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BS: Is Cricket Shite?

16 Aug 04 - 08:33 PM (#1249022)
Subject: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: s6k

if you ask me, YES IT IS.

if you ask me, a load of men standing around rubbing balls on their..... balls, and throwing them at the batty mans wood.

and it goes on for hours and is on a good channel like bbc2 or bbc1, and then takes away all the programmes on that day.

and also = load of men wearing white and running after each others balls and boring and a load of crap


16 Aug 04 - 09:00 PM (#1249035)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,John O'Lennaine

Yet you seem to have watched quite a bit of it...

16 Aug 04 - 09:03 PM (#1249038)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: akenaton

Well an old friend once told me it was very theraputic.

You know...Lots of Englishmen making complete arses of themselves...Ake

16 Aug 04 - 09:27 PM (#1249040)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Peace

You can tell the temperatue with a cricket. FYI.

17 Aug 04 - 04:26 AM (#1249190)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett

S6k when did you last watch cricket on the tele, it's been on channel 4 now for at least 4 years, maybe longer.

17 Aug 04 - 04:56 AM (#1249212)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Dave Hanson

Cricket may be shite but it's ENGLISH shite.


17 Aug 04 - 04:56 AM (#1249213)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Gurney

Don't play it myself, but it seems quite gentlemanly and civilised, not arguing with the umpire, and not getting excited.
I save my passion for elsewhere, not games, and certainly not games that I'm not playing.

17 Aug 04 - 05:10 AM (#1249217)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Steve Parkes

They have cricket in the US now. It's pretty small-scale, but it's growing in popularity. While this may be a Good Thing, it's also rather worrying. What if it really takes off? Kerry Packer's excesses could pale into insignificance if the Yankee money machine gets involved! Imagine the Cricket World Series: Canada vs the US! I think this needs watching very carefully.

As a famous American once said, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.


17 Aug 04 - 05:11 AM (#1249218)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Ooh-Aah

Shite? Only if you are a West Indies fan! Could this thread have been started because England is doing rather well at the moment? Sour grapes taste very nasty...

17 Aug 04 - 05:52 AM (#1249233)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Raggytash

I recommend you see a Doctor

17 Aug 04 - 06:02 AM (#1249238)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett

Well done England but we'll be back

From a West Indies fan

17 Aug 04 - 06:55 AM (#1249259)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: s6k

this thread was started because cricket is shite.

17 Aug 04 - 07:10 AM (#1249266)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Hugh Jampton

Does it differ from that played in Iraq, I believe its called Shi`ite

17 Aug 04 - 08:04 AM (#1249286)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Strollin' Johnny

Don't worry Steve, it'll never be big in the USA. They don't have enough people with the required level of intelligence to be able to understand it, or with enough brain cells to be able to concentrate for long enough - thirty seconds is a lifetime to those guys. ROFL!

17 Aug 04 - 08:16 AM (#1249292)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Jon

Not shite, in fact I think it's a great game, but I must admit to finding it difficult to get enthusiastic about this England v W Indies series. I was quite hopeful yesterday after both of our openers went cheaply as I thought there was a chance of a good close finish with England winning of course but it wasn't to be. I think the last chance of excitement for me went just after tea when a slip catch was dropped.

Still, I think the W Indies did play better in this test and I'd like to think it is a sign that maybe they will pick up again. Maybe I'm just nostalgic but it does seem to be a shame to see them reduced to a mere shadow of what they once were.

17 Aug 04 - 08:25 AM (#1249298)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett

As I said earlier Jon we'll be back !!!!!!!!!!

17 Aug 04 - 08:26 AM (#1249300)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Strollin' Johnny

Some people are never satisfied! When we lost every match that wasn't saved by rain, they moaned. Now we're winning regularly, and they moan.

17 Aug 04 - 09:14 AM (#1249321)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: John MacKenzie

Speaking as a true Scotsman.........I love it!


17 Aug 04 - 09:25 AM (#1249327)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Dave Hanson

Nay muppet, an thee a Braffud lad an all.


