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BS: the cost of the war

19 May 04 - 06:05 PM (#1188875)
Subject: BS: the cost of the war


From the "Daily Miror"
Your bill so far is £2.75bn, that could have paid for .. - 280 new schools - 7,236 hospital beds - Training for 12,200 doctors - 5 new hospitals - 2,750 MRI cancer scanners - 132,000 police recruits' salary - 80,000 teachers' salaries - 154,000 nurses' salaries - Training for 70,500 new nurses - 3.3m heart bypasses

IT COULD have paid for over three million heart bypass operations, trained over 70,000 nurses or built 280 badly-needed schools.

It would have met the salaries of 154,000 new nurses or 132,000 police officers for a year.

Instead, £2.75billion has been spent on a war in Iraq which has cost the lives of 833 American and British service personnel, countless more Iraqis, and hasn't made the world a safer place.

This week, figures from the government revealed we are spending £125million on the conflict every month - and there are fears from opposition MPs that the final bill could top £10billion.

That would pay for half a million new police officers or build 20 hospitals.

Defence experts are warning the actual price to Britain could be even higher, as many hidden costs are not accounted for.

19 May 04 - 06:17 PM (#1188888)
Subject: RE: BS: the cost of the war
From: Peace

War is expensive. costofiraq/sharingtheburden.htm

If that doesn't work, Google    aircraft carrier, cost per day to operate   and open the site entitled "National Security Program".

19 May 04 - 06:55 PM (#1188939)
Subject: RE: BS: the cost of the war
From: Shanghaiceltic

Are the Daily Mirror figures as reliable as their photgraphs?

19 May 04 - 08:19 PM (#1189051)
Subject: RE: BS: the cost of the war
From: Jim McCallan

From The Telegraph (UK)


19 May 04 - 10:14 PM (#1189142)
Subject: RE: BS: the cost of the war
From: Bobert

Oh, what a legacy for our kids and out grandkids to remember us by? And fir what? So Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle could get their jollies? So the Bush/Cheney could use a war of choice to try to get reselected as the "War Team" so they can continue to turn back the gains that the working class has spent 80 years in securing? Yeah, this war isn't just a war on Iraq but a war on the working class...


20 May 04 - 05:04 AM (#1189376)
Subject: RE: BS: the cost of the war


From the "Daily Miror"
Your bill so far is £2.75bn, that could have paid for .. SMARTIES - you can get lots and lots of Smarties for £2.75bn.

20 May 04 - 05:50 AM (#1189407)
Subject: RE: BS: the cost of the war
From: Gurney

How did they work it out, do you know? Did they say?
I always think that statistics are a slippery subject. Obviously every bullet and bomb has a price, but a professional soldier costs much the same whether in his home country or abroad, aeroplanes and ships get out of date and lose value and utility.

I'm not condoning anything, but someone with an axe to grind will shove the cost of a standing army onto a war, and it is the standing army and its supplies that costs, more than the war. The machinery, structure, and personnel were already in place. Paid for.
Then there is the problem of disposing of depleted uranium. (if it isn't fired at enemy tanks.) Not to forget the extra jobs for people who make ammo.
I'd hate to be the accountant for a war, but better that than being one of the poor sods out there, on either side. I'll bet there were more punters than politicians killed.

20 May 04 - 06:00 AM (#1189417)
Subject: RE: BS: the cost of the war
From: George Papavgeris

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."

President Dwight D. Eisenhower
April 16, 1953

"But the cost is too high and won't fit in my head
so I go back to counting my blessings instead"

21 May 04 - 05:52 AM (#1190582)
Subject: RE: BS: the cost of the war
From: The Fooles Troupe

One of the biggest costs to the USA may be its credibility about how wunderfully moralistic and humanitarian it really is - or is it just the world's biggest hypocrite?. Now that the past history of the 'private contractors' hired to set up the Iraq prison system has come to light - it's more hard to believe the US claims 'we don't do things that way'!

Because 'They Do'!

The ones currently in the news have a past history of abuse, torture, beatings, humilation thru nudity etc in the US Prisons systems... :-)
