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BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years

23 Apr 04 - 08:06 AM (#1168871)
Subject: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: harlowpoet

Shocking news from the Guardian(UK) this morning. See here

Inspired the following limerick

A poets lifespan (if it's true)
On average is just sixty two
The news makes me haste
I've no time to waste
Twenty five years of drinking to do

Anyone else?

23 Apr 04 - 08:11 AM (#1168876)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: GUEST,Mr Red in poetry mode

Old Poets never die at the end of their season, they just loose their rhyme and reason (and scansion).

23 Apr 04 - 08:44 AM (#1168906)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: Liz the Squeak

Of course, if you are Les Barker, it means a few more years of me!!!

When you're ready Mr B....


23 Apr 04 - 09:11 AM (#1168920)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: Dave the Gnome

And it p.o.e.t.s day today! Hooray!!!



23 Apr 04 - 09:19 AM (#1168926)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: Rapparee

Here in the States there's a dog food called Iams. I've heard it's made out of old poets -- they originally wanted to call it "Iambs" but decided that there was already too much bs.

23 Apr 04 - 09:33 AM (#1168933)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: Amos

Poetry has been going to the dogs for some time, so it makes sense...


23 Apr 04 - 09:45 AM (#1168942)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: freda underhill

Iambic pentameter is just a load of old doggerel, anyway.

23 Apr 04 - 12:19 PM (#1169073)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: harlowpoet

There's a lot of good poetry about and being written on a day to day basis by lots of people. True, there's a lot of rubbish, but I am happy to wade through a thousand bad poems to find a gem that does something for me.

Its subjective, and the least expensive form of creativity you can find.

While I'm on the post, any poem I write on this thread, is for this thread only, so comment how you like. Though bear in mind, that if I was putting something up for review as a work of art, I would have sent it to the six or seven copyright libraries in the UK/Ireland first.

That said, peace and have a nice day.

23 Apr 04 - 02:20 PM (#1169204)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: harvey andrews

Does it apply to lyricists? I'm 61 in two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23 Apr 04 - 02:41 PM (#1169232)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: Amos


No, it does not apply to those who add music to their words. The reason poets die young is that the brilliance of their words stirs up great clouds of music in their systems, which being unable to get out, tend to condense and die unvented, thus clouding and cluttering the system irreversibly. You on the other hand, since you sing your songs as well as write them, can reasonably expect to live to 90 something, or if your genes are especially good, over 100.


23 Apr 04 - 02:44 PM (#1169238)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: harvey andrews

Aw, shucks Amos! LOL

23 Apr 04 - 03:44 PM (#1169280)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: Rapparee

Daaaaaaaaaaaaag-gone, Amos, I didn't now that! No wonder so many folks who don't have music in their souls are croakin'! So if you let it out, you kin live ferever, right?

Druther have 'em singin' than shootin' anway.

23 Apr 04 - 03:55 PM (#1169288)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: Amos

Yeah, it's kind of like LDS or that other cholesterol...


24 Apr 04 - 11:55 AM (#1169737)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: Mr Red

Good job I migrated from poetry to lyrics in my thirties (and I am only 29 - now!)

sort of wrongciting to songwriting - and all it took is for the ex-wife to leave home. The kindest thing she ever did...........

24 Apr 04 - 11:58 AM (#1169742)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: Risky Business

If I've got cancer and am going to die before 50, does this mean that going from bad to verse will increase my lifespan?

24 Apr 04 - 01:42 PM (#1169798)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: Mudlark

At 66, 4 yrs over the avg. limit, this factoid strikes fear into my heart. Maybe I've only managed to live this long because I don't write a LOT of poetry. Maybe the singing part helps, even if it's not my own words being sung. Rubbage! After I've sung them for a while they become my least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

24 Apr 04 - 01:59 PM (#1169814)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: Amos


It doesn't have to be the same words. The life cycle is roughly as follows:

Create poetry==>generate clouds of music in system==>clouds of music alowed out, system revitalized OR ]==>clouds of music retained, condense, crystallize, blocking circulation of humors==>early demise.

You have NOTHING to worry about.


24 Apr 04 - 03:13 PM (#1169860)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: harlowpoet

Risky Business

Sorry to hear about that. We all get a bad gig sometimes.

Hope everything works OK


24 Apr 04 - 05:25 PM (#1169950)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: Risky Business


Woe there, that was a hypothetical case of cancer, so far as I know. I just lost my father, who had had and defeated cancer, but he was well past our hypothetical limit, and he was a nuclear physicist of the theoretical pursuasion. He managed to outlive Teller.


24 Apr 04 - 08:23 PM (#1170069)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: GUEST,harlowpoet

Risky business

Misread your post slightly. Sorry

Best wishes. Catch you again on the cat.


24 Apr 04 - 10:17 PM (#1170125)
Subject: RE: BS: Poets-Average lifespan 62 years
From: CarolC

I wish I could remember who it was who said that poets are people who muddy their waters in order to make them appear deep.

I believe it was Garrison Keillor who said:

We've got trouble
Right here in River City
That starts with T
And that rhymes with P
And that stands for POETRY


Higgledy Piggledy
Hector the Poet was
Lecturing students on
Using word-play

Words are your friends:
Double Dactyls are tools
You should use every day"

( ...that one's for you, Mole)