17 Aug 04 - 09:30 AM (#1249330)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Jiminy

Cricket is not shite. It's rubbish.

17 Aug 04 - 09:36 AM (#1249333)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett

Aye Eric I know

17 Aug 04 - 09:40 AM (#1249336)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: John MacKenzie

Is that the new way to pronounce Bratfird?


17 Aug 04 - 10:57 AM (#1249383)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: ced2

Art tha' ownin' up to knowin' summat Mr Uppett? Nah theere's a dangerous thing!

17 Aug 04 - 11:05 AM (#1249390)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett

That it is ced2, make most of it cause sarnt be doing it much more this year tha knows, it urts me brain. Any road wot do yer reckon on Tykes gettin promoted this year

17 Aug 04 - 11:14 AM (#1249400)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: The DeanMeister

Adam, there speaks a man who was not educated in the ways of a proper Englishman. Cricket is a civilised game. And, for a change, we appear to be winning.

Next you'll be announcing to the world that you've never played Tennis, Badminton, Croquet, Rugby Union, or sailed a boat.

Am I far wrong?

17 Aug 04 - 11:25 AM (#1249407)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: The DeanMeister

I thought so.

17 Aug 04 - 11:34 AM (#1249421)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Big Al Whittle

I miss the commentary when they're changing ends. Thay have adverts on now its on channel 4.

I like it better now that the West Indies don't spend such a long time making a run up to do fast bowling. Kirtley Ambose and Joel Garner used spend ages doing a run up, which made the over rate very slow.

However Shane Warne is the best bloke in the world to watch. Have you noticed when Waquar Younnis or somebody like that is making a run the crowd all make a noise during their run up. However Shane Warne is so intimidating a presence that he keeps both fans and other players silent.

The only trouble with the present series is that Shane Warne makes every other spin bowler look ordinary. Still he can't help not playing for the west indies or England.

we did see a Brian Lara century and that is as good as seeing a Pele goal.

If you think cricket is shite, you probably get off on East Enders and Emmerdale and know what everybody has to drink down the Rovers Return. Now that really is sad shite.

17 Aug 04 - 11:52 AM (#1249431)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Strollin' Johnny

Nah WLD, they watch golf or darts, or other such pastimes for people who are too old, fat or lazy to play real sports! :0)

17 Aug 04 - 12:23 PM (#1249473)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Steve Parkes

Remember when what's-his-name, sometime Home Secretary, said of immigrants that we need to know which cricket team they'll cheer for? I'm not sure we want people who cheer at cricket matches! (And I am sure we don't want a Home Sec who thinks people should!)


17 Aug 04 - 01:09 PM (#1249501)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: John MacKenzie

That was the Chingford Strangler, or Norman Tebbit as we know and love him that said that.
As to the complaint about adverts instead of chat when changing ends, the answer is quite simple. Listen to the Radio4 commentary, and enjoy Henry Blowfelt, Foxy Fowler, Christopher Martin Jenkins, and others that know and love the game.

17 Aug 04 - 01:20 PM (#1249514)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

The batsmans's holding the bowler's willy.

17 Aug 04 - 01:40 PM (#1249530)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Sttaw Legend

I miss Dickie Bird, and his hat.

17 Aug 04 - 01:52 PM (#1249541)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Big Al Whittle

I tried that yesterday and gave up in frustration , Blofeld kept a running commentary on the trafic going up the road outside OT. I think I prefer that woman saying Michael Winner isn't her brother.

17 Aug 04 - 03:08 PM (#1249583)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Rasener

I love Eastenders, Coronation Street, Market Rasen Folk Club, Gainsborough Folk Club, Aston Villa, and guess what - I love Cricket

It doesn't matter what you like as long as you enjoy it.

What is wrong is when you criticise other people for liking what you don't like.

17 Aug 04 - 03:36 PM (#1249606)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: s6k

i havent criticised anybody for liking cricket. i have simply criticised cricket for being SHITE

load of men in white rubbing balls against eachothers balls and touching eachother and playing chase me chase me around a field.


