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BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?

15 Aug 04 - 09:19 PM (#1248285)
Subject: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: s6k

My answer to this conundrum would be.. YES

when i unfortunately saw the odd 10 minutes on occasional nights, i was cringing.. like i did when i saw the office, but not for the same reasons.

the office = great

will & grace = shite

i thought.. this show wont last another week.. but it has... please take it away from the screen. its shite, and has never been funny and is CRAP.

its shite

15 Aug 04 - 09:37 PM (#1248292)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: Cluin

Quit holding back. How do you REALLY feel about it?

15 Aug 04 - 09:48 PM (#1248298)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Who are Will And Grace? i neber heard of them, are they a new pop group or something?
if so, they probly shite, you can't even hear waht they bloddy singing about nowadays!, you call that music? its shite!

I was flicking through the channels on my wireless tonight, i heard the hit parade, i switched it off straight away, rubbish!

half of them can't even bloddy sing!

15 Aug 04 - 10:06 PM (#1248307)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: Cluin

I guess some people must find it a funny show since it hasn't been cancelled yet. A gay guy and his friend and the fag hags who love them. Fairly unfunny, most of it.
A lot of self-indulgent claptrap. Same thing with "Dharma & Greg". And "Friends" (though the first season had some moments).

But I liked "Seinfeld"... go figure.

15 Aug 04 - 10:09 PM (#1248314)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?

But you also gave us "Bewitched" and "I Dream of Jeanie" so all is forgiven.

15 Aug 04 - 10:12 PM (#1248315)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Too many gay programs about nowadays, they bloddy taking over!
there is a new one on UK TV now, "Gay men tell straight man how to get dressed", or something similar, and most of them big brother people were gay.

15 Aug 04 - 10:15 PM (#1248318)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: GUEST,cecil

I am a gay hamster and you have offended me.

15 Aug 04 - 10:17 PM (#1248321)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

i'm not bothered.

15 Aug 04 - 10:20 PM (#1248323)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Anyway=I thought of a good idea for a telly program=
they should put a few hamsters in a big hamster house, and see waht happens, broadcast it on telly 24 hors a day for 3 months, there should be a few gay hamsters, a transvesual hamster a black hamster, and an asylum seeking hamster.

15 Aug 04 - 10:22 PM (#1248325)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

They Could call it =The Big Hamster House.

If they use this idea, i will expect a few quid off them, as it was my idea, [a tenner would be ok].

15 Aug 04 - 10:30 PM (#1248332)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: GUEST,cecil

But would we be allowed to get married?

15 Aug 04 - 10:31 PM (#1248337)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

yes, you could sell your story to the papers.

15 Aug 04 - 10:35 PM (#1248340)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: GUEST,cecil

I've got standards you know.

15 Aug 04 - 10:35 PM (#1248341)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: Cluin

Then you wouldn't want anything to do with TV.

16 Aug 04 - 12:50 AM (#1248418)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?


16 Aug 04 - 07:16 AM (#1248558)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: s6k


the big hamster house is a smashing idea, i would definately watch that.

queer eye for the straight guy... that is one SHITE program, i seen 5 minutes of it. i wont blody where waht a gay pherson tell me, i wear waat i bloody well want too were.

too much reeality programs on telly nowadays, like how not to decorate your home, what not to wear, the block, PRACTICALLY EVERYTHING IS A REALITY SHOW.


16 Aug 04 - 09:47 AM (#1248627)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: Dave Hanson

Spotless !!!!


16 Aug 04 - 12:39 PM (#1248714)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: maire-aine

so what?

16 Aug 04 - 01:37 PM (#1248744)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: PoppaGator

I can't stand Will & Grace, and resent the implication that this makes me a homophobe. I have had plenty of gay friends, co-workers, clients, etc. over the years (I live in New Orleans, after all), and they're not all entralled with that annoying sappy campy humor that characterizes W&G. Gag me with a spoon!

Hell, I'll even confess to enjoying "Queer Eye," and would volunteer in a minute for one of their queer makeovers. I'll take the $5 grand's worth of clothes, furniture, gourmet food, and CDs that they seem to give away to each subject. No way I'd ever spend my own money on a good Italian suit, for example, but I could probably convince those guys that I "need" one .

The day after they left, of course, I lose all the hair- and skin-care "product," and maybe the most flamboyant item or two of clothing. Might also see if I could trade in some of their recommended CDs for stuff I would have chosen myself.

I am a fan, more or less, of Harry Connick Jr., who was a semi-regular on W&G for a year or so before being written out of the script. (Maybe if the series is just starting in the UK, you Brits won't see him for another year or two.) His character actually married Grace, but being hetero, he apparently didn't have what it took to hold her perverse interest.

17 Aug 04 - 08:33 AM (#1249305)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?

yes..."Will & Grace" is shite is 99.9% of the crap on commercial TV. Like the bumper sticker says, "Why do you think they call it programming?"

17 Aug 04 - 05:29 PM (#1249733)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: robomatic

I have never sat through an entire episode of that Dreck.

But I'd pretend to be gay if it got me next to Megan Mullaly. I know I could bring her around. She'd never want anything limp again.


17 Aug 04 - 09:42 PM (#1249916)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: s6k

its really shite9

29 Aug 04 - 11:13 AM (#1259484)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: GUEST,Lucy6

What is Shite?

29 Aug 04 - 02:16 PM (#1259518)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: s6k

will and grace

30 Aug 04 - 11:11 AM (#1259837)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?

there's a reason it's called "programming."

