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BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!

26 Apr 04 - 04:58 PM (#1171638)
Subject: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: GUEST,Not No Kar Racin' Fan

The NASCAR crowds overwelmingly support Bush. Surprise, Surprise. They deserve each other. They walk Side by Side with a lack of intelligence, rednecks to the end.

Okay, I guess there are some intellegent people who like to watch cars go round n round n round...and drank beer and watch cars go round n round n....and ate hot dogs and watch cars go round n round n....

26 Apr 04 - 05:04 PM (#1171642)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Little Hawk



26 Apr 04 - 05:06 PM (#1171643)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Don Firth

Don't forget crash and burn. Lotsa folks just love crash and burn.

I guess it breaks up the monotony.

Don Firth

26 Apr 04 - 05:09 PM (#1171647)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: GUEST,Not No Kar Racin' Fan

The crash and burn is kinda like Iraq, Huh?

gosh, I guess them decibells is what makes it xcitin'

26 Apr 04 - 05:12 PM (#1171651)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Amos

Well, now...I have a lot of respect for the incredible feats of engineering that make NASCAR possible, and they should never be taken for granted. It's easy to sneer, but I'd like to see you develop that kind of horsepower!!

Now, Spaw, he likes NASCAR, being a car-man from way back. But I don't think he likes a Bush very much. Mebbe this generality is got holes in it?


26 Apr 04 - 05:54 PM (#1171681)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: GUEST,Norton1

I am not a Bush fan - and I LOVE NASCAR

Only sport where they start out with the National Anthem, say a prayer for safety, and overwhelmingly support the troops -

My kind of people.


26 Apr 04 - 05:55 PM (#1171682)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Bobert

Ahhhh, interesting three piece article in the Wsahington Post that began yesterday about how divided America is, some hypothesises on how it has occured, and genearl observations about the two camps. The Reds and the conservatives and generally are folks who live in the states that Bush either won or was awarded (i.e. Florida) and the Blues states are more populated with more liberal folks...

Anyway, yesterday's installment was an overview and todays was inside the home's deep inside Red America, the Stein family of Sugar Land, Texas. And, while the article didn't mention NASCAR, one gets the strong impression that Mr. Stein can certainly tell you a thing or two about the current points standing. That's why, while I knew what Howard Dean was trying to do with his "Bubba with a Confederate flag on the pickup truck" speech, I believe that there is no way of getting these Red folks to leave their camp. Like how many Red camp folks were in the Woman's March yesterday? None! 1.5 million folks and not 1!!! But that is reality.

Now I've been known to joke around about country music and NASCAR but if it weren't for these two pastimes, the Red Camp would be purdy bored. And know what? The Blue camp could get themselves a NASCAR race car and they would be booed and run into a wall by Stroker Ace so all them Red(neck) camp folks could get their jollies...

So, it's my hope that the Blue camp can come up with some events, other than protesting and being enlightened, that are equally exclusive. Problem is, the Red camp is so well financed in the area of entertainment and so far ahead that it may just be a dream to think that *our* side could ever come up with anything equivalent to NASCAR...

Now, not to sound sour-grapish, but if sitting in the hot sun watching cars drive round and round and round is the Red camps way of having fun, we Blue camp folks certainly win in the intellegence department...

Ahhhhh, IMHO...


26 Apr 04 - 05:55 PM (#1171684)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: GUEST,Not No Kar Racin' Fan

OH NO! I ditunt want to rile Spaw. He muss be won of dem intelligent gents I wuz a'referrin' to a'bove.

Gloom Dispar' and Agony On Me...

26 Apr 04 - 06:01 PM (#1171688)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Strick

I think liberals should get themselves a NASCAR racing team to go with their liberal radio! Wonder what kind of sponsors they'd windup with plastered all over the car and the driver's clothes, though. That could be interesting.

26 Apr 04 - 06:02 PM (#1171689)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Little Hawk

Amos, I used to develop that kind of horsepower just watching Diana Rigg do her bit in the old TV show "The Avengers"...

26 Apr 04 - 06:06 PM (#1171694)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: GUEST,Not No Kar Racin' Fan

Bet the liberal race cars n clothes would be racy!

26 Apr 04 - 06:11 PM (#1171700)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Amos

Prolly like GAP and "Banana Republic" and maybe "Land's End", or L.L. Bean, huh?


26 Apr 04 - 07:28 PM (#1171761)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Why hell yeah them NASCAR boys 'n girls likes Bush. They's lotsa reasons. Like...

Bush and Busch are homonyms so ever time Bubba drinks a Budweiser Dubya gits a free subliminal advertisement.

Everbody needs somebody they kin feel smarter than an even Joe Bob is smarter than Dubya.

