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BS: Strength and Wisdom

27 Jul 04 - 12:24 AM (#1234469)
Subject: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: Jack the Sailor

.... are not opposing values!

27 Jul 04 - 12:34 AM (#1234477)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: Bill D

not necessarily, nope...but them as has got plenty of one 'tend' sometimes to not cultivate 'tother.

27 Jul 04 - 12:39 AM (#1234483)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: Little Hawk

Hmmm. What kind of strength are we talking about here?

27 Jul 04 - 12:50 AM (#1234489)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: katlaughing

It was a great line, wasn't it, JtS!?

27 Jul 04 - 01:05 AM (#1234495)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: GUEST,mack/misophist

Not necessarily, no. But what's the point of the thread? That isn't ALL, is it?

27 Jul 04 - 01:39 AM (#1234511)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: Jack the Sailor

Bill Clinton said that tonight at the Democratic National Convention. D'all have any idea what he was refering to? It was actually the first time I've seen him make a campaign speech. I was very impressed. One of the CNN talking heads said the Clinton may be the best public speaker of his generation. On the basis of that one speech at least. I'm inclined to agree.

27 Jul 04 - 02:56 AM (#1234530)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: GUEST,Clint Keller

Maybe he means that one could have both the strength to, say, invade Iraq and the wisdom not to.


27 Jul 04 - 05:58 AM (#1234610)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: The Fooles Troupe

There is an error in the translation of the Parable

Blessed are the Meek, etc

Should actually be

Blessed are the Strong, etc


27 Jul 04 - 06:01 AM (#1234611)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: el ted

Oh bugger! I've been suckered into reading another political thread!

27 Jul 04 - 06:18 AM (#1234615)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: Pied Piper

Ah Grasshopper.
Strength and wisdom.
Is it not wise for the Reed to bend in the wind, as the Dragon flies on the lightness of the air?
So it is with the turtle whose horny shell defeats the teeth of the Tiger.
All is change, so as the long-distance lorry driver relieves himself on the wheel as the Butterfly emerges from the pupa.

But only in the water margins of Lang Shang Po.


27 Jul 04 - 08:55 AM (#1234681)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom

Strength and wisdom to maintain the Wal Mart economy that thrived under Bill Clinton? Strength and wisdom to isolate and marginalize the labor movement for protesting it?

Clinton doesn't give a shit about working families of the Ehrenreich "Nickle and Dimed" Wal Mart economy. Just the ones like him, who started out the 90s comfortably middle class, and pulled the socio-economic ladder up behind them as soon as they got theirs.

For a different spin on last night's events, you might want to read the article in this morning's Washington Post, in which the head of SEIU, Andrew Stern, said that electing Kerry would be bad for the Democratic Party and bad for the labor movement:

SEIU Chief Says The Democrats Lack Fresh Ideas

27 Jul 04 - 10:03 AM (#1234743)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: Thomas the Rhymer

The speech that Clinton delivered last night was nothing short of brilliant... and was the first inspiring event on our escalator out of this mess. IMHO...

It's pay back time! All the clever put downs didn't add up to diddley...

Bill made some minor mistakes... but he is undoubtedly a thousand times more able to be an effective President than W. The contrast between them was never more apparent than last night.

Clinton's got a grip, Bush gives us the slip
Bill has studied wiselies, George divides the niceties
Willie's slick but caring, dubya's unread daring
42 a statesman true, 43 a travesty

27 Jul 04 - 10:49 AM (#1234769)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: saulgoldie

Peace through strength? Peace IS strength.

27 Jul 04 - 10:57 AM (#1234779)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom

At least Tom Tomorrow has the Clinton/Kerry Democrats pegged for what they truly are:

The Sensible Liberal

27 Jul 04 - 10:58 AM (#1234781)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: GUEST,Larry K

Jack- don't discount Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson who are both great speakers.   Both better than Clinton IMHO.   It is a shame that nobody watched his speech according to the overnight ratings:

CSI Crime             9
Gore/Carter/Clinton   3

27 Jul 04 - 12:13 PM (#1234832)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: M.Ted

GUEST is trolling to get people to register for the Washington Post on-line again--How much to they pay you to trick people clicking on to a link that   requires them to register before they can read the article?

To save folks the trouble, here is the main stuff from the article:

Andrew L. Stern, the head of the 1.6 million-member Service Employees International Union (SEIU), said in an interview with The Washington Post that both the party and its longtime ally, the labor movement, are "in deep crisis," devoid of new ideas and working with archaic structures.

Stern argued that Kerry's election might stifle needed reform within the party and the labor movement. He said he still believes that Kerry overall would make a better president than President Bush, and his union has poured huge resources into that effort. But he contends that Kerry's election would have the effect of slowing the "evolution" of the dialogue within the party.

Later in the day, AFL-CIO President John J. Sweeney told The Post that Stern's attitude "is not justified." Sweeney, also a product of the SEIU, the largest and fastest-growing union in the AFL-CIO, said the process of change is already underway within labor, adding that he is impressed with "the unity and solidarity" of Democratic support for Kerry. "I'm optimistic about the future of the Democratic Party," he said.