30 Aug 04 - 10:04 PM (#1260288)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: Nick

I think it's excellent. Finely written and hugely witty.

Not a homophobe in Hull thing is it?

31 Aug 04 - 09:49 AM (#1260673)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: Roger the Skiffler

Herself enjoys it so I have watched it BUT... it seems a one-joke show , the joke has run out and the gay characters seem to have no topic of conversation other than gay concerns. None of my gay friends talk like that.
However, everyone in US sitcoms talks in snappy one-liners like Woody Allen or Groucho Marx!
I find "Grace" too twee for words (pass the sick bag Alice)and as for "Karen"'s silly voice....spoils some of the good lines she gets.
Now when it comes on I go and do the washing up!

(Bring back "Taxi"!)

13 Sep 04 - 01:49 AM (#1270772)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

How clean is your hamster house?

13 Sep 04 - 01:57 AM (#1270773)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

anyway= some people say that hamsters smell bad, they dont!
hamsters awlays shit in the corner, and don't smell,
its mouses that smell, and rats.
anyway=oneof my customers got a rat for a pet, she's about 25 or something, and i think she fancies me, but she's a bit weird, she lives in Marlborough avenue, , she said one day ="hello john, come to my place after work , and see my rat etc", i said " no thanks rat woman, i going home to eat my curry"
shes a bit weird and scary looking, she got a metal thing in her chin, like Eliza Carthy, and her flat is really dark, and she always wears black dresses, i think she's a witch, not sure really, and she looks a bit mental.

13 Sep 04 - 04:12 AM (#1270854)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: s6k

hamsters dont smell, ive had two

but also ratts dont smell either! i had one of them too.. one time, it sat on my dads shoulder and watched coranaration street with himm.

i think you should accept goth woman invitation to see her "rat"

13 Sep 04 - 04:16 AM (#1270859)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

you could go instead, i think her name be Mellany, and she live at 131 marlborough Ave.

13 Sep 04 - 06:14 AM (#1270927)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: GUEST,Hugh Jampton

Don`t know about "Will & Grace" but Seinfeld is the most singularly un-funny show I`ve seen on t.v. I guess I must be well out of step with the rest of the world, certain of our t.v. go mad about it.

13 Sep 04 - 06:45 AM (#1270945)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?

And does anyone find that Letterman chatshow funny, apart from him that is, think his first name is David?

13 Sep 04 - 06:19 PM (#1271466)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: PoppaGator

Both Seinfeld and Letterman, I believe, require a high sense of irony to be appreciated. The two shows don't necessarily play to the exact same sensibility, but there is quite a bit of common ground. Familiarity with contemporary US foibles, vs a lack thereof, might also be an important factor.

For those who *like* the Seinfeld series, you'll probably really enjoy Larry David's HBO series "Curb Your Enthusiasm," the early seasons of which are now available on DVD. Larry was co-creator of "Seinfled" (with Jerry Seinfled, of course), and the real-life model for the character George Costanza.

I thoroughly enjoy all three of the above, but have no need to (nor hope of) converting the unimpressed. Letterman, in particular, is such a long-familiar character by now -- like an old family friend who visits our living room most weekday evenings -- that I'm usually ready to laugh at just about any stupid thing he starts to talk about.

13 Sep 04 - 06:30 PM (#1271478)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: robomatic

I'm amazed that anyone gets Seinfeld, it's too New York-ish and neurotic, but I guess it broke new ground. Pretty much anyone in that show was strange and unlikeable, and the plots when they had any were driven by the most neurotic character of all.

Letterman survives by quirkiness and the Top Ten. He also broke new ground, then planted himself in it.

The greatest show of the last decade and then some is hands down The Simpsons. They 'get' Americans and they've had fun with the Brits, Ozzies, Canadians, and Japanese. How about the dentist who scares his young kids into braces by showing them "The Big Book Of British Smiles"?

South Park is not for everyone, but it is f&%king brilliant, offensive in all directions, and takes no prisoners.

And I'd still do Megan Mullaly

13 Sep 04 - 06:55 PM (#1271497)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?

Nope don't get the Simpsons either. It is aired early evening in Uk so have only caught glimpses, but it just seems like a bunch of shrieking kids cartoon characters. Is it for kids or adults?
But it does have a following here. Southpark, nope again.

I suspose we have been spoilt by decades of intelligently well written and acted comedy.

13 Sep 04 - 07:04 PM (#1271505)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?

But we watch them all anyways.

13 Sep 04 - 10:09 PM (#1271633)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Will & Grace Shite?
From: robomatic

GUEST surely you jest.

On this side western of the pond we watch all the best of Anglo television on our public broadcasting, but I've seen the regular stuff you guys watch and it isn't any better than our run of the mill stuff.

Simpsons isn't for everybody, most of my friends do not let young children watch it. I didn't watch it for the first few seasons, and was much bemused by the enthusiastic Simpsonites who would corner me in the Supermarket and go on and on about the plots of the Simpsons. It took a couple years of watching and i became one of those headcases myself.

"One more word out of you kids and Bart doesn't get dessert, and Lisa doesn't go to college!"

"Shoplifting is a victimless crime - like punchin' somebody in the dark!"

"Marge, I'd kill for you. Please ask me to kill for you!"

"When he said that Monster Island was only a name, he meant it was actually a peninsula!"

"You can train any dog with two magic words - 'choke chain'"