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Favourite Parodies

11 Feb 04 - 06:30 PM (#1114416)
Subject: Favourite Parodies
From: cobber

I love parodies and looking at other threads, I'm not alone. Perhaps that's why I got so involved in Australian folk music which is mostly parodies of music hall etc. I can even remember when the interest started. At thirteen, in England, I got my first paper round and one of my customers subscribed to Mad Magazine. It always made me late when that came out. One issue had a section of Armageddon songs, (you have to remember that this was the time when we all expected to be blown away in a nuclear war)and I thought it was brilliant. So much so that yesterday, I found myself singing one of the songs - and the mag was in 1960 or 1961 (I came to Australia in 62 and had to give up the round. It was a version of On the Street Where You Live. At the time I thought it was brilliant, but maybe you had to be there at that time to get the full impact.

I have often walked down this street before
But there once was pavement underneath my feet before
Now as I go by
I see rubble fly
Boy, it's rough on the street where you live
People stop and stare. They don't worry me
I've got lead underwear, I'm safe as safe can be
All the air is filled with radioactivity
Boy it's rough on the street where you live

Another was My Blue Shelter

Whenever I hear and H-bomb is near
I hurry to my blue shelter
A hole in the floor, a six inch lead door
Will lead you to my blue shelter

There was more of both of course but the brain tends to lose it a bit at my age
Anyway that's a kick-off. So if you are like me and think Roy Bailey's I Did It Their Way is one of the great songs of our time, join in. What are your favourites?

11 Feb 04 - 06:58 PM (#1114433)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Bev and Jerry


Tune: The Titanic

© 2002, Bev and Jerry Praver

1. Through a partnership gigantic Enron grew and grew
   And they thought they had a scheme that the public wouldn't see through
   But the good Lord's mighty hand knew that firm would never stand
   It was sad when that partnership went down


   Oh, it was sad, oh, it was sad
   It was sad when the partnership went down (to the bottom of the...)
   Husbands and wives, little children changed their lives
   It was sad when that partnership went down

2. Oh, they bailed from Enron and were almost to the door
   When the rich refused to associate with the poor
   So they tied up all their dough where they'd be the first to go
   It was sad when that partnership went down

3. Oh, the firm was full of sin and the scheme about to burst
   When Ken Lay shouted, "Board of Directors first!"
   Some honest ones retired and the rest of them were fired
   It was sad when that partnership went down

4. Oh, they hauled the shredders out at the accounting agency
   When Cheney shouted "Nearer, My God, To Me"
   Little children wept and cried as the rats jumped o'er the side
   It was sad when that partnership went down

Bev and Jerry

11 Feb 04 - 06:58 PM (#1114435)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Leadfingers

My Mate (Catter Trayton) did a superb rewrite of 'The King of Rome'
about a cat getting into a Pigeon Loft as 'The Cat That Roamed' which was sung by Micca at Portaferry.

11 Feb 04 - 08:09 PM (#1114496)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: GUEST,Cookieless PoC

Hands down: "Juanita Suarez" the Molly Malone parody. I went to my partner's family reunion, and we sang it at the "talent show." (This was remarkable because unless there's a bucket handy - or a bottle of irish cream - I can't carry a tune. Bodhran players aren't required to.) Our performance got the most applause. Of course, half of those present were from Iceland and spoke no English, but even so...


11 Feb 04 - 08:27 PM (#1114505)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: The Fooles Troupe

Looks like the day for messages not geting though...

I love parodies, if you want to see a few of mine look at The FoolesTroupe Songbook!


11 Feb 04 - 08:56 PM (#1114528)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Margret RoadKnight

Current favourite:
"Don't Know What Was the Last Thing On My Mind"

12 Feb 04 - 12:15 AM (#1114599)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Mark Cohen

I believe Bob Blue wrote "Their Way", though I'd love to hear Roy sing it. I have a few favorite parodies: "Garnet's Home-Brewed Beer", "It's Not What I'd Sing When I'm Sober" (David Diamond, I believe), and one I once heard in Victoria, BC but never learned: "Borscht Riders in the Sky" (the chorus went, "Yippie-oy-oy, Yippie-oy-vey"). I'm also partial to some of mine, of course: The Perennial Beginner (The F-Chord Song) (after Phil and Lou Berryman's "A Chat With Your Mother (a/k/a "The F-Word Song"), Greenberg's (after "Green Fields"), and For Just One Dime (after Stan Rogers' "Northwest Passage").   And one more, that isn't in the DT. This one came from a Mudcat song challenge in January '02, after John Ashcroft ordered thousands of dollars worth of draperies to cover up the immense statue of "Justice" in the Justice Dept., which depicted a woman with one breast exposed. (I've made some editorial changes.) It's after "The Sound of Silence," of course.

(c)2002 Mark Cohen

Hello Justice my old friend
They're trying to cover you again
Because John Ashcroft softly weeping
Saw the photographs of his meeting
And your proud metallic gleam in the flashing light
Gave him a fright
It was the Breast of Justice

Remember back in '34
They placed you on the marble floor
Like a beacon in the dark you shone
Like a goddess on a heav'nly throne
And for years and years you proudly stood and glared
At all who dared
To hide the Breast of Justice

While the people bowed and prayed
To other gods whose games they played
You alone held up this warning
To the ones whose fears were forming
And you told them, "Justice will prevail, though the prudes of any shape
May throw a drape
Across the Breast of Justice"

"Fools," you said, "You do not know
This metal skin is only show
While you beat your breast in anguished pose
Because you happen to see mine exposed
Do you think that a few yards of cloth will set you free?
Don't you see?
This is the Breast of Justice"

In every corner of the land
Wherever Justice takes a stand
Putting curtains up to hide the light
Will only make the truth burn twice as bright
And our eyes will behold the heart of liberty
Beating free
Within the Breast of Justice


12 Feb 04 - 02:21 AM (#1114638)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: cobber

This is great. Foolestroope I think your songbook's great and I love What a friend we have in Johnny. (Part 1) and I'll never hear Sound of Silence in the same way again. Hi Margaret! I haven't heard yours. I'll check if its in the archive. Roy Bailey wanted to release his version of My Way but the owners of the copyright stopped him, so I believe. I have a tape of an ABC radio programme where he did it in Australia at Perth Uni. The introduction is as funny as the song.

12 Feb 04 - 02:37 AM (#1114642)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: cobber

I just found a thread with the words of the last thing on my mind. It's great. The trouble is at my age it's bloody true. So much for parody being funny.

12 Feb 04 - 03:48 AM (#1114656)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Sarah the flute

The Trains of waterloo
That's my favourite .... oh and anything from the kipper family especially the one about the dogs
.....and spot
These are the dogs what I have got!
Far better than the original.


12 Feb 04 - 03:49 AM (#1114657)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Little Robyn

Also from that Mad comic...

The girl that I marry will have to be
A purple skinned beauty with 2 heads or 3,
The girl I call my wife
Will have a nose with 8 nostrils you play like a fife,
Her nails will be claw-like and in her hair
She'll wear geiger counters and I'll be there
'stead of sighing, I'll be flying
Next to her and she'll roar like a lion.
The girl I propose to will have 7 toes too
Like me.

What else did they rewrite? I wish I still had that edition.

12 Feb 04 - 04:00 AM (#1114660)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: BanjoRay

I can't stand parodies. They're funny when you hear them once, then after that they rapidly become unbearable, and they totally destroy the original song, which you can never again hear without the parody sneaking into your head. Once a parody starts becoming popular, it then becomes totally uncool to sing the original, till people get sick of the parody, then the whole song/parody combination vanishes down the plughole never to be heard from again.
Don't write parodies - write good original songs. They last much longer. (unless they get parodied)

12 Feb 04 - 04:41 AM (#1114676)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: GUEST,MC Fat

Kevin Seisaay's piss take on No Woman No Cry called No Rum and No Pies, still gets me some of the best laughs when I sing it. George Welch's Sally Wheatley parody 'Dennis Wheatley' and one by an unknown Scottish author about a budgie which is a parody on Billy Connolly's parody DIVORCE

12 Feb 04 - 04:56 AM (#1114682)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Tiocfaidh

there's another piss-take on No Woman... called 'No Hashish, No High'
Dont have the words of it, but its a great parody

12 Feb 04 - 05:10 AM (#1114689)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Dead Horse

I am in total agreement with BanjoRay on this one. Music is serious, music is.

P.S. Please post lyrics to Juanita Suarez & No Rum and No Pies.
Did a Googly & came up zilch.

12 Feb 04 - 07:52 AM (#1114772)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Micca

Is this the same Dead Horse who sang a parody of "Three score and ten" at Stony Stratford?

12 Feb 04 - 08:14 AM (#1114782)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: The Fooles Troupe

Some of my "Parodies" aren't rally parodies (they have a tendency to take on a life of their own!) - in fact I started a threa a while ago on that topic as to what to call such an animal - we found a good word, but I've forgotten it! I can't find the thread again... one of my winges is that the "search your posted messages " helper is not as elegant as I would prefer, but that's life!