Both Bush and most NASCAR fans pronounce "America" as a two or, at most, three syllable word.

NASCAR racin's all about goin' 'round in circles tryin' t' be th' first t' git t' some imaginary goal while tryin' t' keep a buncha assholes that don't like ya from killin' yore ass. The war in Iraq is all about goin' 'round in circles tryin' t' be th' first t' git t' some imaginary goal while tryin' t' keep a buncha assholes that don't like ya from killin' yore ass.

26 Apr 04 - 07:51 PM (#1171774)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Bobert

Yo be da man, bruce... Heck, I go gettin' all phosphical an' all and hit my thumb but you got it nailed, like pedal to metal nailed...

Now fir the real kicker. Ahhhhh, Iz got a big confession to make here so I'll just do and get it over wid... Ahhhhh, of the shame but... I used to have a race car. (Ouch, Bobert, you???) Yup, when I was in Richmond I build a mini-stocker. '64 Karmann Ghia and would take it to Southside Speedway and run fir 3rd place seein' as the 3 front wheel drive Rabbits were tearing all us rear wheel drive racers up.) And I was not only listenin' to country music but playing it! There, now its out. Good to get it off my chest. Sniff.

Too hit the post message button or not! That is now the question.... Hmmmm? This is tough...

Stroker Bobert

26 Apr 04 - 07:56 PM (#1171777)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: GUEST,Not No Kar Racin' Fan

Gollie Gee Bell, Bee-dubya-ell,

yur talkin' dont sound lik no intelligent libraille. I git a kick outta yourn' an Bobert's grammer. Now be 'ornest, yu must haf bin a redneck lik me onest or at leest haf hung out wif summofum cause yu got there brogue down pat. Only thang wurst wood be watchin' NASCAR on TV, wurster than watchin' tuh pro goof turr, yuck!

Gord Bless Uh'merckuh and pass them suds

26 Apr 04 - 08:03 PM (#1171782)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: GUEST,Not No Kar Racin' Fan

No Bobert! yuv outted yurseff. Tuh wurstest I dun wuz got in trubble fur drag racin' but I never dun no round n round stuff.

26 Apr 04 - 08:09 PM (#1171787)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Jim McCallan

Well done Bobert!

26 Apr 04 - 08:09 PM (#1171788)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Bobert

Yo, GUEST, no-racin'-fan...

Yup, I think youz been hangin' wid some of da same folks as I has 'ceptin' I done swore the whole batch o' mine off when I moved outtta the capitol of the Con-Fed-Reecy... Sho nuff, sored 'um off. An' better fir it now that Iz livin' up in this Wes Ginny holler wid deze in-lighteratin' folks... Hmmmmmm?

Yeah, I confess to watchin' NASCAR fir a couple o' years when I moved up here. Actually starting buildin' me nuther race car outta a 74 Dodge "twaz-a-fuzz" I bought cheap at the county sale but it decided to go fir a ride by itself outta my brothers barn, where I was strippin' it down, an ended up crashing thru two of my brothers fences, almost hit his bull before endin' up with a tree buried up to the dashboard at the bottom of the hill. I reckon'd right then and there that God was tellin' me that my racin' days were over... Lately I thought about buyin' a Formula Vee to race over at Summit Poin which is a road course but this time, instead of God sayin' no, it's the P-Vine (wifeperson)...

Ex-Stroker Bobert

26 Apr 04 - 08:10 PM (#1171789)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Amergin

NASCAR is the human equivalent of a dog chasing it's own tail....I wonder if the drivers ever wonder why they;re not going anywhere...

26 Apr 04 - 08:26 PM (#1171794)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!

But don't forget - all them drivers is turnin' LEFT!!!!

26 Apr 04 - 08:33 PM (#1171797)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Bobert

Problem with all that left turning on Sunday affernoon is that they compensate with lots of right turns everywhere else in life... Reckon they think of it as balance???


26 Apr 04 - 08:37 PM (#1171800)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: GUEST,Not No Kar Racin' Fan

turnin' left but they still ain't liberal.

Bush's appearance provided him with an opportunity to reach out to this election year's coveted "NASCAR dad" constituency — stereotyped as mostly white, male and Southern even though the sport's reach is much broader.

Them NASCAR DADS may be rednecks but they vote.

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- The phone rang during Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Daytona 500-winning press conference early Sunday evening. It was Junior's cell phone, and after a glance at the number, he answered it.   
Dale Earnhardt Jr.

"Yes, sir," Earnhardt Jr. said. "Thank you very much."

A congratulatory call, of course. But it wasn't from a friend or a sponsor rep. No, it was a guy with a higher office.

President George W. Bush.

