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El Greko Page?

13 May 04 - 05:12 PM (#1185063)
Subject: BS El Grecko Page?
From: GUEST,Christine Hanson

Is'nt about time that Mudcat gave El Greko his very own page to pursue his relentless self promotion?

13 May 04 - 05:26 PM (#1185074)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: tartan babe

lolol, as I was calling up this page, I was thinking exactly that, cor, El Greko doing the PR again! I did look though, so I guess it's working!

13 May 04 - 06:29 PM (#1185128)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: My guru always said

OK, so I'm biased as I'm one of George's Number One Fans - and there are lots of us about. But if I were doing just 10% of the exciting stuff in music that he is at the moment, well I'd be shouting it from the rooftops, not just the Mudcat!

Seriously though, for the past few years George has been frantically song-writing. Having started suddenly it just flows from him like a river of words & music. He's made 4 cd's in that time & had quite a few songs taken up by 'Names' in the folk world, well you can see how his music life has just snow-balled.

Here on the Cat we express an interest in music, so surely being made aware of what's out there is relevant? Looks to me like the thread about El Greko's gigs is an attempt to keep all the information in one place - so maybe that's the page referred to here?

In peace, may we always have music and laughter too *grin*!!

ps. He'll be at Wheaton Aston this weekend....

13 May 04 - 06:33 PM (#1185132)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: TheBigPinkLad

Hey, I think he's great. Promote away, George!

13 May 04 - 07:00 PM (#1185152)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: breezy

he's in

he runs the web sites for 3 clubs

he contributes positively and humerously to many threads, esp Greek icons

he is widely read and broad based, and thats only describing his physique.

Yeah I think he is overdoing the self promo bit but only cos if he dont then I have to along with his many friends.

Would you like friends like these?

I am probably the only singer who can truly interpret some of his songs better than the man himself, but thats because I have a natural talent for performing and have a great voice and an incredible guitar, and finger-picking ability.

See me at Cecil Sharp house on Tuesday 13th July 7.30

he is not relentless, but maybe he ought to be so that your not accused of lying or being bitchy or jealous.

Tonight Friday 14th May Chris Flegg who is brilliant at the St Albans folk-songclub at the Duke of Marlborough where we wont have to put up with that El Greko fellow for once.

plus Keith Snodon

lucky bugger got invited to Wheaton Arston farstivel

I'm not envious


13 May 04 - 07:42 PM (#1185189)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: John Routledge

13 May 04 - 07:55 PM (#1185196)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: artbrooks


13 May 04 - 07:59 PM (#1185198)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: George Papavgeris

It's a first! On the same day I have been accused both of relentless self-publicity (this thread) and of being silent (See under BS "El Grecko - Strange silence").

I would have PMed you, Christine, but as one cannot PM Guests accounts, I am having to respond here.

Sorry to have miffed you inadvertedly. However, the only PR thread for which I am responsible is "George Papavgeris (El Greko) gig list". Club organisers have started the other threads, and in some of them they have engaged in private conversations over those same threads, which keeps popping them up to the top every time. My name is taken in vain, so to speak.

I think keeping just the one thread going with the gigs is OK. Others do the same. After all, I do want Mudcatters to come to my gigs, especially as I start to move further afield. But if you see a flurry of "El Greko"-related messages that annoy, please PM me or the instigators.

Keep well

13 May 04 - 08:28 PM (#1185221)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: GUEST,Pat Cooksey.

Having read so many threads here about the iminent demise of the
folk club scene in England I for one find it very refreshing to
to read the many positive comments about this guy, and more important, his songwriting, if a bit of trumpet blowing is required, what harm.
Keep it up George, and good luck.


13 May 04 - 08:34 PM (#1185225)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: harpmaker


13 May 04 - 11:12 PM (#1185320)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: dianavan

Well, I for one, am not in the vicinity or I would go to hear him. He is one of my favorite mudcatters.

Why the sour grapes, Christine and tartan babe? Have you ever heard his songs? Do they offend you? Does he offend you?

My guess is that any folk musician that doesn't promote himself/herself wouldn't get very far. All musicians want to be heard. I would welcome the opportunity to hear any of you singing and playing and hope that you continue to post your gigs. Will any of you ever come to Vancouver B.C. or to the islands of B.C.?

If you don't want to read the post, don't open it.

13 May 04 - 11:32 PM (#1185326)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: The Fooles Troupe

... and why not drop in on the paltalk music rooms...

14 May 04 - 01:05 AM (#1185367)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: GUEST,jennifer

When's he coming north?

