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BS: Which Newspaper do you read?

19 Mar 04 - 07:33 AM (#1140795)
Subject: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Mon to Sat=Hull Daily Mail
Sun =Sunday Times
Sat =The Racing Post.

19 Mar 04 - 07:55 AM (#1140807)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?

Mon to Tues : None
Weds to Fri: My colleague's Daily Mail
Sat : The Grauniad
Sun : None

Which makes me look like a real cheap skate, which I'm not. But I tend to watch the news instead. And the Grauniad lasts me for the rest of the week.

19 Mar 04 - 08:00 AM (#1140814)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: GUEST,Sooz(at work)


19 Mar 04 - 08:39 AM (#1140841)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Rapparee

AP, CNN, Reuters on line (sometimes others, such as "Eurekalert" as well).
"Idaho State Journal" daily.
"American Libraries", "Network", "Information Week", and such.
I get the funnies from the ISJ and online.

19 Mar 04 - 08:48 AM (#1140850)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: el ted

Hull Daily Mail
mountain bike rider
mountain bike
sunday times
Flamenco International

19 Mar 04 - 09:11 AM (#1140867)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Bobert

The Martinsburg (WV) Journal which, BTW, has more liberal op-ed columnists (Charlie Reese, fir instance) than the other 'supposed liberal rag, the Washginton Post which grows more conservative by the day...


19 Mar 04 - 09:17 AM (#1140870)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Dave Hanson

The YORKSHIRE POST, naturally.

19 Mar 04 - 09:28 AM (#1140879)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: weerover

Eric, does "naturally" mean you read it in the scud (nude)?

Mon-Sat: The Herald
Sun: The Observer (AZED crossword fanatic)


19 Mar 04 - 09:42 AM (#1140888)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Deckman

On a daily basis, I read:
The Everett Herald
The Seattle P.I.
Helsingin Sanomat (Finland).

For backup, I use:

The Seattle Times
International Herald Tribune (Britain)
Russia Today
Times 0n line
Moscow Times
The Washington Post.

Then I have a ton of websites I often plug into. Bob

19 Mar 04 - 11:19 AM (#1140980)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: harvey andrews

The Independent
The Observer
and sometimes The Mail, just to remind me who the enemy is!

19 Mar 04 - 11:22 AM (#1140982)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Rapparee

What comes across here is that Catters keep up on current events. And that they're a well read bunch.

19 Mar 04 - 11:26 AM (#1140984)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Deckman

" ... that they're a well read bunch ...! Doesn't a comment like that belong on the subversive's thread! Bob

19 Mar 04 - 11:32 AM (#1140987)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: greg stephens

Pretty predictable, i'm afraid. Guardian Mon-Sat, Observer Sunday.Occasional tawdry press if there is some exceptionally interesting coverage of international news, glimpses of Jordan's underwear or whatever.

19 Mar 04 - 11:38 AM (#1140993)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Ellenpoly

Whatever I find in the bins on my way to the library, and then whatever is in the library that hasn't been nicked, and then whatever is on the internet at about a dozen different websites..and then... mudcat!

19 Mar 04 - 11:44 AM (#1140997)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Ben Dover

Gay News. Gays on sunday.Cosmopolitan. Woman's Weekly. Shanty Weekly.

19 Mar 04 - 11:48 AM (#1141002)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Guiardian, Observer and from time to time the Telegraph. Plus Private Eye and the Mudcat.

19 Mar 04 - 11:51 AM (#1141007)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Ben Dover

I bet you all have subscriptions to "The Oldie"

19 Mar 04 - 11:53 AM (#1141008)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

i forgot to mention Stick Insect News.

19 Mar 04 - 11:54 AM (#1141010)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Uncle_DaveO


Whatever news I get is from NPR.

Dave Oesterreich

19 Mar 04 - 12:33 PM (#1141040)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Stilly River Sage

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the Herald (Everett, same as Bob reads), and Google News. As time allows, or I want a variety of viewpoints on things, I read the Guardian (UK), the Washington Post, the New York Times, and for anything topical I go looking via NewsVoyager links to lots of newspapers.

