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Tech: Parasite on My Computer?

23 May 04 - 11:16 AM (#1191977)
Subject: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: Janie

When I started my computer this morning a window opened up that said a parasite had been detected. When I clicked yes for more info the window went away but I got no more info. Twice in the last two days Norton has advised me that some program or another (one was bundle.exe) was trying to establish a connection, which I blocked,and yesterday my computer was automatically dialing up at start up. The connection settings had been changed to automatic dial-up. I have now turned that off. Windows keep opening offering various downloads, which I decline. A virus scan detected nothing.

WHAT IS GOING ON?!! And how to I eliminate the "parasite"?

Any help appreciated.

Technophobe Janie

23 May 04 - 11:42 AM (#1191993)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: Amos

Get someone in who knows how to detect the parasitic program and get rid of it. You might PM John in Kansas, if he is not too busy practicing banjo :>) He's pretty knowledgeable about Wintel issues.


23 May 04 - 12:20 PM (#1192005)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: Uncle_DaveO

The word "parasite" is new to me in computer terms, but it seems obvious that you've got an invader, possibly a data miner that is set to send reports on your system and system usage.

Possibly more malignant purposes, but the word "parasite" suggests to me more like that first paragraph.

You might contact Norton and report the error message. Chances are they have a cleanup program that would take care of it.

Dave Oesterreich

23 May 04 - 12:51 PM (#1192019)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: mooman

Dear Janie,

This sounds very much like an "adware" or "malware" program and pretty damn annoying they are.

Programs like either Ad-Aware or Spybot Search and Destroy (both free for personal use) may well get rid of this beastie. If it persists (and a few of these do) there are other possibilities for removal. Do keep us informed on progress.



23 May 04 - 02:12 PM (#1192060)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: Stilly River Sage


We just sorted out something like this on the I've been hacked thread. This was my advice in general.

And here's a remark that BillD posted on another thread (you'll find a link on the one I just posted above to other thread, but I'll save you the trouble of searching for it):

    personal note...I use the AdAware and SpyBot S&D programs now & then, just in case...but the major way I avoid GETTING the stuff is thru a good firewall, (I use Kerio), and especially by using The Proxomitron. This may be the single more useful security item I know of. It functions as a web filter, passing everything your browser goes to thru a set of rules that YOU pick..(or use its defaults). Truly amazing longer under development, but will be used for years to come.

    Also, I 'almost' never use IE, relying instead on Opera and Mozilla browsers.

Find a copy of one of the free programs like Ad Aware or SpyBot Search and Destroy, and go from there. Look into the updates available for your computer from your various software and hardware manufacturers, and look into the free or for-fee programs that help block some of this stuff. Running a search on the names in Google will bring you reviews along with the sites themselves, and running a similar forum search on the names here at Mudcat will bring you those marvelous exerpts from our previous conversations about these programs that will let you make a choice regarding safe computing. The barrier method is best: always use protection! :)


23 May 04 - 04:13 PM (#1192143)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: GUEST,MAG at Kennewick P.L.

23 May 04 - 04:22 PM (#1192153)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: Cluin

Be aware that some of the more insidious versions of malware will actually prevent you from downloading Spybot S&D or Ad Aware or may stop the program from loading.

Most tech support will likely give you the standard answer that you will have to do a clean re-install of Windows. It's not as necessary as often as they think it is. Back up your data and then ask around for a friend or relative who knows a bit about computers and the internet. They'll likely be able to help, or at least not make things worse. The "re-install Windows" option is always there.

But definitely get and use a firewall, even on a dial-up connection. Things have gotten dirty out there.

23 May 04 - 04:24 PM (#1192156)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: The Unicorn Man

Sounds like you've got a bad case of John Breeze to me.

23 May 04 - 05:08 PM (#1192195)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?

Sounds like you've got a bad case of John Breeze to me.

which is??

24 May 04 - 04:35 AM (#1192483)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: mooman

...fully understood.


24 May 04 - 04:23 PM (#1193063)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: Willie-O

what that is is a web dialer.

We got hit by this a couple of months ago. Found $135 in longdistance charges on our phone bill to Sao Tome, an island off West Africa. (Nauru is the other typical source of this.)

I called Bell Tel and they said it's a really common scam, and they don't seem to mind it too much cause they make lots of money off it. By speaking to a supervisor I got as far as having them reduce it 50%. She said this credit would appear on my next phone bill--two phone bills later, no credit.

The way it works on your PC is this: one of your kids was fooling around and went to a "free online games" site. It had a script on it, probably a Java applet but I don't know, which loads this popup "you are now installing blah blah yes to continue".

The warning message with it is rather long but says in plain English that it will install something that will make international phone calls from your computer!

If you click on "cancel", the next popup you get from the games site will say "Warning! If you want to play these great games, you have to click on "Yes" on the preceding screen! Want to go back?"

If you let the web dialer install, I don't know what it does right away...but if you leave your computer turned on, and offline but physically connected to the phone line, the web dialer program will start calling up Sao Tome any time you leave it alone for a few minutes. ($2.70/minute)

The reason I know all this is that after I got the phone bill, and complained to Bell, I saw the dialer trying to reinstall itself on my laptop. I took notes, then ran Spybot Search & Destroy--that's the one I recommend, Ad-Aware doesn't work.

