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harriWatts band, Best Original Band?

14 May 04 - 05:35 AM (#1185459)
Subject: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Hand-Pulled Boy

harriWatts band will appear at the Springhead pub, Aston road, Willerby road, Hull on Wednesday, 19th May (ie,. soon!). This is the 12th heat of the 'Best Original Band' competion featuring 3 bands on the night. The judges will send the winner through to the semi-finals and voting can be influenced by audience support. At £1 per ticket in advance or at the door on the night we know that it's value for money, plus the beer's good. The previous heats have been well supported so it's wise to get there in good time. Recent heat winners include 'cowfisH' and 'Shindigg' and we'd like to join them. With your support that's possible, beg, beg, beg - - - - -.

14 May 04 - 05:46 AM (#1185465)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: el ted

I might go if I'm not doing nowt.

14 May 04 - 06:02 AM (#1185473)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Hand-Pulled Boy

A fan! How interesting. I have tickets in my possesion as we speak.
Also, the following evening sees harriWatts band and cowfisH in electric guise performing at Nellies in Beverley. It's more of a practise night and people are welcome to come and listen. Electric guitars, oh my god!

14 May 04 - 11:56 AM (#1185731)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: el ted

Changed my mind.

14 May 04 - 06:56 PM (#1185867)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Hand-Pulled Boy

I knew I'd push you over the edge one day.

14 May 04 - 11:37 PM (#1185996)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I might go if i'm not doing nowt.

17 May 04 - 03:41 AM (#1187083)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: el ted

PM me if you want a lift john.

17 May 04 - 06:03 AM (#1187115)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Sttaw Legend

Good morning

17 May 04 - 06:38 AM (#1187128)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: el ted

       WED 19TH MAY

Good morning Dave.Loved your last post. Succinct, pithy, witty, short. See you on wednesday oh keeper of the cardigans.

17 May 04 - 08:21 AM (#1187157)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: s6k

what time start? and then ill make sure im there in good time???

18 May 04 - 09:25 AM (#1187636)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: el ted

Be there at 7.32pm (approx)because it will be packed.Dave will bus his entire tribe in for this gig.

18 May 04 - 09:54 AM (#1187677)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Sttaw Legend

Correct El Ted on all accounts, suggest 7.30 - 7.45 to get a good seat, and then to buy us a pint, your tickets will be at the door with your names on them for those who have requested them. See you all tommorrow....

18 May 04 - 01:09 PM (#1187757)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: s6k

is that my full name... adam smith... or my mudcat name? lol.

ill see you buggers there

19 May 04 - 04:37 AM (#1188300)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: el ted

Last call for the most colour co ordinated trio you will ever see.

               HARRI WATTS BAND
               SPRINGHEAD PUB
                ASTON ROAD
                7.33pm TONIGHT

19 May 04 - 06:20 AM (#1188347)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Sttaw Legend

We have our best pyjamas all pressed, airing on the hangers and slightly scented.

19 May 04 - 06:35 AM (#1188356)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: s6k

ill be there before any of you lot. and i will get the best seat.

because... at every gig, someone has to be first (but dont make a thread about it!)

19 May 04 - 06:47 PM (#1188924)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: s6k

unlucky, but i reckon you needed more volume, we could hardly hear the singing! and a lot of ignorant buggers were talking and shouting and making it harder to hear. gits.

dont you all agree that jOhn looked very nice in his yellow shirt? shame he didnt bring brenda, or jim the bin with him though.

you were bloody good, i was sat right near the front so could probably hear you better than people further back.

i used my 3 votes, and also teds votes, but alas it was not to be.
BAH! it was rigged!

19 May 04 - 08:12 PM (#1189038)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: GUEST,john.

19 May 04 - 08:17 PM (#1189049)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: GUEST,Sean McArthur.

19 May 04 - 08:21 PM (#1189054)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: GUEST,Sean.

I was there tonight, bloody awfull, very original, if rubbish is
original at all, stick to the day job.