17 Aug 04 - 03:54 PM (#1249628)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Rasener

Same thing applies - critiising something that you don't like. This copuld be because you haven't taken the time to understand it.

We all have our likes and dislikes.

If somebody gets enjoyment from playing or watching something then good luck to them.

Just don't criticise. Stick to what you like and leave everybody else in peace with what they like. :-)

Just like Sir John with his enjoyment of sticking bones down the loo :-) LOL

17 Aug 04 - 04:52 PM (#1249698)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Wyrd Sister

And the proper method is to have the television on with the sound turned down, and listen to TMS at the same time, whilst partaking of some handicraft. That occupies the hands, and gives something else to look at during the adverts. The radio alerts you when something is worth catching on the inevitable replay, and sometimes refers to Channel 4's pictures (such as the use of Hawkeye).
As for Blower's commentary on pigeons, buses etc - some of us look forward to these eagerly. After all, they're only the equivalent of TV's crowd shots and so on.

17 Aug 04 - 05:51 PM (#1249761)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: The Walrus


Earlier today, you wrote:

"...Well done England but we'll be back

From a West Indies fan..."

That is quite likely and, as an England fan, I look forward to that return being a good series - win, lose or draw (I just hope we don't get the traditional 'England Batting Collapse").

Is cricket shite? I say NO! it just seems it to those who don't understand it and are too lazy to bother to learn even the basics.


17 Aug 04 - 05:57 PM (#1249765)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Georgiansilver

O.K so there's only one West Indies fan on here and it happens to be a MUPPETT...that's enough to make any Englishman laugh.

17 Aug 04 - 08:28 PM (#1249889)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Big Al Whittle

I just realised. This guy is a genius. A mind like that could deconstruct the entire universe.

Cricket is of course shite, as he says.

The works of Shakespeare just some people on a stage talking, complete shite.

Music; thats just people plonking away away on instruments, you couldn't get more shite than that.

Great cuisine of the world; thats like meat and vegetables and fish and stuff, somebody's been pissing about with.

Theres only one word for the culture as we know it.

And now he's pointed it out.

Well done!

17 Aug 04 - 09:02 PM (#1249903)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Both cricket and American baseball are boring shite. They would both me far more interesting if the batters were allowed to keep their bats after hitting the ball so they could use them to beat hell out of members of the opposing team.

17 Aug 04 - 09:39 PM (#1249912)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: s6k

no they go to the shower room afterwards and shower in front of each other and show eachother their bats and balls

18 Aug 04 - 04:47 AM (#1250099)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett

Wow quite a bit to go at here,

* s6k - following on your train of thought what about football a load of men kicking a ball around a field then kissing & hugging one another when they've kicked it through the middle of 2 posts, then all jumping in a shower afterwards.

*   Wyrd sister - yep combining the radio commentry with the TV pictures is something I like to do too, trouble is now I've got a digital radio there's a 2/3 min. delay on the radio.

*   Walrus - I thought the last test (3rd) was going to be an even contest, never mind and like you I await for a more even contest in their next series (About 4 years away)

*   Georgiansilver - from your last comment it sounds like we've not met otherwise you'd know that my purpose in life is to make people laugh and not just Englishmen.

18 Aug 04 - 04:54 AM (#1250102)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,tam the bam (nutter)

I think Cricket is shit, that and skateboarding,or these people that find watching men.women roller skating up and down a big smi circle peice of wood yes very interesting, like Amercan football, or surfing. but there are people that like that sort of thing, I just don't sorry.

18 Aug 04 - 05:53 AM (#1250150)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Dave Bryant

Is Cricket Shite . . . what ? - as far as I know, it comes in very small pieces (unless you really scare the cricket) and isn't particularly smelly. Are there any experts on entomological faeces out there ?

18 Aug 04 - 06:09 AM (#1250161)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Steve Parkes

Can't help with the entomology Dave, butI can tell you a bit about the etymology. It derives from one of the Germanic languages: schijten, pronounced "shiten" (and you thought it was slang, didn't you?) The past participle is schitten, whence our modern "shit"; this ("shit") is also the correct past particple, although you could make a reasonable case for saying "shitted". "Shat" is incorrect.