Good luck. Your only sure protection, if you have this infection, is don't leave your computer hooked up to your phone line.


24 May 04 - 11:28 PM (#1193320)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: Janie

Thanks Guys and Gals. I really am over my head with any but "kindergarten" level computer instruction. You all write very clearly, I just don't understand the vocabulary and concepts well enough to easily follow what you say. See below for what I did after reading your advise. And then...if you don't mind....some more advise on what to do now.   

I downloaded Spybot (I had it on my computer previously and did not realize it had not been reinstalled when I had it worked on.) At least, I downloaded some of it. There were about 3 windows opened, and the last window, previously covered by the other 2, said there was not enough memory. I don't know if it referred to the download, or the immunization step, or to my going back on line.

I ran the search and destroy and had it "fix" everything it identified as a problem, except a Vxsomething which I thought might be a driver of some sort, and Attune, which sounded like it went with IE. Now I can't get, and I am assuming it is because of something I "fixed". When I went to recovery, nothing that had been "fixed" was there. The only things were the 2 above items that I left alone. (98% of what I had deleted were cookies.)

I see there is another thread to those without spyware and I am going to go read it now. I know I am a real dolt with technology.

Oh Gosh! I just realized I had disabled Norton when I installed Spybot and here I am, on-line again.



24 May 04 - 11:35 PM (#1193326)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: Janie

Duh--make that advice!

Ooh Bill. I hope you are wrong but I bet not. My 10 year old does play some free game sites. I better be checking my phone bil!!


24 May 04 - 11:37 PM (#1193328)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: GUEST,.gargoyle


I really am over my head

Since you can't swim....get out of the water before your are waltzed around by your Willie-O.

Make lists ... of to search items ... restrict your access to once a week, for one hour a week, at your local public library.


25 May 04 - 12:31 AM (#1193353)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: GUEST,Fred

another good program is SPY SWEEPER, also a free download

it removed stuff that NORTON and AD-WARE only isolated

25 May 04 - 02:07 PM (#1193855)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: pavane

When I got one of these this a couple of years ago, it failed to connect because I had previously got BT to block premium rate numbers. I don't know if you have that option in the US, but it saved me a fortune!

The kids never told me that they could no longer connect, and when I found out, it took a lot of work to get rid of it. BUT it also flashed my modem chip to stop the sound on dial-up, and I have NEVER managed to get that back.

25 May 04 - 02:08 PM (#1193858)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: pavane

By the way, I then installed ZoneAlarm and have not had any more problems

25 May 04 - 10:27 PM (#1194034)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: Brían

I second Fred's comment. The free SPY SWEEPER seems to get what the $40.00 NORTON cannot.


25 May 04 - 10:46 PM (#1194042)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: JennyO

I found that Bazooka picked up a few things that Ad-Aware had missed, including some remnants of Hotbar which I thought had been uninstalled months ago.

26 May 04 - 12:06 AM (#1194076)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: Stilly River Sage

It's useful to see what programs are working for people. I'll go get a couple of those others and test them. Thanks for reporting back! The biggest thing about any of them, is to use them. I find with programs like Ad Aware if I go in and make sure that the box is checked on all of those files where this stuff usually turns up that it finds what it needs to. The default search settings may need tweeking in some of these programs.


26 May 04 - 12:32 PM (#1194296)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: Janie

I think my 'puter is now back to "normal". Thanks to all of you for your help and advice.


27 May 04 - 03:38 AM (#1194671)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: The Fooles Troupe

And don't forget to check out the free 'HijackThis!' - mentioned in other threads here.


27 May 04 - 07:02 AM (#1194796)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: The Fooles Troupe

I've just tried a free trial vesrion of a new thing called WindowsInspector by

It checks what processes are running and has a database of many 'correct' processes and some 'nasty' ones. It also looks to see what has been loaded into MSIE.

It SEEMS to do what it is supposed to, but I am not equipped to test it fully - you can't actually fix anything with the free version, but you can look at it.

Not a lot of difference to 'HijackThis!' it seems. It can be useful to have alternate tools ...


29 May 04 - 02:31 PM (#1196587)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: Mark Cohen

Robin, just be aware that some "free utilities!" come with truckloads of spyware themselves, the "Google toolbar" being one example. (There was a thread about that but I can't find it.)


29 May 04 - 05:59 PM (#1196742)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: Stilly River Sage


This one's a little goofy to apply, but if you do it, then your Google browsing is at least anonymous.

If you right click on this link (don't go there, just right click so you get the dialog box) and "save as favorite" then actually navigate to a Google page and pull up this favorite and click on it, it sets your google information to be anonymous. It becomes one of your Google preferences, but it so far doesn't seem to be savable from the list of Google preferences. If you actually click on the link it tells you you must be on a google page to click it.


29 May 04 - 09:32 PM (#1196860)
Subject: RE: Tech: Parasite on My Computer?
From: The Fooles Troupe

When you right click, if you 'Copy Shortcut', then click on the Desktop & right click and 'Paste Shortcut' you will place it on the Desktop.

I prefer to get my free utilities from the accompanying CDs with various PC Magazines - they have learned not to put 'Spyware' on their CDs - people complain them if they do... :-) so they test things first, including for known viruses, etc. Big files are faster to load than from dialup dnlds, too.
