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who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.

20 Jul 04 - 10:41 AM (#1229833)
Subject: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: GUEST,wow

I was at Saddleworth on Saturday night in the Wagon pub and saw someone performing there I thought was brilliant, didn't catch his name but he was the most entertaining person I'd seen in a years,he wore shorts and glasses and was very tanned and did a reggi verson of the Wild Rover along with a dance routine as well as several other equally entertaining songs, he really livened my (& my friends) night up. Does anyone one know who he is and does he have any CD'S for sale or how do we book him.


20 Jul 04 - 11:03 AM (#1229847)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: el ted

This sounds like 'muppett' to me. Are you out there lad?

20 Jul 04 - 12:47 PM (#1229940)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Mrs.Duck

Yep that's Muppett alright couldn't be anyone else! If you sign up as a member you can PM him on here.

21 Jul 04 - 04:18 AM (#1230505)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: el ted

Book him, and get him to do his song about singers who forget some of the verses in very, very long songs!

21 Jul 04 - 10:43 AM (#1230676)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Red and White Rabbit

definitely muppett!

no-one else would want to fit that description!

Sorry muppett I love you really!

22 Jul 04 - 12:18 AM (#1231122)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: rock chick

Twas nice to see you muppett again

22 Jul 04 - 04:37 AM (#1231191)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: muppett

By eck, is this wind up or what. Yep it was me, no I don't have any CD'S (WELL not of me singing I've plenty of other folks)I can be booked, my fe is beer for the night.

22 Jul 04 - 08:02 AM (#1231277)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: GUEST,Raggytash

Ingenious Muppett, put a thread on as a guest extolling your own virtues and then wait for the bookings to roll in ........ I like your style

22 Jul 04 - 08:24 AM (#1231292)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: muppett

Nay Raggy it t'weren't me, who ever it were are you, prove it's not a wind up

22 Jul 04 - 08:27 AM (#1231297)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: muppett

Whoops got me words fuddled then. I ment to say who ever it was who sent the origanal message get in contact again to prove it's not a wind up.

22 Jul 04 - 09:11 AM (#1231327)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: el ted

Well it's worked for me! Can I book you for a do at Farlington near York on the 3rd and 4th of september? A gang of us from Hull are going to camp out there.

22 Jul 04 - 10:31 AM (#1231366)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: muppett

Is this for REAL El Ted

22 Jul 04 - 10:40 AM (#1231373)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: el ted

Dunno who "wow" is muppett, we where at farlington not saddleworth, but look up, i have refreshed the main thread for you "16th july blacksmiths arms near york"

22 Jul 04 - 11:01 AM (#1231384)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Geoff the Duck

Do you know what it costs to buy Muppett's beer for a whole night!

22 Jul 04 - 11:05 AM (#1231387)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: el ted

I don't care, it's only £1.22p a pint at the blacksmith's. you should getyour bum up there as well ducky, the ceilings are very high so you can dance away without hitting anything.

22 Jul 04 - 11:09 AM (#1231392)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: muppett

A couple of barrels will do nicely El Ted

22 Jul 04 - 12:04 PM (#1231438)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: el ted

That's that sorted then, 2 barrels for muppet and a pond for geoff.

23 Jul 04 - 06:48 AM (#1232053)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Alio

Well, all I can say is that we only have the best festival goers in Saddleworth!!


23 Jul 04 - 07:00 AM (#1232060)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: GUEST,wow

No I was only kidding really - I actually thought he was crap.

(Sorry muppett but your bloody cheque bounced)

23 Jul 04 - 07:11 AM (#1232063)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: muppett

Someone is taking the piss aren't they

23 Jul 04 - 08:26 AM (#1232103)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: GUEST,wow

Yes Muppett someone is taking the piss it wasn't me who sent that last message, as I said before I thought you were brilliant, if you remember I chated with you on Saterday night, I was the woman with Brown hair with my 2 friends (also women) who sat near the window, one of them asked you to sing feilds of Athernry.

23 Jul 04 - 09:58 AM (#1232187)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.

"chatted","Athenry", just a point.

23 Jul 04 - 10:00 AM (#1232190)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.

Oh, and "saturday"

23 Jul 04 - 10:05 AM (#1232199)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.

Dear me, and "fields"

17 Sep 04 - 04:35 AM (#1273835)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

GUEST-This is music sight, not speeling sitht, so just get lost.

anyway=i seen mupet, he's a good singer, and reaaly funny as well.

18 Sep 04 - 01:45 AM (#1274772)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Manitas_at_home

Guest, you're missing a full stop on your last remark (and I'm not too sure about the comma). Come to that, on your previous remarks you're missing full stops and capitals.

18 Sep 04 - 01:56 PM (#1275061)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Amos

This whole thread is missing a full stop! :).


18 Sep 04 - 02:09 PM (#1275073)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.

Amos fuck off

28 Sep 04 - 04:33 AM (#1282923)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Muppet-Can we book you for Hull Folk Club?
we'll give you free bears all night, and sort some overnight accomadation for you.

28 Sep 04 - 04:40 AM (#1282927)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: muppett

Aye if this isn't a wind up, I'll send you a PM in a mo

28 Sep 04 - 08:03 AM (#1283051)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.

jOhn don't forget some coathangers for his frocks

29 Sep 04 - 05:36 AM (#1283845)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Paco Rabanne

It's official, muppett will be at Hull FlOck club on thursday 2nd of December. Book early!

29 Sep 04 - 05:39 AM (#1283848)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: muppett

Cheers Ted, do you want to be my agent?

