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Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July

28 Jun 04 - 06:42 AM (#1215398)
Subject: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: s6k

that time again. Marlborough club, Newstead Street, Chants Ave, Hull.
this thursday, 8.30pm onwards.

Any special guests this month j0hn?

whos coming?

can i come?

is there a dress code?

28 Jun 04 - 06:51 AM (#1215402)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: GUEST,Sooz (at work)

I have the date in my diary as a distinct possibilty? Will it be good?

28 Jun 04 - 06:58 AM (#1215406)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: s6k

it will be fantastic!

28 Jun 04 - 06:59 AM (#1215407)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: el ted

Dunno yet, but beware sooz, most of us who go, SMOKE!

28 Jun 04 - 07:33 AM (#1215427)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: GUEST,Sooz (at work)

We'll probably give it a miss then.

28 Jun 04 - 08:26 AM (#1215452)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: ossonflags

I might come if i'm doing nowt.

28 Jun 04 - 09:39 AM (#1215487)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Les from Hull

Me an' our lass'll be there.

28 Jun 04 - 10:39 AM (#1215529)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Special Guest=Eliza Carthy
Whos going=hope fully loads of people.
can sk6 go=yes
Dress code = Ladies =Ballgown, gents dinner= suit and bow tie.

28 Jun 04 - 10:47 AM (#1215536)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

how about a no smoking night to welcome them that don't smoke?
[the smoky people could still smoke downstairs]

Last time there was only 4 smokers [me, Les, Mick and that singing woman [i forgot her name now].

Also Geff Laws has got a bad chest and told me he coughs after been in smoky places.

post your ideas here.

28 Jun 04 - 11:02 AM (#1215548)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: GUEST,Mr Sooze

If its smokey...then I aint going

28 Jun 04 - 11:27 AM (#1215569)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Sttaw Legend

jOhn, congratulations on your knighthood and My Bloody Efforts gong, when do you visit the Queen or is she coming to the club to present them ?

28 Jun 04 - 11:34 AM (#1215577)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: greg stephens

John: I have been busy on and off, and seem to have missed your elevation to the rank of knight, and your acquisition of an MBE. What was the occasion of this great honour? Something to do with your work for adult literacy, I suppose? Anway, very well-deserved I have no doubt, and itis a tribute to your modesty that you are still prepared to come to Mudcat and share your views with the likes of us.

28 Jun 04 - 11:37 AM (#1215578)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: el ted

I wont mention my peerage then!

28 Jun 04 - 12:10 PM (#1215592)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: ossonflags

Here is my three ha'pence for what it is worth.
One of the reasons I come to the marlborough club is because you do allow smoking.If the room was very smoky people would have a point, but as it is a big room with plenty of ventilation and the amount of smokers are minimal I do not believe you have a problem.In fact it is a lot less smoky than a lot of pubs were they do have singarounds and there is no ban on them............yet.

Mrs.Ossonflags - a non smoker - hates smoky pubs/clubs with a passion, but she does not object to the amount of smoke in the Marlborough folk club.

I think if you are going to impose a no smoking ban - as they have at Cottingham - you should do it straight away, then people will know how they stand.

28 Jun 04 - 12:15 PM (#1215594)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: el ted

I have to agree with Mick here. Smoking is still a perfectly legal ( and heavily taxed) activity.

28 Jun 04 - 12:45 PM (#1215610)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: s6k

how about a mud wrestling match: smokers v. non smokers, dress code = underpants only.

the winner could win a pint of whatever they choose, and decide whether it is to be smoking or non.

28 Jun 04 - 12:54 PM (#1215619)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: greg stephens

This knighthood of JOhn's is a bit odd, it seems to be retrospective. I've had a few PMs from JOhn over the last year or two, which I have saved till I've got time to try and figure out what they mean. And do you know, that Max or Joe or someone has crept in to my little cupboard of letters and changed the names on them, They used to say "JOhn from Hull", and now they all say "Sir JOhn from Hull MBE".
   He must have got some serious influence with the powers that be to be able to get them to do that. So I reckon if says "dont smoke" you'd better do what he says, or you might be in trouble. Or, as it were, trubble.

28 Jun 04 - 01:14 PM (#1215635)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: JennyO

Funny you should mention that Greg. I was wondering when he got this new name, so I clicked on Sir jOhn from Hull MBE in this thread, to do a search, and lo and behold, all 5523 of his posts are now in that name. Fascinating!

