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BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!

17 Aug 04 - 05:16 PM (#1249715)
Subject: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Georgiansilver

O.K so go for it!!!...write something which shows your literary prowess or your imagination and not just the one liners that you submit to the Mudcat threads. Show us what you are made of without criticism of others or negative reactions to others!!!!! Go for it!!!!!........CAN YOU??????

17 Aug 04 - 05:17 PM (#1249716)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Rapparee

Yes, I can.

17 Aug 04 - 05:22 PM (#1249726)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Georgiansilver

So do it then!!

17 Aug 04 - 05:27 PM (#1249732)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Gern

Uncertain of the task before him, humbled by the challenge but undaunted nonetheless, he took careful aim and commanded his shaking hand to cease. But the image before him broke his concentration. The very face of innocence stood before him, with a trusting look that could only be based on the expectation of mercy. He thought briefly of duty, of decency and of a moment that might forever define his life, and longed for the focus that comes from a narrowness of vision. Instead, he saw it all too clearly...

17 Aug 04 - 05:30 PM (#1249736)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Georgiansilver

Nice one Gern!!! Good start, Best wishes.

17 Aug 04 - 05:32 PM (#1249739)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

What a complete waste of time and energy. I would rather make a clever voice mail announcement.

17 Aug 04 - 05:35 PM (#1249742)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Georgiansilver

Good for you Martin...You always opt out of challenges as I see it. If it is too much for you then stick to expletives and putting others down...That's your bag I believe. Best wishes.

17 Aug 04 - 05:44 PM (#1249749)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!


17 Aug 04 - 05:54 PM (#1249763)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Stilly River Sage

Remarks are generally perceived as more clever or literary if they are within a context of some sort. This wide-open audition is way too contrived to be meaningful. If you want to read something I've written in a literary scholarship context (most of you can save your time and not follow this link because it makes a lot more sense if you've read the book) you'll find an essay about The Sharpest Sight posted here. It is a particularly good novel by an American Indian writer; this is the field in which I was working when I wrote my master's thesis. As most authors of just about anything will attest, I would make some revisions if I had the opportunity. But it works.


17 Aug 04 - 06:02 PM (#1249771)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Georgiansilver

Stilly River Sage...I have to say I am impressed and yes it does work...Reading it was something of a marathon but worth it. Best wishes...

17 Aug 04 - 06:07 PM (#1249779)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Stilly River Sage

You read it that fast? It's a 20-some page essay and I only just posted it. Are you an Evelyn Wood graduate?


17 Aug 04 - 06:10 PM (#1249783)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Georgiansilver

I am just a U.K speed reader and write for Glossy mags....Keep it up have promise. Best wishes.

17 Aug 04 - 06:12 PM (#1249788)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

Georginasilver crept down the stairs, fists clenched tight, sweat beading on his brow. A shortness of breath caused even more panic. He took two feeble attempts at a sprint.

Too late!

He dumped in his pants!

There, asshole, satisfied?

17 Aug 04 - 06:13 PM (#1249790)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Georgiansilver

Not good enough to merit an award for literature Martin...You would have to do much better than that...Try again!!!

17 Aug 04 - 06:15 PM (#1249792)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Georgiansilver

When one thinks wonders where the brain is actually situated???

17 Aug 04 - 06:34 PM (#1249818)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Georgiansilver

Satisfaction is something which I get from seeing someone who seems to dump on everyone else getting into such a state that he cannot compose even the most elementary literary work to prove his worth. However I am apt to feel more sorry for you than to shun you and hope that your real self is not the piteous creature that presents itself here Martin. Expletives and vague criticisms are apparently all you are capable of so just get on with it and enjoy yourself in your own little world. By the way...who is Georginasilver? sounds female to me.
Best wishes.

17 Aug 04 - 06:35 PM (#1249820)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: CarolC

I thought this thread was a very interesting literary challenge:

BS: Mudcat challenge: 100 word story exactly

17 Aug 04 - 06:49 PM (#1249830)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Georgiansilver, excrement and its disposal was one of the significant themes of Gulliver's Travels (specifically his travels in Lilliput, obviously). Does your excrement-brains theory embrace Swift?

