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BS: Hip Surgery Questions?

28 Jan 04 - 09:35 PM (#1103940)
Subject: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Deckman

I had total hip replacement surgery 8 weeks ago. Before surgery, "Bride Judy" and I had many questions and concerns. "Mudlark," bless her heart, had just come through the experience and she was very helpful to us.

After some talking with Mudlark, we thought we'd open this non-music thread together to see if we can be of any assistance to other catters that might be considering this surgery. If you are thinking about this procedure and you have non-medical questions ... ask away! CHEERS, Bob(deckman)Nelson

28 Jan 04 - 09:44 PM (#1103943)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Stilly River Sage

I'm glad to see you back online more, Bob!


28 Jan 04 - 11:28 PM (#1103988)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Deckman

To get this thread started, I'll go ahead and tell my story. I know that Mudlark has a busy shedule right now, but she said she'd check in at least once a day.

I'm 66 years old. I'm a deck builder, and have been a very active carpenter all my life. Some time ago, Judy says at least the eight years we've been together, my body started failing me. Doing carpentry all day is in athletic event.

Finally this Summer, I could no longer deny the pain. I also realized that I was only being productive 2 or 3 hours a day. If I wasn't self employed, I would have fired myself!

So the next step was to take a serious look at surgery. I have been blessed by having a most wonderful Doctor in my corner. Beyond being a very good physician, he also comes to our hoots and plays banjo. After the necessary tests, he agreed that it was time for surgery.

He gave me several recommendations for surgeons. I interviewed them and made my pick. I had heart bi-pass surgery six years ago, so I was not a stranger to the surgery and the recovery process.

There were several very important decisions that had to be made: what kind of hip implant, when, money, possible recovery time, possible future problems, etc. All of these things had to be considered.

To make these opening comments short ... I had the surgery on December 8th and came home the 11th. There were some complications with my surgery, but I have started rehabilitation two weeks ago.

I'm still having more pain than I expected because I'm dealing with some serious muscle atrophy. I'm NOT to the point yet, though I think Mudlark is, where I can honestly say that "I'm glad I did it." But I CAN honestly say, "I had no choice."

So, if any part of my recent experience raises some questions you've been pondering, feel free to ask me. Obviously we're talking about pretty personal stuff here, so I also invite you to PM me if you'd prefer.

CHEERS, Bob(deckman)Nelson

28 Jan 04 - 11:40 PM (#1103993)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: open mike

whoa! i did not realize why it was that we had not heard form you recently, BOB. I wish you the best in recovery and returning strength
and agility. welcome back and good healing to you. and sending energy
to Mudlark too!

28 Jan 04 - 11:55 PM (#1103994)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Amos

Geeze man -- between your hips and Spaw's heart valves I think we're onto something here...if we can stretch it out long enough we can gradually get it ALL replaced and be running a fully Cyborg operation, still sitting here tapping away, when the 2064 elections roll around!! LOL!! Effectively controlling the fate of the nation from beyond the grave!!

(Well, us Boomers always did want it all!)


29 Jan 04 - 01:32 AM (#1104025)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Mudlark

Oh, we've done such a great job of it THIS side of the grave!

I had total hip replacement in late October. It's been 3 months of very nonlinear recovery. Flat (as in what the hell have I DONE?) the first couple of weeks, then a period of rapid and vast improvement (from horizontal to vertical, then mobile). Now I can see positive change but only over a week or 2 time span.

I had a great surgeon who did a perfect job of the traditional style surgery, i.e. an incision as long as my forearm. I researched the newer mini-incision procedure, travelled some distance to talk to a surgeon who only did this type of surgery, and while it looked good (and I'm sure if successful it shortens recovery time as less muscle, tendon and tissue damage occurs), I just had a bad feeling about the guy himself, so decided to choose on basis of doc rather than procedure.

And I'm not at all sorry. The scar is impressive but fully healed, the pain is far more bearable than pre-op and I am able to walk again, a miracle in itself. I'm already up to 1 mi a day, including steep hills. That's the farthest I've been able to travel on my own 2 ft in years.

This is major surgery however. It is expensive (I had to wait until I turned 65, couldn't have afforded it otherwise), overall recovery takes about 6 months, and complete joint recovery, particularly if the non-cemented prosthesis is used, can take up to 2 years. And it will never be exactly like the hip Mom Nature gave you. There are certain postures you must avoid always to keep hip from dislocating. Gen'l advice is to put this off as long as is possible. That way, relief from constant extreme pain makes the trade off reasonable.

