed her!

I'm all in favor of accepting people's ways of finding comfort whether it's a doll or an ongoing story. I'm NOT in favor of acquiring them through over-medication.

Gargoyle, your spirit is a hell of a lot more lost than that of Sparky's.

12 Nov 04 - 10:47 PM (#1325264)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts

kat, I keep you and Sparky in my prayers. He will go when it is time. You stay strong and take care of yourself.

16 Nov 04 - 12:07 AM (#1328130)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: katlaughing

Would any of you who are able, over the next few days, sing him some good old songs, please, or just play them...the old dance tunes and cow songs? They are moving him to what they call "rehab" tomorrow. He is not eating and cannot move himself in bed at all. I don's know of anyone over there who would think to go play music for him, but I KNOW he would want it, if possible, so if we can all send the songs and music over the aethers to him, I know somehow he will hear them and it may ease his pain and going.

Thank you so much. (And please don't worry if I am not around much for a little while. It's quiet time for a few days, at least.)


16 Nov 04 - 12:14 AM (#1328137)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Ebbie

I've had 'Cowboy Jack' on my mind all day, kat. I'll add some others. 'There's a Gold Mine in the Sky' is one of my favorites.

Far away. Far away.
We will find it, you and I
Some sweet day
And we'll sit up there and watch the world go by
When we find that long lost gold mine in the sky.

16 Nov 04 - 12:22 AM (#1328143)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Peace

Dear Kat,

You have inherited an incredible courage from your folks, and it shows with such light and elegance here. You have so many people who love, respect and admire you. That makes you a very lucky gal. I wish the circumstances were not as they are, but your dad would truly admire your spirit. And it's evident that you admire his.


16 Nov 04 - 05:54 AM (#1328331)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

My women's chorus will be singing for Sparky tonight!


16 Nov 04 - 06:18 AM (#1328349)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Alba

Kat darlin.
A song....the very least I can do.
I am holding you both in my Heart.

You can have your ride in the crowded town!
Give me the prairies free.
Where the curlews fly and the coyotes cry,
And the heart expands 'neath the open sky:
Oh, that's the ride for me!

Blessings, Light and Love

16 Nov 04 - 06:27 AM (#1328356)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Tinker

Desert Silvery Blue Upon the pale moonlight
Coyotes yapping lazy on the plain
Sleepy days and twilight haze begin to mill
Time for lazing cattle to be still ....

Thanks Kat for knowing to give us something "real" to do. Holding you both in the light.


20 Nov 04 - 10:05 PM (#1334135)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Joybell

We've been playing Mr Sparky's "Cow Songs" since they arrived in the post from Kat. That's just the way we like songs sung. You have brought us so much pleasure Mr Sparky. We were so moved by the way you treat those wonderful old songs. Thank you Kat for sharing a wonderful Dad with us. Our thoughts are with you both. Cheery-bye from Joy and Hildebrand.

20 Nov 04 - 10:12 PM (#1334141)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Mudlark

My thoughts and my songs go out to you both. Love, Nancy

20 Nov 04 - 10:27 PM (#1334148)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: wysiwyg

"Waltz Across Texas," Sparky.


20 Nov 04 - 10:50 PM (#1334159)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Bobert

Ahhhhh, I was thinkin' Lynard Skinnard's "Give Me Two Steps" myself...

They don't call him Sparky fir nuthin'....


20 Nov 04 - 10:59 PM (#1334163)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Joybell

....Cares of the past are behind
Nowhere to go but I'll find
Just where the trail will wind....

20 Nov 04 - 11:05 PM (#1334167)
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
From: Peace

Rivers flow down to the sea,
And oceans grip the souls of men;
The love we have for those we hold
To heart, dear lass, will never end.