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BS: Where are the conservatives?

10 Aug 04 - 10:09 AM (#1244039)
Subject: BS: Where are the American conservatives?
From: John P

Remember when being a conservative meant being fiscally prudent? When it meant not intruding on the private lives of citizens? When it meant maintaining the diplomatic status quo, or only moving forward in slow, sure steps? When it meant conserving our natural resources for future generations?

Has the Republican party left all that behind and become the Radical Theocracy-War Monger-Get Rich Now Party? How can conservatives stand to be a part of an organiztion that does exactly the opposite of all the things listed above? We have record debt and deficits from the slash and spend crowd, we have a pervert for a president with his unhealthy interest in other people's sex lives, we have a war monger crowd who changed 250 years of American foreign policy by attacking a country that hadn't attacked us, and we have corporate executives writing energy and conservation policy that, not surprisingly, involve them lining their pockets by destroying the last bits of untrammeled wild environment. And they dare call other people eco-terrorists!

Are all the real conservatives really able to vote for all these radical (as in not conservative) politicians just because they are "Republicans"?

John Peekstok

10 Aug 04 - 10:12 AM (#1244046)
Subject: RE: BS: Where are the conservatives?
From: Rapparee

These days, Barry Goldwater would be considered a flaming radical.

10 Aug 04 - 10:19 AM (#1244050)
Subject: RE: BS: Where are the conservatives?
From: beardedbruce

It is not that we conservatives LIKE the Bush administration, it is that the Democrats have presented so much worse an alternative, for so many years. Yes, we know that the "lesser of two evils" is still evil, but , like the present "anyone but Bush" crowd seems to think, what else are we supposed to do?

Many of us support/have supported more traditional conservatives, in the primaries.

10 Aug 04 - 10:42 AM (#1244076)
Subject: RE: BS: Where are the conservatives?
From: John P

Well said, beardedbruce. Have you considered that it is mostly Democrats pushing for a balanced budget in congress these days?


10 Aug 04 - 10:49 AM (#1244080)
Subject: RE: BS: Where are the conservatives?
From: Stilly River Sage

10 Aug 04 - 11:23 AM (#1244114)
Subject: RE: BS: Where are the conservatives?
From: Thomas the Rhymer

I do believe it is prophesised that good natured, intelligent, loving, kind and considerate, well connected, highly competitive, educated, free thinking, and otherwise darn good people... will fall in with the antichrist.

Ok... take a step back, take a deep breath... let all this bickering fly by the way-side...

...and imagine pure goodness for a change...

The choice is entirely yours.

11 Aug 04 - 08:34 AM (#1244666)
Subject: RE: BS: Where are the conservatives?
From: Little Hawk

Good idea, Thomas. Very good idea.

11 Aug 04 - 08:46 AM (#1244668)
Subject: RE: BS: Where are the conservatives?
From: Amos


The whole spectrum of labels has swung hard right and the one time conservatives are standing under the moderate label and are campaigning for Kerry to regain any credibility.


11 Aug 04 - 08:48 AM (#1244670)
Subject: RE: BS: Where are the conservatives?
From: Bobert

There are very few, if any conservatives left. When presented with the choice of power and dough verses their idealism, the power and dough won out. Just goes to show ya how shallow their ideologies actually were....


11 Aug 04 - 03:32 PM (#1245014)
Subject: RE: BS: Where are the conservatives?
From: Jim Dixon

I posted several paragraphs about this topic here.

11 Aug 04 - 03:33 PM (#1245016)
Subject: RE: BS: Where are the conservatives?
From: Don Firth

I used to be pretty much a conservative. In fact, in a lot of ways, I still am. Actually, I haven't really changed that much. It's the country that has shifted so far to the right that, relatively speaking, I am now a "liberal."

Don Firth

11 Aug 04 - 03:47 PM (#1245038)
Subject: RE: BS: Where are the conservatives?
From: PoppaGator

What galls the most about these so-called neo-conservatives is when they have the nerve to characterize any criticism of their money-grubbing on behalf of the richest 2% as "class warfare."

As a former member of the middle class just trying to keep out of abject poverty, I feel like *they* have long since declared class warfare against the rest of us!

11 Aug 04 - 03:52 PM (#1245048)
Subject: RE: BS: Where are the conservatives?
From: GUEST,Larry K

The last good conservative who lowered taxes, supported volunteeism, fought communism, fought organized crime, and screwed around in the white house was......JFK

By todays standards he would be a republican.   Lowered taxes from 70% to 30% on the wealthy, strong stance on the military, anti communism, stared down Russia, fiscal conservative, and had much better looking babes than Bill.    Today all the good looking babes- Ann Coutler, Kelly Ann Fitxpatrick, Laura Inghram are republican.   All we get from the democrats is Janet Reno, Madelyn Allbright, Ann Richards, and Hillary Clinton.    No wonder that liberals want to stay out of the bedroom.

Looking for conservaties with the ideals you stated- Their easy to find on talk radio- Rush, Sean, Savage, Michael Reagan, Laura Inghram, Neil Boortz, Glen Beck, etc.

I don't think you'll find any ideals on both sides of the political dial.

11 Aug 04 - 03:59 PM (#1245057)
Subject: RE: BS: Where are the conservatives?
From: GUEST,Blackcatter

Most Republicans are prostitutes.

Makes sense that the women would be prettier.

11 Aug 04 - 04:02 PM (#1245063)
Subject: RE: BS: Where are the conservatives?
From: Mrrzy

Didn't Democrats used to be Republicans anyway? And I don't mean the old If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart and if you aren't a conservative at 40 you have no brain thing, either.

11 Aug 04 - 04:20 PM (#1245091)
Subject: RE: BS: Where are the conservatives?
From: PoppaGator

Related to John P's wonder that these so-called neo-conservatives dare call other people "eco-terrorists":

What galls the even more about these characters is when they have the nerve to characterize any criticism of their money-grubbing on behalf of the richest 2% as "class warfare."

As a former member of the middle class just trying to stay above the poverty line, I feel like *they* have long since declared class warfare against the rest of *us*!

11 Aug 04 - 04:27 PM (#1245099)
Subject: RE: BS: Where are the conservatives?
From: Bill D

"conservative" is like "folk"...the word is so muddled that no one exactly has a definition anymore...but the folks who have the Republican party by the short hairs these days seem to feel that the word is not important, as long as their agenda goes forward...and folks have posted above about that agenda.

I guess maybe a 'liberal' is one who objects to most of that that agenda.