29 Sep 04 - 05:41 AM (#1283851)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Paco Rabanne

You couldn't afford me!

29 Sep 04 - 05:41 AM (#1283852)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Sttaw Legend

mite go if am doin nowt

29 Sep 04 - 05:50 AM (#1283857)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Sttaw Legend

super ted

29 Sep 04 - 05:54 AM (#1283859)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: muppett

Wot surely the fee would be you'd get a pint to my 3, So that'll mean something like 5 pints per booking for you.

29 Sep 04 - 06:02 AM (#1283864)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Paco Rabanne

Ok, you talked me into it. I will spend today arranging a tour in Iraq for you next month. I will keep you posted as to travel arrangements etc...

29 Sep 04 - 07:50 AM (#1283920)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: GUEST,Muppett

Oh Goody, I'll be able to wear my Kaftans all day without anyone thinking it strange

29 Sep 04 - 08:35 AM (#1283944)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Paco Rabanne

oi muppett, you have turned into one of them Guest thingies... Your first gig is in Baghdad a week on thursday by the way, at The Trades and Labour club on Saddam street. Your train ticket is in tonights post, (second class)

29 Sep 04 - 11:16 AM (#1284063)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: muppett

No Ted we've got an impostor amongst us. As manager will you be coming with me then t'Baghdad then.

29 Sep 04 - 11:25 AM (#1284075)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Paco Rabanne

Ah ha!! Raggytash has picked an imposter up as well, VERY confusing! Can't make Baghdad next week I'm afraid, take your scooter coz the club is 18miles from the train station. According to the ticket office you need to change trains at Widnes, Paris, Moscow,Barnsley, back to Moscow (track repairs)Kabul and finally arriving in Baghdad 8days later. You need to be at Bradford station in about 10minutes by the way.

29 Sep 04 - 11:34 AM (#1284083)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: muppett

Right then I'm away, I'll send you message when I get there, by eck I'm looking forward t' gig. By the way have you forwarded my Marmite butties and the 6 barrels of Timothy Taylor's Landlord and the packet of Earl Grey tea.

29 Sep 04 - 11:37 AM (#1284084)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Paco Rabanne

Sod off! We haven't been paid yet! You will have to pop to Basra to collect it on your way home. Good luck old fruit.

30 Sep 04 - 04:36 AM (#1284723)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: muppett

Ted I followed your directions and set off on the train for Widnes last night only to be turned back by the border police at Todmorden as I didn't have the right documents to enter Lancashire, plus they weren't right happy with me wearing me replica Yorkshire Cricket top. So can you cancel the Bagdad gig as I won't get there in time.Thank goodness I wont have this problem in Hull.


30 Sep 04 - 04:45 AM (#1284730)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Paco Rabanne

Oh dear, I have spoken to Mr C. Stevens, the promoter in Baghdad and he is less than happy to say the least!! They have issued a fatwa against you muppet, so I can only suggest that you move to Hull. No bugger would look for you in that hole!

30 Sep 04 - 04:45 AM (#1284731)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

yep, its true, confirmed booking for muppit at Hull Flock Club, Chanterlands Ave, Hull, 2nd december, 8pm
all welcome, admission =1 pint payable directly to Mr Muppit.

30 Sep 04 - 04:56 AM (#1284734)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Sttaw Legend

mite go if am doin nowt

30 Sep 04 - 05:00 AM (#1284735)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: muppett

Hey John,
         My manager (Ted) says I've not to perform unless there's a minimum of 100 in the audience. Hope the celler will be well stocked up.

30 Sep 04 - 06:58 AM (#1284779)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Paco Rabanne

Yo muppett,
          I have asked Hull City Councils Gay Outreach Co ordination and promotion unit to be in the audience, so there will be several thousand there to buy sherries for you! Am I too good to you or what?

30 Sep 04 - 07:21 AM (#1284787)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Sttaw Legend

Gents, you may want to move the gig to Hull City Hall, then any overspill can watch it on the new big tele in the city centre - just a thought!

01 Oct 04 - 04:45 AM (#1285776)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: muppett

By eck Ted, I didn't know Hull council now employed people to go and make contact with hard to reach happy people or has gay got a different meaning now a days.

01 Oct 04 - 05:07 AM (#1285796)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Paco Rabanne

errhh.... In your neck of the woods I think they are known as wooftas muppet. just think of Larry Grayson, Dale Winton, chaps like that. Well, more chapesses actually.

01 Oct 04 - 05:09 AM (#1285797)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

see new thread, "Muppet in Hull".

01 Oct 04 - 07:45 AM (#1285881)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: GUEST,Clarence

Muppett will like that, lots of shirt lifters, they'll be able to swap knitting patterns or show him how to embroider his frocks with pretty design and stitch sequins onto his kaftan shorts.

01 Oct 04 - 08:48 AM (#1285924)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: muppett

Nay Clarence I prefer Marmite & Beer stains on me shorts. Wouldn't mind the knitting patterns though as I could take them back to the women's group that have set up a knitting circle at the Community centre I work at. So if anyone wants to bring them along to the event on Dec. 2nd that would be brill.
Cheers for the idea Clarence.

01 Oct 04 - 09:18 AM (#1285954)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: GUEST,Clarence


Do you smear marmite on your body, if so can I...............

01 Oct 04 - 09:20 AM (#1285957)
Subject: RE: BS: who was that man (saddleworth folk fest.
From: muppett

Only if I miss me gob when I'm pissed