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BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?

26 Jul 04 - 12:30 PM (#1234010)
Subject: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: Bobert

Well, I hate to start this thread on the day the Democratic convention begins but realisticly Kerry has no chance of beating the Bush/Cheney/Diebold ticket. I mean like Kerry will probably have to carry 52%, maybe 53% of the vote in order to prevail. Anything close will get stolen for Bush, which sadly, is the most likely scenerio.

Bush hasn't said a thing about what he has in store so we don't have much of a clue there. So if I'm correct, what will the next four years look like, other than bad.

Like what is the guy and his buddies going to do?


26 Jul 04 - 01:37 PM (#1234055)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: dick greenhaus

Get richer.

26 Jul 04 - 01:49 PM (#1234064)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: Jack the Sailor

A draft,
Bring "democracy" to Iran at gunpoint. (first year)
a trillion dollars of missile defense to protect us from a few firecrackers in North Korea.
Gulags in Alaska for Michael Moore and his kind.
"Prisons" in Hawaii for Kenneth Lay and his kind.
A bionic body for Cheney
A bionic brain for Bush.
ROTC in all public schools starting in Kindergarten.
A ban on term limits for Presidents.
A ban on voting for Presidents.
Construction on Presidential palaces in place of each of the state capitals and govenment.
A Presidential Throne and Septre
An ammendment to the constitution codefying the Devine right of President.
renaming of Maine to Bushhome, Texas to Bushland, California to Reganlandia, etc...

Afet the four years, a one thousand year reign of pice and prosperity,
One land united under Bush.

26 Jul 04 - 01:54 PM (#1234067)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: mg

Beat me to it. Go after the oil in Ireland.
Avenge the insults to his mother by going after some women-led country, Iceland perhaps.
Send Haliburtun to Ukraine to clean up their contaminated soil.
Meet regularly with the Illuminati group.
Meet regularly with Cheney whether or not Cheney is v.p.
Install a state religion, probably led by an Oral Roberts relative.
Go through all the patents in the patent office to make absolutely sure that no energy-oil-saving devices get through.


26 Jul 04 - 02:23 PM (#1234094)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: GUEST,Ron Olesko

It is great to be a Monday Morning Quarterback, but you can't become one on the Saturday before the game.

There are so many polls out there that you can't make an educated guess as to the outcome. An incumbent wartime president has a huge advantage, but the fact that the race is so close at this juncture is indicitive of the fact that it is way too close to call.

I heard a poll today that Bush trails his numbers in individual states from 2000. There isn't a single state where his numbers are as strong as they were when he was elected, according to this pollster.

It ain't over till it's over!

26 Jul 04 - 04:44 PM (#1234183)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: Bobert

Come on, Ron... That ain't the question... This is an "if" question...


26 Jul 04 - 04:51 PM (#1234189)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: GUEST,Blackcatter

The fifty stars on the flag will be replaced with one big swastika.

26 Jul 04 - 04:52 PM (#1234193)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: Amos


Premature apathetic resignation CAN be self-fulfilling, pal!!

Kick some butt, will ya?? Start with yours....


26 Jul 04 - 05:09 PM (#1234204)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: Don Firth

I hope Canada is working hard to expand infrastructure sufficiently to handle the sudden northward migration in case Bush wins.

Don Firth

26 Jul 04 - 06:29 PM (#1234268)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: Bobert


Ain't like I don't care 'cause I do. It's just that I don't care that much about the alternative either. Every time I think I can vote for John Kerry I get to thinkin' about it and it comes back to....nah!

Maybe the Democratic Party needs another 4 years in the desert...

I'm sorry. Iz tryin'. I really am...


26 Jul 04 - 06:56 PM (#1234287)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: Jack the Sailor

Wartime president?

Nope! Wartime presidents ask the country to sacrifice.

26 Jul 04 - 09:57 PM (#1234388)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: Rapparee

Wartime presidents sacrifice themselves, too.

26 Jul 04 - 10:23 PM (#1234400)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: Bobert

I thought by now someone would have mentioned Social Security. I mean, from lookin' 'round there quite a few folks 'round here that ain't too far from signin' up... I'm kinda concerned that given Boss Hog's hatred of the New Deal that the Bush folks will be messin' wid Social Security big time...


26 Jul 04 - 10:44 PM (#1234409)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: Amos

You're eye is right on the ball, Bobert, but we got to give them Dems an opportunity to parlay here....tacking a bit is a necessary adjunct to a primitive process, just like sailing a ship.


26 Jul 04 - 10:45 PM (#1234411)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: The Fooles Troupe

I'm amused... the English spelling of the word pronounced 'Jail' is 'Goal'... which gives a new slant to this thread.... :-)


26 Jul 04 - 10:49 PM (#1234414)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: Amos


I think if you look more closely you'll see the English word for "Jail" is G-A-O-L, pronounced jay'l, and not G-O-A-L, pronounced GO-ul.


26 Jul 04 - 10:57 PM (#1234422)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

It won't happen.   "He who shall not be named" will be back in Texas, finally finishing "My Pet Goat". (Don't tell him how it ends!)

27 Jul 04 - 12:14 AM (#1234460)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's 2nd Term Goals for US?
From: Amos

ANd then the Big Billygoat stuck his GREAT, BIG HORNS right into the rear end of the TERRIBLE PRESIDENT and threw him HUNDREDS of feet up into the SKY!! He yelled so loud you could hear him in Afghanistan!! And he ran away so fast no-one knows to this day where he went, because NO-ONE has heard from him EVER SINCE!!!!