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BS: Bush Buttons

10 Apr 04 - 12:58 PM (#1158580)
Subject: BS: Bush Buttons
From: Ebbie

Last night, at music, someone showed up wearing a button with a big W with a slash across it, as in NO DUBYA.

That got us to talking about other pertinent, pointed messages. I suggested a cowboy boot with BOOT BUSH on it. Someone else suggested SUPPORT TRADE, TRADE BUSH. I also like BUSH FOR HOSTAGES.

Any other ideas? It would be neat to blanket the country.

10 Apr 04 - 01:17 PM (#1158602)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: Blackcatter


Though Clinton lied - nobody died.

10 Apr 04 - 03:52 PM (#1158739)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: katlaughing

I like them all, but I refuse to even have that name on my person or my car, so the Dubya one would be the only one I'd go for.

I like the Regime Change Starts At Home to which could be added "Vote the bastards out!"

Then there's the old sign my dog wore when campaiging for Clinton, it said, "Even a dog knows what a bush is for." This would be good with pissing dog artwork! Probably too out there for most folks, though.

Remember to Vote and help others to do the same!

10 Apr 04 - 04:13 PM (#1158764)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: Chief Chaos

How 'bout:

VOte Democrat, the Whitehouse needs a good pruning!

10 Apr 04 - 04:44 PM (#1158780)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: Stilly River Sage

Several years ago people hoped this time round to see signs that said "ReElect Gore!"

I bought a T-shirt at the local democratic county-wide convention that includes "a few reasons to unelect W"

George WMD Bush

George AWOL Bush

George Whopping Debt Bush

etc. Those are a bit of work to post!


10 Apr 04 - 05:05 PM (#1158791)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons

Wouldn't it be more productive to just wear a Kerry for President button? Tell people who you are for, instead of demonizing the man you are against?

10 Apr 04 - 05:34 PM (#1158814)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: Ebbie

Good point, Guest. However, my aim is to jar people into taking a second look. It is possible to change one's mind, if one starts thinking.

10 Apr 04 - 05:37 PM (#1158819)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: Ebbie

Besides, we have not proposed 'demonizing' the Bust. I am perfectly willing to let him go home to his ranch and be blissfully happy. (However, if a tribunal is instituted in future I want him to be called back to Washington to answer questions under penalty of law.)

10 Apr 04 - 05:39 PM (#1158821)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: Blackcatter

Wow a GUEST is a reasonable suggestion - way to go.

One reason to display anti-Bush stuff is not to demonize him but to point out that he is a liar and criminal who should be punished in a court of law.

By the way - I'm not pro-Kerry either. He showed his colors when he voted in favor of the invasion.

Overthrow the 2 party system. There's no other way to get back to real democracy.

10 Apr 04 - 06:13 PM (#1158841)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: McGrath of Harlow

How about "Al Qaida backs Bush for President"?

Here is a statement sent to a London-based Arabic newspaper allegedly by "the Abu Hafs al Masri Brigade" who blew up the Madrid trains, and subsequently themselves, and addressed to Bush:

"It is not possible to find a leader more foolish than you, who deals with matters by force rather than wisdom. Kerry will kill our nation while it sleeps because he and the Democrats have the cunning to embellish balsphemy and present it to the Arab and Muslim nation as civilization...Because of this we desire you {Bush} to be re-elected.

10 Apr 04 - 07:56 PM (#1158884)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: DougR

Ebbie, if you will send a contribution to the Republican Party, they will send you a button that reads: BUSH FOR PRESIDENT!


10 Apr 04 - 08:10 PM (#1158894)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: The Fooles Troupe

If everybody voted and voted "informal" that would cause a bit of a stir. Since most US citizens won't vote though - seems little point as they are already showing their disapproval.


10 Apr 04 - 08:27 PM (#1158907)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: The Fooles Troupe


(maybe too subtle?)

10 Apr 04 - 10:01 PM (#1158970)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: Ebbie

Wow, Doug.

11 Apr 04 - 02:06 AM (#1159041)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: open mike

i still like this bumper sticker i saw recently:

11 Apr 04 - 12:33 PM (#1159282)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: Ebbie

Foolestroupe, I picture the Bust offering himself in trade for all hostages, upon arrival in Iraq beating his breast and
proclaiming, "Bring 'em on!"

That wouldn't be much more out of touch with reality than he already seems to be.

12 Apr 04 - 01:25 AM (#1159645)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: Bev and Jerry

We didn't think this up but we wish we did:


Bev and Jerry

12 Apr 04 - 02:09 AM (#1159652)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: Ebbie

I like it!

(Defe(a)t, don't fail me now!)

12 Apr 04 - 04:56 AM (#1159687)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons

Tribunal in Washington Ebbie?

Surely it has to be the war-crimes court in the Hague for Bush, Cheeny, Rumsfeld , Rice yes even Colin Powell.

Go get em I say!


12 Apr 04 - 10:13 AM (#1159822)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: MarkS

Have to agree with Guest above. It is more productive to support your candidate and then persuade others why than to simply make clever wordplay remarks about the the other guys name, etc.
It might be fun to be irreverent, but it's not likely to change any minds. Sure, you can get points from like minded people, but the point is to change the minds of the people who are not like minded.

12 Apr 04 - 12:08 PM (#1159914)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: Bat Goddess

Back in the days of Bush the First (Poppy Bush), there was a bumper sticker seen around Kennebunkport, ME where he has a large compound (but claims his official residence is a hotel room in Texas) saying "Save Kennebunkport -- Vote Democratic."

A lawn sign I've seen recently says -- "Fuck the Poor, We Want War -- Bush & Cheney in '04"

Linn (former Kennebunkport resident)

12 Apr 04 - 12:12 PM (#1159921)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: McGrath of Harlow

Ideally you'd want something that makes your side feel it's desperately close, and that it needs every vote to win - and makes the other side feel it's really all over, and it isn't worth the bother of voting, because they are goingto walk it. And at the same the undecided need to think think that your candidate is on a roll, and that they want to vote for the winner.

The trouble is, that means getting a completely different message across to each set of people...

12 Apr 04 - 01:06 PM (#1159964)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Buttons
From: Ebbie

If you can get a button to say all that in one catchy slogan, McGrath, you've got a job!