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BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)

27 Jul 04 - 05:56 AM (#1234608)
Subject: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: Bagpuss

I never thought I would contribute to the number of Shatner threads on this site, but I saw this and couldn't resist sharing it.

William Shatner, aided and abetted by Ben Folds, singing Pulp's "Common People

Hope the link works. If not, you can find it on Neil Gaiman's journal - the entry for July 26th 04

27 Jul 04 - 05:58 AM (#1234609)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: el ted

What is this Bill Shitner fixation on mudcat? Is he canadian?

27 Jul 04 - 10:56 AM (#1234774)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: CarolC

Yes. He's Canadian.

27 Jul 04 - 11:07 AM (#1234787)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: ToulouseCruise

We Canadians have a fine tradition of excellent performers:

William Shatner
Alex Trebek
Theodore Tugboat
a little squirrel that stole the change for the paper boy

makes me proud, I'll tell ya!


27 Jul 04 - 11:07 AM (#1234788)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: GUEST,Bob Dylan

I had the worst professional experience of my life trying to make a studio album with William Shatner. The man is devoid of musical talent, but carries on like he was Elvis or something. He should be flipping burgers or selling life insurance in Omaha.

27 Jul 04 - 11:15 AM (#1234795)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: Little Hawk

With all due respect, Bob...(cos I think you are the greatest)...I must disagree with your assessment of William Shatner. He is probably the greatest talent that Canada has ever produced and he transcends the normal boundaries of what we term "Art", taking personal creativity into undreamt of realms of expression and nuance.

I am deeply grateful to Bagpuss for the link! All I can say is, "Wow!" What an awesome recording! Shatner has once again shattered all previous standards and seamlessly moved into the field of postmodern music with his bold and piquant rendition of "Common People". He says so much that this reviewer was rendered simply breathless upon hearing the recording for the first time.

27 Jul 04 - 11:45 AM (#1234817)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: ToulouseCruise

I agree with you, LH... but can you imagine the burgers he would be able to make? All of those interplanetary species with lettuce and
tomato, let alone the cooking tips from those Vulcans who are well
known for their gastronomic talents....

27 Jul 04 - 12:57 PM (#1234856)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: Little Hawk

That's true. He's an expert on the techniques of the backyard barbecue. He could take burger flipping into a whole new dimension. I guess Dylan, in his usual manner, has hit on a deeper truth in what appeared on the surface to be merely a sarcastic putdown of Shatner.

27 Jul 04 - 07:07 PM (#1235121)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: GUEST,Anne Croucher

Of course, those of us who have read the whole Hitchikers' Guide to the Universe series know that Elvis really IS flipping burgers and singing in his own Burger Bar on an interplanetary/dimensional way station even now -


27 Jul 04 - 09:08 PM (#1235201)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: Peace

Uh, Bob, I have been a fan of yours for about forty years. You have crossed a very black line with that remark. You may have DONE a Victoria's Secret commercial, but she told Shatner what that secret IS. Jealousy becomes you not.

If GS reads this, Be Blessed
If Amos reads this, Be Breast

27 Jul 04 - 09:11 PM (#1235204)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: Amos

I think Pene Azul could easily enough write a little Java routine that would detect the "Shatner" string in any submitted post and instantly deleted the entire thread. Imagine what that would do to tighten things up around here!!


27 Jul 04 - 09:15 PM (#1235210)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: Peace

Bill is one of our fine exports along with Joni Mitchell, Michael J Fox, Shania Twain but unfortunately not yet our House of Commons.

28 Jul 04 - 12:50 PM (#1235609)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: Ellenpoly

I'm following this thread with close attention. Thank you for your wonderful comments.

Watch it, Bob.

(William shatner chanelling through Ellenpoly while she stepped out for a burger.)

28 Jul 04 - 07:40 PM (#1235923)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: Peace

. . . and Lorne Greene.

28 Jul 04 - 11:31 PM (#1236057)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: Cluin

...and poutine.

29 Jul 04 - 01:14 PM (#1236454)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: ToulouseCruise

... and double-doubles.

29 Jul 04 - 01:40 PM (#1236471)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: GUEST,US-centric


29 Jul 04 - 11:49 PM (#1236835)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: Peace

Tim Horton's coffee with two sugar and two cream.

30 Jul 04 - 05:08 PM (#1237407)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)
From: Little Hawk

That's TRUE! The Victoria's Secret girl DID tell Shatner what the secret is, and that's why he's got that big, dumb grin on his face. Our William has always been devastating to the fair sex.

Amos, they would never dare to do that. Never.

05 Oct 04 - 09:43 PM (#1289771)
Subject: RE: BS: This belongs in non music (Shatner)

they would never dare to do that