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BS: You pay for Bush's lies

05 Feb 04 - 05:04 PM (#1110193)
Subject: BS: You pay for Bush's lies
From: michaelr

First the changes to Medicare, which will cause millions of seniors to pay more for medications. Now the administration has commissioned TV ads telling us how great the changes are. These ads are paid for with taxpayer money -- more than $12 million.

And the kicker is that CBS will run them. Remember, that's the network that doesn't do advocacy ads. Here's the story.

I'm absolutely disgusted.


05 Feb 04 - 05:42 PM (#1110226)
Subject: RE: BS: You pay for Bush's lies
From: GUEST,Martin Gibson


05 Feb 04 - 05:58 PM (#1110244)
Subject: RE: BS: You pay for Bush's lies
From: Walking Eagle

Disgusted enough to do leg work for the Dem. nominee? I hope so.

05 Feb 04 - 07:51 PM (#1110335)
Subject: RE: BS: You pay for Bush's lies
From: Bobert

Well, I've been jumping up and down for the last couple of years yelling about my tax bucks going into PR firms that attempt to sell me on Bush's crappy policies....

Like, beam me up.....


06 Feb 04 - 03:18 AM (#1110527)
Subject: RE: BS: You pay for Bush's lies
From: Kaleea

One of the Bush family lying? What a shock! I must sit down at this new news. "We"'ve been paying for the sins of that family for many years. Many have paid with their lives. Not long after the 1st "gulf war" 60 minutes reported that pappy bush, as head of the cia, played a major role in placing sadsack insane into power in Iraq, & then the bush family arms business made deals sell arms to Iraq & their new leader, sadsack insane. There were many who stated that oil deals were made by the bush family & sadsack insane for the bush family oil business--it ain't rocket science to figure that much out! & people wonder how that dictator got into power in Iraq? Why did all this happen? Why not give the bush family members a nice whopping dose of truth serum, ask a few pertinent questions & see what the real score is!?

06 Feb 04 - 10:49 AM (#1110762)
Subject: RE: BS: You pay for Bush's lies
From: beadie

Up in the sky !

Its a bird !

Its a plane !

No . . . . . its a blimp that carries the message that information on Medicare is available at (surprise , , ) 1-800-MEDICARE .

And this is costing us how much an hour to fly over spoting events and supermarket openings?