Like Bob, I'll be happy to answer questions. Given that this op. is no picnic, however, I hope we both get no takers and all Catters are hip enough w/o intervention.

29 Jan 04 - 02:40 AM (#1104037)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Deckman

Hi Mudlark ... One interesting side effect I've noticed is an increased tolerance for Hip Hop! Bob

29 Jan 04 - 04:59 AM (#1104084)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Mudlark

No increase in general coolness, however...both of us being so like totally hip anyway, and all.

29 Jan 04 - 05:16 AM (#1104093)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: John MacKenzie

A friend sent me an article about hip replacement, as I'm going to have to have one eventually. This is a new system, called BHR, which stands for Birmingham Hip Resurfacing. It involves lining both the socket and the top of the femur with a metal sheathe, which removes the cause of the pain. i.e. Bone rubbing on bone where the cartilidge has worn out. It is claimed that this restores full mobility to the extent that the lady who wrote the article, {Jan Silverstone} is now able to play tennis without any pain.
I'm afraid for our friends across the pond, the Birmingham in question, is the original one in Warwickshire England.

29 Jan 04 - 10:03 AM (#1104292)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Deckman

John, I appreciate your input. You've got me curious now. I'll try to find information about this new approach.

I want to echo something that Mudlark said. I was cautioned for several years by my Doctor to hold off having this surgery for as long as possible. His reasoning is this: so many new developments are happening in this field that delaying may well result in a better approach. While I agree in principle, in my case I clearly delayed longer than I should have. And I'm paying the price for that now.

You'll get a laugh out of two questions I asked the Doctors when I was screening them: " Do you drink before noon?" "Have you ever done this before?" All the Doctor's laughed when I asked them those questions, but they quickly got serious when they saw that I WASN'T laughing. I was dead serious. CHEERS., Bob

29 Jan 04 - 10:39 AM (#1104317)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: mooman

I'd be interested to hear your continuing experiences Deckman and Mudlark as professionally I'm quite involved in the technical and scientific aspects of implants, both the older and new techniques and new surgical procedures and implant designs.

Best wishes on the road to full recovery.



29 Jan 04 - 10:53 AM (#1104334)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Deckman

Mooman .... REALLY!!!! You mean that those things (implants) don't just grow on trees? What are you, something like a medical engineer? Being a carpenter, I've often marveled at the engineering that goes into medical devices. Bob

29 Jan 04 - 11:11 AM (#1104349)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: mooman

Yes Deckman...pretty close! I'm a former forensic biologist who's gradually transmogrified over many years to specialise in the technical innovation, scientific and safety aspects of (non-pharmaceutical) medical technology products including medical devices like hip and cardiac implants and the newer generation of human tissue engineered and nanotech-based medical products.

Well at least that's what my job title says and interesting work it is too!

In the evenings I do music!

Peace and very best wishes,


29 Jan 04 - 12:02 PM (#1104386)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Deckman

Mooman: You might get a chuckle out of this. Then again, you may not. We have a dear friend that has some very quirky interests. One of which is to collect human body parts. For example, she still her own tonsils saved from when they were remoced when she was a child. Before my surgery, she asked if I would give her my old hip and ball joint. I said I'd try, but I already knew the answer would be "no." Several years ago, here in America, they dissallowed the sending home of human body parts. (party poopers).

About a week ago, Judy made a wonderful pot of split pea soup and she included a very large ham bone. When we removed the bone from the soup, there was this very large pig hip and ball joint. So ... I carefully cleaned it and put it in an ornate box. Last Sunday when we were down to our friends home, I quietly slipped it to her.

She went into such oooh's and ahhh's that I had to leave the room. As we were at her house for a dinner party with several other people, I suggested that she keep it to herself. Finally I felt guilty enough that I called her when we got home and told her where it came from. She was very dissapointed! CHEERS, Bob

29 Jan 04 - 12:17 PM (#1104399)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: mooman

Dear Bob,

The best would have been if you'd kept the secret to yourself for awhile and accidentally arranged for a veterinarian to have been present when she was proudly displaying it and describing its origins. That could have caused some fun!



29 Jan 04 - 12:21 PM (#1104402)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: MAG

I will need this someday -- right hip is quite arthritic. My ortho gave me the same advice: put it off as long as possible because the technology is changing so rapidly.

