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Performance tips - lyric/chord memory tips

05 Oct 98 - 11:33 PM (#40467)
Subject: Performance tips - lyric/chord memory tips
From: Big Mick Lane

One of the things that the Mudcat has become is a place for newer performers to learn from experienced players willing to share their tips.

Would everyone be so kind as to share some of their tips for memorizing lyrics? Chord structures as well.

For me, it is all about repetition until it becomes second nature. My mind builds links based on visualizing the story being told.

Memorizing chords has more to do with a basic understanding of music theory and song structure.

How's that for dry advice.

All the best,


06 Oct 98 - 12:05 AM (#40472)
Subject: RE: Performance tips - lyric/chord memory tips
From: Einnor

I have a terrible time remembering all the chord changes etc. My advice is to learn the scale structure as it re lates to the fret board and to learn the number system as it relates to chords. Eg C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C equals 12345678 where C is 1, D IS 2 ,E is 3 and so on. Many tunes are C,F,and G or this can be written as 1,4,5. It has taken me alot of effort but after learning this , I improved my ability to remember.

06 Oct 98 - 01:15 AM (#40482)
Subject: RE: Performance tips - lyric/chord memory tips
From: Joe Offer

One big tip on memory, Mick:
Memorize the songs before you reach the age of twenty.
-Joe Offer-

06 Oct 98 - 01:30 AM (#40485)
Subject: RE: Performance tips - lyric/chord memory tips
From: Barry Finn

I guess part of your answer would depend on your learning style. For me I have to go though a selection process (need more reason than just loving the song, but that's where I start), then I HAVE to write it out 2 or 3 times (otherwise it doesen't make it through the skull), then I'll learn chorus, then a verse at a time, I also need to sing it while driving, sometimes taking days, this is for me a forming or styling of how the song fits to my voice or how my voice feels with the song, finding where the compatability lies is reinforcing my memory. If I'm not happy with the song & how I do it, it's not worth trying to make it work, I'll never own it, never love singing it, never really remember it. The only way for me to keep it is to internalise it, make it part of me & sing it & to keep singing it. This may sound a little to simple or stupid but it's what works for me, I'm sure each has there own personnal method & style of how they learn. Barry