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BS: St. George's day

18 Mar 04 - 11:44 AM (#1140069)
Subject: BS: St. George's day
From: Ben Dover

Right people,
             I have been oirished to death over the last few days. What are you all doing on the 23rd of april to celebrate England's finest? Silly hats and green beer again? Why do us English go mental on St Paddy's day but generally ignore dear old St George?

18 Mar 04 - 12:03 PM (#1140088)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: el ted

St who?

18 Mar 04 - 12:13 PM (#1140096)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Sttaw Legend

Many moons ago St Patrick appeared in an apparition to the WGM of Guinness. Following this event it has been celebrated, as you did, on the 17 March. In conclusion it is a publicity stunt for Guinness that went wrong for the world, but a job well done for the WGM. St Pat may I add does not get a bonus, he's in it for the love. St George - who wants to drink a dragon.

18 Mar 04 - 02:54 PM (#1140233)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: jacqui.c

For anyone within striking distance of Hertford I'm arranging a session at the Great Eastern in Railway Street on 23 April. All English music please and we might manage a mummers play if I can get sufficient volunteers. Does anyone know of a morris dancing group who might like to join in?

18 Mar 04 - 04:23 PM (#1140290)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: GUEST,An English Patriot

What we should do is to go down to the pub and toast St George (really toasting England) and to try and encourage all our work collegues to join us. After that, make a night of it. The following morning, suggest to all and sundry (especially our boss) that St George's Day should be a public holiday. By the way, this year St George's Day falls on a friday, so bugger the hangover.

18 Mar 04 - 05:08 PM (#1140329)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: McGrath of Harlow

The real day that should be a holiday, which has traditionally been the real day the Engish have celebrated, is the First of May. And that's the one that should be a hoiday. (They switched the Bank Holiday to the nearest Monday, barbarians. That means it's on May 3rd this year.)

Still, more celebrations the merrier, so I hope to be along to the Great Eastern on St George's. (Though I think it should maybe be open to the traditions of the other St George countries, such as Greece and Georgia (no, not the American Georgia, which has nothing to do wity teh Saint).

19 Mar 04 - 12:30 AM (#1140608)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: LadyJean

I have a lovely Russian laquer pin with a picture of George and dragon on it. I like to wear it on April 23. I kind of collect St. George and the Dragon.

19 Mar 04 - 02:46 AM (#1140628)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: GUEST,An English Patriot

It should be remembered that St George's Day has got nothing to do with the saint himself. Afterall, St Patrick's Day has got nothing to do with him. A interfering busy body, who wasn't even Irish, who brought Christianity to Ireland when there was probably nothing wrong with their old pagan religion.

Never mind George or the poor old dragon (and what did the dragon ever do to him, eh?)On April 23rd, celebrate England and Englishness.

19 Mar 04 - 03:01 AM (#1140633)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: alanabit

Celebrate by all means. But why celebrate a bit of dodgy history when we could celebrate the poet who was born 23/4/1564 and who died on 23/4/1616? We can be proud of him for sure.

19 Mar 04 - 03:26 AM (#1140643)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: el ted

Anybody know where I can get an idiotic red and white hat from? I must learn to play greensleeves for this august celebration.

19 Mar 04 - 03:35 AM (#1140648)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: snake19


19 Mar 04 - 04:14 AM (#1140671)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Fibula Mattock

I bet it wasn't a dragon. I bet it was a newt.

19 Mar 04 - 04:15 AM (#1140672)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: el ted

Thanks snake, I did. that is a hell of site for us english bods.

19 Mar 04 - 04:43 AM (#1140683)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: el ted

English Patriot has hit the nail on the head. It's really about celebrating England rather than some mythical/dodgy saint and his newt.

19 Mar 04 - 04:43 AM (#1140684)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Sttaw Legend

When St Georges day is organised, we should then move on to St Harris day.

19 Mar 04 - 04:48 AM (#1140687)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: GUEST,St. Harris

Agreed! My tweeds are world renowned.

19 Mar 04 - 05:25 AM (#1140712)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day

That reminds me I must order my taxi for tonight

19 Mar 04 - 06:11 AM (#1140737)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: snake19

The other one is rec.folk-dancing,i am sure they will beable to help.

19 Mar 04 - 06:34 AM (#1140752)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day

thanks snake19 had a look but they don't do taxis

19 Mar 04 - 06:35 AM (#1140755)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: McGrath of Harlow

It seems to me that having a foreign saint, who is shared with lots of other countries, as a national patron, is a healthy thing for a country. A symbolic protection against ethnic exclusivity.

19 Mar 04 - 06:44 AM (#1140760)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Ben Dover

Multi cultural is all well and good, but why can't us whitey boys have an English saint? or an English day even?