He did a double arthroscopy (kknee joint cleaning out) on me two years ago which did not good at all. He said I was too young (53 then) for a replacement but he would have gone aheads and done it while I was under if I had been older. The gel shots helped some, but not as much as VIOXX! What a great drug! My primary care doc isn't so happy, as I'm diabetic and it (vioxx)can mess up your kidneys -- but only if they already have damage, which I do not.

Better living through chemistry.

29 Jan 04 - 12:24 PM (#1104404)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Stilly River Sage

rolling eyes and laughing

29 Jan 04 - 12:56 PM (#1104434)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Catherine Jayne

Im not going to have hip surgery but I am going in to have major surgery on my knee. I went to see my consultant today and he told me I would have a date for the operation towards the end of next week. They are going to break it and reset it to prevent the bones grinding against each other. If this fails I will have to have a knee replacement...Im hopefully this op will put off the replacement for a few more years!!


29 Jan 04 - 01:08 PM (#1104441)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: MAG

This one I never heard of, Khatt -- hpw does resetting your knee prevent the bones from grinding? My bones grind because there is no padding whatsoever left in there -- the ortho scraped them down so they would at least be smooth when he was in there. It didn't help the pain at all.

PS: I don't recommend arthroscopy to anyone.

29 Jan 04 - 01:08 PM (#1104442)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Deckman

Mag ... I agree that VIOX can be a wonderful drug. The last 18 months before my surgery, I was doing it all ... everything that the Doctors and I could come up with. I did all the drugs, I did massage, I did P.T., Chiropratic, I even tried flapping a white bedsheet in the backyard during a full moon. (That actually helped a bit). But you're Doctor is quite correct. Some of these new medicines van be deadly if your are not careful. Bob

29 Jan 04 - 03:45 PM (#1104552)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Catherine Jayne

I've had 2 arthroscopies and I was up and about walking in 2 days. They need to reset my knee so it doesn't dislocate they will put caps ontop of the bones to stop them grinding. I should know by the end of next week when they will do the op....hopefully within the next couple of months. I told the consultant I was busy in May!!

29 Jan 04 - 06:07 PM (#1104659)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Walking Eagle

I had an emergency hip replacement. Cancer tumors had weakend my hip and it fractured. I had no problems with the hip surgery. My advice would be to make SURE that you are turned every two hours during the night and that you request an air mattress. Reason being is that I developed pressure sores that took two visiting nurses daily for six monthes to heal them. Also, keep with your exercises! I joined an Aqua Walking/Exercise class at the Y and it helped immensly!

I am pain free in that hip now. YOu woudn't believe how much pain I was in before it fractured.

29 Jan 04 - 06:30 PM (#1104681)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Walking Eagle

I had an emergency hip replacement. Cancer tumors had weakend my hip and it fractured. I had no problems with the hip surgery. My advice would be to make SURE that you are turned every two hours during the night and that you request an air mattress to sleep on while in the hospital. Reason being is that I developed pressure sores that took two visiting nurses daily for six monthes to heal them. Also, keep with your exercises! I joined an Aqua Walking/Exercise class at the Y and it helped immensly!

I am pain free in that hip now. YOu woudn't believe how much pain I was in before it fractured.

29 Jan 04 - 07:01 PM (#1104715)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Deckman

"Doing you exercises" is crucial to recovery. And it ain't easy or fun. In fact, it hurts like hell. I'm in a battle for my future right now. During my surgery, they accidentally broke my femur bone. You know what they say, "stuff happens." When I came home from the hospital, I had to go the bed, or my easy chair, for a MONTH. Before surgery I was very fit. I was not overweight, I had great lung capacity and stamina. NOT NOW!

I'm finding my recovery is like riding a roller coaster: up and down. Sometimes two steps ahead and one back, and sometimes the opposite. I have a wonderful rehab therapist. She's as old as me, which is wonderful. That means she's been around long enough to see it all. She pushes me, but she also listens to me. She lets me judge when I've reached the limit. And, being Finn, I'm quick to use my "SISU," too quick usually. CHEERS, Bob

29 Jan 04 - 07:12 PM (#1104725)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: MAG

Er, that wasn't by any chance Evergreen Hospital was it, Deckman?

A good friend had a truly wretched lifethreatening experience there. She is in NY now having the surgery redone, of necessity.

I know, we can only tell you the horror stories AFTER.

