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SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04

26 May 04 - 10:54 AM (#1194183)
Subject: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Charley Noble

There are rumors that a "shanty raid" is being planned on Portland's annual Old Port Festival, Sunday, June 6th, with various malcontents assembling in front of the China Sea Marine Trading Co. at 1 pm sharp (Fore Street between the Custom's House and Rosie's Restaurant). Capt. Bunker and Sharon may want to load up their cannon with grape shot, sharpen their fine collection of pikes and cutlasses so as to better repel boarders, or alternatively just surrender to the spirit of the moment.

Members of Roll & Go are said to be in the vanguard, but others are encouraged to attend. Other forays are being planned to invade neighboring restaurants and shops in the Old Port area, to regale those within with nautical songs.

Charley Noble

26 May 04 - 10:55 AM (#1194185)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: GUEST,MMario


26 May 04 - 11:45 AM (#1194254)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Dave Bryant

Wouldn't a press-gang be more fun ?

26 May 04 - 12:06 PM (#1194275)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Charley Noble

Swing on over the pond, Dave. You're more than welcome to join with the jovial crew.

Charley Noble

27 May 04 - 12:15 AM (#1194614)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Naemanson

Oh boy! A shanty raid is almost as much fun as a panty raid. The only thing better is a combination of those two. Sing their panties off R&G!

27 May 04 - 08:07 PM (#1195474)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Bat Goddess

Well, the Press Gang (those of us from The Press Room, Portsmouth, NH) may very well be there!!! Raiders from across the border. Transporting singers across state lines for . . . immortal porpoises?!?

Ah well.


27 May 04 - 08:18 PM (#1195487)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Jeri

I'm sorry, but you'll have to reschedule this. I'll be in Toronto. (Take pictures, please.)

28 May 04 - 09:10 AM (#1195856)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Charley Noble

Sorry, Jeri, I'm sure that any pictures we take would be over exposed.

Maybe we'll bring an oar along, and a staff with Blue Peter to display on our forays.

Charley Noble

28 May 04 - 09:38 AM (#1195873)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: curmudgeon

Shall I bring the "Splice the Main Brace" signal flags as well?

28 May 04 - 11:49 AM (#1195976)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Bat Goddess

Charley -- WHO is going to be over exposed?!? I'm planning on actually wearing clothes, if that's allowed, of course. (And I intend to insist that Curmudgeon also appear fully dressed -- he's lost 60-70 lbs. you know.)

Then again, it's Kendall who sings, "I Don't Look Good Naked Anymore."

Will this be an opportunity for those afflicted to compare scars?



29 May 04 - 02:26 AM (#1196486)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Naemanson

Always remember we are all naked under our clothes...

29 May 04 - 08:32 PM (#1196824)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04

Shall I bring along the cat o'ninetails?

30 May 04 - 09:41 PM (#1197427)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Naemanson

Still hearing from the porn shops as a result of your good intentions?

30 May 04 - 09:42 PM (#1197428)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Naemanson

By the way, mine is hanging from the doorknob to the mechanical room. I suppose I should move it before Wakana sees it.

31 May 04 - 12:14 AM (#1197474)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Uncle Jaque

Ahoy!; What gives here, Mateys!!??

Sounds like a jolly fine ol' rumpus, it do!

Arrrrrrggh Indeed!

Aboot what time be the crew comin' on board, eh?

Actually found a nearby place to park last week and dropped in for a bit of a visit; during the festival it might be a bit of a challenge to find a legal place to tie up the buckboard within 5 miles o' the place!

Will they be runnin' a shuttle bus in & out of Portland, perchance?

31 May 04 - 06:21 PM (#1197913)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Charley Noble

For Uncle Jacque and others who do not believe in reading the initial posting of any informational thread:

"There are rumors that a "shanty raid" is being planned on Portland's annual Old Port Festival, Sunday, June 6th, with various malcontents assembling in front of the China Sea Marine Trading Co. at 1 pm sharp (Fore Street between the Custom's House and Rosie's Restaurant). Capt. Bunker and Sharon may want to load up their cannon with grape shot, sharpen their fine collection of pikes and cutlasses so as to better repel boarders, or alternatively just surrender to the spirit of the moment."