17 Aug 04 - 07:11 PM (#1249848)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Georgiansilver


17 Aug 04 - 07:54 PM (#1249874)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Don Firth

A brief excerpt from my magnum opus, from a chapter entitle "People, Places, and Critters" in which I describe some of the more interesting people, locations, and a couple of pets who were associated with the Seattle folk music scene back when I first became involved in the early Fifties. For example, in addition to singing,
        Bob Clark brewed his own beer. It had gained much currency at hoots and songfests, possibly because he usually brought substantial quantities of it in quart bottles, and it was free. People raved about how great it tasted, but to be honest I can't say that I was very fond of it. I thought the flavor was just passable. It struck me as very yeasty.
        Someone who knew something about brewing beer told me that he didn't like it much, either. He said that Bob's beer was still green when he bottled it. He should have left it in the crock and let it "work" longer.
        This gave it two outstanding characteristics. For a number of people, including me, one characteristic in particular--its aftereffect--was a major drawback.
        Now, some people escaped this, but many others did not, and I was among the latter. If you drank very much of the stuff--but still not enough to get a buzz on--you would wake up the following morning with The Mother of All Hangovers. It was a real throbbing, gut-wrenching, nuclear powered, hundred-megaton head-banger. Victims of a religious bent would be convinced that they were finally being visited by the retribution of an angry, Old Testament God. Those who were medically oriented would be certain that the level of agony they were suffering had to be symptomatic of severe brain damage. It was the kind of hangover where every pulse-beat felt as if a hammer were being vigorously applied to the base of your skull. At first, you would be afraid you were going to die; after awhile, you would be afraid you were not going to die. Some drank substantial quantities of it with no apparent problem, but those who were susceptible to this particular aftereffect would drink a thimbleful for the sake of conviviality, then move on to the store-bought stuff.
        And the second characteristic:   the instant you popped the cap, the contents erupted in a foamy geyser that surged to an impressive altitude. It then returned to earth in a mighty deluge, drenched the carpet and many of the assembled celebrants, and filled the room with odor of hops and yeast.
        It was quite a ceremony when Bob opened a bottle. He would usually set the bottle into a dishpan or washtub, apply a bottle opener to the cap, then cover his hand and the bottle with a large towel. Apprehensively, he would begin to manipulate the bottle opener until the cap was ready to go ballistic. As he made these preparations, the assembled company would gather in a circle, then carefully back up several paces to a safe distance.
        It was like watching somebody blast a stump.
Don Firth

17 Aug 04 - 08:10 PM (#1249880)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Stilly River Sage

Very funny, Don! Thanks!


17 Aug 04 - 08:47 PM (#1249896)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Amos

LOL, Don!


17 Aug 04 - 09:59 PM (#1249931)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

I thought it SUCKED, Don. Absolute crap. Better writing is probably found in a supermarket tabloid.

Georgiansilver, you were so flabbergasted by what I wrote, it took you three consecutive posts just to compose yourself. Ha Ha.

18 Aug 04 - 12:42 AM (#1250015)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: mack/misophist

Long live the gelding knife!

What more can be said?

18 Aug 04 - 03:19 AM (#1250050)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Georgiansilver

You are so right Martin gast has never been so flabbered at such a pitiful rendering... Brilliant work once again Don. Thanks
Best wishes.

18 Aug 04 - 07:08 AM (#1250198)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: The Fooles Troupe

Don't read this if you get LSD flashbacks...

Toby Day Afternoon, or Babel in a Miner Quay

You're excused Martin, I don't want you to strain what passes for a brain...


18 Aug 04 - 07:22 AM (#1250207)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: The Fooles Troupe

A very Australian Sense of Humour in that piece, Don...

18 Aug 04 - 07:45 AM (#1250220)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: GUEST,noddy

Once upon a time there was a British Olympic gold medallist.

18 Aug 04 - 12:12 PM (#1250462)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Georgiansilver

Once upon a time there was a cartoon character called Noddy.

18 Aug 04 - 12:30 PM (#1250470)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Don Firth

Knowledgeable literary criticism is always welcome, Marty, but if it's true that ignorance is bliss, I must congratulate you on having attained Nirvana.

Don Firth

18 Aug 04 - 12:40 PM (#1250480)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Stilly River Sage


29 Aug 04 - 10:00 PM (#1259608)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!

30 Aug 04 - 02:36 AM (#1259636)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: katlaughing

Some of us have had a few stories included in Aine's Mudcat Storytellers' site which one may also find by going to the Quick Links and clicking on "Aine's Mudcat songbook."

30 Aug 04 - 07:49 AM (#1259743)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!

Georgina Silver felt aggrieved that a "Gibbon" could be so scathing in attitude as she had always heard that monkeys were friendly and amenable. Martin the gibbon had insulted her in his usual expletive way, by suggesting the HE not she had "dumped in his pants" (see post further up)and had said "There asshole, satisfied"?(see same post) although being called a hole in a donkey is not as bad as being called an "arsehole".
Had the Gibbon been a clever human rather than the monkey he was, he might have answered the various literary challenges that both Georgina Silver and Don Firth has placed before him. The Gibbon knew that at some point he would have to answer in this way or he would be deficient of credibilty among the other animals. The "Cats" or Catters as they were known had seen too much nastiness, too much flaming and too much trolling and were now expecting something more from the "Gibbon". They were all waiting with major anticipation for the Gibbon to blossom.

30 Aug 04 - 12:24 PM (#1259906)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

Sorry douche bag. You need to focus on your genitalia for your cheap thrills.

Writing good literature here has no redeeming value.

30 Aug 04 - 12:27 PM (#1259909)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: wysiwyg

Writing good literature here has no redeeming value.

I dunno, I had a really great idea (I think) for a series of short stories, but I would need a British writing partner for them, so Mudcat could be an interesting place to do that interactively.


30 Aug 04 - 12:43 PM (#1259918)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: katlaughing

Writing good literature here has no redeeming value.

It used to before it was overrun by asses. Just ask PeterT, Spaw, LonesomeEJ, JenEllen, and a few others who used to write here.

