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BS: Thanks to Howard Dean

28 Feb 04 - 01:14 PM (#1125781)
Subject: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean
From: katlaughing

If you would like to sign the following, please click here: Letter from

Dear Governor Howard Dean,

We, the undersigned, would like to extend our deepest gratitude to you for the contributions you made to our country during your political campaign. To us, you are not a politician. You are a leader in the battle for a better America. Your voice is inspiration for millions of Americans who dream of a nation that not only promises, but also delivers, greatness for all.

We thank you for restoring the dream of an America that we don't have to be ashamed of when traveling abroad. We thank you for fighting for the rights of every single American citizen. We thank you for reminding us that the Presidency is an office worthy only of a person we can honor, respect, and be proud of as a symbol of our nation. And we thank you for having the strength to stand up in front of the world and point out the reality of what is happening to our country.

You have recognized, respected, and required the power of the people. We hope that you remain active in the national spotlight, if not as our President, then as someone we can trust and honor. Thank you. We are in your debt.

28 Feb 04 - 01:23 PM (#1125786)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean
From: Walking Eagle

Hang on to your ears, Kat. You are about to get them burned off by a bunch of ugly 'catter 'critters! Go ahead 'catters, prove me wrong! Betcha can't! *BIG Cheshire Cat Grin*!

Thanks K


28 Feb 04 - 02:26 PM (#1125826)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean
From: Joe Offer

I'm glad Dean ran, and I'm glad he withdrew. He spoke for the ideals of us who are on the liberal side of the political spectrum, and he spoke well. Now it's time to get behind a candidate who has half a chance of winning the election, and I think that candidate is Kerry.

I hope Ralph Nader has the sense to witdraw, so he doesn't give the election over to bush. Hey, do you think we can get Ross Perot to run again, and take away some of the Bush votes.

-Joe Offer-

28 Feb 04 - 02:38 PM (#1125837)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean
From: Don Firth

Done. Thank you, Kat.

Don Firth

28 Feb 04 - 06:16 PM (#1125945)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean
From: Walking Eagle

Kat. I sent one as well.

28 Feb 04 - 07:34 PM (#1125980)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean
From: Amos

Good show.



28 Feb 04 - 11:16 PM (#1126096)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean
From: katlaughing

Kewl, thanks, folks.

28 Feb 04 - 11:17 PM (#1126097)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean
From: LadyJean

I got his address from the petition I took around to get him on the Pennsylvania ballot, and sent Dr. Dean a personal letter, thanking him for running, and for getting me involved in the political process for the first time in my life. I said I hoped he got so many such letters that there wouldn't be enough room for them in Vermont and he'd have to rent New Hampshire and Massachusetts for storage. Good for you katlaughing!

28 Feb 04 - 11:31 PM (#1126105)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean
From: Walking Eagle

I think in this day and age of vitriol, nastyness, and just plain hatefulness an expression of thanks is well worth the time and effort. He wasn't my candidate, but that makes no difference. Good for you too, LadyJean--O.U.'78.

A.B.& B.S.J O.U.'71

28 Feb 04 - 11:41 PM (#1126115)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean
From: Jack the Sailor

If it hadn't been for Dean or someone like him, the Democrats wouldn't have a chance in the upcoming election. He did a lot to shape the platforms of the other candidates. Clark deserves thanks as well speaking about defense and for helping to crystallize the opposition to Commander In Chief Bush.

I think that Edwards would have a better chance of winning than Kerry but thanks to the way all of the presidential hopefuls have run their campaigns, either has a good chance of winning.

29 Feb 04 - 12:16 PM (#1126214)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean
From: Alice

The Dean Meetups, first Wednesday of the month at 7 pm, will meet in March to further Governor Dean's goal of continuing his grassroots organization. You can find a meetup in your area by going to Dean supporters are continuing the ideals and ideas of Howard Dean's campaign by running for local elected office themselves, most for the first time, and supporting Democratic candidates on the local and state level who will carry on the ideas of Governor Dean. Dean's supporters will contribute to campaigns with money and volunteer effort to get more people elected who will support the ideals Dean highlighted in his campaign.
Stay in touch at for the new organization's unveiling on March 18. Go to your local Dean meetup in March, if you can.

Our new effort will seek nothing less than to change America by:

- Reviving our democracy and bringing new people into politics

- Supporting candidates and office-holders who tell the truth, stand up
for what they believe, and oppose the radical agenda of the far right

- Fighting against special interests, and

- Fighting for progressive policies like health care for all, investment
in children, equal rights under the law, fiscal responsibility, and a
national security policy that makes America stronger by working with
allies and advancing progressive American values.

Everyone involved in our campaign should stay involved, stay together,
stay with the Democratic Party, and support the Democratic nominee. As I
have said before, I strongly urge my supporters not to be tempted by
independent or third-party candidates.

Let me tell you how I think the Democratic Party can win in 2004:

This year, our campaign made the case that in order to defeat George W.
Bush, the Democratic Party must stand up strong for its principles --
not paper over its differences with the most radical Administration in
our lifetime.

In order to win, the Democratic Party must aggressively expose the ways
in which George W. Bush's policies benefit the privileged and the most
extreme ideologues.

I will do everything I can to ensure that the 2004 Democratic nominee
runs as a true progressive -- with an agenda for working Americans and
their hopes for a better future. Because that is the way to win in 2004.

