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Where would you go?

21 Apr 04 - 03:25 PM (#1167159)
Subject: Where would you go?
From: Allan C.

Circumstances have allowed for me to be able spend a year or so traveling the roadways of the USA, possibly crossing some borders as well. Starting in just a few weeks, I will be meandering about with a travel trailer doing my own version of "Blue Highway" I suppose. Some of my thoughts about what I hope to encounter include:

1.        MUSIC/PEOPLE
There is still a great number of 'Catters I have yet to meet. There are others whom I have met, but hope to see again. I'm hoping my travels will bring me within singing distance of a few from time to time. Also, I think it would be fun to visit areas that are mentioned in or are integrally related to folk songs. If I can manage to be in the right place at the right time, I hope to attend a few folk festivals. With luck, maybe I will encounter some folkies who have yet to discover the wonders of Mudcat and the DT.

2.        SIGHTS
Some of my favorite things about traveling are not usually found among the standard "tourist traps". Frankly, I could hardly care less about seeing a house where Grover Cleveland spent his formative years. I found visiting the arch at St. Louis to be a total waste of time and must wonder why they bothered to build it. On the other hand, I was fascinated by the Oregon Trail ruts (deeply carved into stone by thousands of westward bound wagon wheels,) or the morning view of the sunlight glinting off the snow capped Bridger Range in Montana and I'll always gasp for breath upon seeing the views of the Pacific from the high overlooks on Highway 101. I've been known to go a few miles out of my way just to visit a place with a name such as Chugwater, Wyoming if only for the bragging rights! You may know that I love cooking and eating just about equally. I hope to find a few shrimp fests, chili cook-offs, ramps festivals and other events of the sort along the way. Besides the good eats, I hope to pick up some cooking tips.

3.        HOME
I am in search of a likely place to settle. I have spent much of my life in Virginia, within a few miles of the Shenandoah Valley. Although the pull is strong to return to it, I don't feel I can do so, (if I do at all,) until I have examined some alternatives. My criteria are few in number, but great in importance. The climate must be relatively free of extremes but should include all four seasons. There should be access to forests (for hiking) and streams (for fishing and maybe canoeing.) Having mountains nearby would be a boon but not a necessity. Beach access would be just fine, but not a requirement. Note: I don't much care for lakes. For me, a lake would not be a reasonable substitute for flowing water. Folk venues should be within easy driving distance (an hour's drive or so would not be too much.) Good medical care should be within a short drive. Quiet is good. I don't mind visiting large cities, nor do I mind having them within an hour or two of driving time. However, I have no interest in living in one.

By the way, if you should discover that you have some time on your hands and would like to join me for a segment of my journey, don't be bashful. Since I don't have a designated route, we might be able to map out a circuit to include stops you'd like to make. Should you happen to be planning a visit from overseas, this could be an interesting and rather inexpensive way to see America. If the realities of somewhat cramped quarters (have a look,) long, slow miles and an Olympic class snorer (earplugs furnished at no additional cost!) don't put you off, PM me. Maybe we can work out something.

The initial leg of my travels will take me east from Texas and eventually northward. I am currently toying with the idea of trying to make it up to New York in time for Old Songs. The only stops I have planned for certain include one at Mudcatville to visit Max and of course, the Getaway in Maryland in October. Any suggestions of where to go and what to see during my year of travels would be welcomed. If you had such an opportunity, where would you go?

"And I can't help but wonder where I'm bound, where I'm bound…"

21 Apr 04 - 03:57 PM (#1167199)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: wysiwyg

Golly, I hope you're coming here!


21 Apr 04 - 04:12 PM (#1167208)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Mark Clark

Well, you might want to check out northern Arkansas. Mountain View is a hotbed of folk activity and there is canoeing in the area as well, and the Ozarks. You'd probably get a chance to visit with Dale if you visit Mt. View and take part in the community music events. If you're there on May 15, you can see me as well. We're planning to go down for the Thumbpicking Championships. There should be a lot great pickers.

Of course if your path takes you through Iowa, we'd be pleased to have you visit. A couple of weekly jams, some canoing on the Maquoketa, Turkey and Upper Iowa rivers. No mountains around here but the area around northeast Iowa is very hilly, wooded and beautiful. Wonderful views overlooking the Mississippi around McGregor and Prairie Duchene. Close to a lot of canoing in Wisconsin and near enough to Madison so there's access to culture.

