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BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!

15 May 04 - 04:52 PM (#1186397)
Subject: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!

First it was Our Colonial Administrator Bremer who said it (on Friday, I think). Now the Washington Post announces Secretary of State Powell has said it too--the exit strategy of last resort!

From today's Post, Powell:

"...emphatically said yesterday that if the incoming Iraqi interim government ordered the departure of foreign troops after July 1, they would pack up without protest.

"We would leave," Powell said, noting that he was "not ducking the hypothetical, which I usually do," to avoid confusion on the extent of the new government's authority.

His statement, which was echoed by the foreign ministers of Britain, Italy and Japan, and by the U.S. administrator in Iraq, came one day after conflicting testimony on Capitol Hill by administration officials on the issue. Testifying before the House International Relations Committee on Thursday, Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman appeared to say that the interim government could order the departure of foreign troops, only to be contradicted by Lt. Gen. Walter Sharp, sitting at his side, who asserted that only an elected government could do so. Iraqi elections are scheduled for January."


And the entire Muslim world responded:

"Don't let the screen door..."

15 May 04 - 08:13 PM (#1186513)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Frankham

Don't bet the farm on it.

The so-called exit strategy is a smoke screen. Put Bush back in office and there will be "No Exit".


15 May 04 - 11:39 PM (#1186582)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: dianavan

Looks like it doesn't really matter who the U.S. president might be. Canada has agreed to send troops for policing and reconstruction once the hand over takes place.

Looks like they will be there with or without the U.S.

Canadians are really good at mopping up after the U.S. Too bad they are being used as stooges.

16 May 04 - 10:48 AM (#1186763)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Stilly River Sage

Too bad the U.S. soldiers and the American public are being used as stooges. Bush and his cronies need to be tried for war crimes.

16 May 04 - 11:23 AM (#1186775)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Peace

dianavan: Canadian troops are excellent at peacekeeping operations, provided that there is some peace to keep. There is liable not to be by that time. You are aware that there is a big difference between the functions of hot-war troops and peacekeepers. I think Canada should be involved simply because we are among the best at it. However, we have been left hanging before, and if the UN doesn't have good leadership, and if the mission is not clearly defined, and if a Canadian General Officer is not the boss, then I would change my view and say we shouldn't be involved. Our troops have been fu#ked too many times in the past by incompetence from other militaries who are espousing one aganda and following another.

Bruce Murdoch

16 May 04 - 02:03 PM (#1186848)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: dianavan

brucie - I totally agree. I wonder if PM Martin realizes this. I wasn't sure exactly what he committed to. I know he said no troops and only police and reconstruction efforts after the hand over. I wonder if it means Canada will be there in the interim between the handover and the election. I hope they don't go until the U.S. pulls out. Who wants to take orders from the U.S.? Martin isn't that foolish is he?

16 May 04 - 05:43 PM (#1186919)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: DonD

Who wants to take orders from the US? How about Tony Blair?

16 May 04 - 07:34 PM (#1186956)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Bobert

Ahhhh, like what are the chances of a newly US *created* Iraqi government tellin' the US to get out??? And I found it interesting that all of the supposed allies made similar statements, almost word for word and on the same day...

This is nuthin' more than a PR game...


17 May 04 - 02:47 AM (#1187068)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Kaleea

Uh, CatFolks, I recall several months back hearing bushlite say..., "Ah b'leeve thet we gon' to git owtta thet sand trap whin we're d*mn good'n redee! An' we ain't redee yet!"
    Question is, when, exactly, will "we" be ready?

27 Oct 04 - 11:02 AM (#1308671)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Amos

Military Assault in Falluja Is Likely, U.S. Officers Say

Published: October 27, 2004

AMP FALLUJA, Iraq, Oct. 22 - A military offensive by American and Iraqi forces to reclaim rebel-held Falluja is probably inevitable and would be the largest and potentially the riskiest since the end of major combat in May 2003, senior American officers say.

It would also involve major operations to seize control of Ramadi, another contested Sunni Muslim city 30 miles away, and to shut Syrian border crossings to prevent foreign fighters from streaming into Iraq, Marine commanders here say.

(From the NY Times OCtober 27, 2004).

Guess we ain't ready yet still, huh? Good thing those major combat operations are over and our side prevailed, like George said on that aircraft carrier junket he was on. Damn good thing!!


27 Oct 04 - 11:20 AM (#1308691)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!

Don't forget to try members of Congress who voted for the war, along with the administration for war crimes, including Senator Kerry.

I'm with Bobert, Powell is just spinnin' in the wind. Bush isn't going to pull out of Iraq, and nor is Kerry. The US is there for oil, and there to stay.

The destruction of Fallujah won't happen until at least November 3rd.

27 Oct 04 - 05:25 PM (#1308996)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: GUEST,Frank

Inasmuch as the Allawi interim Iraqi government is really a mask for the Bush Administration, arguments for a withdrawal seem specious.