18 Aug 04 - 06:10 AM (#1250162)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Steve Parkes

Can't help with the entomology Dave, butI can tell you a bit about the etymology. It derives from one of the Germanic languages: schijten, pronounced "shiten" (and you thought it was slang, didn't you?) The past participle is schitten, whence our modern "shit"; this ("shit") is also the correct past particple, although you could make a reasonable case for saying "shitted". "Shat" is incorrect.

(Must remember to tick the Preview box next time!)

18 Aug 04 - 06:11 AM (#1250163)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Steve Parkes

Sorry, misleading ... schijten pr. shite - en.

18 Aug 04 - 06:25 AM (#1250176)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: ced2

Mr Uppett you have asked a basic question, I fear the answer will be no! to both leagues. However local competative cricket is alive and well, in both of the major northern counties, there is hope for the future!!!???

18 Aug 04 - 07:02 AM (#1250195)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: s6k

Muppet - yes youve hit the nail on the head. football is also shite. but i covered that in a previous post, but we should start a new thread on it

football is shite

18 Aug 04 - 08:45 AM (#1250264)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett

s6k or another thread could be what sports is shite

18 Aug 04 - 10:00 AM (#1250319)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: The DeanMeister

Is this the impression we English wish to portray to the colonials? Please grow up a little, people. Or there will shortly be a thread entitled "Are Englishmen shite?" Because that's how you're making us look, Adam.

When you have something interesting to say, we'll be listening.

18 Aug 04 - 10:12 AM (#1250334)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: s6k

you have inspired my next thread!

18 Aug 04 - 10:18 AM (#1250342)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: John MacKenzie

Football was a working class pastime, and as such was enjoyed by the masses. Then along came Rupert Murdoch, and it became a middle class sport, so Tony Blair et al suddenly discovered it. They also thought that by sucking up to the stars [sic] of the game they would gain votes.
Basically it has strayed as far from it's roots as the Labour Party itself, in one case for gain of money, and the other for popularity.
I remain equally unimpressed by either!

18 Aug 04 - 10:22 AM (#1250347)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: The DeanMeister

Now THAT'S more like it, Giok...

18 Aug 04 - 10:26 AM (#1250350)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Horse racing is the best sport,
horseracing the sport of kings,
horseracing the true path!

18 Aug 04 - 11:29 AM (#1250416)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?

So when will Ireland be a force in world cricket, they too beat the windies.

18 Aug 04 - 11:36 AM (#1250426)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?

And Kenya

18 Aug 04 - 12:39 PM (#1250478)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: s6k

horse racing is shite!

18 Aug 04 - 02:11 PM (#1250571)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: John MacKenzie

But it's good for your rhubarb!

18 Aug 04 - 03:28 PM (#1250656)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: s6k

and custard?

18 Aug 04 - 05:50 PM (#1250780)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: John MacKenzie

and roses too!

18 Aug 04 - 06:25 PM (#1250810)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: s6k

youre just odd, maybe you should play some cricket??

19 Aug 04 - 05:20 PM (#1251306)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: shepherdlass

Howay (guess who's from the most recent "first-class" county?), what other sport gives spectators a WHOLE day out - and the chance to go to the bar and not miss anything significant?

It can be slow, it can be exciting, it can be irritatingly one-sided, it can raise unintentional laughs. A bit like an episode of Corrie, actually.

19 Aug 04 - 05:42 PM (#1251340)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Chris Green

Cricket is kind of like this thread. It goes on for days, people who know sweet effay about it pontificate endlessly in public, everyone has a great time and then it's over and a week later no-one can remember who won.

19 Aug 04 - 06:56 PM (#1251417)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Big Al Whittle

I'm not sure you have to know very much about it to have an opinion. people take what they like from the experience.

Plus, its nice to talk to other people who see it a different way than you do.

