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BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...

25 Apr 04 - 11:54 AM (#1170455)
Subject: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Little Hawk

It's easy. You just select it by holding down the left mouse button and sweeping over it with the cursor. The yellow writing then turns a darker color and can be read with absolute ease. In this manner, Gargoyle's attempt to cause you to suffer eyestrain will be soundly defeated and rendered null and void.

I look forward to the next time that he writes something in tiny yellow letters.

25 Apr 04 - 12:12 PM (#1170473)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...

You have only realised that, now?

25 Apr 04 - 12:28 PM (#1170482)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Little Hawk

As opposed to?

You're implying that I am slow, aren't you? :-)

25 Apr 04 - 12:37 PM (#1170498)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Geoff the Duck

I am always wary of yellow writing - especially in the snow...
Geoff the Duck.

25 Apr 04 - 12:40 PM (#1170501)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, funny about that, isn't it?

25 Apr 04 - 12:55 PM (#1170516)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Stilly River Sage

Little Hawk, have you noticed all of the blank spaces in threads like the MOAB? Highlight those!

Enjoy visiting all of the old pages to find our remarks!


25 Apr 04 - 12:59 PM (#1170519)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: CarolC

Yeah, LH, those blank spaces are where we write with magic crayons.

25 Apr 04 - 01:00 PM (#1170522)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: GUEST,25 Apr 04 - 12:12 PM

Sorry Little Hawk, but I couldn't resist it ;-)
Just goes to prove, we learn something new every day

25 Apr 04 - 01:02 PM (#1170525)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Peace

Yeah. All this coming from Little Hawk, the guy who doesn't know where his goat is. He can see little yellow letters, but can he find his goat? Nooooo.

Read the following:

I am holding the message for ransom. Give me the goat or you will NEVER know what I wrote there. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!

25 Apr 04 - 06:23 PM (#1170698)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Bill D

all I do to read 'em is click one button in the Opera browser from "author" to "user" and MY pre-set preferences for color display pop up with HTML tricks negated...(this is nice in pages where someone has used atrocious colors and backgrounds, also)

25 Apr 04 - 06:27 PM (#1170701)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Little Hawk

Never be afraid to ask a question just because you think someone else will think you were stupid for asking it...

25 Apr 04 - 06:55 PM (#1170734)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: wysiwyg

Ctrl-A select all, quickest!


25 Apr 04 - 11:25 PM (#1170847)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Allan C.

So far, I've managed to resist what little urge there was. Have I missed anything important?

25 Apr 04 - 11:52 PM (#1170865)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Janie

Little Hawk--Thanks! I'm as ignorant as can be about computers and it had never occurred to me that I COULD change the color of the text.
I just thought some people could read it and some of us couldn't because of differences in sight and monitor quality.

I don't even understand most of what people are posting regarding ways to do it. AND....learning that stuff is just not much of a priority to me. It doesn't come naturally, and I tend only to learn what I NEED to be able to do on a computer.

OK guys and gals, now tell the truth. Is there really hidden text in some blank lines?



25 Apr 04 - 11:54 PM (#1170867)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: The Fooles Troupe


25 Apr 04 - 11:56 PM (#1170868)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Stilly River Sage

Janie, go highlight the white space in my earlier post.


25 Apr 04 - 11:57 PM (#1170869)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: The Fooles Troupe

Look at the very bottom of this page.

25 Apr 04 - 11:59 PM (#1170870)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Amos


Any browser allows you to select text. As WYSWIG points out the fastest way to do this is CTRL-A (on a Mac, CMD-A). When text is selected, you can read even the palest colored text because it is highlighted with a sort of shadow which shows up the pale text characters. Try pressing CTRL-A and you'll see what I mean



26 Apr 04 - 12:14 AM (#1170881)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Little Hawk

Wow! There IS hidden text in the blank spaces. I have now learned 2 new things today, Guest. :-) This is so cool. Janie, do like WYSIWYG said and hit Ctrl-a (hold down Ctrl key with one finger, hit "a" with other finger...and all text is selected in dark blue). Then left click with the mouse on any blank area and everything de-selects back to normal appearance.

- LH

26 Apr 04 - 12:17 AM (#1170884)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: CarolC

Ha! Try Googling this, "Max Now Works on The Schemm Team" (with quotes).

26 Apr 04 - 12:34 AM (#1170891)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Allan C.

Carol, I don't even want to know how the hell you ever found that, much less what the heck it means!

If you read it upside down in a mirror, does it spell out "Paul is dead"?

26 Apr 04 - 12:34 AM (#1170893)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Amos

Geeze -- that search goes on forever!!


26 Apr 04 - 12:56 AM (#1170898)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Stilly River Sage

Okay, kids, here's the part where you get out your decoder rings and figure out the magic acronym. And it is

H-T-M-L (you can click on that link even if you can't see it).

26 Apr 04 - 02:20 AM (#1170919)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Rustic Rebel



Still too lazy to attempt html but I bet I got you scanning for yet another secret message. (At least a couple of you)

26 Apr 04 - 02:28 AM (#1170924)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: michaelr

Always figured it was Yellow for a reason...

26 Apr 04 - 04:46 AM (#1170996)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: gnomad

I only learned the trick of doing this quite recently (after months of wondering whether it was worth finding a magnifying glass, and deciding it was not} but only this morning did I get around to wondering..

Why does G do it?

26 Apr 04 - 08:35 AM (#1171115)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Sandra in Sydney

somehow I'd accidently highlighted his yellow text months back, dunno how or why.

I had assumed spaces were for emphasis, like putting the punchline of a joke below eyelevel so the reader has a chance to work it out. Now I'll treat all spaces with suspicion & try to read 'em!! (ps. Rustic Rebel, I tried to read your empty message)


26 Apr 04 - 08:36 AM (#1171117)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Janie

Well I'll be dog-gone!!!


26 Apr 04 - 08:53 AM (#1171143)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: The Fooles Troupe

"Why does G do it?"
"Why does a dog lick his balls?"

Because he can!

27 Apr 04 - 12:08 AM (#1171917)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: wysiwyg

The correct way to Ctrl-A is:

Left thumb bends over to Ctrl while index curls up to A.

It's kind of a flicky thing.

If you do a lot of pudering it's almost as quick as hitting the space bar.

Also Ctrl C, Ctrl V-- left pinky hits Ctrl while left index stretches to C then V. Really these ought to be taught in keyboarding classes don't you think.

I need to get a life. Is it just me tho, is what I wonder?

(left thumb on shift with left index up to ~,then left index down to S and back up to ~)

27 Apr 04 - 12:16 AM (#1171925)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Little Hawk

No, no, you use your left little finger on the Ctrl and your left index finger to tap the "a"!

27 Apr 04 - 03:56 AM (#1171987)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Mark Cohen

Susan, my tilde (~) is all the way at the top right above the backspace key, next to F12. You'd have to have an awfully big hand to do it the way you described on this computer. For some reason, Dell also hid the delete key in the middle of the right bottom row. Grrr...

(Speaking of F12, remember when there were word-processing programs that had you using all the function keys, all controlled and shifted and control-shifted and everything?--the one I'm thinking about was PC-Write, but I think WordStar did it too.)


who still remembers the days when if you wanted to make an exclamation point you had to type an apostrophe, backspace, and then type a period!

27 Apr 04 - 05:52 PM (#1172698)
Subject: RE: BS: How to read Gargoyle's yellow writing...
From: Peace

Mark: I do. Or I did. I think. It's the aluminium. Thanks for reminding me about whatever it was. Nice speaking with you, Dave.
