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BS: HMV and

09 Feb 04 - 10:55 AM (#1112557)
Subject: BS: HMV and

Could someone tell me if HMV(Canada) and Amazon Canada are the same company, or owned by the same company. If so, why is there such a HUGE difference in the price of CDs between the two. I am trying to buy June Tabors new cd and HMV want nearly thirty dollars for it and Amazon wantsabout twenty....what is going on here ? No wonder people download music.

09 Feb 04 - 11:16 AM (#1112577)
Subject: RE: BS: HMV and
From: GUEST and HMV are not the same company. When HMV decided to fold its website, Amazon stepped in and made a deal to run it for them. The difference in price is the profit that goes to HMV. The songwriter and artist royalties are exactly the same, no matter which website you buy from.

09 Feb 04 - 11:39 AM (#1112593)
Subject: RE: BS: HMV and
From: Allan C.

Don't forget that in order to support the Mudcat, please be sure to channel your Amazon purchases through it. Clicking on the Mudcat/banjo logo will put you on the Support page where you will find the commercial links. Thanks!

09 Feb 04 - 12:46 PM (#1112635)
Subject: RE: BS: HMV and

I know that Artists get the same royalties and all from any sale..but HMV tells me June Tabor's album is 30.00 and that is LOT more than Amazon. I just wondered why such a large difference ? Thanks for the info though, I had thought they might have been the same company and therefore why such discrepancy in price. However, I do think still that it is an unjustifiable amount of money for a cd.

11 Jun 04 - 02:43 PM (#1205289)
Subject: RE: BS: HMV and

I amy be mistaken, but I think the Amazon prices are listed in US dollars. So the price difference is not as severe.