I'll give this some more thought.

      - Mark

21 Apr 04 - 04:24 PM (#1167220)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: LilyFestre

Wow...what a great opportunity for you!!!! If you are coming east from Texas, I'd most definately find a way to travel the road between Gatlinburg, TN and Cherokee, NC....then on to Maggie Valley.....good fishing, spectacular mountain views and even a spot to park your vehicle and wander on the Appalachian Trail.....yep..hike along...bring your instrument...find a quiet spot on a rock and play to the world. The mountains and forests along this particular path are beyond just have to go feel it for yourself! Have fun!!!


21 Apr 04 - 05:08 PM (#1167261)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Les in Chorlton

I am too tierd? and too drunk to respond logically but Moab, Bryce and Grand Teton are places to which I must return. They are amongst the most incredible places on the planet and I heve been up Skiddaw, Scafel, around Ribblesdale, Kinder and down the Grand Canyon. Do 'em all and let us know how good it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

21 Apr 04 - 05:27 PM (#1167279)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Janie

There he goes again! Allan you are such an intrepid spirit and I so admire you. Be sure to stop by here again on your way to somewhere. We would love to see you BEFORE October at the Getaway. NOw, ya gotta pm me with all the details of how this came about at this particular time.



21 Apr 04 - 06:27 PM (#1167320)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?

To answer your question: The only place I think about visiting is the Crater Of Diamonds in Arkansas. I have always wanted to dig up a 30 carat stone or two - although I probably couldn't tolerate the heat. Reality? I love coming home to my own little place with a houseful of cats and for now one very big dog. I love sleeping in my own bed.

As to your adventure - Go for it! And there is always a lobster in the pot and clean sheets on a bed just for you. Get the wanderlust out of your system before you choose a spot to put down roots. Maine winters are cold and springs almost aren't Not a likely choice for you.


21 Apr 04 - 06:29 PM (#1167322)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: SueB

First weekend in August, Durango Bluegrass Meltdown in Durango CO.
First weekend in September, Four Corners Folk Festival in Pagosa Springs CO. If you come on down to New Mexico, check out the area north and northeast of Silver City: forest, streams and mountains in abundance...

21 Apr 04 - 06:42 PM (#1167339)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Mudlark

Allen...sounds like a wonderful trip and a great opportunity to scope out possible areas to settle down. If you get to coastal Calif. I've got lots of parking space for your travel trailer and a spare room, to boot. I live half way btwn LA and SF, about 35 miles from the coast, a little south of Big Sur country (South coast, the wild coast is lonely...). Since this is a rural area, not much in the way of festivals, but I can promise lots of opportunity for making porch music.

It is beautiful here, but your need for 4 seasons would probably not be met, and land is rediculously expensive. I lived in NOW Ark. for many years and agree with Mark that it has everything you are looking for. I still have many friends there so know that land is still reasonable. Winters are less extreme than farther north, and east, and shorter. Lots of rivers and creeks, some very beautiful, like the Buffalo, the Boston mountains are varied, rich with dogwood, wild cherry and black walnut. The area around Fayetteville, a med sized university town with enough sophistication to provide good book stores and bagels, is nice...also close to Eureka Springs, another beautiful and musically active place.

I hope you keep us posted, so I can vicariously enjoy your travels.


21 Apr 04 - 06:54 PM (#1167353)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?

Allan, have you considered apllying for part time work with LPF&S Layabouts At Large? Not everyone qualifies but your history over the past year or two may give you a leg up.

Love you,

21 Apr 04 - 07:24 PM (#1167380)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: katlaughing

You got it! Congratulations and I am very happy to hear of your plans! You know there's a spot for you in Western Colorado and it does meet most of your requirements, even if I have slightly different preferences than where we are at...I can still recommend it!

SueB! Thanks for the info on Durango and Pagosa Springs. Don't know if we can make it, but I love those areas. My sisters graduated from Ft. Lewis. If you ever find youself near the Grand Valley, give us a holler.