Be there with yards squared!

Usually there's a free shuttle bus that runs from the parking lot at Marginal Way, between Preble St. and Franklin.

Bring whatever accessories you feel comfortable in. Let's hope for decent weather.

Charley Noble

31 May 04 - 07:00 PM (#1197944)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: GUEST,foolestroupe


Naemanson Date: 27 May 04

Oh boy! A shanty raid is almost as much fun as a panty raid. The only thing better is a combination of those two. Sing their panties off R&G!

31 May 04 - 07:12 PM (#1197954)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Naemanson

LOL! Sorry I left it open for such a Foolestroupe action.

03 Jun 04 - 08:51 AM (#1199153)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Charley Noble

Whoops! The Old Port Festival in Portland is actually SATURDAY, June 5th.

So, we'll be assembling then at China Sea Marine Trading Co. at 1 pm.

Hope that works for everyone.

Charley Ignoble

03 Jun 04 - 01:00 PM (#1199416)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Charley Noble


The ignoble Portland Press Herald had the wrong date this morning and I was right. So, me hardies, we're back to Sunday, June 6th.

Charley Noble

03 Jun 04 - 03:58 PM (#1199588)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04

thought it ran two days - Saturday and Sunday? heh heh

03 Jun 04 - 08:26 PM (#1199769)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Naemanson

I got a chance to work with a Micronesian chanty this weekend when we dragged the canoe down to the water to launch it and later when we dragged him out of the water. Now I have to get a minidisc recorder so I can record some of those chants and songs.

04 Jun 04 - 09:10 AM (#1200160)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Charley Noble

Be warned, this "shanty raid" is in no way condoned by the official sponsor of the Old Port Festival, Portland's Downtown Business District. You participate at your own risk.

Charley Noble

05 Jun 04 - 02:04 PM (#1201014)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Charley Noble

Be warned, the weather's looking vile but we'll be there!

Charley Noble

05 Jun 04 - 03:52 PM (#1201046)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: kendall

So, we meet at the Trading post; then what?

05 Jun 04 - 04:34 PM (#1201056)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Charley Noble


Not the "Trading Post" but China Sea Marine Trading Co!

As to what we do once we're gathered, and I fully expect that will not exactly happen at 1 PM sharp, we'll probably settle in at the back of the store and do some singing. Then when we've achieved critical mass we can try a foray to neighboring shops and restaurants and do some ad hoc sea shanties. I expect that the weather will discourage doing much of anything outdoors, which is a pity.

We're expecting to see some old members of Roll & Go in evidence, some of our singing friends from the Portsmouth shanty swaps, and I'm sure some random elements in the general public will attach themselves to us because what we're doing is sooo exciting!

Charley Noble

06 Jun 04 - 10:29 AM (#1201304)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Charley Noble

Don't say anything but it appears to be bright and sunny this morning. Maybe the mead I poured out last evening at the foot of the old oak tree in the yard appeased the Thunder God.

Charley Noble

06 Jun 04 - 10:48 AM (#1201314)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Bat Goddess

We're forced to cancel, alas! Tom overdid a bit yesterday and needs his rest. And I think we're both feeling a bit overextended. (In particular, I'd LOVE to just curl up in the fetal position and suck my thumb.)Wish we could just tap our heels together and be there, but . . .

Listen closely, though, we'll be singing along with you.

Linn (sucking her thumb, which, if she had any sense at all, she'd dip in Guinness now and then)

06 Jun 04 - 05:00 PM (#1201460)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04

Well, Kendall and I were first on the scene. We decided to get something to eat - a tale too long for me to tell. I'll let Captain Morse do it. But when we returned, Roll 'N Go had rolled and gone. Captain and Sharon Bunker along with their parrot Singapore entertained us for well over an hour. We left without singing a note but did get an earful of more wonderful tales from Captain Bunker. He is planning a party at their home in Grey (?) as a fundraiser for his campaign. Should be fun.

Sorry we missed you all.

06 Jun 04 - 05:22 PM (#1201469)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Barbara

So you had to dispants with the Shanty raid? You people will have to work on your navigation skills. Charley, why was it when I saw the name of the thread, I knew it had to be you?