CatsPH, they told me I would be on my feet in no time, too. Nope. Had to use up all my sick time, plus some Vacation -- nearly 4 weeks.

First words when I wokeup:

"Your knees were not a pretty sight." nuff said.

A sympathetic Ow! to all the bad ones above.

29 Jan 04 - 07:17 PM (#1104729)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Deckman

Mag: No, it wasn't that hospital. Bob

29 Jan 04 - 07:19 PM (#1104731)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: MAG


29 Jan 04 - 09:15 PM (#1104809)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Deckman

Mag ... I just PM'd you. Bob

30 Jan 04 - 12:01 AM (#1104863)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Walking Eagle

Deckman. It will get better. Progress with physical therapy is sometimes slow and frustrating but everyday counts. Give yourself a lot of credit for sticking in. You are depressed and frustrated now, as well you should be.

30 Jan 04 - 12:29 AM (#1104874)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: MAG

My dad   had both knees and both hips done -- not all at the same time -- and although he pissed and moaned and drove my mother crazy for awhile, he feels tons better and says he wished he had done it sooner.

(I've got those genes -- I'll wait!)

30 Jan 04 - 02:05 AM (#1104900)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: dianavan


I know it feels like you life is on hold but...keep doing that physio!

I stuggled with a "trick knee" for 20 years. It would pop out of the joint and it was excruciating pain until I could pop it back in again.
Once I had it back in position, I had no pain at all. Then one day, I couldn't get it back in place.

They performed emergency, laser surgery. I had torn the miniscus deeply on both sides. I was back to work (on crutches) in a week and without crutches in six weeks. 6 months of physio and I had achieved 98% mobility.

After all was said and done - it was worth it! I no longer "favour" the knee and my confidence has returned. At our age, its wonderful to know that you can still heal.

Good luck to you. Just bite the bullet and do those exercises!

30 Jan 04 - 02:47 AM (#1104911)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Mudlark

Bob...Altho unpleasant to dwell on, when you think about the insults perpetrated on your body less than 2 months ago, it's amazing you are exercising, like it or not, and walking already. Telling a patient to be patient is like waving a red flag at a bull, I know, but try to see things from your hip's POV (lol).

Having lupus, I've had to figure out my own progression for upping intensity of exercises. I overwhelm easily! And it is boring, as well as painful. I truly love walking tho, and to be able to walk a mile again, up hills and down, is a real thrill (even if I do have to push myself to do it every day).

No 2 ways about are doing splendidly!

30 Jan 04 - 06:24 AM (#1105026)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: GUEST,Ellenpoly

"During my surgery, they accidentally broke my femur bone"...You didn't tell me this, you rascal!
Glad to see that once again (I'm not a member, but Deckman always tells me when there's an interesting thread for me to look at) the folks at Mudcat are providing support for one of their own. It may be one of my favorite things about the really has given us a chance (yes, I AM still a hippie but in the mental, not medical sense of the word) in having a Global Community! Rock on, all you "hipsters"!!!

30 Jan 04 - 07:39 AM (#1105077)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Deckman

That's funny that you say "Hipsters." Someone told me the other day that there is a support group for hip replacement guinea pigs called "The Hipsters!" Bob

31 Jan 04 - 12:37 AM (#1105666)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: LadyJean

My mother had three hip surgeries. (The doctor used the wrong kind of prosthesis on the second, and it didn't work.) It was marvelous, the difference they made in her life. She was more active, much easier to get along with. She was even step dancing! Not well, but she was step dancing.
I offer the following exchange between mom and her doctor.

Doctor) Now I want you to do your exercises as steadily as you practice your religion.
Mom) I'm not very religious, so I'll do them more often.

The exercises do make a difference.

My piece of advice is to have all orthopedic surgery in winter. Now is when you don't want to go anywhere. (Unless you're in Australia, where it's summer.) Now the skies are gray, the sidewalks are icy, and the wind is chilly. You won't mind staying in all day, doing whatever you do when you stay in all day. (Mom liked crossword puzzles, and books, oh! and The Edge of Night.)
Summer the sun is in the sky. The air is warm. You want to go places and do things. Which you can't because one of your legs isn't working properly. Mother had her second hip replacement in July, and I came entirely too close to matricide. It didn't do her disposition one bit of good.