19 May 04 - 09:05 PM (#1189093)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

this is the real jOhn [accept no substitutes!]
it was a big rip off, ..
i explain why, the sound man was a fuicking dikhead, he put them all too loud., 2, you could not hear jenny on thr flute,
3, it was sounded "tinny",
4 = you cou;d hardly hear derecks guitsr, [dave even had to ask them to turn the guitar upp!
quoute= "can you turn the guitar up a bit please?"

anyway=I was going to punch the sound engineer, but El Ted asked me not to, he said "don't bother jOhn, its not a good idea".

anyway=that bloke was fuicking useless. they should have got jOhn the Pipes or jOhn the Harp on the case, any one would have been better than that useless git.

anyway=on my way out, i said to him " youre shit".

and the first band was to loud, and bloody gave me headache!

i sounding like an old bloke, but even the young people said that, [ i was talking to a few young people there, and they alll said tyhat..

Sound enginner was so bad= that they all walkked off stage! [and said something like " get the sound sorted or we not playing".

ps=bunch of crap if you ask me, harri watts band was the best babnde theree, its a big rip opff, they shkould sue them.john

19 May 04 - 09:12 PM (#1189102)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

any way= i think he's called Tony, if i see him wehen El Ted, and S6k and Sewwtfire is not there,
thrn i will give him a slap, and bloody serves him right.john

19 May 04 - 09:28 PM (#1189111)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

qwoute=" do you thinjkk jOhn lookedc in his nice new shirt?"

i put my new shirt on, anmd my best suit, but it was still a big load of shit, because the sound engineer was an arsehole,
and , me and ted, amnd probly s6k and the whole band are goinh to beat him up, [kickj his balls etc], 9give him a good kicking0,,
and servers him right , the basdtard.

19 May 04 - 09:29 PM (#1189114)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Bassic

Just got there in time to catch the end of the set..........and yes....the sound was apalling! Yet they (sound crew) managed a well ballanced and clear sound for the last act? Sorry....but I tend to agree with j0hn9 on this one, a definate bias from the mixer! Next time get your own man on the desk I think! Good luck for tomorrows gig.


19 May 04 - 09:35 PM (#1189118)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: harpmaker

Iam not trying to defend him jOhn, but was the pa + mixing desk ok??
Was it new to the engineer? (can be difficult to get used to, quick)
Plus if he had more than one band to mic up this can be hard to get right, esp' if your under preasure.
If there where no sound check rehearsals with all the bands, then Iam not supprised at all.
Iam sorry it spoiled your (and others) night. Think how the engineer must feel.

19 May 04 - 09:38 PM (#1189119)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

yes, basics got a good idea qwoute " get your own man on the mixer"
that bloke was fuikning useless, and i was going to thump him, but ted said 2 dont bother mate", anyway, i'm alreday on bail for [poll tacks], so if i smacked him= they probably lock me up!

anyway-Basic- if wev new you was therr , we would of said heloo, snd got you a bea etc, but i dident see you .john

19 May 04 - 09:51 PM (#1189126)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

harpmaker= [John the harp], i mentioned you in my post [of 9.05pm] , i called ypou jOhn The hArp, [i forgot your real mame, i think its jOhn shucko?]
any way, like i said= they should have got you to do it, that bloke was shit, ...
i am not a proper mucsician, oe singer etc..
but i know who the good people are..
i been going to gigs and sessions etc, around here for the last 20 yeats,

that sound man was shit, [i know its not easy], but he was crap.

i seen hundreds of booked acts, and thousands of sessions, in various venues, [ i been to most of the live music places in hull]

that guy did not have a clue, even Bassic would of punched him [known basic a few years, he's a calm controlled sort of bloke
[ doesent punch anyone unless theirs a good reason for it].

mixing bloke was a wanker, simple asc that.john

19 May 04 - 10:08 PM (#1189138)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: harpmaker

Makes me wonder how he got the job if he was as bad as that. He was'nt drunk or anything like that was he?
Must be some reason for it though.
The orginizers are not going to put someone in that position who does't know what there doing. (Are they?)
Did somone mention it was rigged (s6k)

19 May 04 - 10:20 PM (#1189147)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

yes, rigged, big load of shit, total rip off,m sound man was a wanker, harri watts band should of won it, but he fucked up therev sound, i was going to punch him, but i'm Already on court bail, so i'd probably of get locked up.

20 May 04 - 03:22 AM (#1189323)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: s6k

well i simply cannot stop laughing!!!!

lets go back as a united force, me, jOhn and the band and any other mercenaries and beat the crap out of him!!!!

and also = show him what a volume control is

and also = kick him in the balls

my dad did sound for bands for about 10 years, you should have got him to do it!!!!!
i said quote "it needs to be louder"
and he said quote "yes"

i think, it was rigged! and if i was even less nice, i would say that the car being broken into, was a plan to get more votes, and money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

20 May 04 - 03:32 AM (#1189326)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: el ted

Interesting debate ladies, but could someone tell me who won? Us early rising taxpayers had to leave just after the immortal harriWatts band played. The sound man didn't get it right for them though, I agree with that.

