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BS: Bush to give Earthday speech

17 Apr 04 - 03:21 PM (#1163904)
Subject: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: ranger1

I heard on the radio this morning and later read in the newspaper that Shrub will be giving a speech on the environment at the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve at Laudholm Farm in Wells, Maine on Earthday. After howling with laughter for several minutes at the good April Fool's Day joke, I realized that April Fool's Day had come and gone. According to the newspaper article, "Bush will be squeezing the lunchtime speech between other events in Washington DC that day." Gee, now that sounds very environmental, using all that jet fuel just to fly to Maine for an hour or so.

17 Apr 04 - 03:36 PM (#1163912)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: open mike

maybe the plane runs on bio diesel??

17 Apr 04 - 03:50 PM (#1163918)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Mudlark

This would be funny if it wasn't so awful. The man has no shame.

17 Apr 04 - 04:28 PM (#1163939)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Peter T.

It is to puke. yours, Peter T.

17 Apr 04 - 04:51 PM (#1163955)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Peace

I am sure we shall hear words of wisdom. I wait with bated breath.

17 Apr 04 - 05:48 PM (#1163986)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Greg F.

Shame Pol Pot's no longer with us- we could get him to share the stage with Dumbya & give a speech on human rights. Maybe we could get Martha Stewart to share the bill with a speech on ethics.

17 Apr 04 - 08:42 PM (#1164080)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Bobert

Well, my fellow Americans, I have aq lot of good news for you today. Under me administartion we have made the saving of old growth forests a number one prority in this administration. We have 70% old growth trees that we did during the Clinton asministartion. And unlike the Clinton administarion out air is cleaner and our water pure-er than anytime since the 18th century under the Polk administration. And we have been so dilligent, unlike the last asministartion, to pay particular attention to endangered species and have brought back 80% more extinct species than all the administrations since our brave Founding Fathers carved out our Constitution over 200 years ago. Now, I know that we have done a lot but, my fellow Americans, we're just getting warmed up. In my next administartion we are going to patch up the hole in the ozone layer, we are going to bring back even more extinct species, we are going to create 3 times as many old growth forests and we are going to make the water that every American drinks so pure that just 6 galssed a day will prevent all forms of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

And that is a promise.

Good night and...

God Bless America.

17 Apr 04 - 09:11 PM (#1164095)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Peace

My God, Bobert. The administartion will want you on its team. Go, Bobert, go. You say that stuff with pure conviction, seriousness of voice and truth at its very core. You have become my favourite bullshitter. Bush will likely top you, but man, what a speech.

17 Apr 04 - 10:05 PM (#1164122)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Bobert

Well, brucie, that ain't nuthin' but a warm up lap fir this ol' hillbilly. Heck I only scratched the surface with that pass...

How 'bout these promises:

1. Our adminstration is so intent on bringing back extinct species that by 2010 we'll have dinosaurs roaming the Earth.

2. Our air will be so clean that just one breath of it will reduce cavities by 43%.

3. We will deliver an SUV with a 500 horspower engine, capable of accelerating from 0 to 60 mph is less than 6 seconds that runs on grass clippings. Yup, that's 500 horses...

7. We will have 100% of our aircraft being propelled with sea water as its only energy source.

86. We will increase by 2010 the number of old growth forests by 200%...

And you can take all those thing to the bank....

And, ahhh, God Bless America

17 Apr 04 - 10:09 PM (#1164124)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Jim McCallan

... and in 2008, he'll try to extend that deadline...

17 Apr 04 - 10:22 PM (#1164134)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Peace

LOL the two of you.

18 Apr 04 - 07:07 AM (#1164261)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Alba

You know if it wasn't so disgusting it would be funny.
Let's look at this Alba.
1. Earth Day speech by Bush
2. Speech by Bush....
1. Disgusting hypocrite that he is.
2. Now this one I can laugh about. ROFL..LOL....LOL
There I feel a bit better about it now.
You could liken it to Billy Graham holding a Revival for Pagans really!!!