28 Jun 04 - 01:20 PM (#1215642)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: greg stephens

Given that emails and stuff can be used against you in a court of law, I find it a bit disturbing that they can be changed retrospectively with the click of a mouse by some computer person somewhere. When I had that letter, it came from JOhn from Hull. Now it's been changed. If they can change the name, they can change the text. Worrying.

28 Jun 04 - 01:49 PM (#1215661)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Sooz

I'm more worried about the mud wrestling at the moment - might be good for the complexion but not for my sciatica.

28 Jun 04 - 01:52 PM (#1215666)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Thanks for the feedback so far Re smoking at the Marlborough,
I feel it would be counter-productive to introduce a smoking ban, as the main people involved in this venture [me, Les, Ossonflags, El Ted and Basic, all smoke, [at least one of us as been there on each night]
though as Ossonflags states, the room is a good size, [I would guess around 500 sq ft], and it does not get smoky.

We would loke to welcome everyone to our club [and the city of Hull], we could designate the area near the doors no smoking, however if this is not acceptable, feel free to visit some of the other Folk Clubs in the area,
Mondays=The White Horse, Hengate, Beverley
Tuesdays=The Processed Pea, Etton, near Beverley
Wednesdays=Cottingham Live, Cottingham
All Non Smoking.

28 Jun 04 - 03:18 PM (#1215715)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Having said that, i reckon the wrestling is a good idea, how about S6k representing the non smokers Versus Ossonflags representing the smokers?

28 Jun 04 - 03:48 PM (#1215728)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: greg stephens

And wot about this name changing, eh?

28 Jun 04 - 04:26 PM (#1215743)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: s6k

thats a little unfair! ill lose!

28 Jun 04 - 04:48 PM (#1215761)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

few people been asking about my title, i was recently awarded a knighthood and MBE for "Services to curry ships".

28 Jun 04 - 05:09 PM (#1215773)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: greg stephens

OK, that's great, but you weren't "Sir John" two years ago, were you? I'm a bit surprised, actually, because I'm sure I've read you expressing some anti-Royalist sentiments. And as the Queen is an avid Mudcatter(I wont reveal her pseudoplume), she would aware of this. I'm surprised she's magnanimous enough to knight you, in the circumstances, however impressive your rogan josh.

29 Jun 04 - 03:22 AM (#1216012)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Hey, I thought that I was only member of the aristocracy around here.


29 Jun 04 - 04:15 AM (#1216033)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: el ted

you can also smoke at the FOLK HAPPENING/FREAK OUT at
                The Blacksmiths Arms
                   Near York
                   YO61 INW

29 Jun 04 - 07:11 AM (#1216102)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Sweetfia

Smoke-free folk clubs...whatever next?!

Sorry guys, won't be there this month...I've got a polo lesson.

And there is no way i'm missing it this week; my polo teacher has just come off holiday and he will be nice and tanned...which means he will look even fitter!!! Yesss!

29 Jun 04 - 11:04 AM (#1216260)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Michael

When you get back from your lesson will you make us some strong ones?

29 Jun 04 - 06:30 PM (#1216594)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: s6k

ill come if im not doing nowt.
will leave guitar lesson a bit early.

i might be on bike, so ted can marvel at my saracen. if so, i will have a guitar with me, which i WILL NOT be playing.

if not i will have transport awaiting me, at about 11.22pm and so will have to leave around then, like last time.

we shall see how things "pan" out

30 Jun 04 - 05:28 AM (#1216843)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: el ted

I shall arrive a la pied, there is no way I am leaving my fabulous bicycle outside a club in Hull! It cost more than jOhn's car.

30 Jun 04 - 06:47 AM (#1216869)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: s6k

you can leave it in the front room, but i think the pied idea is better.

will do you good to get a bit of exercise

30 Jun 04 - 06:57 AM (#1216874)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: GUEST,ossonflags

What's the point of bringing a guitar and not playing? It is like bringing a voice and not singing.

30 Jun 04 - 12:48 PM (#1217102)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Les from Hull

or bringing some tobacco and not smoking!

30 Jun 04 - 02:08 PM (#1217165)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Sooz

Or bringing some lungs and not being able to breathe AIR!

30 Jun 04 - 02:32 PM (#1217181)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Oaklet

You tell 'em, Sooz. I am taking a canary, breathing apparatus and Skipjack.

30 Jun 04 - 02:41 PM (#1217186)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I'm bringing a hamster and a goldfish.