19 Mar 04 - 07:05 AM (#1140772)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: snake19

Well "Guest" try 111 500,lol.

19 Mar 04 - 07:06 AM (#1140774)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Pied Piper

As I understand it the Patron Saint of England is not George but Peter.
On Wednesday I played in a local hostelry with a Fiddler and a NSP player.
We will be there again on the 23 of April playing the same eclectic mixture as 99.9% of the punters bring their interpretation of nationality with them.


19 Mar 04 - 07:21 AM (#1140788)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Dave Bryant

Kevin - At least you don't have to share St Patrick with anyone else as far as I'm aware - and at least he did spend most of his life in Ireland unlike St George who probably never even visited England on a day trip !

I do agree, however, that we English should celebrate our national day and have been involved with many folk events to that end. At one time I was involved in organising a St George's Folk Festival at Cecil Sharp House which took place on the nearest weekend to the 23rd April.

One of the other organisers was Sheila Finn of Folk London. She invariably had problems when it clashed with her mother's passover supper. "Can't you move the festival", her mum once asked, so Sheila explained that it had to be on the nearest weekend to St George's Day. "Was St George Jewish ?" was the retort.

19 Mar 04 - 08:33 AM (#1140837)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: el ted

Let's change it to Mrs Thatcher day!! Now there was a damn fine Englishman.

19 Mar 04 - 08:43 AM (#1140846)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Dead Horse

Thatcher Day it is then.
We must all go out on this day & steal milk from children, beat up the miners, do away with a few old folks, and encourage our colleagues to roger a couple of secretaries.
Beats the hell out of pickin on huge fire-breathin dragons!
Talking of which........

19 Mar 04 - 10:20 AM (#1140931)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Dave Bryant

What about jOhn from Hull day ?

19 Mar 04 - 10:22 AM (#1140932)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: el ted

Nah, his recent nuptuals have cast a permanent stain on his reputation as the patron saint of Hull.

19 Mar 04 - 10:51 AM (#1140962)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Ben Dover

Good we are agreed on Thatcher day then. Although I have always had a sneaking admiration for Norman Tebbit and Sir Keith Joseph. Not a lot of gigs planned though are there?

19 Mar 04 - 01:35 PM (#1141079)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Crane Driver

Horse - you leave that dragon alone, or me and the boyos will come and sing at you.

St Patrick, like St David, was Welsh. St George was, I believe, Albanian. Not that it matters - they're all dead now anyway.

Why do people need an excuse to sing, play music and drink? Just do it.

Have a great time.

(Not St) Andrew

19 Mar 04 - 01:46 PM (#1141084)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: McGrath of Harlow

The day Thatcher fell, now that was one day when there was singing in the streets and general celebration. A bit like VE Day.

23rd November 1990. Three days early, but even so it felt like as good a birthday present as I've ever had. For days after I'd be going along and I'd wonder "Why am I feeling so happy" - and then I'd remember why.

I always remember Ted Heath's comment, when he said that he understood how it really must have hurt her. And then he said "Not enough...

Here's a Steve Bell cartoon he did for the 10th anniversary

19 Mar 04 - 02:52 PM (#1141137)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: brid widder

I remember that day Kevin... I was buying a house and was on my way to the solicitors to sign the contract ... I saw it on the placards... a new home & Thatcher out... would there ever be a better day!!!

19 Mar 04 - 03:16 PM (#1141155)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day

Yep Christmas came early that year for sure.

19 Mar 04 - 05:31 PM (#1141250)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Dave the Gnome

A local church was advised by the council not to fly the flag of St George as, due to the crusader connection it could be considered offensive to local Moslems.

Ho hum...

Local Moslem leaders gave the edict the derision it deserved btw.



19 Apr 04 - 03:23 AM (#1164933)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

19 Apr 04 - 03:33 AM (#1164937)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Sooz

I will sing Maggies Hollands "A place called England" at Market Rasen Folk Club. Must start the breathing exercises NOW!

19 Apr 04 - 05:15 AM (#1164997)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: George Papavgeris

Definitely "Sir Richard's Song" (... Love in England hath taken me...). Or for a lighter number at a tangent, how about "When Georgie's on a spree"?

19 Apr 04 - 05:23 AM (#1165002)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Ellenpoly

Poor St George has the misfortune of sharing his name with another George who we are hoping will be himself slain in the next US elections. Speaking for many of my fellow countrywomen and men, sorry St G...xx..e

19 Apr 04 - 05:41 AM (#1165010)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: el ted

Well refreshed! No gigs and generally silliness planned anywhere on friday then?

