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BS: CRB Checks?

01 Jul 04 - 08:39 PM (#1217969)
Subject: BS: CRB Checks?

I am a member, but ive logged out for this one.

I recently applied for a job, which involves a full enhanced CRB [criminal records bureau] check,

waht exacly do they check?

I have unpaid poll tacks, does this count?
will this stop me gettoing the job?

is poll tacx , [and council tax] a civil matter, or does it affect your job cjhances?

apart from tax stuff, i have nothingf to worry aboyt re the crb check, [i never been charged with nothing serious apart from drink driving , but that was a long time ago]

do they count stuff you was arrested for, but not charged with? ie if you got arrested for murder, but charges dropped, waht happens abbout that then?

ie, is that on your record or not?

01 Jul 04 - 08:47 PM (#1217972)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: Amos

This is clearly an Englishman's question to answer -- possibly someone from Hull?


01 Jul 04 - 08:50 PM (#1217973)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?

Weres Hull, i never heard of that place, it must be rubbish!

01 Jul 04 - 08:50 PM (#1217974)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: CarolC


01 Jul 04 - 09:08 PM (#1217980)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Guest-why dont you ask the CRB people?
they wi;l know all about this kind of stuff.

01 Jul 04 - 09:10 PM (#1217981)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?

thats a good idea, thanlks john.

01 Jul 04 - 09:38 PM (#1218000)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: Amos

Long lost twins, perhaps?


01 Jul 04 - 10:23 PM (#1218015)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: mack/misophist

The US equivalent is a check of criminal records. How thorough it is depends on the job and/or what they're willing to spend. Here, it's often rather slapdash.

01 Jul 04 - 11:08 PM (#1218032)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: Peter K (Fionn)

At present, Guest, the CRB does not include mere allegations, or details of police investigations that did not proceed to criminal convictions. Whether this will change in light of the Soham inquiry and Bichard report remains to be seen.

Council tax stuff might show up, if it involved a criminal conviction, but depending on the nature of the job you're being considered for, a prospective employer might consider it irrelevant. A conviction for drink-driving would eventually "expire" - in other words it would disappear from the record - as would be the case for many minor offences. I'm fairly sure this means it would disappear from the CRB file too. Certain sex offences and other serious crimes do not expire. The length of time a sex offender stays on the Sex Offenders Register is determined at the time of sentencing.

The CAB should be able to give you advice, if there's one somewhere in your area. You may find this easier or preferable to asking the CRB.

01 Jul 04 - 11:23 PM (#1218044)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Thanks Fionn.
any idea of the differnce between CRB check, and Enhanced CRB check?
ie waht does the "Enhanced" bit mean?
i'm guessing it will show everything i've ever been convicted of, even if its more than 10 years ago?

02 Jul 04 - 12:18 AM (#1218058)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: CarolC


02 Jul 04 - 12:19 AM (#1218059)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: CarolC


02 Jul 04 - 01:14 AM (#1218071)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: open mike

here those checks are done by the Dept. of Justice= D.O.J.

02 Jul 04 - 01:56 AM (#1218084)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: jonm

A standard CRB check looks for convictions for offences which may affect your suitability for working with children - sex offences, murder, kidnapping etc.

For people who may have close contact, potentially one-on-one without supervision, with children, an enhanced CRB is required. I believe this includes all criminal matters (spent convictions are listed as such, not ignored) and any charges of which you were found not guilty - but not an arrest record where the CPS didn't prosecute (which was the Soham problem - this is the area which may change soon).

02 Jul 04 - 09:02 AM (#1218285)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: Amos

However, they do check for criminal impersonation of rationality, typographical assault, and sailing of curry ships without license. Sometimes as well they want to know if you have ever impersonated yourself. They get suspicious about convictions of having convictions, or living under the influence of others, depending on circumstances.


02 Jul 04 - 10:09 AM (#1218335)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: Rasener

JonM post is pretty accurate.

Have a look at this.

I have the Enhanced Disclosure. Just do it and wait to see what comes back. If something appears on the document, you are allowed to appeal if you think it is not correct.

Mine came back clear. which was a relief :-).

Unfortunately situations like the Soham case do nothing to help the value of this certificate.

Most people are fine, but once again, its the minority that ruin it and question the value of the certificate.

02 Jul 04 - 10:17 AM (#1218342)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Amos, if a Mudcat member chooses to withhold his/her name in order to discuss one particular, and personal matter, do you have a problem with that, you frigging smartarse?

02 Jul 04 - 10:32 AM (#1218353)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: Ben Dover

My name is also my hobby.

04 Aug 04 - 01:34 PM (#1240277)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: mcgrathof altcar

I had to get a CRB check done recently because I work in schools.

I was very worried about the thing as I was busted years ago (1978) for posession of a tiny amount of very poor quality grass. I also had a record for walking on a motorway (bad hitching technique)

I even spoke to the head mistresses of the schools about this because I thought I might loose the jobs.

In the end, there was nothing to worry about. Both the convictions are "spent" and my CRB certificate shows me with an unblemished record. Phew! Quite a relief.

I hope it goes as well for you jOhn / guest. Go to the citizens advice if you are still worried about it.

20 Aug 04 - 02:43 PM (#1252331)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I didn't get the job I applied for, but thanks for the useful replies
[Fionn etc].

20 Aug 04 - 03:35 PM (#1252377)
Subject: RE: BS: CRB Checks?
From: Amos


If John from Hull wants to post something anonymously, he should post when sober and get someone else to type for him. The opening post of this thread is so clearly his, to anyone who knows his posts at all, that it never occurred ot me there was really any question. I have apologized to John for any discomfort I may have caused. But really, the idea he was anonymous is silly -- I knew who was posting the minute I opened the thread!

John, sorry about the job -- keep on plugging, man. We're rooting for ya.