The Iraqi people are making their wishes known, however. They don't want Americans there and the Insurgency has escalated in numbers.
In short, the Insurgency is the Iraqi people just as the Vietcong were the Vietnam people. Iraqis will never submit to a US sponsored interim government because they believe correctly that it is an occupation and that the American troops are the oppressors.

The only way out of the quagmire is to honestly involve the world community, the UN and renounce a go-it-alone policy. Otherwise, the Iraq War will never be won. Also, get the Bush appointed contractors out of there. There is a way that the Muslim world can be treated with dignity by a "nuanced", "sensitive" and strong presidential leadership
that will make our country secure. America can't win a war by becoming like Al Quaeda but we can learn by listening to the needs of those who seek to destroy us and this understanding will be the best security that we can have. The answer involves understanding why the Madrasa has become the vehicle for education and offer a legitimate alternative. We don't have to compromise with violence but we do have to understand why it is there. Bush is apparently incapable of doing this.


27 Oct 04 - 06:16 PM (#1309028)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!

"Alliance. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pockets that they cannot separately plunder a third."

                                              Ambrose Bierce

27 Oct 04 - 06:33 PM (#1309039)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Bobert

Well, how friggin' tidy. Falluga is going to be attacked the day before the election. I hope the NASCAR/Budwieser/Country Music crowd gets some big ol' jollies over though I don't think it will make any of fthem more likely to vote (fir Bush, of course...) then without the fireworks but, hey, they will certainly enjoy the show...

Problem is that in attacking Falluga the US will be further entrenced in the Iraq quagmire, not less. Killin' civilians, even those who have picked up arms to defend themselves agsainst the US, will only produce more insurgents. Has history taught mankind nothin' at at all?

So if this is Bush'd "new and Improved" strategy it is sadly a very narrow minded strategy...

But, hey, narrow mindedness is what the Bush regime is all about... And they appeal to other folks who have narrow minds...

Can you sing "Dum-dee-dumbed-down"?


27 Oct 04 - 07:44 PM (#1309091)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Amos

Maybe Fox can bring a satellite feed in in real-time so the couch-potatoes can watch the killing up close in technicolor, flying hands, ruined limbs, dead children and all...wouldn't that help the sponsors, eh?


27 Oct 04 - 08:10 PM (#1309117)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Bobert

Now there's an idea, Amos... But don't look for Fox to do it... Maybe the commie, Dan Rather, and his Commie Broadcasting System (CBS)...


27 Oct 04 - 08:24 PM (#1309133)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Jack the Sailor

Check this out, particularly the "dead letter office"

27 Oct 04 - 08:25 PM (#1309135)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Jack the Sailor


27 Oct 04 - 08:30 PM (#1309140)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Amos


I'm sorry, but I do not feel you should be calling Dan Rather a commie.

He may not be Cronkite but as far as I know he has tried to be a reputable journalist. What has he ever done to deserve being called a Commie?


27 Oct 04 - 08:36 PM (#1309146)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!

Why are you so irony impaired Amos?

27 Oct 04 - 08:56 PM (#1309162)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Amos


Oh, mind your own business. I have been taking my irony tablets every day, thanks. How about you?


27 Oct 04 - 09:01 PM (#1309168)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Bobert

What GUEST said, Amos...

Oh? Yer on yer meds? Fine. Keep takin' 'um...

Awww, jus' funnin' wid ya (you can skip a day now an' then...)


28 Oct 04 - 09:12 AM (#1309499)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Mrrzy

What is insulting about being called a commie, anyway?

28 Oct 04 - 09:40 AM (#1309514)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Amos

Depends, Mrrzy -- it used to be a slur, like "Un-American pinko faggot bastard" is a slur...similar.


28 Oct 04 - 09:43 AM (#1309517)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!

Actually, it is a slur because Amos believes commies to be bad guys, just like terrorists are bad guys. He bought into the propaganda, you see. Which is why he had a religious conversion for Kerry.

28 Oct 04 - 11:00 AM (#1309581)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Amos


No, I WAS one. According to certain authoprity figures, anyway.

Actually I never got into being a commie. But philosophically, I have no problem with anyone wanting to play with it. It doesn't work as a socioeconomic system, I am pretty sure.


28 Oct 04 - 11:09 AM (#1309589)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!

Well, socialism certainly works as well as capitalism. And then, in the nations which have hybridized socialism and capitalism, it seems to work better than either socialism or capitalism alone.

One thing is for sure, it isn't just communism that doesn't work. Das Kapital might have beat out communism, but the world's citizens and the planets have been the biggest loser of all under the global capitalist system.

28 Oct 04 - 12:06 PM (#1309636)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Amos

I think you're right -- the optimum system has some socialized sectors and some private and independent sectors.


28 Oct 04 - 03:05 PM (#1309799)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: Paul from Hull

It has been re-iterated that the Black Watch will be home for Christmas.

Apparently they are laying bets as to WHICH Christmas is meant.....

Typical of the British Squaddy to try & ease his own misfortune by trying to make a profit out of it!

28 Oct 04 - 07:09 PM (#1310012)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
From: GUEST,Arnie

Simple. Let Kerry win and let him exit like Nixon.