14 May 04 - 03:39 AM (#1185404)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: tartan babe

"Why the sour grapes, Christine and tartan babe? Have you ever heard his songs? Do they offend you? Does he offend you?"
Mine weren't sour grapes and I'm sure nor where Christines. It was just funny, that's all. El greko is mentioned a lot. This is not a bad thing, as I said It made me look! I like hearing Mr. G and hearing about where he is playing. No sour grapes there, what made you think that? Certainly no miffing!!!! Have no fear!

" I have a natural talent for performing and have a great voice and an incredible guitar, and finger-picking ability"
Gosh Breezy, that's modest!

14 May 04 - 04:22 AM (#1185421)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: George Papavgeris

Breezy's modesty is well hidden (have you seen his shorts?).
Thanks, folks, for your heart warming defense of this self-effacing Greek (there's an oxymoron somewhere here). But as TB says, I am sure it was in fun as much as anything.

However, two little issues arise from this (fair) observation of Christine's:

a) What is good manners, or good etiquette, when using Mudcat threads to advertise gigs, or a CD coming out, or a special event? The FAQs are not exhaustive on this. I'll start a separate thread on this, to air people's views.

b) Using existing threads for purposes other than those for which they were intended/started can lead to confusion, dilution of information, and ultimately to frustration. Definitely not good practice.

Dianavan, I don't know when, but a trip to Canada in the next couple of years is very much on the cards. Dan McKinnon is a good pal, and I hope he'll help me organise something. It's certainly a country I want to see, preferably from inside a 4x4 with anti-bear bars and double mosquito netting.

Jennifer, I will be at the Red Bull in Stockport on 20 Sept, and the Black Knight in Northampton on the 2nd November (this second one is with Breezy, we let him out of the padded room from time to time to see the world). Also in talks for Market Rasen and Otley, no dates yet.

Thanks again to you all...

14 May 04 - 04:32 AM (#1185427)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: breezy


I was in Vancouver for 2 weeks last November, and on the island, evn picked up a guitar in Victoria and saw Barachoise at Caps

Saw some funny creatures in Stanley Park too, so I felt at home.

But Chris Flegg is a realy brilliant guitarist and he's appearing tonight at our club in St Albans.

He has a superb fret board hand, he is amazing.

Nice guy too.

14 May 04 - 06:37 AM (#1185494)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: GUEST,D.McFarlane

'When's he coming north?' Jennifer said.
I'm working on it! Trying to get him a date at Otley (that's in West Yorkshire - for our over-the-pond Catters).
When I get it for him - I'll post details here - and that won't be his doing - that'll be mine on behalf of the club.
This seems to be the nature of most posts that mention him - either some organiser 'promoting' - or one of his fans with a 'did you see/hear'
Passing on information via this route makes Mudcat a vital place.
Long may we hear of George - AND everyone else! Let's stay informed
- and let's not open any posts we feel are not 'for' us. Cheers! - Duncan

14 May 04 - 06:45 AM (#1185502)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: jacqui.c

I'm glad that George has been promoted on threads - it gave me a chance to hear him at Barton last week - a real treat.

For me part of the purpose of this site is to find out what is going on in the folk world.

I'll go with the others - if the thread doesn't appeal - don't open it - if it doesn't appeal to anyone it'll just drop out of sight.

14 May 04 - 08:02 AM (#1185561)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: Sandra in Sydney

George will be in Sydney & Canberra in December. Hooray, cos I love his demo CD & am eagerly awaiting my chance to buy the real ones. & I'll definitely start a thread when he appears at my second club! Unfortunately his is arriving at the wrong time to come to my club (best acoustic venue in Sydney). But maybe next trip ...

I believe he is also applying for Woodford (one of our biggest festivals) so the Bananalanders can get a chance to hear & meet him & become fans!!


14 May 04 - 09:26 AM (#1185642)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: breezy

down underdog

14 May 04 - 05:43 PM (#1185813)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: MoorleyMan

Fear not, Jennifer - here up north there's several of us putting El Greko's name about with a view to getting him dates at northern folk clubs. Duncan's a solid chap and he's doing his best I know. And I heard he's under consideration at a couple of clubs on Tees-side too. But if I were a club (or festival) organiser I'd book 'im pronto, before he disappears abroad for months every year like so many good songwriters do when they're not appreciated in this country. Hey Alio, why not book 'im for Saddlworth? If I don't get to see El G before then I'll be heading over to Stockport on 20 September unless he gets booked somewhere the right side of the Pennines!

And meanwhile there's another tack being followed to get the Greek's profile around - there's one or two singers in particular who are doing a great job promoting his songs by performing them hereabouts. I think it's Dave Kidman who sings at least four of El Greko's songs (and well too, I keep hearing), and I heard Mick Shaw sing one too not all that long ago. More power to 'em - and George - I sez!

14 May 04 - 05:54 PM (#1185819)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: TheBigPinkLad

dianavan ... Jez Lowe is coming to Vancouver April 2005. He'll be doing a gig with Tim Readman.