President Bush had flown on Air Force One to see the start of Sunday's race, but left before it ended. Still, the president wanted to offer his best wishes. And Junior handled it as only Junior can.
"Take it easy," Junior said as he hung up.

I wonder how many families of the war dead Bush has called? Flying One to a darn car race does not seem like wise use of tax dollars.

26 Apr 04 - 09:20 PM (#1171814)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: catspaw49

Yeah, I'm not in the majority in any racing series as far as politics go but then again, I'm not in the majority around here regarding racing. I'm a bigger fan of Super Mods and Sprinters and Midgets, but I watch NASCAR too. I also follow F1 and the ALMS, MotoGp and Superbike, Unlimited Hydroplanes..........

As a group, racing folk are pretty conservative so I try to avoid talking politics......they're pretty incapable of understanding! Of course it's also senseless to try to explain my love of racing around here for the same reason!


26 Apr 04 - 10:40 PM (#1171863)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Amos

Nar, nar, Spaw -- I dig the performance thing. I see a beautiful and efficient engine like a kind of poem in steel, see?


26 Apr 04 - 10:52 PM (#1171875)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: GUEST,Not No Kar Racin' Fan

I have an AA degree in Automotive Mechanics and I once worked as a mechanic. I've overhauled engines, standard and automatic transmissions, transfer cases (all powertrain components) and drive a big 6.0L Powerstroke Diesel Pickup... and I still do not like circular track racing. Kind of like circular reasoning...just is not logical.

26 Apr 04 - 10:56 PM (#1171876)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Stilly River Sage

I don't consider NASCAR or any of those auto races "sport." I consider those a sorry-ass form of "entertainment." Sport to me implies that a human or sometimes a human and an animal get some physical exercise. Might be using the hunting sense of the word (sport hunting) or it might be the sense of games (football, baseball, soccer) or small group or solitary pursuits (hiking, climbing, swimming, running, etc.).

Nope. NASCAR is the CAR doing most of the work, burning up petrochemicals at a furious rate, creating lots of noise and air pollution in the process.

It's a sedentary and wasteful form of entertainment, sitting watching cars drive in a circle waiting for the crash and burn along the way.


26 Apr 04 - 11:08 PM (#1171886)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Blackcatter

Yeah well,

I'm here to take your narrow-minded slimy crap.

I like NASCAR racing and while I'm not a Democrat, I'm hardly a Republican. Also, if you'd get to know some of the drivers, crews, and owners you'll find that many of them aren't the conservative twits you think they are. Like any sport, most of the people involved are there because of the sport, not because of the general political leanings of the fans or whatever.

I like the racing because it's damn difficult to do. Those that do it well, win a lot. It's just a shame so much money is being pumped into some teams - Dale Earnhart International is becoming the Yankees of NASCAR. FUCK THE YANKEES, FUCK D.E.I.

I don't go to races anymore because of the false Patriotic crap that infests the whole spectacle. And I got tired of 100,000 people hooting and hollering through the entire National Anthem. Fucking idiots who should all be drafted, if you ask me.

Besides, racing is much better viewed on a wide-screen TV. There's cameras all over the cars to see the bumping, there's camers in the pitsw to see the incredible team-work there. There are interviews with crew chiefs during the race as well as with drivers after they've had to end their day - of even during a red flag period.

The commentary is generally intelligent and the drivers and crew chiefs are often well-spoken.

so there.

26 Apr 04 - 11:19 PM (#1171891)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: GUEST,Not No Kar Racin' Fan


I agree with you about the false patriotic stuff and yes, the mechanics and designers are intelligent.

27 Apr 04 - 12:01 AM (#1171912)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Little Hawk

I still prefer Diana Rigg.

27 Apr 04 - 01:18 AM (#1171943)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Metchosin

I preferred her Lotus Elan.

27 Apr 04 - 02:04 AM (#1171951)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: catspaw49

(:<)) at Mets!!!

SRS, I am sure I can never explain it to you, but there is athletic ability involved. Try going to a Sprint Car race at a half mile dirt track where the cockpit temperature is over 140 and you're trying to control an 800 horsepower, 800 pound car hitting speeds over 100, most of that going sideways, lap after lap, amidst a pack of 25 other, the car does not do all the work....believe me.


27 Apr 04 - 02:25 AM (#1171958)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: GUEST,Clint Keller

"You has paid your money and you has had your ride, but where has you been?"

