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Lyr Req: the Death of Blind Willie

19 Jan 04 - 05:59 AM (#1096106)
Subject: Lyr Req: the Death of Blind Willie
From: Auxiris

While doing a search recently to look for the song in the thread title, I came across an old thread that Halfpenny had started to obtain the lyrics to the same song and no one ever replied. It is apparently in Fordyce's Newcastle songbook of 1842. As there's been a lot of water under the bridge since the original post, does anyone now possess this book who could possibly spare a bit of time to post the lyrics? Thank you in advance. . .



19 Jan 04 - 02:04 PM (#1096403)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: the Death of Blind Willie
From: Little Robyn

Look for Pauline Cato and Tom McConville's CD 'By Land and Sea'.
Tom sings it there.

19 Jan 04 - 05:20 PM (#1096552)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: the Death of Blind Willie
From: Auxiris

Yes, I know the CD in question, but I really would like to see the lyrics written out, so if ANYONE has them, please please please post them!


20 Jan 04 - 07:29 AM (#1096945)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: the Death of Blind Willie
From: Auxiris

One last time. . . anyone?

20 Jan 04 - 10:42 AM (#1097120)
Subject: ADD: Blind Willie's Death
From: Brian Hoskin

Is this the song you're after:

Blind Willie's Death
(June 20, 1832)
Tune- Jemmy Joneson's Whurry

As aw was gannin' up the Side,
Aw met wi' drunken Bella;
She wrung her hands, and sair she cried,
He's gyen at last, poor fellow!
O, hinny Bella! whe is't that's gyen?
Ye gar my blood run chilly.
Wey, hinny, deeth, ahs stopt the breath
O' canny awd Blind Willie.

God keep us, Bella, is that true!
Ye shurely are mistaken?
O, no! aw've left him just a-now,
And he's as deed as bacon.
Aw tied his chaffs, and laid him out--
His flesh just like a jelly-
And sair, sair aw was put about
For canny awd Blind Willie.

Then off went aw as fast as wot,
Ti see poor Willie lyin;--
When aw gat there, maw heart was sair,
Ti see his friends a' sighin'.
Around his bed they hung their heeds,
Just like the droopin' lilly;
And aw, with them, did dee the syem
For canny awd Blind Willie.

Ne mair, said aw, we'll hear him sing,
Ne mair he'll play the fiddle;
Ne mair we'll hear him praise the king--
No! No! cried Jimmy Liddle.
The days are past--he's gyen, at last,
Beside his frind, Sir Billy,
That parish chiel', that preach'd se weel--
We'll mourn for him and Willie.

His bonny corpse crowds cam to see,
Which myed the room luik dowly;
And whe was there amang them, tee,
But noisy Yella Yowley;
She through the crowd did crush her way--
Wi' drink she seem'd quite silly--
And on her knees began to pray
For canny awd Blind Willie.

They tell'd us a' to gang away,
Which myed us varry sorry;
But Beagle Bet wad kiss his lips,
Before they did him bury.
He's burried now--he's out o' seet--
Then on his grave se hilly,
Let them that feel take their fareweel
O' canny awd Blind Willie.

I found it on this site after a quick google search.

Hope this helps

20 Jan 04 - 10:54 AM (#1097131)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: the Death of Blind Willie
From: Dave Bryant

I was beginning to wonder if "Blind Willie" was related to "The one-eyed trouser snake", but I suppose that he is partially sighted.

20 Jan 04 - 11:58 AM (#1097194)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: the Death of Blind Willie
From: Auxiris

Cheers, Brian! Thank you ever so much. . . 'tis indeed very helpful. Dave, I thought the name of the one-eyed trouser snake was spelled willy, not Willie. . .   

All the best,