I like the whole mess called the Mudcat .... useful improvemnt will be appreciated greatly, but I prefer to keep the wheels on and the thing rolling along...


12 Feb 04 - 08:18 AM (#1114785)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Margret RoadKnight

"It's Not What I'd Sing When I'm Sober" is aka "I'd Like You To Join In the Chorus" (I recorded it under the latter title) and has lyrics by David Diamond to "The Limerick Rake"/ "Champion At Keeping 'Em Rolling" tune.

12 Feb 04 - 09:32 AM (#1114836)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Cuilionn

Nae exactly a sang parody, but sin ye mention MAD magazine, here's the stairt o ma favourite bit o theirs, whilk wis ca'd sumpit like "Legend o the Ad-men." (Forgie ony mispellings, as Ah'm daein this frae memory):

'Twas brillo, & the G.E. stoves
Did Procter Gamle in the Glade;
All Pillsbury were the Taystee loaves
And in a Minute Maid.

Beware the Ad-men, Oh, my son:
The voice that lulls, the ads that vex
Beware the .....(?) and shun
That horror call'd Brand X.

He took his Q-Tip swab in hand,
Long time the Tension Headache fought,
Then Dristan'd he by a Mercury
And .....? a while in thought...

12 Feb 04 - 01:33 PM (#1115001)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Forsh

I wrote a song once called '44 Blues' which had the chorus line of 'I'm 44 & I wanna be 21, (Rept x 2) I'm 44 got the key to the door, two times over & a little bit more, I'm 44 & I wanna be 21!.
I sang this at Ashington FC (Northumberland), I went for a loo break and came back in to the room to find an old fella Singing: I'm ^5 & I wanna be 44, I can't get my leg over, any more... !! It had taken him about 3 minutes to parody my song, and introduce irony and I thought it was GREAT! You know you have wrote something worth while when someone parodys it. humbug to those who don't like parody!

12 Feb 04 - 01:42 PM (#1115005)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Amergin

Micca has written some wonderful the Hash Me Father Scored...or the Manchester Wanker... ;)

I like writing parodies as much as I like writing other stuff...serious songs can be fine...but it is fun to just let loose with a parody....a few I have written are floating around here:

On The Dole Again
(Parody of On The Road Again)

Always On My Nerves
(Always on My Mind)

Black Is The Colour(Of My True Love's Eye)

Bored In East Virginia
(again obvious)

and others...

13 Feb 04 - 02:10 AM (#1115157)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Mark Cohen

Well, BanjoRay, I appreciate your honesty, even if I don't agree with you. (insert stupid little smiley face thing here)

Foolestroupe, I think someone suggested that a humorous song which borrowed its tune and structure from another song but wasn't trying to demean or poke fun at the original should be called a "satire" -- but I may be wrong.

I've often maintained that writing parodies--or satires--can be a good way to start learning the craft of songwriting, or at least lyric writing. You already have the tune and the rhyme structure set out for you, so you can focus on getting the words right.

Of course, sometimes you can write a parody that changes the structure, like one of my favorite verses in the running parody of "Old Time Religion":

Oh we all will worship Loki
He's the ancient god of chaos
Which is why this verse doesn't rhyme or scan very well either
And that's good enough for me

There's a similar line in "I'd Like You to Sing in the Chorus"--thanks for the added info, Margaret. I'm sure you know the version that goes "I'm Champion of Driving Them Crazy", whose source I don't know.

Oh, and let's not forget one of the masters of parody, the late Allan Sherman.

I'm singing you the ballad of a great man of the cloth
His name was Harry Lewis and he worked for Irving Roth
He died while cutting velvet on a hot July the fourth
And his cloth goes shining on

Glory, Glory, Harry Lewis...his cloth goes shining on

Now Harry Lewis perished in the service of his lord
He was trampling through the warehouse where the drapes of Roth are stored
He had the finest funeral the union could afford
And his cloth goes shining on

Although the fire was raging, Harry stood by his machine
And when the firemen broke in, they discovered him between
A pile of roasted Dacron and some French-fried gabardine
And his cloth goes shining on

(grandson of a dress cutter)

13 Feb 04 - 04:59 AM (#1115215)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: GUEST,MC Fat

I'm thinking of writing a parody of Nutbush City Limits called 'Knutsford City Limits' (Knutsford is a town in Cheshire) Sort of think it might go.....Dole House Council House, Down to the Ale House, Followed by the Curry House, Then to the Shithouse., They call it Knutsford, Knutsford, Knutsford City Limits. Has it got potential?

13 Feb 04 - 11:33 AM (#1115240)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: ReeBop

My mother was always one for "bad" parodies--especially of Christmas and religious songs that we would sing on the way home from church.

The one I mainly recall was to "Put your hand in the hand" and it started out: "put your hand in the fan" It was brilliant. I think all of the lyrics are available in a sing along book that we always refered to as the fish book...

13 Feb 04 - 02:04 PM (#1115352)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: lady penelope

Current favourite, Morticia's version of Thousands or more.

I love Old time religion. It can keep you occupied thinking up new verses, so the fun is never ending.

TTFN Lady P.

13 Feb 04 - 10:06 PM (#1115606)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: The Fooles Troupe

Mc Fat,

You won't know till you've tried it. Neither will we.


14 Feb 04 - 02:42 AM (#1115681)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: cobber

Although I started this thread because I love parodies, I agree in part with BanjoRay. Once a parody appears, the original often falls behind. I think it has something to do with the type of song that gets parodies which are often (but not always) pretty terrible but wildly popular. They have to be well known or the parody doesn't work. Even some of the better songs that get parodied are those that have been sung to death and the parody comes as a bit of a relief. To work, a parody must be easily recognised. Here's one I was given a couple of years ago.
Take the rose bush from my hair
Shake loose all them little thorns
What's the sprinkler doing on
So damn early in the morn
Crawling home at 5 a.m.
Lord this sidewalk sure is hard
I guess I drank too much again
Help me make it through the yard

I don't know what's left or right
I'm too drunk to even stand
Why the devil won't you help me
Please take your foot off my hand

Put some coffee on the stove
And we'll go try to find your car
I can't hack it all alone
Help me make it through the yard

And get my lawyer on the phone
And help me make it through the yard

14 Feb 04 - 06:52 AM (#1115752)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: The Walrus

One that sticks in my mind from many years back:

The basic tennet of this song was that, when the Spanish rising against Napoleon started in May 1808, the Spanish Army was so divided and badly officered that it was ineffectual (the insurrection being mainly borne by the civilian force - the guerrileros) - I should say that this was written by a Napoleonic re-enactor

Y Viva España
(TUNE: Y Viva España<1>)
<1> UK 'Charted' pop song of the 1970s

We are a band of Spanish heroes
who'll defend out rights and our country,
From Cadiz up to the Asturias
We'll go speeding on to victory.
We'd go bravely into battle every day
If it wasn't for the Frenchmen in the way.

Oh the Junta of Saville is down the drain,
Y viva España,
our dragoons, they have run away again,
Y viva España,
Now we're hiding safe behind the door
Of some small cabaña
Bonaparte won't you go away once more
From España por favor.

Last week we went dow to Grenada
To attack a small French garrison,
We got a nasty shock when we arrived there
they had three more men than they'd let on,
And then, I'm very sad to say,
Our two divisions charged the other way.


But now we've found the answer to our problem,
We never more shall face defeat,
We've found a way of stopping fifty Frenchmen
Slitting Spanish Armies up a treat.
The answer to our problem has been found
Next time we nail the Army to the ground


Any use?


14 Feb 04 - 07:39 AM (#1115761)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: kendall

I think parodies are a lot of fun, and it takes some talent to write one. My favorite is "The Folkie"
However, I don't care for the parody of The Band Played Waltzing Matilda"

14 Feb 04 - 10:16 AM (#1115843)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Apache

A take off of American Pie, all about AStar Wars, very funny, very well thought out and put together, you can download the MP3 from Kazaa or WinMX.


Weird-Al-Yankovic's Lyrics - The Saga Begins Lyrics

A long, long time ago
In a galaxy far away
Naboo was under an attack
And I thought me and qui-gon jinn
Could talk the federation into
Maybe cutting them a little slack
But their response, it didn't thrill us
They locked the doors and tried to kill us
We escaped from that gas
Then met jar jar and boss nass
We took a bongo from the scene
And we went to theed to see the queen
We all wound up on tatooine
That's where we found this boy...

