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BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind

07 May 04 - 10:09 AM (#1180270)
Subject: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: pussycat

A strange thing happened to me recntly - I was kissed by a rather attractive young lady (I'm one too, if you hadnt guessed!!) and havent done that for a while. Prob is that I'd quite like to do it again, but might start getting a bit weird if she doesnt want me to and I push it ... we're in the same small folk group together.

any suggestions for action?

07 May 04 - 10:28 AM (#1180281)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Bill D

depends on the 'nature' of that first kiss...friendly or more 'intimate'. I suspect casual conversations would reveal wheher there are more possibilities there..*smile*

"You, know, Sally, you really startled me with that kiss the other day......"...etc.

07 May 04 - 11:01 AM (#1180305)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Dave Bryant

1. Is this your normal sexual orientation ?
2. Do you have any clues about the other lady's - does she (or has she had) have a partner of either sex ?
3. If you answered 'yes' to 1. - does she know - and would it worry you if she did ?
4. Is this just a physical thing or do you think that it could go deeper ?

One way is to try and find a similiar situation to the one in which she kissed you and kiss her back.
If she does have a current partner, you could be in a messy situation though - perhaps even more so if the partner's male.

07 May 04 - 11:06 AM (#1180311)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Little Hawk

Hmmmm. I guess just follow your instincts on this one. I think Bill's advice is pretty good. And be patient. Impatience throws a person off balance.

07 May 04 - 11:08 AM (#1180313)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: el ted

Can I watch?

07 May 04 - 11:22 AM (#1180340)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Ellenpoly

Ah, el ted...once again, I expected no less.

07 May 04 - 11:22 AM (#1180343)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Ellenpoly

...or more

07 May 04 - 11:22 AM (#1180344)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: wysiwyg

Well, now you can direct her to this thread.


07 May 04 - 11:22 AM (#1180345)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Deckman

I've got a couple of comments that might helpful. Recently, my Bride Judy had a similiar experience with her longest and closest and bestest girl friend. The lady and her husband hosted our wedding. In that case, I suspect it was simply a spontaneous sign of affection.

In my own case: My late Father and I always kissed on the lips. This may startle some, but that's they was it was. He was Europeon (Finnish) in background and it was common in his family. I've also read that the late Lyndon Johnson always greeted his Father the same way. I'm sure this is just another example of a cultural habit that is, unfortunatly, changing with the years. CHEERS, Bob

07 May 04 - 11:26 AM (#1180350)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Bill D

here, El Ted....use this and leave the ladies alone.

I KNEW the WWW would have something like that...I just knew it!

07 May 04 - 11:29 AM (#1180354)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Bill D

oh, my...some of those are a bit 'warm'...I started with this, but they are not all so mild. Fair warning.

07 May 04 - 11:29 AM (#1180355)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind

whyever would one pose this question as one's very first post on a forum?

07 May 04 - 11:30 AM (#1180358)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Ellenpoly

This actually happened to me many years ago as well. I wasn't interested, though now after so much time, I'm rather sorry I didn't take the opportunity to experiment at least to make quite sure I had made the right choice (I always suspected life might be a hell of a lot easier if I had stayed within my own gender, but alas, I am addicted to men in beards).

But I did talk with the girl who made the overture to ask if I were correct about her intentions. I was correct, and I saw the disappointment in her eyes that it wouldn't go anywhere.

Best to approach someone with the same kind of sensitivity you would like to have expressed to you if the situation had been reversed and you had made the first move, yes? If she lights up, then you're on the same page, and good luck to you both!..xx..e

07 May 04 - 11:32 AM (#1180361)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Bill D

guest--it is perfectly possible to register twice under different names. Pehaps this is a mamber who doesn't wan't her usual identity known.

07 May 04 - 11:33 AM (#1180362)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: el ted

WOW! Thanks for that link Bill D, you have made my life complete. You must be a bit of a perv to have found it though.

07 May 04 - 11:37 AM (#1180369)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Wesley S

Yeah - I'm not sure this forum is the best place to get answers to your gender preference problems. But if I was to try to add a musical connection you might consider asking your friend if she would like to work up a duet of Jill Sobile's song "I kissed a girl".

07 May 04 - 11:44 AM (#1180376)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: pussycat

In answer to GUEST: had to start with something!!-got yer all talkin about something interesting, and slightly less intense than some of the other threads going on today. If you talk about Iraq all the time (important thought the topic is) could either get v. depressed, or v. bored....

In answer to some of the others...
well, she's got a bloke, but, so have I. DOnt want things to be too serious - feels like its starting to get a bit embarrasing already, esp. when I've had too much of the wet stuff.

SOme quite interesting stories....

And I did like that web site...el ted, you sound like my kind a guy

07 May 04 - 11:45 AM (#1180378)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Amos

Look at it this way: if you were a banjo, would you want someone to put guitar strings on you? Really? Sure, it would feel different and electrifying at first, but when it came to making music....


07 May 04 - 11:48 AM (#1180381)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: el ted

Thanks pussycat. Some people here find me a little too flippant,but that's life eh! As an aside I would like to say that several of my ex girlfriends leaned towards bisexuality.

07 May 04 - 11:48 AM (#1180382)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: pussycat

sorry, ya canne change me, but obv. I admit to being an admirer of both men and women...electrifying as well....sounds like you have some experience?

07 May 04 - 11:49 AM (#1180385)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: M.Ted

To follow up on the Jill Sobule thing, she has written a musical, based on her experiences as a
one-hit wonder that may be produced soon--(in Silver Spring, so BillD can see it)--

07 May 04 - 12:22 PM (#1180421)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Little Hawk

Most men enjoy seeing women kissing, etc...