22 Apr 04 - 12:10 AM (#1167583)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Kaleea

If'n yore gonna be a-hittin' the highway fer a whole year, you won't want to miss one of the least known yet best acoustic Music festivals around. This is the Walnut Valley Music Festival held each September in Winfield, Kansas. Yes, Kansas. Third weekend of Sept., Thurs-Sun.
   They start camping out the Thurs. (a week) before the 4-day fest, which is when the real fun begins--a whole week of jammin' round the clock with a few thousand of your closest friends! Most everyone invites you to come visit their camp & join their jam, or listen.
    People come from all over the USA & most of the continents on our planet to camp out & jam--some even stay for the 4-day fest when the paid performers perform--every hour or so a new act--on 4 different stages from morning to midnight?ish.
    Whatever is your fav acoustic Music, it's there! Look for me, I'll be one of the galz out jammin' all night!

22 Apr 04 - 10:56 AM (#1167995)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Allan C.

Wow! Thanks, Mark, SINSULL and Mudlark, for the tips about Arkansas. It sounds very lovely. SINS, I stopped at a similar spot in Montana that featured sapphires, however, there were MANY catches to the deal - too many to interest me. LilyFestre, I'll try to make it a point to see that stretch of road near Gatlinburg. I've hiked a section of the AT before, but have been told that the part you mention is far more beautiful. I've zipped through some of the areas you mention, Les, but hope to make a more leisurely tour next time. Janie, I'm sure I'll be in your neck of the woods between now and the Getaway. Susan, it seems very likely that I will be near you at some point. I'm sure I can manage a visit. SueB, I appreciate the tips. Those all sound tempting.

Nancy, what a generous offer! You may not know that I am a native Californian. I know I said something about four seasons. I suppose what I really mean is that I want a moderate climate - a place where there is something more than just "the time when it snows" and "the time when it doesn't". Your offer of a spare room brings up an interesting point. A lot of people believe that the beds in RV's are substandard. Many years ago, this probably was true. Because of that it is not uncommon to hear an offer of "a night in a REAL bed". I'll be bringing my "spare room" with me and so my visits will be rather low impact with regard to space requirements. BTW "South Coast" is among my favorite songs.

Speaking of beds -- the one and only bedroom contains a double bed. The sofa folds out to make another double. The dining booth converts to make a third double bed.

Kaleea, thanks for the info on the Walnut Valley Music Festival. That sounds enticing!

22 Apr 04 - 11:03 AM (#1168010)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Louie Roy

If you are in Oregon in June there is a 4 day jamboree in Burns and another 4 day jamboree in La,Pine in September neither one to far from Crater Lake, Lava Bed, Volcano ASH,and many other historical places to visit.Louie Roy

22 Apr 04 - 11:29 AM (#1168032)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: harpgirl

Well, know the way to my neck of the woods and you are welcome to stop in. The Florida Folk Festival is the weekend of May 28th in White Springs where I10 intersects with I75. I know the springs and river spots for camping and canoeing. harpy

22 Apr 04 - 11:54 AM (#1168059)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: open mike

whoa! (does this mean you are not now employed at the copy center??!!)
On the contrary mud lark, there is a new festival in the Paso Robles area that I have heard many raving about. I hope you might be able to go, mudlark and take Bev and Jerry with you!! it is apr 30 may 1 & 2

22 Apr 04 - 12:03 PM (#1168067)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Marion

How excellent, Allan! It sure beats the hell out of your other plan.

Obviously you have to come to Toronto. I plan to return roughly August 1, so I hope you'll pencil us in sometime after that. I don't know where I'll be living, but wherever it is, it's yours.

Love, Marion

22 Apr 04 - 12:06 PM (#1168070)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Marion

PS For ideas on places to go to fill in the times that you're not visiting me, try this thread: Pilgrimage sites in the USA

PS to open mike - whatever happened with the travel plans you were making mysterious references to?


22 Apr 04 - 12:06 PM (#1168071)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Mudlark

I can't make that festival, Open Mike, but I am going to Pine Mountain, a one-day festival featuring Laurie Lewis, May 1. Also forgot about the great acoustic Live Oak Music Festival held, I think on Father's Day wkend, camping, jamming, much fun from all I've heard.

Live Oak, Allan, takes place in the mountains n, of Santa Barbara, mid-June. I figured the Bluegrass/Pine Mt. festivals were a little too soon for you to take advantage of. Re beds...years ago my husband and I outfitted an old schoolbus for a tour of likely looking places to move to. It didn't have all the convenient extra sleeping spaces of your travel trailer, but the bed John devised with a 6" high quality foam mattress, was the best bed I ever slept in. We took our 2 basset hounds and a cat with us, and altho we didn't find a new home on that trip, we sure had fun. What part of California are you from?