The paper that I read with the most pleasure and surprise because of the in-depth articles they run is The San Francisco Chronicle. Some really great stuff there, and their archives are available. I get most of my news initially from National Public Radio.


19 Mar 04 - 01:22 PM (#1141065)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: McGrath of Harlow

And of course, the Harlow Star.

19 Mar 04 - 02:50 PM (#1141135)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: fat B****rd

Guardian on Saturday, Sunday Times on Sunday. MOJO Monthly.Newton News

19 Mar 04 - 04:36 PM (#1141216)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: jacqui.c

Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday. What's the Oldie and why should we read it?

19 Mar 04 - 07:44 PM (#1141344)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Bill D

Bobert--funny you should mention it. I had noticed the Wash. Post seeming more conservative recently! Scary! They're not exactly reactionary,or as right-wing as the Wash Times...but I wonder what's going on...

19 Mar 04 - 07:56 PM (#1141352)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Here you are jacqui - The Oldie. Well worth getting to know. It started out as a joke by Riuchard Ingrams, when he stepped down from Private Eye, and then it became a real magazine.

Their message board isn't a patch on the Mudcat. of course. But they have some of the same kind of people you find here... (If only the Oldie copuld latch on to Max's forum design, and buy it off him, this could actually be a reasonable alternatve watering hole.)

19 Mar 04 - 07:57 PM (#1141353)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Amergin

i go to the for most of my news....

on sundays i read the sunday oregoonian

19 Mar 04 - 08:27 PM (#1141371)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Scoville

New York Times, except on weekends because we don't get the Saturday and Sunday ones. For funnies I have to borrow old issues of the Houston Chronicle, but it's largely worthless for meaningful news.

19 Mar 04 - 09:40 PM (#1141405)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Shanghaiceltic

South China Morning Post (Hong Kong publisher) when I can get it.

Daily Telegraph on line

Private Eye online

Newsweek and Economist as a subscription

Definately not The China Daily

19 Mar 04 - 10:03 PM (#1141412)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Stilly River Sage

You can read all of your favorite comic strips online from many of those newspapers. You don't have to feel deprived.


19 Mar 04 - 10:05 PM (#1141414)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: GUEST,Martin Gibson

Mon-Sat: Chicago Sun-Times
Sunday: Chicago Tribune

Various news web sites

19 Mar 04 - 11:00 PM (#1141441)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: LadyJean

When I was 9, I got my picture on the front page of the "Pittsbugh Post Gazzette" with my cat Perandy. Perandy won their pet show. (He was an enormous long haired male. I don't think they noticed any of the other cats.) I've been a loyal reader ever since.
The other Pittsburgh Paper, the "Tribune Review" is owned by Richard Mellon Scaife. Any writer in town will tell you Scaife is an S.O.B. except they'll probably call him something even worse.

20 Mar 04 - 12:10 AM (#1141462)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Stilly River Sage

Jean, I would cross the street to avoid his newspaper stands. Ugg.
From CNN:

    Who Is Richard Mellon Scaife?

    He's very rich and very partisan, but is he behind an anti-Clinton conspiracy?
    By Brooks Jackson/CNN

    WASHINGTON (April 27) -- Who is Richard Scaife? He's a 65-year-old billionaire Republican wielding power from the shadows.

    According to President Bill Clinton's allies, he's the main money man behind a right-wing anti-Clinton conspiracy, attacking with his money. Former White House counsel Lanny Davis argues, "He's using it to destroy a president of the United States."

    If it's a conspiracy, it's a pretty open one. Scaife's tax-exempt foundations disclose their grants on the Web. Among them: $2.4 million over several years to American Spectator to pay for anti-Clinton reporting, even a private eye to dig up dirt. And millions more went to other anti-Clinton groups.

The rest is at the page link above.


20 Mar 04 - 04:15 AM (#1141510)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Dave Hanson

weerover, I usually read it at the breakfast table, but I have been known to read it in the bath.
jOhn, is Stick Insect News available at WH Smith ?
Question, what is long and thin and sticky.
Answer, a stick.