Some people are very nationalistic, and it pains them to see a great performance from a member of the opposing side.. Some people really like the traditional aspects. others like the atmosphere of the county game rather than the razmataz of test matches , and other people just like playing it or watching their local club down at the park or the village green.

Forget who won this series by next week.....I don't think so somehow!

20 Aug 04 - 03:55 AM (#1251687)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Dave Hanson

Is ' horseshite ' essential for mushrooms ?


20 Aug 04 - 06:21 AM (#1251773)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Ooh -Aah

The silly fellah who reckons that everyone forgets who won really does know sweet FA - one of the main pleasures of cricket is the happy reminiscing about the games you saw when you were 16, or that lovely ball that did Thompson in '68 etc.

20 Aug 04 - 08:11 AM (#1251857)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Jon

... or Michael Holdings' 14 wickets or Viv Richards belting the ball everywhere. Those are memories from when I was 15/16.

20 Aug 04 - 06:23 PM (#1252490)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Ooh-Aah

What with the Windies staring down the barrel of a 4-0 whitewash (to mix metaphors drastically), and that amazing 6 fours off an over by Chris Gayle, Harmison's going beserk, that wonderful innings of Giles, Ian Bell's fine debut 70, this particular test will definetely live in the memory. Anyone thinking cricket is boring should be shown a video of this test - even having it ticking over on Cricinfo here in Australia was exiting. Hopefully Lara can do a good fightback tomorrow to add even more even more interest, though I still hope we win of course!

20 Aug 04 - 06:26 PM (#1252493)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Ooh-Aah

And I forgot to add that it has all happened in only TWO DAYS so far, so that Americans with superior mental equipment should just about cope.

20 Aug 04 - 06:49 PM (#1252512)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: s6k

all this talk just proves it is shite

20 Aug 04 - 07:11 PM (#1252526)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Jon

I'm not sure it will for me Ooh-Aah. I'd hoped WI would have followed on what seemed to be an improvement in their last test but I fear this game, weather permitting, will be over before tea tommorow and my main memory will be of a one sided affair.

One thing I really did enjoy today though was Harmison "throwing the bat". It seemed very much hit and miss but there is no doubt that when he does connect, the ball will go a long way. I'm afraid I missed seeing Gayle hitting the 6 fours - that certainly would have been one to remember!

21 Aug 04 - 04:19 AM (#1252838)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Dave Hanson

I met a woman last night who told me she had a dutch cap, so I said nah, cricket is shite.


21 Aug 04 - 06:34 AM (#1252880)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Jon

Just seen Gayle get his 100 :-)

21 Aug 04 - 04:25 PM (#1253016)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: The Walrus

I must admit, I was a little disapointed with the 4th test, while it was interesting to see someone else's batting collapse for a change, I couldn't help hsrking back to the 'glory days' of the Windies and wondering just how those teams would have coped.

I have a feeling that England's next international may not go as smoothly...

by the bye:


"...staring down the barrel of a 4-0 whitewash (to mix metaphors drastically)..."

Not as mixed a metaphor as you may think, 'Whitewash' comes from the days of blackpowder shooting and relates to the rapid repainting of metal targets to hide evidence of a poor score.


21 Aug 04 - 04:47 PM (#1253037)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Jon

Walrus, I'd back the great WI sides against anyone. For me, I think the greatest contest would have been a Clive Lloyd captained WI vs a Steve Waugh captained Australia. It's a shame the 2 teams were not around at the same time.

I think our next test is vs S Africa. Last time we played them - when they came over here, I seem to remember thinking the teams were pretty evenly matched in terms of ability - Pollock giving SA the edge. England have improved since then so I am optimistic but I don't think it will be as easy as this summer's tests.