(old merry-go-round saying)


27 Apr 04 - 08:33 AM (#1172177)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!

If Democrats and Greens Ran NASCAR instead of Rednecks, we'd see

Yugos, Hyundis, and an occasional ancient VW rabbit

All going 55 or less

No sponser decals (all corporate fat cats are republican),just a hell of a lot of bumper stickers

Lawyers at the scene of every crash

No one ever declared the winner-that could damage the emotional development of the younger drivers

27 Apr 04 - 08:53 AM (#1172190)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Bobert


Yeah, Spawzer, I've been to a couple Sprint car races and they're insane... I wouldn't drive one of them things for love or money... You gotta be nuts...

And, SRS. I think if you were to see one of the races at Summit Point Race track which is righgt accross the Shenandoah River from me, you'd probably like it. It is a 2.6 mile road course and open cockpit cars compete. Paul Newman has competed there several times. Another nice thing about it is you can drive your car into the infield, which is all wooded with the track running around it and watch from under a shadey tree. And, unlike the NASCAR, there are right turns and a nice slolum and the folks who race and watch are a lot different than the NASCAR folks...

X-Stroker Bobert

27 Apr 04 - 10:47 AM (#1172287)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Kim C

Driving a car at 180+ mph in a fireproof suit takes not only a lot of strategy, but the driver must also be in peak physical condition to withstand those circumstances. Racing is hard on the body - if you don't believe me, just look at Mark Martin. He's only 44.

It's hard on the mind, too. It takes a lot of focus and concentration to go that fast for 500 miles on a circular track.

It's all right if you don't like racing. Fine. But there isn't any need for you to put down people who do, or the people who drive the cars, or make sweeping generalizations about them.

27 Apr 04 - 11:19 AM (#1172312)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Blackcatter

And don't forget that 4 times a year, NASCAR runs on road courses and does very well. Unlike open wheel cars, they "trade paint" on the road courses too.

As decribed this weekend by the announcers:

A 747 needs a ground speed of about 150 MPH to get off the ground. At places like Darlington and Daytona, NASCAR runs at nearly 200 MPH. They run closer to together at that speed that you are comfortable parking next to other cars in a parking lot.

If you think that takes little skill, I'm sorry but you're ignorant.

27 Apr 04 - 03:44 PM (#1172576)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Stilly River Sage

As a form of entertainment, auto and truck and other motorized vehicles are an environmental disaster area. They burn resources at an obscene rate. The metal, rubber, chemicals, and fuel are of little use when racers are finished with them. Are they recycled or do they find their way to the landfill? Just consider the waste of fuel, the noise, the air pollution from the race vehicles, and the pollution of the slow long lines of traffic wending their way to the track (we see warnings on our local freeways for days in advance of races: "expect slow traffic" at this and that freeway exchanges).

I don't think it's just my head cold medicine that has me saying "thanks, but no thanks" to the suggestions that I might enjoy sitting and watching any kind of vehicle drive around in circles or throw mud on some cross country track. I am so careful with my own consumption, I telecommute so I don't have to drive to work every day, I plan my errands so that I can do several things in one trip. I don't just run to the store for one or two little things. We live in an urban area where we have ozone action days, and the weather reports all summer and into the fall are color coded. My children both have slight symptoms of asthma. Many urban children do. I'm sorry, but I can't just look the other way at a sport that contributes nothing good to the environment and encourages wasteful behavior. Airports and other industrial things are also contributors to the problem. They need a lot of work also. But this auto racing--there isn't a single thing about it that is necessary to anyone's life. I see a huge waste of resources and lives. All for a Good Ol' Boy faux-sporting event. (Sorry, Bobert, I know we agree on a lot of things, but this is one where we have to part company!)

If greens raced cars, they'd be turned off, they'd be in neutral, and they'd be pulled by horses. And more power to them!


27 Apr 04 - 04:55 PM (#1172650)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Little Hawk

Awww, c'mon, Kim. Our sweeping generalizations are all that we have with which to combat that creeping sense of ennui... :-)

27 Apr 04 - 05:14 PM (#1172669)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!

Dear me SRS

I don't believe music or posting on threads involve "a single thing necessary to anyone's life" either.
I certainly hope we all won't have to consult you for your personal approval of our leisure time activities.If so, it could get very congested about your house, and that wouldn't be good for the environment either.

27 Apr 04 - 05:28 PM (#1172679)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Stilly River Sage

GUEST, you presume a great deal and post nonsense.

Do you know what "criticial thinking" means? Try it sometime. Meanwhile, get a life, and get a moniker if you intend to keep pestering people here at Mudcat.


27 Apr 04 - 05:36 PM (#1172684)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Strick

Back in the 70s ABC's Wide World of Sports began pioneering pseudo-sports shows by having a competition that pitted athletes of various sports against each other. There was some complaining when they included a race car driver the first year, particularly when he came in second, beating all those highly trained athletes from other sports. Not his fault. Intelligent and in superb condition, he just handled the individual contests better than the people he was up against.

