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BS: a new form of crop circles

03 Aug 04 - 10:36 AM (#1239433)
Subject: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: GUEST,MMario

evidently aliens are now controlling the minds of sheep and causing them to form "crop circles"

circle of wool

03 Aug 04 - 11:29 AM (#1239478)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: Stilly River Sage

Crop circles by the name of Woolrich, eh?

03 Aug 04 - 11:46 AM (#1239491)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: Georgiansilver

Shadrack the ram,ordered a circle formation before he ushered his flock back into the alien craft, they had done their job on earth. The Human race were now convinced that sheep were lacking in the brain department and were totally subserviant to them. Flying back to the planet Shorn would be such a pleasure as, at home, there were no human men who wear Wellingtons, just sheep and more sheep. The grass on planet Shorn grew in cycles and would never run out as the flock cared for it vigilantly and never misused their resources.
"It would be impossible to re-populate planet Earth" said Shadrack to his King Ram. "Resources there are running out so we have come home".
The King Ram, Schmuck, felt such pleasure at the return of his prodigal son that he ordered his ewe to bring out the fatted hay in celebration. He now had to plan the total evacuation of Earth before the Human race destroyed itself.

03 Aug 04 - 12:30 PM (#1239524)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: Bill D

LOLOL...would that 'ol Shadrack could have gotten them so well organized on certain roadways where they impeded traffic for hours!..

...wait...I see now...that was the PLAN! Go, sheep!! Good riddance!

03 Aug 04 - 12:37 PM (#1239531)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: jimmyt

Diane, Sheep number 23 in the line, says to her next in line partner... "Shit, Earl, you know I hate the hokey pokey and here we are out here on this godforsaken hillside in themiddle of the frikin night when we could have gotten the timeshare with my sister and her husband, a very successful ram, by the way, but noooooooooooooo, you have to play the !&@**@*#$(@Hokeypokey again this year. You make me sick, what did I ever see in you anyway?"

03 Aug 04 - 12:44 PM (#1239540)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: TheBigPinkLad

Never trust a sheep. They are more dangerous even than llamas:

03 Aug 04 - 12:53 PM (#1239549)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: Ellenpoly

Actually, they're posing for Spencer Tunick.


03 Aug 04 - 02:14 PM (#1239595)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: jimmyt

"Hey Diane, why don't you just kiss my woolie ass,"Earl retorted. "You think it is a bed of roses being stuck with you?........and your mother living with us too????? huh? huh?." Earl just turned his back on the flock and begrudgingly started eating thistles and heather, all the while fantasizing about a young ewe he had encountered in a nearby dale.

03 Aug 04 - 04:26 PM (#1239715)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: Peace

Ewe, ewe, ewe, I'm in love with ewe, ewe, ewe . . .

03 Aug 04 - 04:58 PM (#1239730)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: Little Hawk

Hmmm. Unusual formation, all right. It's nice to see that the sheep are getting so well organized.

03 Aug 04 - 05:49 PM (#1239767)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: Metchosin

Maybe these are the same sheep that attacked James Herriot when he tried to shoo them off his lawn in Yorkshire.

03 Aug 04 - 07:37 PM (#1239832)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: open mike
or the current name of the formen Art Bell radio show.
this claims 15 new crop circles in england

03 Aug 04 - 07:42 PM (#1239836)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: Rapparee

I'm not certain, but I think that the US Sheep Experimental Station in Dubois, Idaho is conducting some sort of clandestine activities. Wether or not the sheep have actually seized the facility (a la "Animal Farm") I don't know, but it seems to be the only one of the Pacific West area of the US Dept. of Agriculture that does NOT have its own webpage!

Obviously, Something Is Being Covered Up. Something is, I fear, going to be rammed down our throats. Wether ewe do something about it or take it like a lamb is up to ewe, but you WILL, I suspect, be sheared by whoever has taken over there.

It's worse that Area 51!!!

03 Aug 04 - 07:59 PM (#1239845)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: GUEST,freda

baaah humbug!

03 Aug 04 - 08:01 PM (#1239851)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: Georgiansilver

We need help...Send for Johnny RAMbo.

03 Aug 04 - 09:13 PM (#1239893)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: Amos

He'll just pull the wool over your eyes. He's not like ewe and me.


03 Aug 04 - 09:38 PM (#1239903)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: open mike

the old form of crop circles//
sorry to diverge from the sheep thing..
but you really got me going arond in circles over this one...

04 Aug 04 - 11:41 AM (#1240209)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: GUEST,leeneia

I think they are bales of hay, not sheep.

04 Aug 04 - 12:58 PM (#1240254)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: GUEST,hungry

Nope, either a large plaited loaf or a cumberland sausage ring and I won't hear any different.

04 Aug 04 - 01:12 PM (#1240258)
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
From: Bill D

"Sheep, sheep, don't you know the road?
Yes, Lord, I know the road'" ...I just don't SEE any road on this here hillside!