21 Aug 04 - 07:26 PM (#1253100)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: s6k


21 Aug 04 - 07:38 PM (#1253107)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Ooh-Aah

S6k finds it all so boring that he keeps coming back for more! He must be annoyed at having inadvertently begun a forum for some friendly, pleasant cricket talk.
   I sometimes wonder if I am English or Australian, having lived here in Oz for most of my life. My reaction to the 4-0 whitewash proves to me I am English because of (1) my great pleasure we are finally doing well (2) my regret that the Windies were so badly beaten, despite their having done the same to us for so many years. In Australia complete humiliation of sporting opponents is de rigeur and loudly celebrated even in the better-educated end of the street. Hopefully the South Africa tour will provide a sterner test and some closer, more exciting matches. But I'm still Australian enough to hope England win convincingly!

21 Aug 04 - 07:47 PM (#1253115)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Jon

OK s6k, I'm sorry that you asked a question (see thread title) and got dissapointed that some of us do not think the same way as you. I'm further dismayed to find that when some of us have at least tried to make pleasant constructive conversation out of what was no more than an idiotic copycat thread, you still see fit to come back to give a yawn/fall asleep.

The answer to your problem is really simple. If you don't want to listen to opinions other than your own, do not bother starting threads asking for them.

21 Aug 04 - 09:54 PM (#1253176)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: s6k

it wasnt a copycat thread, for i am the lord of the shite threads!

Tis true, i am glad you have got together for some cricket talk and give the thread yet another meaning.

my zzz comment was simply me expressing my boredom at cricket, mainly cos its shite.

it wasnt telling you to stop talking about it, so go ahead and talk some more

22 Aug 04 - 02:30 AM (#1253263)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Ooh-Aah

Very nice of you old chap!
I don't like cricket! - (Oh no!)
I love it - (Oh yeah!)

22 Aug 04 - 04:15 AM (#1253290)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Jon

Dreadlock Holiday - 10cc

I was walkin' down the street
Concentratin' on truckin' right
I heard a dark voice beside of me
And I looked round in a state of fright
I saw four faces one mad
A brother from the gutter
They looked me up and down a bit
And turned to each other

I say
I don't like cricket oh no
I love it
I don't like cricket oh no
I love it
Don't you walk thru my words
You got to show some respect
Don't you walk thru my words
'Cause you ain't heard me out yet

Well he looked down at my silver chain
He said I'll give you one dollar
I said you've got to be jokin' man
It was a present from me Mother
He said I like it I want it
I'll take it off your hands
And you'll be sorry you crossed me
You'd better understand that you're alone
A long way from home

And I say
I don't like reggae no no
I love it
I don't like reggae oh no
I love it
Don't you cramp me style
Don't you queer on me pitch
Don't you walk thru my words
'Cause you ain't heard me out yet

I hurried back to the swimming pool
Sinkin' pina coladas
I heard a dark voice beside me say
Would you like something harder
She said I've got it you want it
My harvest is the best
And if you try it you'll like it
And wallow in a Dreadlock Holiday

And I say
Don't like Jamaica oh no
I love her
Don't like Jamaica oh no
I love her oh yea
Don't you walk thru her words
You got to show some respect
Don't you walk thru her words
'Cause you ain't heard her out yet

I don't like cricket
I love it (Dreadlock Holiday)
I don't like reggae
I love it (Dreadlock Holiday)
Don't like Jamaica
I love her (Dreadlock Holiday)

22 Aug 04 - 04:39 AM (#1253294)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Rasener

It was a great win. England are dveloping into a very good team.

My memory was watching Gary Sobers hitting six sixes at Swansea many years ago.

I had only played on that ground a short while before with my Cricket Club. We were absolute shite :-) compared to the level of Windies, but we enjoyed the tour, even if we got smashed to smithereens.

22 Aug 04 - 05:23 AM (#1253321)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Jon

Now that would have been something to have witnessed! I've only seen it on tv years later.

I wish I could really remember seeing Gary Sobers play. I was born in 1960 so would have been 7/8 when that one happened. My mind used to focus on different things at that sort of age though. I remember being taken to Worcester once and my father will describe Tom Graveney as being on top form that day, almost effortlessly stroking the ball. My memory of the day was trying to eat an ice cream and swarms of wasps!