Never had another race car driver in that series.

27 Apr 04 - 05:48 PM (#1172694)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Little Hawk

Sounds similar to fighter plane pilots. They have to be in excellent shape too.

27 Apr 04 - 06:11 PM (#1172707)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: DougR

So what's wrong with NASCAR? I don't care for the races myself, but darned sure don't criticize those that do. Poster sounds a bit like an elitist. What's an elitist doing on a folk music site?


27 Apr 04 - 06:43 PM (#1172729)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Amos

I think SRS has identified all the drawbacks, DougR.


27 Apr 04 - 06:59 PM (#1172740)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!

So srs,anyone who disagrees with you fails to think critically?I would have expected a more critical line of reasoning, but I guess from a self-annointed "sage" thats as good as you get. And by the by, I do have a life and fortunately it doesn't include telling others how to enjoy theirs.

27 Apr 04 - 07:02 PM (#1172749)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Amos

What, just running around spying and sniping from cover? Sheesh. Do I really need to point out that SRS wa snot telling people what to do, but was pointing out why she wouldn't asupport NASCAR racing? And in veryunderstandable terms, too!


27 Apr 04 - 07:03 PM (#1172750)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Bobert

I gotta agree with ya, Strick, on this one. In the ministock division we only raced 10 laps between the longer featured races and 10 laps was all I wanted. Wore me out. Of course I was usually up way late the night before workin' on the car...

Okay, SRS... I see yer point and if I hadn't got messed up in racin' in my past I'd prolly hord yer position but seein' as I did, it would be hypocritical... I would, however, like to see NASCAR do some things (restricor plates, spoiler heights, displacement, ect) to slow the cars down to make racing safer...


27 Apr 04 - 07:06 PM (#1172753)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Amergin

I think they should forbid the drivers to wear any safety gear whatsoever...That way there would be alot of folks with family stumps instead of family trees running around...

27 Apr 04 - 07:07 PM (#1172754)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Amergin

oops that should read alot LESS folks with family stumps...

27 Apr 04 - 09:35 PM (#1172855)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Stilly River Sage

Guest said I do have a life and fortunately it doesn't include telling others how to enjoy theirs.

Now that gets a horselaugh, doesn't it? You're certainly willing to tell others your opinion if you don't agree with them! But no one can argue with you?

You also said "I don't believe music or posting on threads involve "a single thing necessary to anyone's life" either.

Then what the hell are you doing wasting our time here on the Mudcat? Because the lion's share of us feel that music is critical to our lives, and convivial discussion is for many essential, and for others it is at least broadening. You don't seem to improve with exposure to ideas, you're too busy trolling. It's code purple air around you!

27 Apr 04 - 10:11 PM (#1172879)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Kim C

Don't most pro sports encourage wasteful and/or excessive behavior?

27 Apr 04 - 10:21 PM (#1172885)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Blackcatter

Hey SRS,

I agree with you that racing wastes resources and pollutes, but the actual amount of pollution and used resources is a tiny fraction of those used daily on America's highways. Did you know that the fuel they use is some of the cleanest, highest octane stuff going? If sold to you and I, it would have a cost of over $6.00 a gallon.

If you're having an issue with the wastefulness of the millions of race fans, consider all the other sporting events that people go to see all the time.

As for fotering wasteful attitudes - I'm sure that American's would be as bad as they are without NASCAR. Also - with the exception of the major teams at the top levels of racing, mechanics do reuse as much of their parts as possible. All that stuff is too expensive not to reuse.

Even at the top level, the crews are constantly rebuilding and re-tooling parts for the next race. Only the bodies and tires are highly disposable. And trust me, all major race tracks have recycling programs and I can assure you that Goodyear, Hoosier and the other tire manufacturers recycle as well. They take back all the used tires for more reseach - in fact NASCAR teams do not even own the tires on which they race.

The local race track in the U.S. is a wonderful place to see families. Sure people may think they're all ignorant rednecks, but that's not the case. The love of cars and racing crosses all lines: economic, racial, educational, age and more. Go into the pits on a typical saturday night, and you will see a whole bunch of people. Including young men and women who are learning how to work on the cars - something that is much more transferrable to real life than playing baseball.

I have a friend who runs a modified stockcar in local drag races. He is 60 years old, recently retired from being an engineer with Lockheed Martin. He has a masters from Georgia Tech and worked on improving flight simulators. His wife typically comes to the races. One of his sons recently received a law degree from Harvard. The other son is finishing his law studies at Georgetown. That son races rally sports in his Subaru as a hobby. His fiance is a co-mechanic.

I can list a dozen other people dis-similar to him, yet most assuredly not redneck material.