20 May 04 - 05:01 AM (#1189373)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Sttaw Legend

"my heads still spinning from the night before" Many thanks to everyone for your support, it is very much appreciated. It was wonderful to see so many of our family and friends in the audience. It is always difficult to mix acoustic instruments and we have 5 instruments and 4 mics to contend with. We are still living and ready to play another day.....a BIG thank you once again, see you in Nellie's tonight if you can make it, the drinks are on Des.

20 May 04 - 05:04 AM (#1189375)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: el ted

I still don't know who won!

20 May 04 - 05:07 AM (#1189378)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Sttaw Legend

Sorry Ted, Jay Did won they were on last, we came 2nd

20 May 04 - 02:32 PM (#1189988)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Amos


21 May 04 - 05:31 AM (#1190578)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: el ted

Any words of wisdom about last night's fashion show at Nellie's? How was Dereck's new autumn collection received? He is very brave, I don't think Paris is ready for his bold chiffon creations just yet.

23 May 04 - 04:43 AM (#1191892)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Hand-Pulled Boy

It's time I had a word. Thanks for all the support. The sound was poor and even worse on stage. We played badly and got well stuffed into third place. The manner in which we lost was embarrasing and I apologise to all of our friends and family who were dissapointed on the night. When we came off stage I drank the quickest 6 pints of 'hand pulled beer' ever and the night improved! Dave and I played as the original duo the following night at Nellies along with cowfisH and we had a much better night which cheered both of us up. We now know what our future is and steps have already been taken. It's a dog eat dog world out there and hopefully people will give us another chance. Try Oddfellows on Friday night (28th May). Bring an instrument or two if you fancy a ten minute spot on the night.

23 May 04 - 12:03 PM (#1192001)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: s6k

dont worry about it, it wasnt your fault, and youre hear to play another day, so heres to the next gig, and the album!

23 May 04 - 03:26 PM (#1192110)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: snowbird

cant make the 28th .... got a gig at the Memorial Hall ... but good luck anyway

23 May 04 - 05:35 PM (#1192207)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: GUEST,Jenny

23 May 04 - 05:38 PM (#1192209)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: GUEST,Jenny.

You played badly and came last, what's the problem.

24 May 04 - 03:45 AM (#1192457)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: el ted

Morning dereck,
               wow, it wasn't that bad dude! I can't make the 28th as i will be stuck up a huge hill in glaisdale on my Orange Patriot 7+ mountain bike. Which as you know has the Fox Vanilla fork, m525 hydraulic discs, 27 speed deore......... oh sorry......... this isn't a bicycle site is it.

24 May 04 - 05:23 AM (#1192509)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: s6k

ive got a saracen ikon

24 May 04 - 05:40 AM (#1192520)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Sweetfia

I've got a man's bike.

24 May 04 - 05:44 AM (#1192527)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: el ted

      You have a DDG "THE CLEANER" with a mazocchi bomber, 27speed XT, with an XTR rear deraileur, and it's too good for you!

24 May 04 - 06:09 AM (#1192556)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Hand-Pulled Boy

Can it pull a caravan? And is there room for it in Penny's back garden where some musical retards can chill out with Black Sheep Special and serenade real sheep under the stars. Can we pull the wool over their eyes and sing 'It's the moon baby' and at dawn whisper 'Wake up Baby, wake up real soon'? Can white men sing the Blues? I know I can. 'We both drank wine and looked into each other's eyes'. Ah, memories - - - - - -

24 May 04 - 06:10 AM (#1192558)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Sweetfia

Hey, it's got an easy life with me and it thanks me for it every time i ride it by giving me a sore ass, at least now it doesn't get bashed up and around mountains and whatever else you did with it!

One question...but will you be staying as the original hWb??

Entries on a postcard please...

24 May 04 - 08:21 AM (#1192622)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: s6k

the first paragraph of that post, read it again. its very rude

24 May 04 - 07:25 PM (#1193194)
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
From: Hand-Pulled Boy

Vicious bike.