18 Apr 04 - 09:06 AM (#1164329)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: alanabit

It's a bit like making King Herod the patron saint of children.

18 Apr 04 - 11:03 AM (#1164406)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Mooh

alanabit...That was a good one!

Trouble is, folks actually believe the stuff what Bobert up there was talkin' about. Never underestimate the stupidity of the electorate...or was that expectorate?

Peace, Mooh.

18 Apr 04 - 11:12 AM (#1164410)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Amergin

You just gotta love Herr Bush and his antics.

18 Apr 04 - 02:35 PM (#1164532)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Charley Noble

Such a pity. The Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve at Laudholm Farm in Maine is such a nice place; it used to be a gentleman farm for a wealthy industrialist. It also adjoins the Rachel Carson Reserve.

I'm sure there is no way that protesters can get anywhere near the site this Thursday. But maybe a foray by hot air ballon wouldn't be noticed during Bush's presentation.

Charley Noble

18 Apr 04 - 09:32 PM (#1164776)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Peace

Take an empty balloon to the speech. The hot air will be provided.

19 Apr 04 - 12:59 AM (#1164878)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: ranger1

Good one Brucie! I, for one, prefer to bring rotten produce. Tomatoes are my first pic, but I'm thinking maybe I ought to go for watermelons this time around.

20 Apr 04 - 12:49 PM (#1166267)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech

He's only coming to Maine to avoid having to face vast numbers of protestors. There's no other logical (illogical?) reason.

20 Apr 04 - 12:51 PM (#1166269)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Amos

No protestors in Maine? Howzzat?


20 Apr 04 - 06:32 PM (#1166560)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Charley Noble

There probably will be protesters there, as close as they can get which is probably a mile from the Farm on Rt. 1.

Bush may have thought this one up himself since the family summer place is nearby at Walker Point in Kennebunkport. He may thus have been aware that the Farm was operating as an environmental center now, or maybe one of his staff made a brilliant correlation.

Charley Noble

20 Apr 04 - 08:11 PM (#1166654)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: GUEST,petr

re: Martha Stewart on ethics,
the only thing that Martha did that was actually illegal was lie to the investigators regarding her conversation with her stockbroker.
- one can also blame her lawyers for not preparing her properly.
both Bush W. and Cheney also sold stocks with insider knowledge before they tanked.
Im not defending Martha's illadvised actions, but unlike most of the fat cat CEOs of Enron WOrldCom Ken Lay and the like, Martha built her company from the ground up -starting out with a catering business.

Most of the other bigwig CEOs took credit when the times were good
and blamed the economy when they were bad, all the while helping themselves to multi-millions in unexpensed stock options, while cooking the books.

21 Apr 04 - 03:51 PM (#1167189)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: GUEST,Larry K

Both democrats and republicans have been terrible on a coherent energy policy.    While Bush has his share of faults on this issue, you have to give him credit on two issues.
1.   He uses a geothermal heat pump (the most energy efficient system on the planet) in his personal house in Crawford.   How many other politicians are using energy efficient systems?
2.   While he was governor of Texas he was a big proponent of wind power and as a result Texas is third in the country for most energy generated from wind.   Not bad for a state dominated by oil interests.

Pardon my soapbox, but let me suggest a totally radical idea that would improove our energy policy immediately.    The federal government created the Model Energy Code in 1994.    This has now evolved to the IECC.    Only 30 states have adopted this code.   20 have not.   My state of Michigan is the only state in the country to have repealed the Model Energy Code (in 1995) and replaced it with a code that is 60% under standard.   You need more attic insulation in Tennessee than you do in Detroit.   Pathetic.    The only penalty for not conforming to the national code is that you had to write a letter to the DOE explaining what you were doing.   In Michigan the letter was written and edited by never sent.   I know this because I was on the governors blue ribbon energy committee for the past two years.   I estimated that repealing the Model Energy Code in Michigan has cost people 900 million dollars in higher utility bills.    Am I too much of a radical to suggest that the first part of an energy bill should be to enforce the existing national building code on the other 20 states who don't follow it.   I estimate this would reduce our energy consumption by 20% in the next 5 years.    I have been on this soapbox with testimony to the Public Service Commission, State of Michigan,in my newspaper column, and on several radio shows. I guess that is too radical an idea for now so I guess we will have to continue buying Middle Eastern oil.