19 Apr 04 - 12:23 PM (#1165318)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: TheBigPinkLad

Patrick wasn't Welsh. He was likely born near what is now Whitehaven, England. Stolen by Irish slavers at around 10 years old, he lived in Ireland until as a young man he escaped and returned to his original home. Then he went back to Ireland and converted it to Chritianity. The perfect revenge.

19 Apr 04 - 12:33 PM (#1165329)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: TheBigPinkLad

Here's your chance to pen a new national anthem AND lend your name to the petition for recognizing St. George's Day as a national holiday. If you're so inclined, visit Wells Brewery website.

19 Apr 04 - 12:39 PM (#1165333)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: GUEST,MMario

Wouldn't it be silly hats and RED beer for St. George? And cute little Dragon puppets and cartoons?

19 Apr 04 - 12:42 PM (#1165336)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Jack Tar

"Local Moslem leaders gave the edict the derision it deserved btw."

Good for them. It's nice to see sanity rule occasionally.

19 Apr 04 - 04:59 PM (#1165593)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: jonm

The Anker Morris Men of Nuneaton (the W is indeed silent; there are no jokes on the name we haven't already heard) traditionally start their season on the nearest Saturday with their St. George's tour.

10.30am dancing in Market Bosworth, then again once the pubs have opened. Off to Pinwall, which doesn't appear on many maps, for lunch and dancing at the Red Lion.

The afternoon will be spent outside the Market Tavern in Atherstone, then at the Church End Brewery. Times? We're bound to be running late by then, but probably about 3 and 4pm respectively.

All of English life will be there, from the middle-class ladies who manage to cross the square in Market Bosworth pretending they simply haven't seen twenty morris men, via the shaven headed, England-shirt-wearing pride of British manhood that seems to infest Atherstone these days, to the best of English beer and civilised environments that is Church End, one of our best kept local secrets (oh, bum, now it isn't...).

All supporters welcome.

19 Apr 04 - 11:02 PM (#1165679)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: JennyO

This weekend at our Snalbans (in Oz) folk festival there will be a significant presence from our friends the Wheeze and Suck Band and the Sydney Morris Men. Not sure whether it will have much to do with St George's Day though.

Unfortunately, on May 1, when the Morris Men always meet at dawn at Mrs Macquare's Chair, I will be in Canberra. Last year was a hoot! What a shame to miss it!


20 Apr 04 - 03:06 AM (#1165790)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Nigel Parsons

El Ted:
Anybody know where I can get an idiotic red and white hat from? I must learn to play greensleeves for this august celebration.
August celebration, methinks you have the date wrong!


20 Apr 04 - 06:16 AM (#1165908)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: s6k

what about St. ElTed day

20 Apr 04 - 06:51 AM (#1165925)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Richard Bridge

Fenn Bell.

Dave Bryant did a link for the last session there. Bishop Guldulph are dancing and I am told there will be singing. I think there might be beer too. But alas not "Double Dragon" which is by Felinvoel (I hope I spelt that right) and is Welsh.

20 Apr 04 - 09:40 AM (#1166074)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day

All being well, notwithstanding the intervention of the anti-enjoyment police, we shall be drinking and singing to the memory of St. George, witnessing some fine Morris, and partaking of spit roasted dragon at Elsie`s on the appointed day.
While on the subject may I call upon all Englishmen, loyal and true to fight for the preservation of ENGLAND and ST.GEORGE. If "fatty Prescott" and his mob have their way then England will be relegated to a few regional assemblies while Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland (deservedly so) retain their historic identities.

20 Apr 04 - 09:46 AM (#1166079)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: el ted

Here here john of EB. This current mob with all their touchy feely regulations will have us all wearing mittens for our own safety before too long!

20 Apr 04 - 10:02 AM (#1166091)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: GUEST,Jim Knowledge

I `ad that St.George in my cab last year. `e was all scorched and brarn and `is lance all charred. I said, you been slaying them firery
dragons again? `e said , nah, I`ve just come from a garden party that `ad a propane barbecue!!
What am I like??

20 Apr 04 - 10:02 AM (#1166092)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day


20 Apr 04 - 12:56 PM (#1166274)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day

Well for me, being English but living in the USA, I am going to celebrate St. George this Friday. I'll start by hanging the flag outside my house, that usually gets the Yanks confused. Then maybe I'll make a Shepherds Pie, drink some fine English beer (whatever is on sale) wear my England football shirt, sing a few patriotic songs and dance around the garden like an idiot for a while.

I must go to the Gourmet food shop today and stock up on Marmite, Bisto, Birds Custard Powder, McVities Digestive's and Lucozade.

God Save The Queen........etc.