30 Jun 04 - 02:48 PM (#1217194)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Oaklet

Or bringing an endocrine system and not being allowed to regulate your bodily fluids. (I haven't thought this through properly).

30 Jun 04 - 02:50 PM (#1217196)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I'm bringing a smoke machine as well.

30 Jun 04 - 03:36 PM (#1217234)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Sooz

I don't think I can sing whilst wearing breathing apparatus.

30 Jun 04 - 04:42 PM (#1217270)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: s6k

because if i cant get a lift, i would be walking there straight from guitar lesson, so would have a guitar. but i cannot sing, not in the slightest...

having said that, i believe i am getting a lift, so i escape, just

30 Jun 04 - 07:21 PM (#1217367)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Skipjack K8

I'm more concerned about the life-shortening snorkers some of the people there make everyone endure.

30 Jun 04 - 09:52 PM (#1217407)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

s6k-just nick a car on the way from your giutar lesson, i heard that Orchard Park is full of car nicking experts, so you should have no problems!

skipack9- wahts a snorker?

ps=Eliza Carthy just phoned me, and said shes not going, as she is washing her hare, but she might go next time, if she's not doing nowt.

01 Jul 04 - 01:17 AM (#1217484)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

anyway= my freind called Catherine might go, if she's not doing nowt,
a few of you will know her already,[especially les, he lives near town] she's a busker in hull, she plays tin whistle down White frud gate, i think most people inm hull that are intrested in music will know of her, lets give her a good welcome if she goes.
shes a soshal werker [basic used to be a soshul werker, but he left, as it was shit, to much paper work probly.

i know some people that are polices [police people], and they said there is to much paper work in police job now a days.

thats the good thing about my job [curry ship van driver],
= no paper work, exept wehn the boss is having a shit, and i have to answer the phone...

thats wehn it pisses me off, ie=
people ring up and not know waht they want!

they order summat then ="waht do you want dave?"

why dont they blpoody see waht they want, before ringing up then?

=and another thing piss me off = you get to there house, and they are really suprised, saying "oh, curry bloke is here, weres the door key etc"!

blody arseholes, they should get key, money etc ready , they order curry, then act suprised wenh it getd there, a pox on all of them!

another thing waht piss me off is people whith no numbers on there doors= could be pissing down with rane, and you cant see the number, [cos there is'nt one! bastards!
and wahht happen if there house is on fire then?

[fire people wo'nt be able to find it, and there house will burn down, and serves them right.

01 Jul 04 - 01:30 AM (#1217486)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

another thing wajht pisses me off is= people waht think you are a taxi , ie people if you driving after 11pm, near town, or bev rerd or spring bank, put hands out, like i am a taxi, i driving a van, how can that be a taxi?

one time i was driving the little van [that escort van waht we had], and they thought i was a taxi, i stopped and i said =
" do i look like a fucking taxi, silly basterd?"

bloke said ="no, but fuck off anyway"

another thing waht pisses me off= people standing in the road, at pub closing time, this is bloody road, not standing about area"!

road is for cars and vans etc, not people to stand in, i been curry delivery man at this company for 10 years now, and i suprised i dident run any people over yet, if i did, it serve them right.

road is for cars, not people.

nother thing waht piss me off = people playing football in the road,
one day i shouted at them ="this is road, not fucking foootball pitch, if you like to play football, fuck off to the park"!

them anser was "fuck off"!

kids these days, got no respect.

01 Jul 04 - 01:39 AM (#1217488)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

nother thing waht pisses me of = prostytutes getting in my car in anlaby road area = one day i was looking for house number, and one prostytute woman got in my car, and she say "you looking for bisness luv?", i said no, i looking for house number, get out my car , now"!

she says" ok, dont give me bad attitude then"
i said, "ok, donrt get in my bloody car then, and get lost".

01 Jul 04 - 01:45 AM (#1217489)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

nothyjer thinhj waht pisseds me off = stewdunts, thhere all crap, =
always moaning, and pay by check, stewdunts really piss me off, and they never find a pen!

how can they be stewdunts with no pen!

they gone now, i hope they dont come back, they piss me off, [and always want to pay seperutley, and take all my change up, basterds!

i don;t like curry ship job no more, i;m fed up of it, its rubbish, im looking for a new job.

01 Jul 04 - 02:49 AM (#1217507)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: ossonflags

John, I have told you a million times, get of that fence and say what you mean !!!!!!!!