I am a member of the Green Party. As I said before, I don't go to NASCAR races (even though I live an hour from Daytona), though I do go to local races occasionally. I derrive enjoyment out of watching the races. To me that enough of a point as to why they should go on. By the way - I drive a scooter and run a non-profit organization out of my home.

28 Apr 04 - 12:20 AM (#1172908)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: GUEST,Stilly River Sage (sans a cookie)


I suspect that you are the exception to the NASCAR rule that the Bush administration is hoping to tap into.

You have some lucid arguments about the activity of this kind of car racing. I personally will never care for NASCAR, etc., because I find the circling of vehicles on a par with watching the laundry tumble in the dryer, but for those who are fascinated with the technology and training behind it, I concede some merit. (GUEST will come along and no doubt drip sarcasm over that!)

Baseball is a life-long sport, if you look at it's iterations (softball, t-ball, etc). Walking, hiking, running, volleyball, kayaking, there are many sports that engage individuals that NASCAR never will. Sitting in the bleachers just doesn't have the cardiovascular benefit of a good hike. So be careful when comparing those apples and oranges. I actually did know that some drivers go through physical training in order to be in shape and have the reflexes for driving, like pilots and others who have to stay in one position for a long time. But that still doesn't make the activity of driving in circles a sport for me.

"Entertainment value" is a raison d'etre for a lot of activities. For some people, the entertainment value is enough. I'm weighing in some social and environmental costs that to me make it too expensive overall to be worth the price of the ticket to attend.

Thanks for your remarks, Blackcatter.


28 Apr 04 - 02:04 AM (#1172937)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Blackcatter

Not to beat a dead horse . . .

They don't just go around in circle. To someone who hasn't learned to see beyond that, you can't understand what makes it so interesting to some people.

Most of the under 40 NASCAR drivers have college degrees, as do the crew chiefs. They study aerodynamics, thermodynamics, fluidynamics (or whatever the term is), chemistry and more.

It's 43 drivers:

Constantly watching to make sure that the cars around them aren't bouncing into them (and with all the safety equipment that has become harder and harder),

Looking to draft behind a car (and also along the side of a car) in order to either go faster or to break up the aerodynamics of the other car to make them less stable,

Dealing with the various conditions of the road surfaces - the banking with can be extreme - over 30 degrees - the different nature of each and every curve,

Finding the right groove that works the best with the current conditions of their car.

Constantly watching the dials and gauges to make sure the car isn't running too hot, that oil pressure is strong, etc.

Talking on the radio with the crew chief to discuss car conditions and strategy.

Listening on the radio to spotters who are constantly telling you who is around you and making a move.

Working with partners in other cars to try to improve your standing or help them and trying to work on temporary alliances with other cars around you.

Dealing with the extremely fatiguing issues of the heat, the noise, the multiple G forces, the constant jerking around, the knowledge that no matter how careful you are, you could be wiped out by someone else's mistake.


NASCAR (The Nextel Cup) is the major leagues of auto racing. There are just as many fans at a MLB game who will one day play in the majors as there are NASCAR fans at Daytona who will one day race in a NASCAR Nextel Cup race.

Yes, for an activity, baseball is a lifelong thing. But - hey guess what - so is auto racing. Midget racing is sanctioned for kids as young as 5 or 6 and my friend who is 60 is still competative - not in his age group but against 30 year olds. Now of course, not all racers need to be in top physical shape, but you'll see a lot less huge bellies in the local pits than you will see on the golf course around here.

28 Apr 04 - 12:05 PM (#1173235)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: GUEST,Not No Kar Racin' Fan

Many of the automotive advances come from the knowledge gained as a result of the competition of auto is the people that watch the race that is the subject of this thread. They are them good ole boys and their families who drank beer, ate hot dogs, praise the Lord and send them bombs to Iraq. Before the race, they pray for an accident not to happen to any of the drivers, but standup and fall over one another when it happens to see the mess. They blindly follow their lader Bush based on the feeling of patriotism after sanging the Nash'null Anthum. After the race they leave the area covered with trash blowin' in the wind.


Yes, I am stereotyping the mindset of these folk because it is this unthinking, unreflective mentality that gets the U.S. in quagmires like Iraq. They are a cross-section of what is wrong with Uh'merka.

And vote for Bush cause he is tough on terrir and a god-ferrin' man that goes affer all them evil-doers. Evil-doers is bad!

And if Bush takes the time and money to fly to a NASCAR event on Areforce One, he must be there kinda people.

God Bless Uh'merka and pray (prey) fur the death of them evil-doers.


28 Apr 04 - 12:27 PM (#1173263)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Amos

Aren't you supposed to yell "Butts Off!" at the end of redneck speeches like that?