22 Apr 04 - 12:16 PM (#1168076)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: open mike

oh, and of course you are welcome to visit here at Wild Mountain.
miles and miles of elbow room here. with the Feather River Canyon
and the Sierra mountains, Mount Lassen Volcanic Park,

and the Plumas National Forest
all in the vicinity as well as the Feather River, and various
other points of interest. Where ever your trails should lead,
may they be happy trails!

I love William Least Heat Moon's book--you might be interested
in his boating adventure travels...River Horse....

22 Apr 04 - 12:55 PM (#1168125)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: open mike

oh, yes, and i have a canoe! and welcome opportunities to paddle-
i seem to go around in small circles without someone else to help steer!! I may be rambling about myself this summer in my
Vixen and so may cross paths
out there spopt on the planet that seems worthy of
a visit is not too far from Sorcha' is the Big Horn Medicine
Wheel near Lovell, Wyoming. also there is a newly constructed medicine wheel in North Dakota...and there is a mud catter (coyote breath)who is camp ground host in south dakota at Sylvan Lake Lodge in Custer State Park in South Dakota. He "will be playing "cowboy" music for their chuck wagon cookouts for a couple of hours each day and working in the gift shop the rest of the time. Sylvan Lake is the highest man-made lake in South Dakota, in the area know as The Needles. About 25 or 30 miles South of Rapid City, SD."
There is quite an active music community in Albuquerque, many of
whom frequently sing and play on the paltalk site, usually can be heard in the thursday night mudcat room!!
another festival that sounds interesting is in colorado--durango i think...i have to look it up again, but if you are in colorado, near Kat, the Grand Mesa and its many lakes are quite serene and beautiful.
Bon Voyage!

22 Apr 04 - 01:20 PM (#1168158)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Willie-O

Hey man, it sounds like your travels could take you to Ontario in July, say. In fact, it sounds like you want to live here, although the bureaucratic procedures could be a little tedious (but worth it--ask my wife!)

Come on up here, I got places to show you. (Don't be put off that I live in Land O' Lakes, most of the lakes are part of the Mississippi River system.)

Local music festivals are on consecutive weekends at end of July:
Stewart Park Festival (Perth) July 23-24
Blue Skies Music Festival (Clarendon) July 31-Aug 1.

Contact me for more info. And Big Mick was rumbling again about coming up here this summer. And it's Marion's home turf, so o course she'll pop around visiting (won't ya?)

And and and....


22 Apr 04 - 01:23 PM (#1168162)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: GUEST,MMario

not FOLK music per se; but if you're in my neck o' the woods weekends during july and the first two weeks of August - the The Sterling Renaissance Festival has a lot of good music - and you could drop by the archery booth. I suspect that the booth manager would allow you to shill.

22 Apr 04 - 01:35 PM (#1168179)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Allan C.

No worries about the calendar, Mudlark. Since this is to be at least a year-long tour, if I miss something this summer, there's a good chance I might catch it next time around.

I was born at the old Naval air base at Coronado, California. I've lived in Monterey, San Diego and Piedmont -- all of which was history by the time I was in my mid teens. I haven't been back to the Golden State since then. I'm looking forward to enjoying San Francisco as an adult. I'd also like to visit one of my childhood haunts, Mount Madonna.

OM, the job at the copy center was offered; but I declined.

Willie-O, MMario...It could happen!

22 Apr 04 - 02:57 PM (#1168252)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Allan C.

Oh, I forgot to add...Marion, thanks for the link to your own thread related to this subject. I had forgotten it. By the way, a good bit of this idea is your own damn fault. Your trek inspired me. In fact, I might even do a little busking while I'm out and around. Also, I plan to adopt your strategy and stick to the northern areas during the hotter months, for the most part.

22 Apr 04 - 03:55 PM (#1168304)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Big Mick

Clearly, without question, you simply must visit Michigan ... specifically West Michigan, focusing a laser on it, my house.

It would be wonderful to see you again. By the way, I owe you an email. Haven't forgotten, just been busy playing songs with Marion.

All the best,


22 Apr 04 - 06:26 PM (#1168416)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Allan C.

Some things go without saying, Mick. Of course I'll visit!