Oh my my this here anakin guy
May be vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "soon I'm gonna be a jedi"
"soon I'm gonna be a jedi"

Did you know this junkyard slave
Isn't even old enough to shave
And he can use the force, they say
Ahh, do you see him hitting on the queen
Though he's just nine and she's fourteen
Yah, he's probably gonna marry her someday
Well, I knew he built c-3po
And I've heard how fast his pod can go
And we were broke, it's true
So we made a wager or two
He was a prepubescent flyin' ace
And the minute jabba started off that race
Well, I knew who would win first place
Oh yes, it was our boy

We started singin' ...
My my this here anakin guy
May be vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "soon I'm gonna be a jedi"
"soon I'm gonna be a jedi"

Now we finally got to coruscant
The jedi council we knew would want
To see how good the boy could be
So we took him there and we told the tale
How his midi-chlorians were off the scale
And he might fulfill that prophecy
Oh, the council was impressed, of course
Could he bring balance to the force?
They interview the kid
Oh, training they forbid
Because yoda sensed in him much fear
And qui-gon said "now listen here"
"just stick it in your pointy ear"
"i still will teach this boy"

He was singin' ...
My my this here anakin guy
May be vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "soon I'm gonna be a jedi"
"soon I'm gonna be a jedi"

We caught a ride back to naboo
'cause queen amidala wanted to
I frankly would've liked to stay
We all fought in that epic war
And it wasn't long at all before
Little hotshot flew his plane and saved the day
And in the end some gunguns died
Some ships blew up and some pilots fried
A lot of folks were croakin'
The battle droids were broken
And the jedi I admire most
Met up with darth maul and now he's toast
Well, I'm still here and he's a ghost
I guess I'll train this boy

And I was singin' ...
My my this here anakin guy
May be vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "soon I'm gonna be a jedi"
"soon I'm gonna be a jedi"

We were singin' ...
My my this here anakin guy
May be vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "soon I'm gonna be a jedi"

14 Feb 04 - 11:02 AM (#1115860)
Subject: Willie McBride Rap
From: Jim McCallan

To be 'spoken' (or 'rapped') un-accompanied in 4/4 time, to the backing of a bodhran...


Well, how's she hangin', young Willie McBride?
Can I stop for a smoke, to take me out of my stride?
And just sit here and chill, and bring the World to a stop,
'Cos I've been ramblin' through the fields, and I'm ready to drop?
So you were only a kid when you went to the war,
Was it your first time abroad, and you didn't know the score?
And at the risk of soundin' morbid, I would like to say
That I hope it happened quick, when you got sent on your way.

Or was it all like a dream, where you got carried aloft
With the drummers at attention, and the pipes blowin' soft?
Was the sun goin' down, did you capture the mood?
As the speeches were read, did it make you feel good?

Now, did you have a babe before you went to the fight?
Did she lie by your side, and give you love every night?
Did she ask you on her knees, to never forget her?
Did she ask you to become a concientious objector?
Or is your picture pasted into an old photograph book,
With no-one knowing why, or when, or where it was took?
Were your intentions pure, was your heart filled with pride?
Was there a smile on your face, was there a gun at your side?

And did they beat? ..... you know the rest.
Did they drape the flag and beret, and the gloves on your chest?
And did they party, to send your soul on its way?
Did they fire the salute as you went into the clay, eh?

Well, I'm sittin' here, Bill, and it's a fabulous day,
The mushies are up, and everything is OK.
There aint no tanks, nor no poisonous gases.
Just lines and lines, and lines of white crosses.
And this cemetery's full of people like you,
That Governments uprooted, and told what to do.
Did they really give a shit about your plans and your dreams?
As your lights went out, did they hear your screams?

Well, how about it man, did the hat go around,
As your mutilated body went into the ground?
Were you banner headlines, were you front page news?
Did the heads of state come and pay their dues?

Well Willie, I'm sorry, I can't figure it out.
Did your next-door neighbours, here, check it all out?
Did they believe all the bullshit and the lies and the crap,
That for once and for all, you'd blow the Hun off the map?
Well, I don't know if you get to see the tube where you are,
But we haven't really come along the road very far.
And all over this planet; Listen to me, Liam
The words are different, but the song is the same.

And did they sing it... did they sing it again?
Do your unborn children ever mention your name?
Are you happy now, or do you feel like a prat?
If you could have it again, would you do it like that?

14 Feb 04 - 01:46 PM (#1115922)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Emma B

Any parody of The Fields of Athenry has my vote - anything has got to be better than the original!
My favourite however is My Husband's got no Porridge in Him

14 Feb 04 - 02:48 PM (#1115951)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Mark Cohen

There's one called "Not the Fields of Athenry," but I don't have the lyrics to hand right now.


14 Feb 04 - 03:25 PM (#1115970)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Murray MacLeod

The Willie McBride parody two posts above is about as funny as a triple bypass.

For a truly funny take-off of No Man's Land search out the parody by Crawford Howard. Hilarious.

14 Feb 04 - 03:33 PM (#1115977)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Jim McCallan

I don't think it was meant to be funny, Murray.

14 Feb 04 - 04:25 PM (#1116004)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Micca

Mark, here is Malcolm Austens Parody as I sung it at Lougnstock2
© M.AUSTEN 1993

By a lonely prison wall
I heard a young girl calling
Michael they are singing it again
And it just goes on and on
And I hate that blooming (bloody) song
I'm so fed-up with the fields of Athenry

Oh no not the fields of Athenry
If I hear it one more time I'm going to cry
They should ban the flaming (bloody) thing
There are far better songs to sing
I'm so fed-up with the fields of Athenry

By a lonely prison wall
I heard a young man calling
Mary why do you think that I'm in here
I hit the singer with my shillelagh
Now I'm bound for old Australie
But no more I'll hear the fields of Athenry

By a lonely harbour wall
I heard a young girl calling
To a prison ship and saying wait for me
Won't you let me come along
Before they start that blooming (bloody) song
I'm so fed up with the fields of Athenry

14 Feb 04 - 06:40 PM (#1116044)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: chordstrangler

Hi all, I have to say I have a very healthy respect for parodies and use a few of them including some of the marvellous Crawford Howard's in gigs.   They rarely failed.

I also find them useful for practice work in that I believe that song writing – like just about everything else in life – comes easier the more often you do it.   I would often write parodies to try to keep up to speed at those times when no obvious subject for a song presents itself.

I offer this as an example and in tribute to all those young men who went in search of fast women in slow cars.    For the sake of the mechanically challenged, a pair of nylon stockings or tights could serve as an emergency fan belt if all else failed.    Suggestions would be welcomed.

                         Country Roads

Nineteen Sixties, Morris Minor
No brake, no lights no steering and divil the sign of a wiper.
Engine on its' deathbed, gearbox grinds and groans
And the heater, horn and handbrake is known to God alone.

How I hate these Country Roads
Broke down again on my way home.
My brakes are stickin', lovelorn and stricken
Oh how I hate these country roads.

Tyres as bald as eggshells, doors let in the rain
And a red light says the battery isn't charging up again.
Smoke pours from the dashboard, sparks fall on your knees
While around your arse and ankles howls a bleak Antarctic breeze.

Oh how I hate these Country Roads,
walked every inch trying to get home.
No hydraulic fluid means my love life's ruined
Oh how I hate these Country Roads.

I hear a whining coming from a back wheel bearing
Before the engine stops it gives a loud asthmatic moan.
Again I learn for certain I'd be wise to do my courting:
Nearer home, or on the phone.

A broken fan belt parted me and darlin' Mary
She jived like Ginger Rogers and she waltzed light as a fairy.
Sad was the night we parted in the Mother of All Fights
When I said: "I'll drive you home love if you'll just whip off your tights"

And a tank of dirty petrol, stalled me and young Rebecca
Burnt out my carburettor, now I rue the day I met her.
And little Annie Murphy, she left me sad and blue
With my valves in need of grinding, heart and half shaft broke in two.

Oh how I hate these Country Roads
Walked every inch, all on my own.
Me points are welded – me love life's ended
How I hate these Country Roads.

It's far from heaven, broke down outside Virginia
With an angry Cavan Father and the whole damn world 'agin you.
And the wisdom slowly dawning, If I'm hopin' to go far
It's either join the priesthood, or get a better car.

Oh how I hate these Country Roads
Soaked to the skin, chilled to the bone.
A damn ignition shot down my mission
Oh how I hate these Country Roads.
A cracked distributor means I'll never livewither.
Oh how I hate these Country roads.


14 Feb 04 - 06:55 PM (#1116053)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: freda underhill

this parody is cutting tosay the least...