28 Apr 04 - 04:36 PM (#1173469)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: beadie

Ya' know, . . . . . I always found this association kind of puzzling.

I mean, in NASCAR, the only thing the driver has to do is "stand on it and turn LEFT."

28 Apr 04 - 05:19 PM (#1173490)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Jack the Sailor

I can see it now......

In the 2005 Daytona 500, Darryl Hannah Racing's Biodeisel fueled Ru486 Volvo Wagon trades the lead with the Viagra car for most of the race. Cialis comes up short. Apparantly they can make an erection last for four hours but their engines can't make it through the first few laps.

29 Apr 04 - 10:11 PM (#1174570)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!

29 Apr 04 - 10:27 PM (#1174578)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: GUEST,Ron Davies

Still don't know to get around here--oh well

Hey, nobody should be down on car racing. After all (let's make this a music thread)--look at all the songs it's given us: Dead Man''s Curve, Tell Laura I Love Her, Hey Little Cobra, Little GTO, Don't Worry Baby, that's all I can think of right now. On a more informal basis, but still a race--Thunder Road. Then there's the Beach Boys' "Car Club"--(sample lyric;"We'll start...a car club. And wipe out...the other clubs")

I really like these songs--all of them. I don't necessarily take them all deadly seriously--thank goodness music doesn't always have to be earnest and uplifting--there's lots of room for fun stuff---and that stuff is FUN (Fun, Fun, Fun?)

But I've never heard of a song about NASCAR. Wonder if anybody can remedy this


Hey, nobody

29 Apr 04 - 11:29 PM (#1174604)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Blackcatter

Hey Ron

Did you seriously think that one of the most popular sorts in the U.S. with fans that stradle the line of Rock and Country doesn't have songs dedicated to it?

Well >

PRESS RELEASE: Nascar Theme Song Debuts For 2004 Nascar Nextel Cup Season
LOS ANGELES and NEW YORK (Feb. 10, 2004) – Motor Music, a partnership between NASCAR and Cherry Lane Music Publishing, announces the unveiling of NASCAR's theme song, "Thunder." Composed by David Robidoux and mixed by Alan Meyerson, the NASCAR theme song, "Thunder" conveys the thrills, excitement and drama of NASCAR racing. This is the first time in the 56-year history of the sport that NASCAR will have branded theme music.

Check out the link for the whole release: Official NASCAR Song

And here are two songs from one of my favorite song writers Tim Wilson:

Dale Darrell Waltrip Richard Petty Rusty Awesome Bill Irvin Gordon Earnhardt Smith. Johnson. Junior.

By Tim Wilson

She named me Dale Darrell Waltrip Richard Petty Rusty Awesome Bill Irvin Gordon Earnhardt Smith. Johnson. Junior.

I guess you could say mama was a Nascar fan
I was born in Talladega up in the stands
The fans all cheered the second I arrived
The loudspeaker said "The boy's born to drive!"
We didn't have money for a pacifier
So I sucked on the valve off a Goodyear tire
A seven pound eight ounce son of the South
Born with the taste of racin' in my mouth

She named me Dale Darrell Waltrip Richard Petty Rusty Awesome Bill Irvin Gordon Earnhardt Smith. Johnson. Junior.

I got my first real stock car when I was nine
An old one mama bought off of Jeff Bodine
The Winston Cup people said "The boy's too young!"
Till I qualified second at Darlington
How in the world could a nine-year-old child
Hit 197 in a time trial?!
The man said "Mama oughta be ashamed...
But by the way, son, tell us what's your name?"

I told 'em Dale Darrell Waltrip Richard Petty Rusty Awesome Bill Irvin Gordon Earnhardt Smith. Johnson. Junior.

I got a Toys'R'us sponsor and a new pit crew
Daytona loves little 52
The junior high school girls are all cheering for me
I'm out there intimidating #3
But I ain't got room on my cards or my caps or the helmet I'm drivin' with

To write Dale Darrell Waltrip Richard Petty Rusty Awesome Bill Irvin Gordon Earnhardt Smith. Johnson. Junior.


Dale Jarrett's Car

Lyrics by Tim Wilson and Danny Simpson

(Spoken) Nascar fans in here at all?.... Who's got the ugliest car in Nascar? Dale Jarrett? You oughta know sir, you work for UPS. Dale Jarrett has the nastiest looking car in Nascar.

Name me three things uglier than Dale Jarrett's car
Keith Richards nekkid -- that's close but no cigar
The Elephant Man in bowling shoes with a chili vomit stain
Or french-kissing that poor woman from "Throw Momma From the Train"

Name me three things uglier than Dale Jarrett's car
Lyle Lovett nekkid, dancing in a leather bar
Richard Petty nekkid without his glasses or his hat
George Jones nekkid -- now what's wores than that?