Thank you again for all that you have done. Please continue to visit and frequently for the
latest news as we prepare to launch our new initiative.

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.


29 Feb 04 - 12:30 PM (#1126223)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean

The Dean campaign is also continuing to hit us up for money to retire his debt. We've been donating to a number of candidates since last summer, including Kerry, Dean, Kucinich, and now Nader. We will continue to support anyone on the left that does a decent job of promoting the left's agenda, not just the Democratic party.

The central goal of the left this year is to defeat Bush. I'm on board with that, and will vote for the candidate who will defeat Bush. But I wouldn't dream of cutting off all support, both financial and organizational, to everyone but that one single candidate or the Democratic party.

To further the left's agenda, we have to keep fighting, funding, and organizing on many fronts. There is no way I'm going to jump on the "demonize Nader" bandwagon. Not after all that man has done and continues to do for this country.

Also, it should be clarified that Dean didn't "withdraw" from the race, he lost it.

29 Feb 04 - 12:40 PM (#1126229)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean
From: Bobert

I'm still driving around with my Dean bumper sticker on the back of the old Toyoter and even prouder now, if you can believe that, to be doing so than before Howard pulled out..

Should Bush be sent back to the ranch, we'll have Howard to thank for paving the way.


29 Feb 04 - 12:53 PM (#1126238)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean

I agree that Dean helped define the parameters of the debate for the Democratic primaries, but I'm not convinced thanking him, or continuing to send him money, is necessarily appropriate. I am thankful that so many people were mobilized by Dean's position on the issues, certainly. But I have no interest in furthering a personality cult.

I say that because Dean isn't the only candidate who was taking positions on issues who has done that in the primaries. Edwards, Kucinich, and Carol Mosley Braun also contributed to the debate and framing of the issues during the Democratic primaries. Why no thanks to them?

29 Feb 04 - 03:57 PM (#1126348)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean
From: Nerd


He did not lost the race, he withdrew from it. So there, too! Nyah, nyah, nyah! Etc, etc....

29 Feb 04 - 04:00 PM (#1126350)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean
From: Nerd

Oh, but I agree with you GUEST, that thanks are also due to Moseley-Braun, Edwards, Kucinich and others.

29 Feb 04 - 05:24 PM (#1126409)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean

Right Nerd. Dean "withdrew" after losing all the primary races he was in.

And don't come back with "he didn't lose, he just didn't get first place"! ;-)

29 Feb 04 - 06:00 PM (#1126434)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean
From: Greg F.

" I hope Ralph Nader has the sense to witdraw, so he doesn't give the election over to Bush "

Joe, don't put this all on Nader.

Rather hope that THE VOTERS HAVE THE SENSE NOT TO VOTE FOR HIM and give the election over to Bush. Ralph ain't going to a damn thing on his own. Lets put the responsibility back where it belongs: ON THE VOTER.

Best, Greg

01 Mar 04 - 04:19 AM (#1126740)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean
From: Nerd


In all seriousness, Dean had not lost because it was still possible for him to win. Despite what the media may have told you, a primary is not an election. You do not win states (even in an election, "winning a state" is a function of electoral college rules, not US law). In a primary you win delegates. In a race with more than two candidates, it is entirely possible to win the whole enchilada without winning any states at all. (For example, in a race with three candidates, if X comes in a strong second in most states, while Y and Z each come in a distant third in half the states and beat X by a little in the other half, X will win the most delegates without winning any states. In a race with even more candidates, it is even more likely for this to happen.) "Winning state primaries" is a media invention used to sell papers and get people watching a horse-race on TV. In the real world, it's all about the delegates.

When Dean withdrew from the race, he had more delegates than John Edwards. So, granted, he was not in first place, but he could have remained in the race as a more viable candidate than Edwards, if the media were not so determined to trash him that it became pointless. Has Edwards lost? If not, Dean did not lose either.

He withdrew.

01 Mar 04 - 09:04 AM (#1126910)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean

And Dean is also being petty by not endorsing Kerry or Edwards, and throwing his delegates back into play.

01 Mar 04 - 11:23 AM (#1127024)
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks to Howard Dean
From: Nerd

What do you know, when GUEST's previous point is proven wrong he...changes the subject to get in another dig at Dean! What a surprise!

Dean is not endorsing Kerry or Edwards because it is clear to his delegates whom he favors (Edwards), but he will be further vilified as trying to "split the party" if he endorses him now. His delegates will figure it out when he releases them before the convention, whether he makes an official endorsement or not.

Dean cannot "give" his delegates away, BTW. He can only release them to make up their own minds. His endorsement would be non-binding. So he has nothing to gain by endorsing, and the party has nothing to lose or gain by it either. If he endorsed Edwards, people like our Dean-dissing GUEST would say "he just hates Kerry," "he wants a closely-divided party," "he's just angry," "he's arrogant to think his opinion makes a difference," etc, and the practical effect of the endorsement would be slight.

Of course, people like GUEST would blame him no matter he did; if he endorses he's an arrogant angry party-splitter and if he doesn't endorse he's petty and passive-agressive. The difference is, even our Dean-hating media can't make a big news story out of "Today, Howard Dean still didn't endorse anyone!" So I think he's smart not to endorse.