20 Mar 04 - 04:25 AM (#1141512)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Jeanie

'The Independent' and 'The Independent on Sunday'.
'The Daily Telegraph' is not allowed across my threshold without fumigation and exorcism being performed. (Well...that's what I used to tell my old dad, a life-long Torygraph reader).

- jeanie

20 Mar 04 - 04:58 AM (#1141517)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: ard mhacha

The Irish News, The Irish Times, The Observer on Sunday and The Sunday Tribune [Dublin], and The Beano, for other over the dub News.

20 Mar 04 - 08:15 PM (#1142012)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Joe_F

The Washington Post Weekly.
Yahoo News online.

As the years wear on, I am becoming more & more intolerant of media that are supported by advertising so that I am treated as merchandise instead of as a customer.

20 Mar 04 - 08:55 PM (#1142026)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Little Hawk

The Toronto Star, and the Globe and Mail. I like the Star best.

In order to keep a close eye on the enemy, I occasionally take a glance at the Toronto Sun (which I normally refer to as the Toronto Scum). It's not really designed so much for reading as for ogling scantily clad women, however. The Scum is basically in favour of rich people, privatization, elimination of all taxes (and social services...), violence, hatred, scandal, sudden death, stiffer jail sentences, more jails, and as much capital punishment as is humanly possible. Oh, and they like wars a lot, but only when they are launched by a Republican administration.

- LH

20 Mar 04 - 10:42 PM (#1142053)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: LadyJean

Long ago, I worked for the Heritage Broadcast Institute. I wrote most of their newsletter. The rest of the HBA staff, a charming French Canadian gentleman, put together a schedule of ethnic radio programs, and wrote an editorial. I tracked down data on various ethnic organizations, and cute stories to fill the rest of the monthly publication.
Rule number one was NO POLITICS. We encouraged our readers to trace their roots, respect other's ethnicity, and learn a second language. The editor crusaded fearlessly for more ethnic programming on radio and television, preferrably NOT on Sunday afternoons.
Then one day, Mr. Scaife, who was funding the newsletter, decided we were communists. No more funding. No more newsletter. I could have told Mr. Clinton that Richard Scaife was a seven letter perjorative. So could most of the writers in town.

21 Mar 04 - 01:30 AM (#1142119)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Kaleea

Only the small neighborhood papers. The only "regular" newspaper published in this small midwestern "city" is too lopsided for my tastes. I prefer not to read yellow tabloids.

21 Mar 04 - 04:23 AM (#1142146)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Strollin' Johnny

None. They all tell lies. I don't consort with, nor do I enrich, liars.

21 Mar 04 - 10:13 AM (#1142257)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?

Someone else who reads the San Francisco Chronicle "for the articles"! YES!

As a lifelong newspaper junkie, the advent of online newspapers has only exacerbated my addiction. There are the usual suspects for news: Washington Post and NY Times for political coverage from the conservative and liberal perspectives respectively (BTW, the NY Times has become much more conservative since the Clinton days as well, IMO). My local provincial newspapers for local news. SF Chronicle, as I mentioned and also the LA Times on occassion. I read online news sites Common Dreams and AlterNet several times a week too, along with Reuters, Editor and Publisher, and Christian Science Monitor. For Euro News, I read the Beeb online, the Guardian, and occasionally the Irish Times or Indpendendent, and Agence France-Presse (AFP).

Then there are the periodicals like Tikkun, Utne, Mother Jones, the Nation, World Press Review, and an occassional glance at Newsweek, Time, US News & World Report or the New Yorker. I occassionally read Business Week, almost always read PC World, and a number of other periodicals the library carries.

Don't read many books nowadays, but I do read a lot of news and opinion.

21 Mar 04 - 10:31 AM (#1142269)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?

And here is an interesting note from Editor & Publisher, on where Americans go for their online news:

NEW YORK Seven of the top 20 news Web sites or groups in the U.S. during February were affiliated with newspapers, according to audience statistics from Nielsen//NetRatings.

The top sites in Nielsen//NetRatings' Current Events & Global News category were Yahoo! News, CNN, MSNBC, AOL News, and Internet Broadcasting Systems Inc. -- which runs Web sites for local television stations.

For the first time, Google News appears in the No. 20 slot, with 4.9 million unique users.