Loreena's Lament

(sung to the tune of the Banks of the Ohio)

I told my love go take a walk
Take a walk just a little walk
Down beside where the waters flow
Down by the banks of the Ohio

And only say that you'll be mine
And in no others arms entwine
Down beside where the waters flow
Down by the banks of the Ohio

I took a knife unto his dick
And sliced right through that cheatin'prick
He cried Loreena don't ya mutilate me
I'm not prepared for celibacy

And only say that you'll be mine
And in no others arms entwine
Down beside where the waters flow
Down by the banks of the Ohio

I drove my car through the lonely night
And tossed that old fella off to the right
He dialed triple 9 for emergency
They found his manhood beneath a tree

And only say…etc

The po-lice man he didn't blink
He said Loreena you need a shrink
He said Loreena that just wasn't nice
And he thrust that dick on frozen ice

And only say…etc

The doctor came and sewed him up
I wept into my empty cup
He made a million on cheap porn flix
They counselled me and I got nix

And only say that you'll be mine
And in no others arms entwine
Down beside where the waters flow
Down by the banks of the Ohio


14 Feb 04 - 06:58 PM (#1116055)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: GUEST,Don Hakman

My favorite parody group is now the Capitol Steps.

You can hear their current songs here

They have been at it for nearly 2 decades.

I wrote a parody song for them years ago. They do live shows here in DC at Chelsea's.

They have a lot of DVDs that are so funny that National or World Wide fame would seem assured. Perhaps since the members are all Congressional staff there may be a reason for their relative obscurity.

If you loved Tom Lehrer's stuff you will love the Captol steps.

My apology to those who thought Banjo Ray was serious.
It was just a parody of a musical snob.

14 Feb 04 - 07:02 PM (#1116056)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Dead Horse

A bit of shameless advertising here, but feel free to delete Dead Horse and insert border morris of your choice.


In the evening, after eight.
Dead Horse Morris they congregate
Wi' their corduroy trousers and noisy gait
There go the black face morris

They take their sticks an' away they go
Stomping round, to and fro
Where they're goin' to nobody knows
There go the black face morris

Oh Whitstable is a boozy town
There's loads of pubs where y'can drink one down
That's where them Dead Horse can be found
There go the black face morris

So div'nt go near the old Yacht Club
Or down the road to Armins pub
You might see Dead Horse with their faces scrubbed
There go the black face morris

But join the Dead Horse if you can
The dancing is easy to understand
Just stomp around like a boozy old man
There go the black face morris

Now you know where my monica comes from!

14 Feb 04 - 07:16 PM (#1116067)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Dead Horse

Did someone mention Athenry?


By a broken down stone wall, I heard an old girl calling
Albert, they have taken you away
Since the sheep they have all gone, thru the post came lots of porn
And the Council Tax you did refuse to pay

Low lie the fields of wheat & rye
Where once we shot small birds up on high
We shot them as they flew, then we put them into a stew
Or else we ate them in a crusty pie

Near a smelly old pig sty, I heard a farm hand crying
Nothing matters Mavis, when you're pissed
The cows have got B.S.E. I've spent the grant from the E.E.C.
And the farmers got his knickers in a twist

Down by the five bar gate, I heard the farmer stating
Albert, I will break you're ruddy neck
The cows have all got out, and the milkmaids up the spout
You've turned my brand new tractor into a wreck

Beside the old dung heap, I saw the policemen creeping
They were searching for my stash I hid nearby
Sniffer dogs were on my trail, and I'd soon be heading for jail
It's so lonely hiding in the fields of wheat & rye

Low lie the fields of wheat & rye
Where once we shot small birds up on high
We shot them as they flew, then we put them into a stew
Or else we ate them in a crusty pie

If ya record it, I wants millions:-)
(and NO, I don't do parodies!)

14 Feb 04 - 07:52 PM (#1116073)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Dead Horse

And while we are on the subject


As I went a-walking one evening last week
I popped into my local, a pint for to seek
But the pub had been taken over, by a brewery far away
And they'd changed the old Evening Star - to The Dawning Of The Day
And they'd changed the old Evening Star
And they'd changed the old Evening Star
And they'd changed the old Evening Star - to The Dawning Of The Day

I ploughed through the new carpet to the stainless steel bar
I stood by the potted palm as I ordered a jar
Now the barmaid she was topless, and so was the beer
And the price it had gone up me boys, it was now twice as dear

The jukebox and the pinball were one side of the room
And the one arm-ed bandit, it played a merry tune
While the brass plated plastic fire was switched off at the main
And the bar stool I was sitting on, it was simulated cane

The back room was a restaurant serving Indian and Bolognese
While the curry and the Parmesan, set up a permanent haze
With extractors in the kitchen tried to take the smoke away
But the bar it smelled malodorous at The Dawning Of The Day

Over in the corner where the dartboard had been
Was a bright pink, self-selection, three flavour condom machine
And where once the hand pumps had stood, now only lager was strewn
And if never I return again, it will be too bloody soon!
And if never I return again. And if never I return again
And if never I return again, it will be too bloody soon!

14 Feb 04 - 10:54 PM (#1116140)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: GUEST,Gerry Byrne.

Sean Cannon singing Pat Cooksey's version of the Kenny Rodgers
song Lucille is brilliant, this guy wrote Why Paddy's not at Work
Today, and loads of other great songs.

15 Feb 04 - 07:27 AM (#1116282)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: John-S

There are some great ones here.

Pastiche, Parody, Plagiarism and the art of Coarse Songwriting

15 Feb 04 - 12:13 PM (#1116384)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Apache

I love that "Not The Fields Of Athenry", brilliant.

What about the Kieth Donnolly stuff, "Don't worry, be happy, it might never happen and if it has already happened it might not happen again, and even if it does it could be worse" is a good song, a bit long winded though, lol.

15 Feb 04 - 08:20 PM (#1116627)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: GUEST,Gerd.

I heard Sean and Pat singing Lucille tonight in Frankfurt, politically incorecct, but very funny. Half of our family
could not get in to the concert but we look forward to the

15 Feb 04 - 09:02 PM (#1116644)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Aloha Mark! Hey, can you post 'Mickey's Mouseketeers'?... you know... the one that goes to the tune of the ever interminable 'Barrett's Privateers... Back when I was trying to learn it, I couldn't make it all the way through because I was laughing so hard I was choking on my 'very own tears o joy'... an veritable scream...

I just made my first parody... but I'll spare you the details... ;^)

16 Feb 04 - 07:11 AM (#1116845)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: JennyO

This is a poem parody, rather than a song parody, but I remember this from a long time ago, in an old Mad Magazine issue. I think it was supposed to be an Alfred E Neuman creation:

I wandered lonely as a clod
Just picking up old rags and bottles,
when on the lonely road I trod
I came upon some axolotls.
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
A sight to make a man's blood freeze.

Some had handles, some were plain-
they were orange, pink, and green, in the main.
My hair stood up, my blood ran cold.
I fled with fear upon my soul.
I find my solace now in bottles,
and I forget them axolotls.

20 Feb 04 - 08:45 PM (#1120130)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: cobber

I can't believe how many of us have been influenced by Alfred E. Neumann. Not the fields of Athenry is brilliant and will find a home at a few sessions I can think about, so is Wheat and Rye. This is what I meant about parody being spawned by people being sick to death of the original. Sorry about the millions though, Dead Horse. Parodies on record become tiresome really quickly

21 Feb 04 - 09:02 AM (#1120368)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: JennyO

Martin Pearson does a very funny parody of Starry Starry Night, called "The Black Painting Song". It starts off "Starless, moonless night......." I'd love to find the words. Does anyone have them?

21 Feb 04 - 09:05 AM (#1120370)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: freda underhill

what, me influenced by alfred e neumann?

21 Feb 04 - 09:15 AM (#1120375)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: JennyO

What me worry?

21 Feb 04 - 09:32 PM (#1120800)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Peace

My favourite paradise is in the arms of my true love.

22 Feb 04 - 01:14 AM (#1120878)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Shimbo Darktree

Three comments:

Love parodies.

More seem to have been written to "No Man's Land" than to any other song (and the original IS good, thank you!)

I will go on record as saying that I think "The Fields of Athenry" is an excellent song. After many years away from folk clubs, it was the one song I wanted to learn first when I came "back into the fold'. So, to all those who do not like it (a popular stance, of course) ... IN YOUR RESPECTIVE BOOTS! So there!


22 Feb 04 - 02:15 AM (#1120905)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Stilly River Sage

I liked Mark's song--it was a very good one.

As someone who grew up in a house where musical (and poetical) literacy was a given, parodies were viewed as an expression of wit and intellect that refered back to the original in at least subtle ways beyond the tune. Yes, I get the words to parodies stuck in my head over the top of the original words, but that may be because the parody is a better song. :)

No one has mentioned the absolute master of parody, Tom Lehrer.


22 Feb 04 - 01:03 PM (#1121131)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: GUEST,Shlio

The other day I listened to Half-Man Half-Biscuit's extremely croaky parody of Dylan's "With God On Our Side", called "With Goth On Our Side"

I like the last line especially:
"And we'll all die together
And Dylan can sue"

22 Feb 04 - 04:18 PM (#1121282)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Charley Noble

Dead Horse-

Thanks for the words to "THE BAR IT SMELLED MALODOROUS." It makes my day.