31 Jan 04 - 05:55 PM (#1106161)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Peace

I had a hip replacement about 3 1/2 years ago. It hurt for a few months afterwards, but I was able to go back to firefighting. What I've found is that jumping and jarring the hip remind me it ain't what it used to be. But I will say this: I'm glad I had it done. Surprising what a lack of pain will do for one's spirits. And the eight years of pain that eventually led to the operation are a distant memory. Keep up with the physio, and do your exercises. Get well.

31 Jan 04 - 06:17 PM (#1106176)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: dianavan

Broken femur? Seems like carelessness to me. Talk to you insurance company. What do they think? Do they want to continue paying for the doctor's mistake?

The broken femur is probably causing you as much or more problem than the hip.

At any rate, it sounds like you have a good physiotherapist. The best carry whips and have no-nonsense voices. They also enjoy watching you suffer. (just kidding!) My own physiotherapist usually works on professional athletes - he didn't make fun of me though. He and the others tried to convince me that I would have made a great athlete because I had the kind of muscle that responded well to exercise. I think they must say that to everyone.

Soon this will be a distant memory. Its wonderful to be pain free!


01 Feb 04 - 06:11 PM (#1106784)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Mudlark

Not quite to pain-free yet, but much reduced, along with much greater mobility. I can walk a mile (a thrill in itself) and a 6-hr day in town doing chores and shopping doesn't have me in tears at the end of it. I've also been told I look about 3 inches taller...hadn't realized how hunched over I'd become.

As to broken femur .. I think it's a chance you have to take. My surgeon warned me of it, and he is an excellelnt, highly regarded hip guy.

01 Feb 04 - 07:20 PM (#1106843)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Deckman

I think I started this thread ALL WRONG!

I did NOT want this thread to be about ME. I'm doing fine, and I will continue to improve. I really started this thread to open up a discussion for other mudcatters with questions about possible hip replacement surgery. Usually potential patients suffer for years, not knowing what to do. And once they make the decision to go ahead and do the surgery, there can be a lot of fear, and there are a lot of questions.

So, again, if you're thinking that you might need to make this decision, or have already made this decision, ask away! CHEERS and THANKS for all your good thoughts. Bob(deckman)Nelson

01 Feb 04 - 08:06 PM (#1106874)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Bill Hahn//\\

Hopefully I am not a candidate for a long time. That said, I want to relate to you how wonderful are the improvements in this---and, I suppose, all other areas of surgery.

Some 30 years ago my Father in Law had a hip replacement---it required 20 days hospitalization with his leg immobile for that time. Then rehab for another few weeks. Then the proscription against heavy lifting and running.

Today, as I understand it, things are quite different. Thankfully. Surely that applies to pretty much most surgeries.

Now we just have to hope for good health to avoid all these wonderful improvements in healing---best not to have to heal. But, if one does, things are much better in this day and age. So much for "The Good Old Days"

Bill Hahn

01 Feb 04 - 08:41 PM (#1106889)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Rara Avis

At age 71 my husband had his hip replaced. Himself is very fit and lean and approaches everything with an extremely positive attitude. The hip was almost at the fracture point when he underwent surgery. He spent four days in hospital and seven at a rehab hospital. He followed all the instructions to the letter and one month (to the day!) after surgery he was driving. We were blessed by having one of the top surgeons in the Philadelphia perform the procedure AND the insurance coverage to pay for it. Four years on he's still grateful he had it done.

MAG you might want to consider taking milk thistle supplements to protect your kidneys from the VIOXX.

Deckman and Mudlark I hope you're both up and about pain free very soon.

01 Feb 04 - 10:36 PM (#1106951)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Can you still do "missionary position?"



01 Feb 04 - 11:27 PM (#1106975)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Deckman

Why, pray tell, whatever do you mean? Bob

02 Feb 04 - 07:52 PM (#1107738)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Bill Hahn//\\

So much for anything of serious import I suppose.   I refer to "gargoyle". Makes you wonder about "threads" and the efficacy on serious discussion.

Bill Hahn

03 Feb 04 - 11:18 AM (#1108227)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Rara Avis

re: missionary position. A gentleman doesn't ask and a lady doesn't tell.

03 Feb 04 - 07:38 PM (#1108645)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: Bill Hahn//\\

I reiterate---serious---count me out from now on from any serious topic here.

Bill Hahn

04 Feb 04 - 01:31 AM (#1108819)
Subject: RE: BS: Hip Surgery Questions?
From: LadyJean

You can't wear high heels after hip surgery. But there are some very nice flats out there.