I don't think I could ever get used to being called a "bloke", though. :-)

Well, maybe I could...Eric Bogle's guitar player referred to me as a bloke one time...'E said, "I like this bloke!" after I had made a particularly notable smart crack at Bogle's expense...I was heckling from the audience. It was a great concert. Eric played "Plastic Paddy" and "He's Nobody's Moggie Now"...hilarious stuff.

Are you in the U.K., pussycat?

- LH

07 May 04 - 12:27 PM (#1180427)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: pussycat

yep, you?

07 May 04 - 12:36 PM (#1180438)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Little Hawk

I'm in Orillia, Ontario, Canada...a town renowned for being the birthplace of Gordon Lightfoot and the home of McGill Porta-Potties!

07 May 04 - 02:21 PM (#1180539)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Rain Dog

"we're in the same small folk group together. "

Mmmmmmmmmm I guess this sort of thing might boost the attendance at the folk club. Is it done to music ?


07 May 04 - 02:45 PM (#1180554)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Bill D

"...a bit of a perve"? ..*tsk*...nope, just a clever man with Google. You enter "girls kissing" and sit back and wait 2.2 seconds. I picked the tame link. I can find recipes for stewed turnips, too, but no one mentioned it. Seems like interests run in other directions...*grin*

(and if MY feeble old memory serves me, ½ of the women I have ever known well enough to discuss the matter (in the last 40 years) had expressed some interest in other women...and several others made oblique references. I think it's simply a 'safer' and more open topic among women. As long as people treat each other with respect and don't impose, it makes little difference to me.)

07 May 04 - 06:09 PM (#1180659)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: GUEST,emily rain

you're a lucky girl, pussycat. having gone a long time with no spontaneous and twitterpating kisses from anyone of either gender, i'd take your place in a heartbeat. :)

07 May 04 - 07:08 PM (#1180706)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: McGrath of Harlow

There are banjos which are built to use guitar strings. Amos.

A string is a string is a string.

07 May 04 - 08:57 PM (#1180788)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: michaelr


I suspect that "pussycat" (get it?) is trying to get a rise out of us old fogies. Speaking only for myself, I don't get off on watching. Do it with me, or don't tell me about it! ;-)


07 May 04 - 11:25 PM (#1180859)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Cluin

Was there moisture involved?

08 May 04 - 12:18 AM (#1180877)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: harpgirl

...just your slobber on the keyboard, Cluin!

08 May 04 - 12:52 AM (#1180887)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Cluin

Just trying to help distinguish if this was a friendly kiss or something more intimate. No slobber here, but imagine away if you like. Like John said, "Whatever gets you thru the night..."

08 May 04 - 01:08 AM (#1180894)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: LadyJean

One of the ladies on the Dean campaign made it clear that she found me attractive. She was an alcoholic with a motor mouth. I wouldn't have found her attractive if she was a guy.
I am a flaming heterosexual.
It can't be easy finding partners when you're gay. I'd say make your approach with extreme caution.

08 May 04 - 03:38 AM (#1180929)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: George Papavgeris

I would gladly spend hours doing nothing at all
or just read a good book, that is good for the soul
or play me some music, or dig a large hole
- but I cannot abide the kiss of a TROLL

I'm with Ellenpoly and Michaelr on this one.

08 May 04 - 08:50 PM (#1181461)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Sam L

Pussycat, I think you have to go with your instinct, and find or make the right moment to act on your instinct. Let what you do solve your questions. If you act, it's for the best, if you don't, that's probably for the best. But be very careful, because it's not about sexual orientation--in my opinion when women become interested in other women, they flirt with a very severe sort of sanity.

Ladyjean has given me the courage to admit I too am a flaming hetero--I've struggled with this for years, and may never outgrow the damage.

09 May 04 - 01:50 AM (#1181569)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Sam L

Pussycat is not a troll. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I've kissed worse than trolls. But anyway, since Pussycat isn't a Troll, and because I've been monogamous since I was a teen, and haven't kept up with these crazy kids today and their customs, lingo, slang, expressions (Michaelr? huh? get what?) please help me understand this song I heard on the radio today Pussycat.

The gentleman sings "I'd go down on my niece, and kiss the ground that you walk on baby, if I could just hold you again."

   Well. I don't understand if this, I think, unusual declaration is something that his lady friend would... okay let me start over. Is this, now, typically, something that is understood to express a persuasive degree of devotion? To be clear, I'm familiar with the figure of speech about kissing the ground that one walks on. Still, the sense of this apparently earnest lyrical figure eludes me.

09 May 04 - 06:11 AM (#1181627)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Snuffy

Or if he were bisexual he might go down on his Hans and his niece!

09 May 04 - 09:28 PM (#1181945)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Sam L

Oh. Nevermind.

10 May 04 - 05:19 PM (#1182562)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: emily rain


that was too much!


10 May 04 - 07:19 PM (#1182630)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: Bill D

Snuffy wins the "most outrageous pun of the last 1.417 days" award... (VERY prestegious around here!)....the prize is to be chased around the house by the last winner, who is green with envy!

10 May 04 - 10:34 PM (#1182708)
Subject: RE: BS: a strange encounter of the same sex kind
From: TS

Interesting Thread...much better then the Iraq shite....Bill D..Thanks for the link..rather nice! afew mates here who wouldnt mind joining in the watching.....Slainte!