I'm also fond of the parody of the "Roseville Fair" titled the "Rosewood Chair." And who wouldn't love "The Sloop John A"?

Charley Noble

23 Feb 04 - 08:59 AM (#1121724)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Snuffy

I love parodies, and have many of them in my repertoire.

But I will not do parodies which merely knock the original song - a parody should have more to say than just "I've heard this song too many times/this song is crap". I prefer to sing the real versions of Wild Rover and Fields of Athenry, and there are a lot of folks out there who want to hear them.

24 Feb 04 - 11:28 AM (#1122622)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: GUEST,Larry K

I love parodies.   For those who think that music is too serious to have parodies, you should seriously consider another hobby/profession.   Here are my favorite parodies (aside from the 50-60 I have written of which two were published in Sing Out)

Far East Kithcn   (Northwest Passage)   Peter Fishman
Their Way         (My Way)             Bob Blue
Modern Folk Musician (Modern Major Generall) Mike Agranoff/Sam E.
Cosmic and Freaky (Pleasant and Delightful) Grit Laskin
Just a Chicken Bone (Like a Rolling Stone) Wendall Ferguson
Ally McBeal       (Like a Rolling Stone) Devinci's Notebook
Send in the Clams   (Send in the Clowns)
Rolling Mills of NJ (Rolling mills of the border) Roberts & Barrand
Pablo Trilogy- Picasso, Cassas, Zaprooder (SP) Toby Fagenson
Itsy Bitsy Spider (Mary Ellen Carter)
Not in the Book
Old Donut Shop    (Old Rose and Crown) given to me by Shelly Posen
The Squirrel Came Back (The cat came back)
I enjoy being a goy- (I enjoy being a Girl) Bob and Mabel
Anything by Alan Sherman
Most Things from the Capitol Steps
Some things from Weirl Al   (love the Saga Continues)

A friend of mine attempted to sing the Barrets Privateers parody at the Summerfolk round robin in Owens Sound.   The group stopped him and said it was a Stan Rogers festival and they didn't appreciate any parodies of Stan Rogers.   So he sang the original, and no one knew the words.

24 Feb 04 - 05:55 PM (#1122937)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: The Fooles Troupe

Looks like there's a couple of that list not in the DT... :-)

24 Feb 04 - 11:45 PM (#1123153)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Janice in NJ

This one was posted by a guest named Lori on Mudcat three years ago. The tune is "Red Is the Rose," of course.


White is his hair except where his head is bare,
And white is his beard and his moustache,
And white are the lies he tells with smiling eyes,
As my heart he so gently touches.

Oh, first he did see me in Washington, D.C.,
When people on the Mall were sunning,
I asked him to my room, to play a loving tune,
And perhaps to do some fancy strumming.

He followed me there, then much to my despair,
His hands held only his old Martin,
Three hours passed in song, while my aching heart did long,
And still it did long at our parting.

Oh, are you so naieve? Or do you just believe,
It was only a little harmless flirting?
Am I ugly? Are you gay? Have your fires gone away?
Or do you like to leave a poor girl hurting?

Lori said, "This is about a particular individual. Smithsonian Folk Festival, 1998."

And I say, "Oo, that's cruel!"

03 Mar 04 - 12:30 AM (#1128228)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Mark Cohen

TTR, I don't know the words to the Mouseketeers song. I think I had them written down once. In fact, as I recall I had them with me and sang it at Singtime Frolics a few years ago...which is probably why you made the perfectly reasonable assumption that I know the words. But I don't. Sorry.


PS Thanks, Maggie, if that was for me.

03 Mar 04 - 10:44 AM (#1128396)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: cloudstreet

From my Aussie mate, Martin Pearson (we play together as "Never the Twain" for those who aren't lucky enough to be Australian) -

The Gandalf Song

(To the tune of Country Roads)

Almost Heaven, old West Farthing
Misty Mountains, Brandywine River
Life is short there, shorter than four feet
You can always trust a hobbit if he's got enough to eat

The road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began
Now ever on, the road has gone
And I must follow if I can

Shadowfax me down to Rohan
Minas Tirith is where I must be goin
The ring is nasty, but I've got to know for sure
Got to find those old rolled up scrolls of Isildur

I hear the voices of Sauron, they call to me
Saruman advises me to give the drugs away
Sitting on the tower I get the feeling big bird's coming soon
I'll fly away,
Glad to be Grey.

Joined the company, they're going to need a seer
To lead them through the dusty caverns of Moria
Found a balrog, down by Balin's tomb
I wish they'd had a safety net installed in Kazad Dhum.

I have great reservations about the idea that this parody damaging the popularity of the original.


03 Mar 04 - 10:51 AM (#1128405)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: JennyO

Personally, I think this is an improvement :-)

03 Mar 04 - 11:43 AM (#1128451)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: the lemonade lady

Soave, Soave by Schantieman
(Tune: Sovay, Sovay (trad.); New words by Steve Freedman) Found in Aine's Mudcat song book.



03 Mar 04 - 08:41 PM (#1128789)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Well, whadyaknow? They were in the 'trad all along, Mark... Sorry for the intrusion...

Dees 'r dem:

(Bob Pasquarello & John Krumm)

Oh the year was 1955,
How I wish I had some sherbert now,
Disney turned the cameras on
And yelled for "Places, everyone!"

Gosh darn them all, I was told
We'd watch TV 'til we grew old
See the same old programs every year
Now I'm a broken man with these silly ears
The last of Mickey's Mouseketeers!

Every day right after school
How I wish I had some sherbert now
Yes every single afternoon,
I'd watch those Meesekar- Mousekartoons

I had a crush on dear Annette,
How I wish I had some sherbert now
And my poor heart still gives a flutter
When I eat Skippy Peanut Butter

Oh the year was 1959
How I wish I had some sherbert now
Turned the TV on and thought it odd,
No "Spin & Marty," no Jimmy Dodd!

But now I've got my VCR
How I wish I had some sherbert now
And every single afternoon
I watch re-runs of Mousekartoons

Gosh darn them all, I was told
We'd watch TV 'til we grew old
See the same old programs every year
Now I'm a broken man with these silly ears
The last of Mickey's Mouseketeers!

Like I said, I've never made it all the way though, without a major break-up... ;^)

04 Mar 04 - 06:50 AM (#1128965)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: ced2

My late friend Paul Keene had 2 excellent parodies. The first a parody of one of the best known Johnny Cash songs, I walk the line. as follows:-

I keep a close watch on this love of mine,
I keep my pants tied with a piece of twine.
Baby, if you say you'll be mine,
Come round some time, I'll cut the twine.

The other to be sung when there were either too many "finger in left lug-ole" merchants or those that were there were taking the music too seriously was a wonderful piss-take on the Voyage of the Calabar.

04 Mar 04 - 08:11 AM (#1128997)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: cloudstreet

To JennyO, Martin's words for black painting are on his solo live album - you can email him at


04 Mar 04 - 11:31 AM (#1129124)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: JennyO

Thanks John. I'll follow that up as soon as I get back from my relaxing weekend with a bunch of like-minded folk at Snalbans. Roll on tomorrow night!


04 Mar 04 - 11:41 AM (#1129127)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Stilly River Sage

I have that "twine" parody on tape around here somewhere--only one verse. The word are a little different--these don't scan identically to the original. (Specifically, the "Baby" in there doesn't seem to fit). Chances of my ever finding the tape that a song that size is on are scarce, so I'm relying on memory for this, and I could be wrong.


04 Mar 04 - 03:32 PM (#1129262)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: NoMattch

Come on Seamus Kennedy?!?! You have to have a favourite. See you at Brittinghams this weekend.

04 Mar 04 - 05:26 PM (#1129321)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Joybell

Cobber, we must have crossed paths a time or two. I was Melbourne born and raised and spent all my Friday nights at Frank Traynor's during the 60s. I'm out among the sheep now, and there is a parody of mine, set among the shearing, on the "Help with my knitting thread" You might enjoy it. Cheers Joy

05 Mar 04 - 06:13 AM (#1129661)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: ced2

Maybe I missed a word out SRS try in the third line:
Baby, if you say that you'll be mine.

05 Mar 04 - 12:41 PM (#1129857)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: GUEST,Tinker from Chicago

Just a guest, but may I add mine? I've gotten a lot of airplay out of this, plus some nasty e-mails from Ariel Rogers.

The IBM Computer (to the tune of "The Mary Ellen Carter")
by Brian Leo ©1999

She went down at 9:30 in a show'r of data bits.
The screen went dark just after having ee-lectronic fits.
There'll be no work today, boys, till the screens come back again,
so we might as well sit back and play some gin.
There was just us five around her when we found we couldn't sign on.
We cried, "Oh, hell. Today, sir, let's just give up and be gone."
But the boss said we should sit there, so we grumbled in disdain:
would our IBM computer rise again?
Well, the help desk wrote us off. There was nothing they could do.
"The mainframe's in Wisconsin in a barn in Baraboo.
"We'll surely think of something so you must have faith, my friends."
Then they laughed at us and said to write with...pens!
We grouched until twelve-thirty with naught to do but sit.
"They spent a quarter million on this worthless, high-tech...stuff!"
And with ev'ry cup that we drank up the boss said to remain
in case our IBM computer'd rise again.