Three individual newspaper sites were in the top 20:, and Newspaper chains on the list were Gannett, Knight Ridder, Tribune and Hearst.

Nielsen//NetRatings classifies news Web sites according to the media companies' preferences; thus, some newspaper Web sites are counted individually in these rankings, while others are aggregated for a newspaper chainwide ranking.

The rankings of current events and news sites were based on a panel of 60,000-plus Americans accessing the Web at work and home.

One newspaper chain, E.W. Scripps, ranked in the top 20 of another Nielsen//NetRatings list -- the directories/local guides category. All of Scripps Newspapers' sites combined had 2.4 million unique users last month.

21 Mar 04 - 10:32 AM (#1142272)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?

And I forgot to mention, I also read the Boston Globe for the same reason I read SF Chronicle. Excellent articles--the series they ran on Kerry was quite interesting, and of course, they rocked the Catholic church with their expose of the sexual abuse by priest scandal.

21 Mar 04 - 10:35 AM (#1142274)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: GUEST,An English Patriot

No-one has mentioned The Morning Star! This paper has been flying the flag for socialism (of a particular type, admittedly)and it has done a partcularly good job reporting on working class interests. I also read the Observer on Sunday and The Daily Mail. The Daily Mail really does have the best writers.I also read Time Out for the listings and the reviews, although it does employ a bunch of writers who type their copy with their heads up their arses.

21 Mar 04 - 11:28 AM (#1142295)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Padre

The Virginian Review (Covington/Clifton Forge) for local news in the Alleghany Highlands

The Washington Times for national and international news, and for Mallard Fillmore

The Fincastle Herald (weekly on Wednesday) for more local news of Botetourt County

21 Mar 04 - 05:38 PM (#1142453)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: freda underhill

The International Gnome Times

for hardhitting news about Gnomes around the planet

21 Mar 04 - 07:39 PM (#1142541)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: GUEST,dinnerlady

I read the has a very good obituary page.....I love reading about who has died....makes you feel glad to be alive so it does....

21 Mar 04 - 09:56 PM (#1142599)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: CET

Edmund's away, so this is Charmion:

Globe & Mail (favourite since they hired Christie Blatchford)
Ottawa Citizen (for local gossip and complaints about city government)
plus The New Yorker, which has all the heavy-duty American journalism I can take in a week, plus the best cartoons published in North America.

I *never* read the National Post, which is fairly literate but just too mean-spirited for words, or any of the Sun papers, which have nothing in them but sport and tits (male and female -- equal-opportunity exploitation).

22 Mar 04 - 03:04 AM (#1142660)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Metchosin

The Metchosin Muse, its always interesting to read the volunteer fire department and RCMP call-outs.

The rest of the news I get via CBC radio or the internet. I'm pretty catholic regarding sources on the net and if I find a particular topic compelling, will read just about anything to access different points of view.

22 Mar 04 - 03:07 AM (#1142663)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: mouldy

Daily - The Independent
Sunday - Sunday Independent
(and Sunday Times as well on the odd occasions when the other half's in the country, although there's too much extraneous stuff in that for me).

Fortnightly - Private Eye
Monthly - yes, you guessed it, The Oldie

Ian's one-time boss called him a commie once, 'cos he read the Independent and not the Torygraph!


22 Mar 04 - 05:41 AM (#1142735)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Hrothgar

The Brisbane "Courier-Mail," Gawdelpus. It also has some good obits (there are a couple that I won't mind seeing, but they would be remature at this stage), and the funeral notices - I must be getting old.

The really good days were when I was working on the London Underground. We used to be able to read every London paper from Times and Guardian to Mirror and Sun, thanks to those generous commuters who left them on trains.

22 Mar 04 - 01:18 PM (#1143106)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: John MacKenzie

Every newspaper has an axe to grind, be it political or otherwise, and an intelligent reader will ignore the slant if any.
I read the Telegraph on a Saturday, 10 sections, and that keeps me busy for a few days. The local weeklies, the Northern Time, and the Inverness Courier, and I skim throught the NYT on line every day. I like to keep tabs on what they're saying about us across the pond, and about the only US paper that publishes non US news is the NYT

10 Dec 10 - 02:49 PM (#3050530)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Richie Black (misused acct, bad email)

Daily Mail and Northwich Guardian.