06 Jun 04 - 06:18 PM (#1201492)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: kendall

We arrived at the China trading shop at 12:30. A bit early so we went next door to Rosie's for lunch. (We would have been there sooner if Sinsull had been paying attention)and we had been able to park in a nearby parking garage. But, no, we ran into a barrier and had to pay $10.00 to park!
Anyway, She ordered a salad which was quite satisfactory. I ordered a big cheesburger with oni0n rings. That took about half an hour, and when it came, I bit into it, and it moaned. RAW in the middle! I sent it back. 20 minutes later, I got another raw hamburger. Sent that back, and after another 15 minutes I finally got a chicken sandwich that tasted like nothing. The noise level was just under painful with a gang of teens all talking at once, saying nothing but desperatly tring to impress each other. Then a small child started screeching and that was about all I could take. We went back to the China shop and hung around a while, but it looked like Roll & Go done rolled and went for good, so we fought our way through that gang of people and impossibly loud "music".
So, the only thing I heard worth hearing was Captain Bunker's stories and the group from Peru.
I havn't figured out the theme for this "festival"...must be How much noise can we make and call it music.

06 Jun 04 - 06:23 PM (#1201495)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04

Raw is an understatement. The waitress looked at it and swore it moved. There was some pretty good blues at the festival despite Kendall's observations. So Charley, where were you guys?

06 Jun 04 - 07:51 PM (#1201560)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Charley Noble

Well, sorry we missed some of you. When we got to China Seas shortly after 1 pm, we did meet up with our former member Alison who added her voice to the raiders. We sang a few shanties in the back of the store and then marched down to Commercial St., away from the amplified music. We're loud but not THAT LOUD. We crashed the Drydock restaurant and tavern, astounding the staff and customers, and after the initial shock they clearly enjoyed our singing. We then had lunch at their back deck and sang a few songs there, paid for our food and brew and exited singing. We tried RiRa Irish Pub but their musac was too loud. The Portland Flatbread Restaurant was more receptive and we did a couple of songs there. Then we worked our way through Gilbert's Chowder House, where people also seemed pleased to hear us. Then across the street to a bottle store where Nor led "All for Me Grog." Next to Portland Coffee Roasters where the folks at the table nearest us actually joined in the chorus, and then back to China Seas for more singing.

We met a few more of our friends there at that point. Our new apprentice Jeff got a good workout and already sounds pretty good. It didn't really rain, although it seemed to cool down suddenly in midafternoon. No hassles with the police or Festival lackeys, no one was seriously injured by the oar we were carrying, and someone gave us a dollar.

We really had some fun and the folks at China Seas are always wonderful hosts.

Charley Noble

06 Jun 04 - 10:15 PM (#1201629)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Naemanson

Sounds great! How well I remember the days of wandering the streets of the Old Port raising our voices in song. It seems like another life now. Good luck to Jeff. Don't let the rest of the crew scare you.

By the way Charley, where are my shirts?

07 Jun 04 - 09:33 AM (#1201933)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Charley Noble


Oh, the shirts? You probably will find this hard to believe but we haven't really done anything with them since we badgered you into buying them. Procrastination strikes again. We'll get right on it, which probably means you'll get them for sure by Xmas.

With regard to the Shanty Raid, we did get one follow-up call on our answering machine from a cofeehouse manager who was NOT pleased with our foray into her shop. The tablefull of people in front of us appeared pleased, which is why we sang them another song. I suppose we should be grateful that she didn't succeed in contacting the police to haul us away. Although some of us would have considered that a great adventure.

Away, hey, haul'em away!

Charley Noble

07 Jun 04 - 09:53 AM (#1201947)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: kendall

That's what you get for making sense in that morass of noise they call music.

07 Jun 04 - 01:08 PM (#1202109)
Subject: RE: SHANTY RAID, Portland, ME 6/6/04
From: Charley Noble

Well, Kendall, I have to agree that the "shanty raid" on the Old Port Festival shared some qualities of the traditional charge through the breach or "forlorn hope." Sorry we missed you and Sinsull.

Charley Noble