Rise again, rise again,        lest her data be lost to the knowledge of men.
All those who want to work, not just sit here and pretend,
pray that their IBM computers rise again.

All morning they've been with her, sixteen programmers or more,
intoning cryptic phrases like some ancient priests of yore.
Some keypunch in the front while others poke around in back,
but still the screen's a cold, forbidding black.
They dance and burn some incense and they make an awful din.
Till one small voice says, "Tell you what. Let's plug the damned thing in."
Behold! the screen's a-glitter and the mouse says, "Where you been?
"Come watch your IBM computer rise again!"

For we couldn't leave her there, you see, like men who have no hearts.
She'd saved our jobs so many times with color-graphic charts.
And the laughing ones who'd said, "She's done. It's time to buy a Mac,"
they won't be laughing when the screens come back.
And you to whom "computer" means a box that leaves you cold,
with servers, passwords, Windows, ROMs and modules and modes,
reboot, and punch a thousand keys and cuss awhile and then
make your IBM computer, rise again!
        Rise again, rise again!
        though your fingers be broken and the input has no end.
        No matter what you've lost, be it a chart, a graph, a plan,
        like your IBM computer, rise again!

10 Mar 04 - 07:16 PM (#1133426)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Dead Horse

I heard this parody of Rueben Ranzo from an Australian singer,
but had to fill in most of the lyrics due to poor memory......

Well its poor old rotten Bonzo, Bonzo, boys, Bonzo
Yes it's poor old rotten Bonzo, Bonzo me boys, Bonzo

Bonzo was a scabby mutt. A pedigree he was anything but
Bonzo was no spaniel. His name was not Nathaniel
Bonzo was no hound dog. For he was just a brown dog
He was no retriever. So don't let that deceive yer
Bonzo was a loner.   Hated by his owner
His owner wanted a gun dog. But found he had a bum dog
The thing that was absurd is. He was afraid of birdies
A partridge or a plover. Would make him run for cover
He tried his hand at rattin'. But soon he too packed that in
For Bonzo was afraid of rats. Even ran away from cats
Bonzo made his owner weep. "I'll have that mongrel put to sleep"
When Bonzo met a lady hound. She'd sniff his bum and away she'd bound
Tried to mate with a smelly old slipper. Got his pecker caught in the zipper
So Bonzo had no babies. He finally died of scabies
We didn't bury him off Cape Horn. Just dug a hole near the edge of the lawn
His shroud was made of something cheap. That we found on the old dung heap
Dug his grave with rusty trowel. Dogs nearby they did not howl
Buried him in an old ruck-sack. Buried him deep so he don't come back
Lowered him down with the toe of a boot. And on his grave no cross was put
So Bonzo he is dead and gone. Bloody good job, says everyone
Well its poor old rotten Bonzo,   Bonzo, boys, Bonzo
Its poor old rotten Bonzo,   Bonzo me boys, Bonzo

11 Apr 04 - 03:26 PM (#1159361)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies



11 Apr 04 - 08:31 PM (#1159524)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: The Fooles Troupe

I think you will find that the last post is a plant - to get people to send their email address in reply - I suspect that this is just an another e-mail address harvesting ploy.


11 Apr 04 - 10:59 PM (#1159595)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: YorkshireYankee

Loved the IBM Computer parody!

I love parodies too... would have trouble picking just one (will have to think about it).

But -- will post this now, because the link will only be active for another day or so -- til 11.30 a.m. Tuesday 13th April (British Summer Time). Here is a link (in the second column from the left -- titled "Listen to the Latest Programmes", sixth one down) to "Follow That with Your Sea Lions!" a recent BBC radio programme on comedy in British Folk Clubs; you can hear Fred Wedlock singing "The Folker" as well as Jasper Carrot, Max Boyce, Billy Connolly and (dare I mention his name?) Mike Harding... and more.

After 11.30 on Tues, if you click on the same link you will get part 2 of the same programme, which will be available for a week. (After 20th April, it will be a different programme again, but prolly on a completely different subject -- I don't know what, 'cos I don't have the Radio Times for that week yet.)

Anyway... enjoy!



12 Apr 04 - 09:13 PM (#1160329)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: YorkshireYankee

Oh, dear... I haven't killed this thread, have I?

Larry K -- amen on Allan Sherman & the Capitol Steps. Also just about any parody by Les Barker. Some of my faves have already been mentioned above, including The Folker, Garnet's Home Made Beer, The Rolling Mills of New Jersey, Cosmic & Freaky, and Modern Folk Musician.

Herewith, a few more of my favourite parodies:
Little Boxes   (Made of Plexiglass)    (Little Boxes (Made of Ticky-Tacky)) Joanna Cazden
The Murderous Little Toy    (The Marvelous Little Toy)    Mike Roberts
All Around My Fat    (All Around My Hat)    Penny Ward
Rollin' Down To Bethlehem    (Rollin' Down To Old Maui)    Flawn Williams
Getting Out With a P.H.D.    (Rollin' Down To Old Maui)    Ted Hodapp
Slowing Down To Lethargy    (Rollin' Down To Old Maui)    Toby Fagenson
Gonna Send You My Bio   (On The Bayou)    Pat Donohue
The Winter Time is Comin'    (Will Ye Go, Lassie, Go)    Robin Laing
You Can't Keep Me From Singing (How Can I Keep From Singing)    Gordon MacDonald, Jr
How can I Keep From Eating    (How Can I Keep From Singing)   Russell Aminzade & Sandy Pliskin (am not sure of this, it's my best guess after doing a Google search)
Roseville Fair, Part II    (Roseville Fair)    Sue Trainor
Fashion's Fol de Rol    (don't know the song -- some English drinking song, I think)    Sue Trainor
Will the Turtle Be Unbroken    (Will the Circle Be Unbroken)    Les Barker
Re-Installing Windows    (When I'm Washing Windows)    Les Barker
Everything Glows    (Anything Goes)    Les Barker

Finally (if I may be so bold), I will include here the words to a "sewing chantey" I discovered deep in the dusty archives a few years ago. It's called "GREY FLANNEL LINE" & appears to be by the little-known seamstress-songwriter Carol Tawney...

I work my shift, day after day
Sew thermal undies, all in grey
Perhaps pyjamas, now & then
But then it's back to kecks again
It's one more day on the grey flannel line

Don't mind the grain nor an open seam
A button fly never worries me
But the dullest time in a boring day
Is to watch the knickers roll away
It's one more day on the grey flannel line

No silks or satins do I sew
Them pants & vests, they come & go
Even when corsets roll on by
It's still so boring I could cry
Just one more stay on the grey flannel line

Oh Lord, if dreams were only real
I'd get my hands on some satin teal
Make racy shreds to help me score
And work the grey flannel line no more



28 Dec 04 - 05:55 AM (#1365731)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: GUEST,David Taylor.


I have been chasing all over the net, trying to hunt down a Willy McBride parody I heard part of once in a documentary on Irish Pubs. The story thread is that a man is trying to have a quiet drink and someone is ruining his peace by singing an interminable version of No Mans Land, aka. The green fields of france. I think the Crawford Howard version may be the one I'm looking for. Strange coincidence, the original song was written by Eric Bogle, an Australian. I,m writing from Melbourne Australia in the hope that Crawford Howard has made a recording of this song, if it's the right one. Can you please advise if I have the correct song and if so, does such a recording exist. Crawford Howard hardly makes a ripple on the net, so you are by far my best hope. Please reply to David Taylor, P.S. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

14 Jul 08 - 05:53 PM (#2389041)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: GUEST,stewart

Eric Bogle is Scottish

07 Apr 09 - 09:55 AM (#2606472)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: GUEST,The Sage of Reason

No doubt Paul Keene had been listening to Sheb Wooley (Actor in many westerns usually badman parts. He was also Pete Nolan in the TV sereies Wagon Train) & Singer (most famously for The One-eyed, One-horned, Flying, Purple People Eater) who performed a cabaret act under the name Ben Colder and drunkenly spoofed the famous country songs of the day. He had the ability to imitate the originals very well.

