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Review: TULL

13 Feb 04 - 09:52 AM (#1115235)
Subject: Review: TULL
From: VIN

Saw Jethro Tull last night at m/c Apollo - great! Not seem em live for years but they can still do the biznis. Reckon 'Aqualung' is still me favourite disc. They are apparently on at Cropredy this year which could be a special one for reasons explained on:-

Lets all wish peggy and christine the very best of happiness in their respective futures.

14 Feb 04 - 03:32 AM (#1115683)
Subject: RE: Review: TULL
From: Nemesis

Tull play the Brighton Dome .. on erm, either 27th or 28th February (diary not to hand, sorry) ..

I 'ad that "DP" playing at my club last week :) fantastic night and looking to end of the month too..

19 Feb 04 - 10:15 AM (#1119143)
Subject: RE: Review: TULL
From: VIN

Message from Dave Pegg for those interested and may have the wrong impression and who have'nt seen the web-site recently

Hiya, Peggy here.

Just to comment about the things you are reading in the Daily Telegraph.

I was horrified and so was Christine by the implications that I had to sell my instruments because of Christine. This is not the case. I must say that Christine has been an absolute rock during this difficult time.
I am parting with the instruments because, in my opinion, half of the value of them belong to her. I know there has been a lot of speculation and it sounds as if people have got the wrong end of the stick.
The decision to sell any instruments is my own decision and I am not being forced into anything that I don't want to do.

Re: the future of the Cropredy Festival. There is a great line up for this year and it is nearly finalised and we would really like to see you there. For the future we hope to come up with a plan for the continuation of the Festival.

Thank you for your understanding and support. Peggy

19 Feb 04 - 10:41 AM (#1119166)
Subject: RE: Review: TULL
From: Fibula Mattock

Ah, I'm going to the Tull gig in Bristol next Wednesday. Looking forward to it too. Last time I saw them was their 25th Anniversary tour.