21 Apr 04 - 04:26 PM (#1167222)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Amos

Bravo, Larry!! Great idea. Get it said.


21 Apr 04 - 07:45 PM (#1167394)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Peter T.

How did the speech go -- any reports? Can we relax now, the suspense is killing me?

yours, Peter T.

21 Apr 04 - 07:51 PM (#1167397)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: ranger1

It's not 'til tomorrow. I'd go chuck rotten produce, but I've got a volunteer work group of 40 or so 6th graders to keep busy at the park.

21 Apr 04 - 10:50 PM (#1167523)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: GUEST,Scott

There will be a large group of protesters just across from the entrance to the preserve. They are gathering at 8 am so they will be visible to all invited to Bush's speech. There will be a democratic response (featuring yours truly) at 12:30 in the town square in Wells following the president's noontime speech tomorrow. Any ideas for my speech in response?

21 Apr 04 - 11:35 PM (#1167560)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: dianavan

Guest Scott - Thanks for doing this! Here's a couple of suggestions:

War is not healthy for Earth.

If you love Earth, love the air and water, too.

Support environmental science.

Create sustainable communities.

Eat organically.

Produce alternate energy.

22 Apr 04 - 08:54 AM (#1167857)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Charley Noble


Remove your respirator before speaking!

Where or where can Vermont Yankee's missing high-level nuclear waste be? Answer from the PR team: There's a hole in the spent fuel pool, dear Liza, dear Liza...

Charley Noble, further north

22 Apr 04 - 09:08 AM (#1167873)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech

My partner and I went broke running our energy efficient design/build business in the 1980s after Reagan gutted the alternative energy funding.

Larry is absolutely right. Having Bush make an Earth Day speech is no more disingenuous than have Al Gore or Bill Clinton make an Earth Day speech.

But the vehemently partisan Republicrats who are so choked by their hatred of Bush refuse to recognize the fact that the Republicrats are every bit of guilty of wanton environmental destruction as Republicans are. Remember, the Dems ruled Congress and chaired all the committees until 1994. And it is Congress who writes the legislation and cuts the checks.

22 Apr 04 - 10:28 AM (#1167946)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: el ted


22 Apr 04 - 10:51 AM (#1167986)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Donuel

Picture from latest Bush speech. (I see a breakdown looming)

22 Apr 04 - 10:59 AM (#1168002)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: GUEST,MMario

Eat organically

How does one eat IN-organically?

22 Apr 04 - 12:10 PM (#1168074)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Donuel

GM foods

23 Apr 04 - 04:26 PM (#1169326)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: dianavan

Thanks again, Donuel.

Mario - Grow your own food or buy food that has not been adulterated.

23 Apr 04 - 04:28 PM (#1169329)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: dianavan


Maybe thats whats meant by "Thou shalt not commit adultery".

23 Apr 04 - 04:33 PM (#1169336)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: DougR

I heard the speech. Thought it was a good one. The only thing I would have added to it, had I had the opportunity, was to stress the importance of drilling for oil in the Anwar Wilderness. We NEED oil!


23 Apr 04 - 04:36 PM (#1169342)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: dianavan

Doug R. - I think most of the U.S. oil comes from Canada. They just don't want to pay the price. The U.S. wants cheap oil. The U.S. will steal oil if they have to.

24 Apr 04 - 08:12 AM (#1169643)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
From: Charley Noble

I was thinking that if Bush had only slipped and tumbled into the salt marsh or if someone had given him a gentle shove...but that would be wrong!

About 200 protestors were at the head of the drive into the Reserve.

Doug R - Why do we need more oil? It's still a bargain compared with what people pay in Canada and Europe.

Charley Noble