14 May 04 - 05:55 PM (#1185821)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: nutty

I was fortunate (with other catters) to meet George and Vanessa at the Yorkshire Gathering last year.
Believe me ... he's as good as everyone says he is and is such a lovely bloke that he deserves all this publicity and more.
As for coming north ....he did come to my singers weekend in North Yorks. earlier in this year so he has been venturing forth.

14 May 04 - 06:36 PM (#1185849)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: GUEST,Jane.

Nice to see Pat Cooksey posting in support of George, everyone knows
at least one of Pat's songs, but few in England have ever heard him
sing them himself, what a loss.

14 May 04 - 07:33 PM (#1185881)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: The Unicorn Man

I thank the MudCat and George, without either we would not have had so many people to come and see him at The Bull in Barton le Clay Beds, last Monday. We had a great week with the brilliant George on Monday and his mate Breezey (just as good in my veiw) at the just as good club The Queens Head in Ampthill, what a great way to start the week. Sing a round at The Bull in Barton le Clay, on Monday by the way, everyone welcome.

14 May 04 - 08:06 PM (#1185898)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: Rasener

Watch this space. George and his good lady will be coming to Market Rasen Folk Club soon. I think Breezy is carrying his bags for him :-)

14 May 04 - 09:17 PM (#1185933)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?

El Grecko was a Spanish painter in th e 19th century. He possessed a visual stygmatism that made him see and paint the world in a visually vertically elongated fashion. So what?


14 May 04 - 09:44 PM (#1185949)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: YorkshireYankee

George, thought you'd be interested in knowing that your song "It Takes a Soldier" was sung at the Raise the Roof session in Sheffield Thursday evening & went down very well. The fellow who sang it introduced it by saying that the fellow he heard sing it (I assume that's you, El G), well, he must have three lungs!

Afterwards, I was talking with a couple of friends, who both commented on how much they enjoyed that song -- and they are not all that easily impressed... so you must be doing *something* right! ;-)



14 May 04 - 11:28 PM (#1185993)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Christine Hanson-Why dont you just get lost and stop making trubble?
El Gecko is a folk singer, and this is a folk music site, so wahts your problem then?

If he was selling his car here, then you could moane, [This is music site, not car site", but he isent so just get lost, anyeayt= them threads about him, was not made by him, they was made by other people waht heard him and like him, so just shut up.
this is my opiminion.john

14 May 04 - 11:29 PM (#1185995)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

to many moany bastards here, if you ask me.john

15 May 04 - 12:58 PM (#1186262)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: breezy

George's lung capacity has increased since nearly giving up something nasty

No not me

If you catch him at it tell him to put it away or out either will do.

16 May 04 - 02:19 PM (#1186852)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: JonnyDyer

George was on in the village hall at Wheaton Aston last night .... and every bit as superb as ever!

Upstaged only by Kristina Olsen .... but that's mainly becase she's prettier than George! lol

Re giving up ..... well he seemed to be on his best behavior!

P.s. ... to J0hn from Hull, I belive that Cloudstreet will have a campervan for sale in the Autumn (at the end of their UK Season). Does that come under "music" or "car" sites?

P.p.s, Cloudstreet did a great version of a George P song ..... I think he was duly impressed (and I certainly was).

P.p.s, Kristina Olsen didn't do a version of a George P song... but maybe if she'd known from mudcat that he was going to be there - she'd have made an effort!

16 May 04 - 06:04 PM (#1186933)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: My guru always said

George's gig today at Wheaton Aston left several of the audience in tears (myself included), plucking at our heart-strings with a song of Christmas which reminded us of Mothers passed away & times past.

Needless to say, I've asked ElG if he could kindly end his gigs on a cheerful note in future - but it's his choice, he's the Artist!

16 May 04 - 06:42 PM (#1186943)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: breezy

Bubbs did O K then?

16 May 04 - 07:42 PM (#1186960)
Subject: RE: El Greko Page?
From: George Papavgeris

Just landed back in uptown Chesham having averaged 67mph from Shrewsbury. Tired and very emotional from my first festival already, the live appearance on BBC Radio Shropshire went a dream, Genevieve a real lady as always. What a weekend for me. So I poured myself a double wikkie (OK, treble), and dived into the 'cat, only to find this thread swollen by so many good wishes, hardly-deserved praise and goodwill...
OK, I got dewey-eyed, you wanna make somethin' of it?
Please keep off Christine Hanson's back, I really don't think she meant it as anything other than a friendly jibe, and she's a fair folkie herself - shame we don't get to hear her cello or her voice dahn souff often enough. Let this thread die its natural now.
I'll add something of my impressions of Wheaton Aston in the relevant thread.
But before we close this,
THANKS FOLKS and see you soon