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BS: Prayer for Eric

01 Apr 04 - 08:21 AM (#1151863)
Subject: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Amos

Eric is a rising young star in the public radio arena and the national office has asked him to go to Iraq to do a tour of several months embedded with a USMC unit there. He was in Baghdad as of yesterday, waiting to hitch a ride to Falujah, the site of the most recent and most fervent civilian violence. As such, he is going in harm's way to document what the Marines are doing and going through.

I heard him discussing the assignment in an interview on NPR -- he sounded keyed up but professional, excited and a little bit nervous. He had raised the money to buy his own Kevlar jacket, with ceramic inserts, and Kevlar helmet.

His parents are two of the brightest and kindest people it has been my pleasure to know. They are accomplished, brave, and worldly people. They are worried sick; but Eric is very much his own man and must go where he will. I cannot say I would not do the same in his place.

Please send him your best surivival wishes; we want this boy home in one piece. One living piece. Wherever you send your prayers, send one for Eric.



01 Apr 04 - 08:35 AM (#1151870)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: mooman

Dear Amos,

Naturally I wish him well and good luck. But I would wish all in that region to remain in "one living piece". Irrespective of whether they are American, Iraqi, British or from anywhere else.



01 Apr 04 - 09:29 AM (#1151910)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: wysiwyg

Do you want this out on the prayer chain, Amos? A number of Catters on it are not here often enough to see every thread.


01 Apr 04 - 09:30 AM (#1151913)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Amos

Sure darlin' -- I'll dance with the devil himself to see the guy come home sound.


01 Apr 04 - 09:45 AM (#1151928)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Shanghaiceltic

I have a lot of respect for reporters and photographers who do this kind of thing. I hope he comes back in one piece and he can let people know what life is truly like in an area where often the truth gets skewed.

01 Apr 04 - 11:58 AM (#1152058)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: alanabit

Good luck to him. I hope he gets back safe and well. I wish they would send the bloody politicians to these places and keep the young men at home.

01 Apr 04 - 01:33 PM (#1152116)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Hawker

Prayers said Amos, Do let us know of his progress

01 Apr 04 - 02:56 PM (#1152171)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Hollowfox

Well he's got my prayers right now, and when I get home tonight I'll fire up a purebred genuine midwestern !@#$-reduction candle for him and put it on the mantel with the ones for my other friends over there.

01 Apr 04 - 05:20 PM (#1152284)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: GUEST,WYS at Church Office

Request sent out.

(Embedded and on the road with King Jesus)

01 Apr 04 - 05:38 PM (#1152301)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Peace


The God I pray to is maybe a bit more universal than some folks would like, but I will include Eric in my prayers. He is a fortune guy to have someone like you in his life. He will return in good health. Trust that please. And if you get a chance, maybe mail him a copy of this thread when it fills up a little. Let him know lots of people care for their brothers and sisters in this crazy world.

Bruce M

01 Apr 04 - 06:02 PM (#1152320)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Phot

God speed, and faith protect, I may just see him out there in a few months.

Live long and prosper.



01 Apr 04 - 06:31 PM (#1152345)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Prayers and light and love for Eric and for all the loving souls of every nation who go bravely into the fray.


01 Apr 04 - 06:41 PM (#1152349)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Morticia

I know as a man he has made his choice, and I respect him for it....nonetheless my thoughts and good wishes go with him.

Phot, I hope you were joking.....

01 Apr 04 - 06:42 PM (#1152353)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Peace

Phot: What's up, maybe?

01 Apr 04 - 06:47 PM (#1152360)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Ebbie

Good health and safe journeys to him and all who meet him.

02 Apr 04 - 02:04 AM (#1152559)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Genie

Eric, you are one brave and dedicated man.
Please come home intact, having accomplished at least a lot of what you set out to do.


08 Apr 04 - 12:20 AM (#1157187)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Marion

Amos, are Eric's parents the couple you introduced me to?


08 Apr 04 - 11:05 AM (#1157502)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Amos


Yes -- the ones who slipped you that large tip -- Peter Niiler, a physical oceanographer with Scripps, and his wife Nancy.

I have heard one report from Eric yesterday, so he is still alive despite the escalation of violence int he Falujah region. Apparently he got some sort of a scoop and was picked up by a renowned CBS anchorperson (Tom Brokaw, I think) for relay. I don't know the details. At least we know he's still kicking.


08 Apr 04 - 01:23 PM (#1157617)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: jeffp

Sounds like he's doing better than just kicking. Add my prayers to the list.


11 Apr 04 - 03:39 AM (#1159056)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Amergin

My thoughst as well, Amos...I hope everyone comes home and sound...

11 Apr 04 - 05:15 AM (#1159078)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Mr Red

we're with you Eric....... in spirit at least.

Whatever else - its good to talk. Bombs are shouting.

11 Apr 04 - 07:38 AM (#1159122)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Sounds like he knows what he's doing, so he's presumably prepared to take his chances. Is it not unreasonable or illogical to seek divine intervention on behalf of particular individuals in such a theatre? I know someone whose son is in Fallujah now who would consider the notion pathetic, as would his son. Anyway, if Eric does need Special Protection, he could try this by John Betjemen:

In Westminster Abbey


Gracious Lord oh bomb the Germans,
Spare their women for Thy sake,
And if that is not too easy,
We will pardon Thy mistake.
But gracious Lord, whate'er shall be,
Don't let anyone bomb me.

Keep our empire undismembered,
Guide our forces by thy hand,
Gallant blacks in far Jamaica,
Honduras and Togoland.
Protect them Lord in all their fights,
And even more, protect the whites.

Think of what our nation stands for,
Books from Boots and country lanes,
Free speech, free passes, class distinction,
Democracy and proper drains.
Lord, put beneath thy special care
One-eighty-nine Cadogan Square.


Now I feel a little better.
What a treat to hear Thy word,
Here where leading statesmen
Have so often been interred.
And now, dear Lord, I cannot wait,
Because I have a luncheon date.

11 Apr 04 - 10:53 PM (#1159587)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: bflat

Amos, your request is answered by our collective prayers. Now it remains to see the answer to those prayers. I hope he will be safe. As an FYI, Tom Brokaw is with the NBC network.


11 Apr 04 - 10:58 PM (#1159594)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Strick

He's in our prayers.

11 Apr 04 - 11:05 PM (#1159600)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Amos

Thanks for the correction, Ellen. So far we've heard no bad news regarding Eric -- in fact, so far we have heard none. Will advise...


11 Apr 04 - 11:12 PM (#1159604)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Amos

So far he has been filing stories via interviews with news anchors on NPR, as late as 4/9. So far, so good!


12 Apr 04 - 05:16 PM (#1160184)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: GUEST,Shlio

My prayers are for him, and everyone else in the region.

13 Apr 04 - 01:48 PM (#1161025)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: M.Ted

Amos starting a a prayer thread! Now I have seen everything---

Not only will I include him in the prayers, I will keep my eye out for him on the news--

13 Apr 04 - 03:15 PM (#1161047)
Subject: RE: BS: Prayer for Eric
From: Amos

Thanks, M. Ted. I would point you to Larry Dossey's books on the efficacy of this sort of intervention, regardless of the formalism invoked.