07 Apr 09 - 12:18 PM (#2606589)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: dick greenhaus

One of the best-crafted parodies I've encountered was by Barry Sandler (of Green Berets fame); a fine example of clever right-wing composition:


He's five foot two and he's six foot four
And he fights with marches and with tears
He's all of sixty-one and he's just fourteen
He's been a pacifist a thousand years

He's a Catholic, a Quaker, and Atheist, a Jew
A Buddhist or whatever he would be
He knows he should be still and he knows he never will
He doesn't have the courage to be free

And he doesn't love Canada, he doesn't love France
He doesn't love the USA
He doesn't love the Russians but he helps them all he can
He thinks he'll put an end to war that way

And he's selling out democracy, he's fighting for the Reds
He says that it is for the peace of all
He's the one who must decide to surrender to the tide
And he never sees the writing on the wall

But without him how could Hitler have ever conquered France
Without him Caesar would have faced a wall
He's the one who sells his soul as the weapon of cold war
And without him freedom's armies would not fail

He's the universal pacifist, his placards all declare
He has no home or love worth fighting for
Without him men could all be free and brothers don't you see
This is not the way to put an end to war

parody of Universal Soldier ÿUNIVSOLDÿ
@war @political @parody
filename[ UNIVPACF

07 Apr 09 - 08:37 PM (#2606979)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Joe_F

1. And the sharks they played melodeons
At the bottom of the sea.

2. Country songs made me rich
And a son of a bitch.

Alas, I only remember those fragments.

08 Apr 09 - 02:40 AM (#2607108)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

Sung to 'Good Vibrations' by the Beach Boys..
I'm pickin' up a new vibrator
You can have my old puh-tater
oooh wap bop oooh bop wop bop
Good vibrations.....

Ok, this one might be a little 'offensive' so you might want to skip over it... <<<<<<(disclaimer)

Sung to 'All My Lovin' by The Beatles....
Close your eyes, spread your legs
And I'll fertilize your eggs
And won't get off, till I'm through..
And in while I'm away..
I'll beat off every day
And send all my drippings to you.

All My drippings..All my drippings...All my drippings,
All my drippings..Darlin' its just goo....

08 Apr 09 - 08:25 PM (#2607721)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Joe_F

N.B. It would be idle to object to the use of the word "parody" in this thread, which is well established in the folkie community; but it may be worth noting that that is not the proper literary meaning of the word. A parody, properly, is an imitation that makes fun of the style of the author of the original. The "parodies" in this thread are more accurately pastiches.

08 Apr 09 - 08:27 PM (#2607722)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Joe_F

A maraschino cherry, it has no stone.
Chicken a la king, it has no bone.
The story of stupidity, it has no end.
A baby when it's strangled, there's no crying.

19 Jun 12 - 02:22 AM (#3365326)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Haruo

There's another "Grey Flannel Line" sung hereabouts, not about sewing but about men's suit-salesmen. Will post it if I can find it (I don't have it memorized, alas, or thank goodness).

19 Jun 12 - 04:25 AM (#3365349)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: GUEST,Don Wise

To go slightly off course here.........I remember some people producing so-called mini-ballads which were,in a sense,parodies of the originals:

"The gallant frigate Amphitrite
She sank in Plymouth Sound"

"Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

19 Jun 12 - 05:47 AM (#3365373)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Leadfingers

I was thinking the post from Guest Watney's Fan USA fitted in well as Watneys Red Barrel as served in UK pus was definately a parody on a decent pint , though EXPORT Red Barrel at least tasted like beer , even if it was on the low S G side

06 Nov 16 - 07:29 AM (#3818507)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: bradfordian

With reference to earlier post

ARTIST: Ian Robb
TITLE: Garnet's Homemade Beer

[To the tune of Barrett's Privateers by Stan Rogers, brother of the featured Garnet Rogers]

Oh, the year was nineteen seventy-eight
How I wish I'd never tried it now
When a score of men were turned quite green
By the scummiest ale you've ever seen

/ C - G C / - F C G~ / C G C - / - - G F /

God damn them all, I was told
This beer was worth its weight in gold
We'd feel no pain, shed no tears
But it's a foolish man who shows no fear
At a glass of Garnet's home-made beer

/ G C - F / C F C F / G C G F~ / C F C F / - - G C /

Oh, Garnet Rogers cried the town / How I wish...
For twenty brave men, all masochists who
Would taste for him his homemade brew


This motley crew was a sickening sight / How I wish...
There was caveman Dave with his eyes in bags
He'd a hard-boiled liver and the staggers and jags


Well we hadn't been there but an hour or two / How I wish...
When a voice said: Gimme some homemade brew
And Steeleye Stan hove into view


Now Steeleye Stan was a frightening man / How I wish...
He was eight feet tall and four feet wide
He said: Pass that jug or I'll tan your hide


Stan took one sip and pitched on his side / How I wish...
Garnet was smashed with a gut full of dregs
And his breath set fire to both me legs


So here I lay in me twenty-third beer / How I wish...
It's been ten years since I felt this way
On the night before my wedding day


06 Nov 16 - 07:31 AM (#3818508)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: bradfordian

with reference to earlier post

ARTIST: David Diamond
TITLE: The Folksinger's Lament

[To the tune of the Limerick Rake]

Come all you floor singers, here in this throng
I'll sing you a ditty that's turgid and long
With rhymes that don't rhyme and with meter that's a little bit wrong
And it's not what I'd sing when I'm sober

But I'm ready to sing, now I've had one or two
So you swine at the back needn't run for the loo
You can put up with me like I've put up with you
And I'd like you to join in the chorus

Although my guitar I relentlessly bring
It's never in tune when you ask me to sing
So I'll go a cappella with this little thing
And it's not what I'd sing when I'm sober

There are ninety-four verses I'll stop to explain
And I learned them this morning with infinite pain
I'll just mumble the ones I've forgotten again
And I'd like you to join in the chorus

The verses, of cuckoos and valleys so deep
My intent from the ears of the innocent keep
But you know what I mean if you've not gone to sleep
And it's not what I'd sing when I'm sober

And after the sex comes the violence and gore
With murders and stabbings and blood on the floor
But before all the squeamish ones run for the door
I'd like you to join in the chorus

I go round pretending I gathered this lay
From an ancient agrarian covered with hay
On the floor of the pub where the old fellow lay
'Cause it's not what I'd sing when I'm sober

But the truth is to tell that I stole the refrain
The characters' motives I cannot explain
And next week I'm planning to sing it again
And I'd like you to join in the chorus

I scribbled it down on the back of this sheet
Which I tore from the roll as I sat on the seat
At the back of the pub where the folk-singers meet
But it's not what I'd sing when I'm sober

I carry it round to the clubs where I go
And I ask at the door can I join in the show
And this was the first one that didn't say 'no'
And I'd like you to join in the chorus

06 Nov 16 - 07:36 AM (#3818510)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: bradfordian

With reference to earlier post

Borscht Riders In The Sky Mickey Katz -youtube

06 Nov 16 - 07:54 AM (#3818512)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Dave the Gnome

Not got the words but one of my favourites was Geoff Higginbottom's rendition of "The drivers go wincing at Datsun'.


06 Nov 16 - 10:42 AM (#3818531)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Snuffy

It's three long springtimes since he bought his car
The dealer who sold it said the car would go far
The finest to come from Japan's far shore
Now it is ready for the scrap heap

There's rust on the bonnet there's rust on the boot
There's rust on the panels and holes in the roof
The engine sounds like a horse with only one hoof
They've got their revenge for Hiroshima

Many parts have now vanished since that first test drive,
The gearbox it sounds like an angry beehive
The clutch it is lying on the southbound M5
Fond mem'ries of holidays in Paignton

Well the carburettor's bust and the oil it runs free
All over the place where the sump used to be
There's a pool of green water from the radiator
And the motorist goes wincing at Datsun

There's a long row of scrap heaps where trees used to grow
It's filled up with Hondas and Datsuns also
So if you want to buy a car remember poor Joe
The motorist who remembers his Datsun

06 Nov 16 - 11:37 AM (#3818535)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Dave the Gnome

Well done Snuffy!



06 Nov 16 - 10:50 PM (#3818623)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Joe_F

I have since learned from the OED that my first post on 08 Apr 09 was an ignorant mistake: The musical sense of "parody" (new words to an old tune") is older than the literary sense (takeoff on an author's style).


Gordon Bok he wrote a tune
All about the sun and moon
And enduring cold and darkness 'cause the day is coming soon,
But you know he's a musician and he don't get up till noon,
And you know he just turns over in the morning.   -- Garrison Keillor

07 Nov 16 - 06:17 AM (#3818660)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Clean Supper

Along the lines of what Don Wise posted (as a Guest) on 19 Jun 12, is this parody or abridged version of The Man From Snowy River (sorry, I have no idea who wrote this parody).

There was movement at the station, for the word had passed around,
That the colt from Old Regret had got away,
So some blokes went out and got him back.

07 Nov 16 - 06:29 AM (#3818662)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Clean Supper

I also wrote a parody of Country Roads, which I see has had a few goes... This is up there with the most cynical of songs ever to be written, but I was pleased with my re-use of some of the original words or references to them, so I have a fondness for this song :)


Almost Nike, Cancer Council,
Heart Foundation, Amnesty or Greenpeace,
Work is cold there, colder than you'd think,
But warmer than in politics, or at Centrelink.