10 Dec 10 - 03:21 PM (#3050547)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Joe Offer

I live near Auburn, California, a town of 20,000 people. After living here about five years, I started to subscribe to the Auburn Journal. It gives horrible coverage of national and international news, and really doesn't do very well at covering California.
But hey, it does a good job of telling the stories of the people in my area, and there are people I know in the pages of every issue.

I moved to the Sacramento area in 1980, and I'm still only fifty miles away. The McClatchy family established the Sacramento Bee in 1857. It's a good newspaper with balanced coverage, and I've subscribed since I arrived in the area. I certainly wouldn't be able to feed my need for news only on the Auburn newspaper, but the Bee and the Auburn Journal together make a pretty good diet. Heck, they're even delivered by the same person.

Even out here in the sticks, I could get daily delivery of the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. I really enjoy those two publications, but I don't have time to read the two newspapers I get already.


10 Dec 10 - 11:50 PM (#3050746)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Ron Davies

Any one I can get access to--to get as many perspectives as possible. As a liberal, I try to be sure to read conservative rags.

11 Dec 10 - 02:33 AM (#3050774)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Van

Guardian, Observer, Private eye, Local free rag.
there is a regular in my local who works on the railway and he reads whatever papers the commuters have left and he get to before the driver! Probably the best informed of us all.

11 Dec 10 - 11:06 AM (#3050977)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I'm with Uncle Dave-O.


I haven't bothered with a newspaper since the news part of the name became a sick joke, and we started buying soft toilet tissue.

The BBC gives me all the news, even if I do have to weight my interpretation to allow for the leftward bias that has become a part of its editing strategy.

Don T.

11 Dec 10 - 11:24 AM (#3050985)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Bonzo3legs

Daily Telegraph - good font used for the print.

11 Dec 10 - 11:56 AM (#3051004)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: scouse

The Guardian, Der Spiegal, Politken, an a few Dutch papers... all on line.....
as aye,

11 Dec 10 - 12:46 PM (#3051044)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Wesley S

I read the New York Times on Sunday and the Atlanta Journal Constitution daily.

Twice as many as Sarah Palin.

11 Dec 10 - 12:50 PM (#3051051)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: McGrath of Harlow

I suspect you overestimate Ms Palin's reading, Wesley, going by stuff like her belief that North Korea was a loyal ally of the USA which needed to be supported.

11 Dec 10 - 08:11 PM (#3051333)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Joe_F

The Washington Post Weekly is no more. Now it's the Chri Sci Monster (which has gone weekly).

On the Web, I take my pick of Google News's miscellany, and then go to the Boston Globe for local news.

11 Dec 10 - 10:14 PM (#3051393)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Sunday NY Times (shared with a neighbor), plus their online daily summary.

On cable we get the BBCnews channel, CTV (Canada) and Aljazeera (Doha).

11 Dec 10 - 10:56 PM (#3051402)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Janie

I don't have time to read any newspapers.    One result is I have a sad deficit of knowledge about state and local issues. I have a long commute and so hear a full segment of the NPR morning and evening news broadcasts for national and international news. Also usually get to skim the on-line CNN headlines daily. For local and regional coverage, I check out the website for the Raleigh N&O and the local TV station at

I do what I can to be informed, try to be mindful of how unformed I actually am, then go fix supper, pay bills or run the vacuum as needed.

12 Dec 10 - 03:54 PM (#3051969)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Stephen L. Rich

The Wisconsin State Journal
The Capitol Times (Madison, WI)
The New York Times
The Washington Post

13 Dec 10 - 01:59 PM (#3052624)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: Bonzo3legs

And the Buenos Aires Herald when there!!

13 Dec 10 - 02:20 PM (#3052648)
Subject: RE: BS: Which Newspaper do you read?
From: GUEST,Doc John

Most days - The Guardian
Private Eye
A guy who was working with me used to give me his Daily Sports when he'd finished; interesting reading but pictures somewhat repetitive.