And GUEST, are you the same on who is always trying to peddle Nader?

27 Jul 04 - 12:20 PM (#1234835)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: GUEST,SueB

I agree that Jesse Jackson is a great orator. Haven't heard Sharpton speechify, so can't comment on him.

I caught some of the DNC last night. I thought Clinton was great.

27 Jul 04 - 01:49 PM (#1234889)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom

Actually, joining Working Assets and using their products and services will be more productive this year than voting for the Republicrats or Nader. So will pressuring your unions to get the hell out of the AFL-CIO, and demonstrating against economic and trade policies that devastate American peoples' livelihoods, and the exploit foreign workers.

I could care less if people register for the Washington Post. I provide links to stories that I think are of interest, regardless of whether they require registration or not. You are all adults, and I think you should be able to figure out the registration thing for yourselves. After all, you had no qualms about registering to use Mudcat, even though it isn't required.

C'est la guerre.

27 Jul 04 - 02:18 PM (#1234903)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: M.Ted

If it is true that you are not trolling for the Post, then you should either link to something that is freely accessible, post quotes that will convey the message of the piece, or, God, forbid, actually explain what you have to say--

You are entitled to your opinions--and it would be interesting to hear what they are--smart-aleck remarks about "the Walmart economy" and links to other people's opinions are not opinions--

27 Jul 04 - 07:03 PM (#1235117)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Ummm... and if he works for the Post, he gets to check up on bad little posters... you know... the people who speak about their displeasure with Bush's 'support group'... Democracy? Nothing to see here, folks... please just move along quietly..

27 Jul 04 - 08:02 PM (#1235161)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: Jack the Sailor

I enjoyed the speech I think the Dems will use some of the ideas in their campaign.

Its an entertaining convention. I heard that Tonight Michael Moore is on Bill O'Reilly's show.

28 Jul 04 - 10:31 AM (#1235517)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom

I saw Moore interviewed last night by the most pompous ass in television, Ted Koppel. He didn't give an inch to Koppel, so it was quite entertaining. Koppel looked pathetically vanquished by the end of the interview. ESPECIALLY after Koppel asked the question, with the built-in insinuation that because Moore is now a wealthy man, he can no longer be a populist, what authority he will have when he makes another $100 million dollars with his next film (F 9/11 just broke the $100 million dollar mark at the NA box office last weekend).

Moore's response (paraphrased) "I'll be Ted Koppel if I earn another $100 million."   :) :) :)

28 Jul 04 - 11:25 AM (#1235558)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: M.Ted

I like that response--it's a Michigan response--Moore is apparently going to screen the film in Crawford, which promises to be very entertaining---

28 Jul 04 - 11:51 AM (#1235572)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: Amos

Moore invited Bush to come tot he screening in Crawford, a fine thing to do. Love to see him attend!


28 Jul 04 - 02:07 PM (#1235684)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: GUEST,Larry K

Moore was on with O'Reilly last night.    Typical Moore.   Ignores any fact and still calls Bush a liar. YAWN.   Moore's solution was to let the people revolt themselves.    The USA people revolted by themselves.   We should just wait until all the people living under dictators and military rulers revolt for themselves.    Might take a few thousand years and millions might be murdered and raped in that time, but I guess Moore is a patient person.

As Moore said before.   Only 3,000 people were killed in terrorist attacks so the odds are in your favor that you won't be killed.   I am sure that in comforting to the families of 9/11.

Strength and Wisdom- With Michael Moore you get obesity and stupidity.

28 Jul 04 - 03:15 PM (#1235729)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom

Looks to me like Michael Moore gets under your skin big time, LarryK.

Here's some free advice for you, LarryK. Calling people fat and stupid may be a way to persuade eleven year old boys to adopt your bigoted and biased opinions and right wing worldview that rewards hatred, but it isn't considered to be a very effective, much less polite, way of engaging in adult discussions, no matter how much you dislike the person being discussed.

But then, most right wingers' worldviews haven't matured beyond the eleven year old boy level anyway.

28 Jul 04 - 03:30 PM (#1235738)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: GUEST,Blackcatter


So where on your body is the swastika?

28 Jul 04 - 09:22 PM (#1235991)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: The Fooles Troupe

My Lord! the peasants are Revolting!

Yes, I know, they always have been...

28 Jul 04 - 09:50 PM (#1236005)
Subject: RE: BS: Strength and Wisdom
From: Once Famous

LarryK, don't let these typical far left wingers get to you. As usual, we have a Guest who is way too cowardly to post an attack under his real name, then we get the Nazi thing.

Just the usual bullshit from the far left who I find to be just as obnoxious as the far right.

Guest, from 3:15 PM. Michael Moore is very fat and obese and he is making millions of dollars convincing you that he has all his facts right while laughing all the way to the bank.

The guy is a heart attack waiting to happen.