22 Aug 04 - 06:05 AM (#1253338)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Rasener

Given my age away :-)

Wasps - that was the only thing I hated about cricket. Sitting down to tea with jam dishes all over the table and wasps swarming round whilst you tried to get some on yer bread.

23 Aug 04 - 03:04 AM (#1254212)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Boab

Why hasn't it found its way onto the olympic programme, along with dressage, baseball, "beach" volleyball,and all the other "shite". Maybe it's time to admit darts, bowls, golf, tiddleywinks and skippy-rope?

13 Sep 04 - 01:46 AM (#1270769)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

i see Golf advertised on telly, apparently its the Rider Cup soon, so i bet we see loads of golf on telly all the time soon.

i never seen the point of golf, its just rubbish.

16 Dec 04 - 08:37 AM (#1358576)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

The Cricket is been covered on Talksport Radio, [1053 AM, Dab Digital radio, Channel 858 on Sky, and online at

16 Dec 04 - 09:26 AM (#1358622)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett

Aye That's right jOhn, so they're be no Blowers or Aggers comenting on the Tests this Winter. And then after the next Summer's season you'll only be able to watch cricket on TV if you've got Sky. What would Jim Laker or Peter West have said about that, what's the world coming to?

16 Dec 04 - 10:40 AM (#1358738)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Jim

Post Mortem - Sky - the bastards - got it all at last.

Is Cricket Shite?

My daughter used to say "Dad - how on EARTH can you watch cricket - it's the most boring game ever - nothing EVER happens"
To which I used to reply:
"Sweetheart - you need to understand it, to appreciate it, to come to love it"

This sort of conversation went on for many years..... 'til one day:

"OK Dad, tell me what it's all about"

Now - the conversation usually starts:

"Dad - can we go to the Test match - DAD - have you booked those tickets yet!!!!??"

And typical texts I receive are "Freddie's done it again - Brill!!" and    "He's put 'em in - on THAT pitch?!" or "Can't believe it - there was never a run in that!"

After studying a book on the technicalities of the game, and watching many games (both live and on TV) she can amaze the most knowledgeable in the game.

To ANYONE who says the game is shite, or boring, or whatever, I just have to smile. Ignorance is a terrible barrier to many of the best things in life.

..and Boring? - Boredom exists between one's ears (where the brain should be). It is a state of suspension - or "in-between" - you've just been somewhere, thought someting or done something, but don't yet know what next. People who dismiss things they don't understand simply exist in this state for longer periods than are really necessary - some unfortunates seem to languish there the majority of their sad lives. If I were their Doctor, rather than write out a prescription for Prozac, I'd give them a complimentary ticket for Headingly, Old Trafford, or Trent Bridge.

16 Dec 04 - 10:43 AM (#1358742)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett


16 Dec 04 - 10:45 AM (#1358745)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Haven't Channel 4 got any cricket, or is it all on sky?

i object to paying to get sky sport, as the cheapest sports channel package is [i think?] £37, a lot of money if your skint.

16 Dec 04 - 10:53 AM (#1358763)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett


Channel 4 have got Cricket next Summer (for the Ashes) but after that nope, it's SKY with highlights on Channel 5

16 Dec 04 - 10:55 AM (#1358767)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I suppose it will be shown in the pubs.

16 Dec 04 - 10:58 AM (#1358774)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Bunnahabhain

I get spot 100!

16 Dec 04 - 10:59 AM (#1358775)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett

if there's no piggin footy being shown

16 Dec 04 - 11:00 AM (#1358777)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Bunnahabhain

and again....

16 Dec 04 - 11:03 AM (#1358783)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Hand-Pulled Boy

Cricket is dangerous.

16 Dec 04 - 11:03 AM (#1358784)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Paco Rabanne


16 Dec 04 - 11:04 AM (#1358785)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Bunnahabhain


16 Dec 04 - 11:04 AM (#1358786)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett

Wow my debut 100

16 Dec 04 - 11:05 AM (#1358789)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett

Shit ted you run me out

16 Dec 04 - 11:06 AM (#1358790)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Bunnahabhain

Sorry Muppet. But I did take a run-up at it...