20 Apr 04 - 12:58 PM (#1166276)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: GUEST,Bob Hitchcock

That last post was mine. I think I lost my cookie, must be lack of Marmite.

20 Apr 04 - 04:25 PM (#1166435)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: izzy

This Friday we are going to have bangers and mash (minestrone!!), drink beer, and dance around the house to a combination of English fiddle music and banghra, while reciting Shakespeare. We don't hang a flag outside the house, though, we like to keep it a secret (very deep and enigmatic of us).

Hope everyone has a good SG Day.

Speaking of England and Englishness, my online magazine dedicated to the subject is now up and running (McGrath among others was interested in its progress) and we are still looking for contributors. (It's fairly highminded with a bit of silliness thrown in.) Toddle off and have a look at it here



20 Apr 04 - 04:54 PM (#1166458)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: TheBigPinkLad

I can't open the sub-pages, Isabel ...?

20 Apr 04 - 05:05 PM (#1166468)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: izzy

Sorry, I have them opening in a separate window --look on the bar and you'll find them. I did that so that you can still see the home page, but people have complained about it, so I'll change it soon. Anyhow, see if that works and let me know.

20 Apr 04 - 05:19 PM (#1166473)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: GUEST,An English Patriot

John of Elsie's Band. On our day, I shall be drinking a toast to England and another toast to an eventual English assembly to rule over all of England and the English. I shall not idly sit back and allow my country to be Balkanised by the likes of Tory Blair.

20 Apr 04 - 07:19 PM (#1166601)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Richard Bridge

Isabel, I spy room for a couple of articles on the removal of the right of the Englishman to use the highway, and the removal of the right of the Englishman to perform his traditional music. No I'm not volunteering.

20 Apr 04 - 07:30 PM (#1166614)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: izzy

Well, there certainly is scope for a well-researched piece on the PEL at some point, if anyone else feels up to it!

20 Apr 04 - 07:41 PM (#1166632)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: ranger1

When I was at college, we did a (probably not terribly accurate) version of the St. George play. I was the dragon, and was slain in grand fashion, bashing my head on the edge of the stage in my death throes.

On another note, my significant other and I went to the rather silly St. Patrick's Day parade here in Portland, Maine, where they started off with a pipe and drum corps playing "Scotland the Brave." There was a lot of confusion when we started wishing all and sundry a happy late St. Andrew's Day. It being the States, nobody got the joke.

22 Apr 04 - 06:37 PM (#1168424)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: TheBigPinkLad

It's a little before the dawn of the 23rd (GMT) but I have to bail out soon and I'd just like to wish those that care a happy St. George's Day. In my exile I'll be having that Northumbrian treat panhaggerty for supper followed by scones with cream and strawberries and, of course, lots of ale. ;o)

Click for sound clip

22 Apr 04 - 07:39 PM (#1168469)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: George Papavgeris

There were St geiorge's Day cards in the shops this year!
Zorg, one should be winging its way to you!

23 Apr 04 - 12:36 AM (#1168617)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Rasener

Not much going on for S't Georges day then!!!!

Well what about coming to Market Rasen then.

We will be celebrating our own local heroes. Yellow Bellies. Incidentally, for those who don't know, a yellow belly is somebody born in Lincolnshire. It doesn't mean that they are chicken. Who can come up with the best version of what a Yellow Belly is?

Yellow Belly stickers for the car will be given out to all true Yellow Bellies, and they might win a tank of petrol if Radio Lincolnshire spots their car with the sticker in. :-)

The Market Rasen Folk Club will be held at the following venue.

Market Rasen Social Club
Serpentine Street
Market Rasen,
LN8 3AR.
Tel: 01673 844088

The club is disability friendly as well as being family friendly.

April 23rd £1 entrance (Under 16's free) 8:00 to 11:30pm

Artists appearing
CARA (resident group), Stitherum, John Blanks, Dave Evardson, Jean Cowman, Kate Witney, Mike & Katie, Phil Brougham, Gwenda and Terry, Yellow Belly Acapelly.

Les Worrall

23 Apr 04 - 01:33 AM (#1168637)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: GUEST,ru the day


Tonight I am chairing a St George's Day celebration dinner and believe there is a special toast one should do? Can anyone tell me what the correct wording of the toast should be?

23 Apr 04 - 03:38 AM (#1168691)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day
From: Sooz

"Cry God for Harry, England and St George" just about covers it!
(Henry V by Bill S)

23 Apr 04 - 09:58 AM (#1168950)
Subject: RE: BS: St. George's day

GUEST ru theday ... click the sound bite link above and you'll get the words and Olivier's rendition (if you're brave enough to try it!) Happy St. George's Day.