22 Apr 04 - 07:29 PM (#1168462)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

And the Northeast??? Hmmmmmm???? What about us?
Don't want extremes in the climate? Well, New England's a nice place to visit, as you well know. Hope you make it on your trek!

One of the last books Byron and I read together was Travels With Charley. You may want to tuck a copy in the glove compartment as inspiration!

All the best, and happy travels,


22 Apr 04 - 09:46 PM (#1168537)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: mg

well certainly come to Washington and Oregon...actually we have probably 2 to 3 seasons at least on the west side of the mountains...summer, a beautiful fall and wet wet wet..we are having summer or fall right now. I recommend living in Washington over Oregon because of taxes. Southwest Washington is doing a bit better economically than it has been...lots of good community colleges to work at if you want to say in your same profession..

But I would be inclined to return to your roots after a nice long visit. Virginia is just beautiful and there is no place like home.


22 Apr 04 - 10:08 PM (#1168543)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: CarolC

If you're passing through the area around Columbus, Georgia, Allan, you're welcome to come park your trailer next to ours for a visit. We've got a great little outdoors area for picking and singing around a fire in the chiminea.

22 Apr 04 - 10:10 PM (#1168547)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: wysiwyg

Starting to sound like I'll have to stow away with you, Allan, from my house north and northwest.


23 Apr 04 - 10:40 AM (#1168971)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Allan C.

Animaterra, read what I said to Mick.

MG, I can't express how excited I am to have the opportunity, at last, to visit Washington and Oregon. Along with Maine, they are the only ones of the contiguous United States that I haven't visited before. The attractiveness of the far northwest strikes a chord in me on a number of levels.

Carol, it is almost certain that I will be in your area very soon after I begin this adventure. I'd love to visit you and JtS!

23 Apr 04 - 10:54 AM (#1168982)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Tinker

Are you going to come brave my horde???    This is not where I see you wanting to settle, but we are definately on your way to other places. Seriously Allan, we've actually got plenty of parking and a warm welcome.


mumble mumble...owe the man an email for a week or so and his whole life changes...mumble mumble... okay so I'm a little bit jealous.

24 Apr 04 - 01:37 AM (#1169502)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: dianavan

Well - If you are going so far as Washington and Oregon, you might as well visit B.C. Excellent festival on Vancouver Island the 2nd week of July and another folk festival in Vancouver at the end of July. If you go to Vancouver Island, be sure to visit all the little islands. They all have a personality of their own.

24 Apr 04 - 01:38 PM (#1169795)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Allan C.

Tinker, I look forward to meeting your family and to seeing that house you've mentioned so often. All I would want is about forty feet of pull-in parking space, a spigot to attach my water hose and an outlet to attach my drop cord. But the fact is, so long as I have a place to park, I can manage for about four days using just the water and electricity the rig holds.

Dianavan, it is mostly because of your marvelous postings in which you have described the area, that I fully intend to explore Vancouver and its surrounds.

24 Apr 04 - 04:07 PM (#1169896)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Tinker

Well, I knew there must be a reason I finally got around to getting the electrician to upgrade the service next week... Hmmm outside outlets... they didn't do those in the 1920 upgrade either    ...something else to add to my list.   But we've got ample footage to spare. Keep us posted.


27 Apr 04 - 04:18 AM (#1172012)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: bill\sables

Have a good trip Allan, but stay on line and keep us updated. Remember the last time? I might be able to get a couple of months off and join you again.

27 Apr 04 - 01:10 PM (#1172438)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: open mike

oh oh mudcatters watch out! the dynamic duo may be at your door...again!

27 Apr 04 - 06:47 PM (#1172732)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Sunga

Hi there,
Newbie Mudcatter here.

I just had to pop in and 2nd the invitation to the beautiful Pacific Northwest. When you go to Vancouver Island, catch the ferry there from Port Angeles, Washington and spend some time in the Olympic National Park.

And, by all means, go the the Vancouver Folk Festival July 16-18. They haven't announced the performers yet, but it's always a fabulous line-up.

I am envious of your exciting adventure. Many happy travels to you!


28 Apr 04 - 07:44 PM (#1173617)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Allan C.

I can think of few things that would delight me more than having Brother Bill touring with me once again. Wow! I sure hope we can make it happen!