NGOs, take our funds,
From the place they belong,
Cut campaigning, work on branding,
Take our funds, NGOs.

Regulations, gather round them,
Tax deduction, charitable status,
State endorsement, snaps them into line,
Mist out on rebellion, tear-drop in my eye.

NGOs, take our funds,
From the place they belong,
Cut campaigning, work on branding,
Take our funds, NGOs.

I hear their voice on the Morning Show it galls me,
The messaging reminds me of Obama's campaign,
And marching down the road I get the feeling that they'll misrepresent,
Our campaign, once again...

NGOs, take our funds,
From the place they belong,
Cut campaigning, work on branding,
Take our funds, NGOs.
Take our funds, NGOs...

07 Nov 16 - 07:15 AM (#3818669)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: The Doctor

I wrote a parody based on 'April Morning'. I can't claim it's anyone's favourite, but some people like it.

'Twas on one April morning, just as the sun was dawning,
'Twas on one April morning down at the supermart,
There's a checkout girl called Nancy, with everything you can
I thought I'd do my shopping so I got myself a cart.

Now trolleys are false and are full of all deceiving,
Trolleys are false and they seldom will run true,
For they're twisting and they're turning, your intentions they are
They are always on the lookout for some different aisle from

If I had but my token in my pocket,
If I had put that trolley back again,
There in the car-park I would lock it up for ever,
And I would bother never with such a thing again.

Why do you spend all your long, long time in cursing,
Why do you waste all your energies in vain?
When I'm faced with such a task it would be better with a
And all those bloody trolleys can stay out there in the rain.

The tune is obviously the same. Feel free to sing it if you wish.

07 Nov 16 - 06:57 PM (#3818799)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Joe_F

Clean Supper: I remember from somewhere:

"Country Roads" made me rich.
I'm a son of a bitch.

I don't remember the rest, or from whom. Google does not avail.

09 Nov 16 - 07:29 AM (#3819240)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: GUEST,Desi C

I have to mention my own version of The Times They Are A Changing
First Verse

Come gather round people no more time to roam
It's time to start looking for a good old Folk's home
And acceot it that soon you'll be living alone
You'll need help with your washing and shaving
And incontinence means you're accident prone
And sometinmes you'll need a changing

(copyright Desi C)

21 Jul 18 - 12:11 AM (#3938560)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Sandra in Sydney

Randy Rainbow(yes, real name) is a comedian, actor, writer, host and Internet sensation best known for his viral comedy videos.

here are all his videos The latest is A very Stable Genius, to the tune of Modern Major General. Check out Cofeffe if you're a fan of Broadway musicals.

22 Jul 18 - 06:00 AM (#3938729)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Tattie Bogle

Just been sent a link to "A Very Stable Genius" by friends in the US. It is absolutely hilarious!
Said friends were over here last September, and I had written a partial parody of "Nellie the Elephant", featuring Trump, Trump, Trump. I asked them if they would mind me sining my song, to which they said, "So long as it's nothing complimentary about him" - it isn't!

22 Jul 18 - 08:50 AM (#3938741)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Rusty Dobro

Here's one from the late and lamented Monty Parkin:  

When it’s spring again I’ll bring again
Sex aids from Amsterdam,
Tulips just won’t do, I’ll bring to you
Sex aids from Amsterdam.
I can’t wait until the day I fill these empty arms of mine,
Like the windmill keeps gyrating, so the coach will be vibrating
From the suitcase where I cram
All these sex aids from Amsterdam

When it’s spring again I’ll bring again
Sex aids from Amsterdam,
Once I’ve done the view I’ll buy some new
Sex aids from Amsterdam.
I can’t wait until I pay the bill and fill up these bags of mine,
Like the windmill keeps on whirling, that’s how your toes will be curling,
When I stand there spreading jam  on a sex aid from Amsterdam.

When it’s spring again I’ll bring again
Sex aids from Amsterdam,
From my bargain break, back home I’ll take
Sex aids from Amsterdam.
I can’t wait until I try the drill with these new toys of mine,
Like the windmill keeps revolving all our problems I’ll be solving,
It looks fun in the diagram, with these sex aids from Amsterdam.
This one weighs a kilogram,
It’s a sex aid from Amsterdam.
I’ll bring sex aids from Amsterdam.

22 Jul 18 - 10:32 AM (#3938754)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Sandra in Sydney

Tattie Bogle, please post your lyrics.

Rusty dobro - thanks for posting Monty Parkin's song,

22 Jul 18 - 03:11 PM (#3938792)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Donuel

I'm gonna trace this thread

24 Jul 18 - 11:00 PM (#3939281)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: GUEST,larepole, guest

Dont know if this is a parody, or an intentional mondregreen or both.

Scar Strangled Banger

O staid cant obscene by the dumb surly right,
Fatso rowdily seig heiled at the toilets lost cleaning,
Whose fraud snipes and fright scars screw the powerless might
Odorous ram farts sasqwatched, were so callously screaming
Davy Crocketts' red scare, the bums thirsting and stare,
Pray groove with the whites that our flack would swell terror
Jose does that scar strangled banger yet rave,
O'er the brand of the freaks and the drone of the slave?

25 Jul 18 - 01:50 PM (#3939429)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Tattie Bogle

Here you are Sandra: I did post my Trump song on another thread way back, soon after I wrote it, which was not long after he was elected. I did update it slightky a few months later, but it's probably in need of further modifications after his recent visit to Europe!

TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP        Lyrics © Trish Santer       Tune: Nellie the Elephant

From New York
A travelling businessman came,
But not an intelligent elephant,
No, a bloke with a funny name,
Mop of hair,
And face with a very fake tan,
O what a farce, he might well pass
For an outsize orang-utan.

Donald, th’orang-utan packed his cart
And trundled off to the golf course,
Off he went with a trumpety-trump,
Trump, Trump, Trump.
Doesn’t want wind farms to blight his view
But happy to knock down some houses,
Said he was doing it for everyone’s good,
Trump, Trump, Trump.
But soon bigger things were calling, far, far away,
He put himself up as a candidate
In the US election fray.
BUT, that was in April, and no-one believed
That Donald would ever pursue it:
Now you must agree how wrong you can be,
Trump, Trump, Trump.

Night by night,
He’d rant and point and rave,
When Donald was up on the podium
He looked so proud and brave,
Dirty tricks
Yon Donald did perform
But yet he just deluded them
And took the crowd by storm.

What a palaver for months on end,
Touring all over the country,
Hillary missed out Wisconsin, oh dear, but not
Trump, Trump, Trump.
Lawyers and FBI all muscled in
To ride on this huge roller-coaster,
Vote for the “lesser of evils” they said, not
Trump, Trump, Trump?

The Mexican border was calling, far, far away,
He’ll send all those immigrants building his wall,
And leave them the other side of it,
And then, he'll make them pay for it!    (Extra line!)
While others are fleeing to Canada,
The moon or Mars or Australia,
What kind of country will America be, with
Trump, Trump, Trump?

On he went,
Trampling others down,
He only had one goal in life,
To take the President’s crown.
Just how many people did he offend?
Which makes it such a mystery
Why they voted for him in the end.

All other candidates whittled away,
He had to face up to Ms Clinton,
TV debates, all fuelled with hate,
Trump, Trump, Trump.
Misogynist, racist and bigoted perv,
And don’t mention emails from Hillary,
Lies and distortion, all out of proportion,
Trump, Trump, Trump.
Washington DC is calling, not so far away,
He was in The White House by January,
What horror, is all I can say.
BUT now he is lining up missiles and ships
And pointing them at North Korea,
Just keep your hands well off pussies and buttons,
Trump, Trump, Trump!

25 Jul 18 - 09:03 PM (#3939511)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: Sandra in Sydney


keep up the good work


larepole, that's a very clever piece of work/parody/mondagreen

17 Jun 21 - 01:58 PM (#4110491)
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
From: The Og

Senior Moments (Scotch & Soda parody) (C)         by Bill Ogden

Fmaj7                              Fm6
   Senior moments,                   why am I here?
   Give me directions,           watch me forget,

C                                    A7                                       D7         G7
Everything seems to         disa-        pear            I            fear,
Let me just ramble I’ll         get there        yet,                 I        bet,

                         E      (C        C7)
Again this         year.
It’s no                         sweat.

Folks just sit and watch me,
            C                  G7             C       A7
Ig-         noring         what   I'm   sayin'.
And                Ev-ry time I make a point,
             G7                                 walk to F
They    think that I’m just   playin’.

Fmaj7                                   Fm6
All    I can say   is,            one   of   these        days,
C                                  A7                                  D7   G7
You’ll be    just like            me,    and then you’ll see,
                        C                                        A7
It’s hard to    fly where the eagles         fly,   when you’re sur-
F                                          G7                     C      (F    C)
Rounded by turkeys,         people would I lie?