Name me three things uglier than Dale Jarrett's ford
Tony Siragusa in a jock strap, bouncin' on a diving board

(Spoken) Y'all know Tony Siragusa? Defensive line for the Baltimore Ravens... He makes a chin strap look nasty, I'm telling you... he's so big and...

Getting caught without an umbrella in the middle of a $#!+ storm
But at least it's the same color as a UPS uniform.

29 Apr 04 - 11:37 PM (#1174607)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Cruiser

You had to ask didn't you Ron! And I thought this thread would die a peaceful death.

Blackcatter, Bush would be proud of you. "Songs" like the above should be outlawed.

30 Apr 04 - 12:05 AM (#1174623)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Blackcatter

It's a sad day whne someone at a music discussion board speaks in favor of censorship of music.

30 Apr 04 - 12:28 AM (#1174635)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Ebbie

I don't watch much of it anymore- but I used to enjoy NASCAR races.   The attraction to me is akin to an airplane at takeoff- there's an awful lot of power contained in a small space and under constant control. Had I come to Alaska 20 years before I did, there's not doubt in my mind that I would be a pilot.

But when I watch a plane in flight or at take off, I don't thrill at the prospect of its crashing. And I don't like car crashes- I don't watch races hoping to see a crash.

One aspect of the races does disturb me: aggressive drivers. Fierce, focused, alert drivers I admire. But some go much further. Dale Earnhardt, for example, was notorious for his bullying (You're saying 'ballsy', right?) of other drivers on the track. To me, that kind of thinking and behavior it results in is asking for it. I would not be proud of it and I certainly would not try to emulate it, were I his son.

30 Apr 04 - 12:33 AM (#1174640)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Cruiser

Sir, no censorship of music but of "music" (personal censorship only).

Thanks for the post, I must admit I was surprised there was an official NASCAR "song"...although I did not click on the link any more than I would have followed a rap "song" link.


30 Apr 04 - 12:34 AM (#1174641)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Blackcatter

Luckily his son doesn't seem to emulate "The Intimidator"

Unfortunately, Tony Stewart is there to fill the void. He's a menace and a poor sport. He's not the only one, but every couple of races it seems that Stewart is involved in something questionable. He always seems to whine about being the injred party too. He couldn't do that after the last race however - even though he was taken out of the race somewhat unfairly - he did the same to someone else early in the race.

30 Apr 04 - 12:36 AM (#1174642)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Blackcatter

Hey there,

The link doesn't have a sound file connected to it - though you can get a sample at

It's available on P2P sites too (so I've been told . . .)

30 Apr 04 - 02:12 PM (#1175175)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: beadie

Although the timing isn't exactly perfect, one might consider "Thunder Road" (about a 'shine runner) to be a precursor of the NASCAR songs . . . . .

. . . And there was thunder, thunder, over thunder road
. . . Thunder was his engine and white lightning was his load
. . . And there was moonshine, moonshine to quench the Devil's thirst
. . . The law, they swore they'd get him but the Devil got him first

30 Apr 04 - 10:40 PM (#1175520)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Bob Hitchcock

I thoght NASCAR stood for Non Athletic Sport Centered Around Rednecks.

I was on tour once, and a couple of us stopped in a bar in North Carolina around 12:30pm on a Sunday to try and catch the Redskin game. All these guys at the bar were listening to the NASCAR race on the RADIO! I think it's boring on TV but Radio, give me a break. Anyway they let us watch the game, bought us beer and showed us that famous Southern hospitality. Later at the gig that night, the promoter told us we were lucky to get out of that bar alive as it has a very bad reputation. Well, I may not share their politics or much of anything else for that matter, but they seemed like nice enough folks to me.


30 Apr 04 - 11:19 PM (#1175540)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Blackcatter

They probably liked you because you support a football team that insults American Indians.

30 Apr 04 - 11:56 PM (#1175558)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Cruiser

Them folks remind me of the song 'Uneasy Rider"

23 Dec 05 - 06:07 AM (#1633658)
Subject: RE: BS: NASCAR Fans Like Bush, Duh!
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Don't think much of your Prez, either, but I am a motor racing fan, mainly F1 and CHAMP cars.

I always get a smile out of greens saying that cars pollute, and we should be using horses.

Hell, the hay burners in Kentucky or Texas probably produce more greenhouse gas than all the race cars in the USA (methane, in huge quantity). Add to that, all the methane from your vast herds of cattle, and the cars seem less of a worry.

Ban cattle and horses...the way forward (grins).

Don T.