Welcome to the Mudcat, Sunga! I don't know if I'll be in your neck of the woods by mid July of this year. It may be much later in the year before I get that far west. However, I expect to be traveling for long enough to have a second opportunity for that festival. The same applies to a few other events that I may miss this year as well as to Mudcatters with whom I might fail to connect during my first pass through their part of the country.

I will have a laptop with me and so I imagine I will be able to stay in touch fairly often during the trip. I'll give some details about that once the adventure begins.

02 May 04 - 04:13 PM (#1176472)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: annamill

Well now if I have to swim a river, you know I will,
And if I have to climb a mountain you know I will.
And if she's hiding up on a blueberry hill,
You know I'm gonna find her, child, you know,o,o,o I will.

Cause I've been searching, oh yeah, searching,
My goodness, searching every which a-way. Yeah. Yeah.
But I'm like the Northwest Mountie,
You know I'll bring her in some day. Gonna find her.

Well Sherlock Holmes, Sam Spade got nothing, child, on me.
Sergeant Friday, charlie Chan, and Boston Blackie.
No matter where she's hiding, she's gonna hear me comin'
Cause I'm gonna walk right down that street just,
Like Bulldog Drummond because

I've been searching,
Oh Lord, searching, mm child, searching every which a-way.
Yeah. Yeah. But I'm like the Northwest Mountie,
You know I'll bring her in some day. Gonna find her.

Not folk, or is it? What is folk?

Allan, you know.

Love, Annamill

02 May 04 - 04:55 PM (#1176508)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Ebbie

Mary Garvey, I think I'd recommend Oregon over Washington- no sales tax in Oregon and the Oregon property taxes are pretty well offset by Washington's tiered taxes. And I think the Oregon coast is prettier than that in its northern neighbor...

02 May 04 - 08:45 PM (#1176597)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: jimmyt

ALLAN If you get near Chattranooga Tennessee, you plan to spend the night with us! We live just across the line in Georgia, and would be delighted to have you. DOn't know what will be on music wise, but can scare up a session at the drop of a hat if I get a couple bottles of wine and some beer! That is, of course, if you can deal with my vanilla brand of Kingston Trio vintage American Folk with a smattering of poorly played, (but dammit we sure try)Celtic music. Have a soft bed and good food with a hot shower whenever you are by, buddy!

02 May 04 - 08:53 PM (#1176603)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?

Hey Allan! Did you survive the floods? I kept a close eye out for a truck and trailer floating by with a guy sitting on top with a guitar but ...nothing.

02 May 04 - 09:40 PM (#1176618)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: CarolC

bill\sables, please try to be with Allan during the part of the trip when he visits us. We (Jack the Sailor and I) would love to meet you.

04 May 04 - 02:52 PM (#1177623)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: Allan C.

Anna, you know what a sucker I am for the oldies! I'm not sure what message you were trying to send, however. At the moment, I feel more Simon & Garfunkel-ish...somewhere between "Life, I love you, all is groovy" and " "I've gone to look for America." Maybe after a few months on the road, I might feel more like, "... each town looks the same to me, the movies and the factories..." Who knows?

Thanks for the insight into the tax issues, Ebbie. That certainly could be of value to know. BTW, according to an RV club newsletter I received today, Oregon was voted as the favorite state for RV-ing.

jimmyt, I will most certainly be in your area before autumn. I can hardly wait to trade some KT3 songs with you!

SINS, despite wind, rain, outrageous lightening, etc., the travel trailer and I remain intact and on high ground. Thanks for asking.

Carol, if and when Bill joins me, I will do all in my power to afford him the opportunity to meet you and JtS. Hm-m-m...wonder if Bill is ready to try another bag of boiled peanuts? Meanwhile, I hope you won't mind if I show up alone.

I'm still getting things ready for this sojourn. My target date for departure is the 20th of May. That should give me plenty of time to get to Florida for the folk festival. I mailed my ticket request to Old Songs today. In a week or so I will post a few stops I am planning and some other details.

04 May 04 - 05:59 PM (#1177833)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: CarolC

No, we won't mind if you show up alone, Allan. Mmmmm... boiled peanuts...


04 May 04 - 11:59 PM (#1178123)
Subject: RE: Where would you go?
From: annamill

I didn't mean anything specific, Allan. I was in a really funny mood that day. It was the first song about seeing mountains, traveling all over the place, looking for something (in your case a new place to settle) that came into my mind.

It might have been The Wanderer by Dion, or something else just as silly.

Sorry. Love, Annamill