01 Jul 04 - 03:36 AM (#1217520)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

mmmmh, looks like i went a bit off topic there, this is folk club thread, not moaning thread, i'd better be careful, or they might put us in BS area, anyway- them things piss me off!

01 Jul 04 - 03:48 AM (#1217523)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

anyway=one thing waht really pisses me off, is people standing in the road, if you go to town on friday or saterday night after 11pm , you will see, loads of people standing in the road, road is for driving in, not standing in, its sposed to be illegal to stand in the road [obstructinging the public highway, road is for the passing and re-passing of veichles], so why dont the police nick them?
[they cant be arsed, thats why]

if i drive my van on the pave ment, they soon start moaning then!

i recon anyone walking on the road should be shot, its all biased towards pedestrians, and how many bloddy zebra crossings do they want anyway?, theres about 6 of them within hundred yards on Princes Ave, why not just paint the hole ficking road black and white stripes, bloody council, wasting rate payers money, probly that Colin Inglis 's idea, that and his bloody daft fountain, load of shit, if you ask me.

01 Jul 04 - 05:13 AM (#1217561)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: s6k

j0hn, why dont you publish a book on your memoirs and rantings... it would sell millions!!!

see you all tonight about 8.45

01 Jul 04 - 06:29 AM (#1217585)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Sir Roger de Beverley


Perhaps you should consider chnaging your Mudcat name to "Angry of Anlaby" or "Seething of Sculcoates" or even "Drivelling of Drypool"


01 Jul 04 - 07:00 AM (#1217590)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: ThreeSheds

Anyone know of a good indian takeaway that delivers?

01 Jul 04 - 07:03 AM (#1217595)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: el ted

You shouldn't be eating curries at your advanced age Shed dweller.

01 Jul 04 - 09:34 AM (#1217604)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler (never bin to 'Ull9)

Why Sweetfia need polo lessons? You unwrap the silver paper and put 'em in your mouth, suck or crunch, who need lessons9?

Unless....surely no posh totty polo players in Hull9?
If you play water polo does horse wear snorkle?
Wat piss me off is cyclists on pavement no bell or lights when I walking home from club and nearly run me down,can't hear them coming now I'm going deaf from too many loud jazz and blues bands9
(sorry, jOhn, can't get the style right!)

01 Jul 04 - 10:43 AM (#1217620)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: el ted

Sweetfia is the poshest girl in Hull Rog, she has real Polo lessons, as in sat on a horse Polo.

01 Jul 04 - 10:59 AM (#1217628)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Nick

I am starting to wonder whether Sweetfia is wanted in three counties or something - very shy when the camera comes out.

Should we be told?

01 Jul 04 - 11:43 AM (#1217661)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: s6k

didnt you already know? look on americas most wanted list!

ted, can you bring the cd along tonight? ill have a listen and get it back to you at queens, or soemthing.

see you tonight fellas, and fella-ettes

01 Jul 04 - 11:50 AM (#1217664)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Sweetfia


Ok first i'm a posh bird than i'm one of America's most wanted...!!! Make yer mind up guys! I'm camera shy cos i look stupid on photos.

Ooooo, only 1 hour, 43 mins and 12, 13, 14 secs to go til my lesson!

Hope everyone has a great time tonight.

01 Jul 04 - 01:27 PM (#1217731)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: ossonflags

It looks like three quarters of "Punch The horse" (mark three) will be there.That is Me, Oakley and the very charming Skipjack.

01 Jul 04 - 01:30 PM (#1217733)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

you want to use the PA?
if so, i'll get someone who knows about such things to switch it on.

01 Jul 04 - 01:49 PM (#1217751)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: s6k

ok, guitar lesson in 10 minutes, gonna get going.

ill see you all there about 9ish, ill have to leave about 11`o clock.

party on dudes

02 Jul 04 - 06:59 AM (#1218228)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: s6k

good night, muffin for everyone.

shame we missed out on the mud wrestling though

02 Jul 04 - 04:38 PM (#1218578)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: Sweetfia

Eh? Mud wrestling? What are you talking about you strange little boy?

02 Jul 04 - 04:53 PM (#1218588)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: s6k

you cant just expect to wander into the middle of a thread and know whats going on, you rude little girl

04 Jul 04 - 06:26 AM (#1219184)
Subject: RE: Marlborough Club, Hull, 1st July
From: s6k

*sigh. some people