Cricket may be dangerous, but Brockian ultra crickit is worse. H2G2 for the baffled.

16 Dec 04 - 11:06 AM (#1358791)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Paco Rabanne

ha ha ha !!! Bungeditin and muppet were too bloody slow! Eat my shorts ladies!

16 Dec 04 - 11:08 AM (#1358794)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett

Never mind I'll be better in the 2nd innings, Brian Lara watch out I'm coming after your record!!!!!!!!!!!

16 Dec 04 - 11:13 AM (#1358801)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Bunnahabhain

375? you'll have forgotton by then.

16 Dec 04 - 11:17 AM (#1358807)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Bunnahabhain

Have we decided how you can take a wicket in thread cricket? I can only see being caught out as working...
Also, which team are people on? Or is a la French cricket, with the batsman ( last poster ) against all comers?

16 Dec 04 - 11:20 AM (#1358814)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett

375? nay where were you in April its 400 now, but I was on about his 1st class record 501

16 Dec 04 - 11:25 AM (#1358820)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Bunnahabhain

slightly more awake than normal....
Thats me caught out then. I was expecting at least a groan for the above idea.

16 Dec 04 - 11:36 AM (#1358842)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett

Groan for the above idea

16 Dec 04 - 11:38 AM (#1358847)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Paco Rabanne

oi girls! there's a 100th post going begging on the sant claus thread.

16 Dec 04 - 11:55 AM (#1358873)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Bunnahabhain

Don't be silly. A reasonable person could belive in Santa Claus, but nobody would ever believe cricket is actually real....

16 Dec 04 - 03:21 PM (#1359026)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Big Al Whittle

cricket this time of year.....seems like another universe, perhaps it was.

16 Dec 04 - 05:20 PM (#1359105)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: GUEST,Mrs Olive Whatnoll

To call cricket shite would be kind! Cricket is the most dead boring bloody game there is, and could bore the bollocks off a brass bull, but me 'usband loves it. I mean, 'e loves watchin' it! You wouldn't catch 'im playin' it anymore, but 'e tells me that in 'is youth 'e was the champion of 'is entire district. Roight! And I'm the Queen of England! I fink cricket is a good fing becoz it keeps stupid blokes wot might otherwise be roamin' around committin' public offences in front of their telly, and that carn't be all bad.

- Olive Whatnoll

16 Dec 04 - 06:54 PM (#1359164)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Mr Red


Or to be more specific, compared to football --- No.

BTW do many Brits try understanding baseball or American Football?

Spasms of action interspersed with advertising time-outs, injury time-outs, time-out timeouts.

Apart from the crashes one could describe Nascar in a similar vein, it is the nature of things that if you are not interested it IS boring.

Dare we take a vote on F1?

17 Dec 04 - 04:25 AM (#1359442)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett

Wahay wot a start to the 1st test in South Africa, Smith out 2nd ball

17 Dec 04 - 05:24 AM (#1359476)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Dave Hanson

American football ? thats like rugby only wearing a suit of armour,
feckin puffs game.


17 Dec 04 - 05:46 AM (#1359498)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Strollin' Johnny

Nothing like Rugby Eric. Rugby is payed by MEN with ATHLETIC ABILITY and COURAGE, not overpaid Big Girl's Blouses who can't run for more than 5 seconds without needing a rest and who're scared shitless of getting a few bruises.

S:0) (running for cover and ROFL!)

17 Dec 04 - 05:54 AM (#1359504)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Ooh-Aah2

Rugby and Australian rules football make gridiron look like tiddlywinks.

17 Dec 04 - 06:08 AM (#1359515)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: muppett

83 - 3 @ LUNCH

17 Dec 04 - 06:13 AM (#1359518)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I heard Geoffrey Boycott on Radio 4 this morning getting excited!

17 Dec 04 - 08:21 AM (#1359607)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Strollin' Johnny

Found a woman to beat up did he?

17 Dec 04 - 12:07 PM (#1359807)
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
From: Strollin' Johnny

That killed it!