30 Aug 04 - 01:18 PM (#1259961)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Georgiansilver

Good literature....No redeeming value here? mmmm.
I have personally enjoyed some superb fictional writings from Don Firth and have much admiration for the man as well as a good few others. As for Georgina Silver I'm not so sure. But I enjoy putting pen to paper, typing out pieces of poetry or prose, composing short stories but most of all writing joke poetry...well almost most of all...I suppose my writing of Folk Songs is paramount at the moment.
Martin....ignoring the pressure challenge above by GUEST (as usual)
I would appreciate knowing where your artistic talent lies and if you are in fact capable of churning out a piece of literature of some sort which is acceptable to all. Indubitably I will only get abuse from you for this but perhaps you should consider your own credibilty and produce a literary gem.
Best wishes.

30 Aug 04 - 03:03 PM (#1260042)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

Let me tell ya, pal, that it should be no surpirse to you that with my vivid imagination and way with words, I could EASILY write short stories here or anywhere else.

In college, I took short story and creative writing classes virtually every semester because it was so easy.

You just don't get it. I just don't want to do that here. It has nothing to do with can't doing it, I just have no need to express myself this way here, or worse yet, have a good idea stolen.

If you need to know so much about my artistic talents, realize that I play guitar, banjo, and bass very proficiently for 40 years. I have quite a fine singing voice, and currently playing quite regularly as a soloist at a club, and play in many group situations in a very large and thriving bluegrass community. I am a country music historian and am very well read and knowledgable about the genre.

Because I choose not to write a paragraph or two of impromptu fiction to satisfy my own ego is really something I find amazing that someone can harp on.

30 Aug 04 - 04:30 PM (#1260092)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: GUEST,Isaac Azimuth

"Have a good idea stolen." That's the kind of comment you hear from someone who is not a writer. No real writer ever worries about having an idea "stolen." Ideas are everywhere. The dumbest thing someone can ask a real writer is "where do you get your ideas?' Harlan Ellison always answers, "I subscribe to an idea service in Schenectady." Real writers have a dozen ideas a day. Give ten different writers the same idea, and they will each develop it in their own unique way. The idea is only the beginning. What matters is knowing a good idea when you have it, knowing what to do with it, and then doing it.

30 Aug 04 - 04:33 PM (#1260095)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

Thanks. I'll use that idea in my next article I write for the New Yorker.

Sorry, no credit or money for you.

Real writers are getting ripped off left and right. You are way to naieve if you don't believe that.

30 Aug 04 - 04:46 PM (#1260103)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: BaldEagle2

I wish you a long, long life Martin, for I vouchsafe it will be more than a hundred years before you get your next article published by anyone.    (Including, I fancy, your own home computer - which would surely do a very human thing and blow all its fuses before printing the second page).

And the same is no doubt true of you getting your first article published, as well.

But, on a happier note, you will never get ripped off left and right.   Not you.

30 Aug 04 - 05:15 PM (#1260119)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: wysiwyg

Feeding trolls seldom amounts to a fine literary effort.


30 Aug 04 - 05:30 PM (#1260128)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

It's already happened Baldy Eagle. I've been published twice already.

If only you had a clue, but you do not.

Like I said, why am I obligated to publish anything here, of all places. what purpose does it serve? go buy a fucking magazine and support some real writers.

30 Aug 04 - 05:48 PM (#1260140)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Peg

okay, everyone go check out the Poetry Corner thread and leave this one to die!

30 Aug 04 - 05:50 PM (#1260142)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

Yes, let's all go to Poetry corner.

wait for me, I have to put my shoes on.

see ya there!

30 Aug 04 - 09:09 PM (#1260253)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: GUEST,SigmaEpiphone


Subject: RE: Michael Peter Smith from Chicago.
From:Martin Gibson
Date: 24 Sep 03 - 03:38 PM

"As I am generally bored with boy and his guitar acts..."


Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Martin Gibson
Date: 30 Aug 04 - 03:03 PM

"I have quite a fine singing voice, and currently playing quite regularly as a soloist at a club..."

Quite a flip-flop-
It's patently obvious that Martin Gibson isn't realy GeorgianSilver after all,
he's really John Kerry.

30 Aug 04 - 09:23 PM (#1260258)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous


Man, have you got too much time on your hands.

Actually, I'm bored with boy and his guitar acts, especially navel gazing boy and their guitar acts.

But not man and his guitar acts.
Especially when the pay is so good.

30 Aug 04 - 09:57 PM (#1260277)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Teresa

Isaac Azimuth? Heeheeheehee, I love it. And never heard about that quote from harlan; sounds like something he'd say ...

30 Aug 04 - 10:00 PM (#1260282)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

Are you Mother Teresa?

30 Aug 04 - 10:11 PM (#1260294)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Teresa

ROFLOL I'm too much of a coot and a lone wolf for that.

30 Aug 04 - 10:46 PM (#1260309)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: GUEST,SiggyEpiphone

Anybody at Mudcat who's not bored with you ,Martin?

30 Aug 04 - 11:44 PM (#1260356)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!

Typical MC-Later-Days thread.

Toss this sort into the rubush-bin.

You arn't "there"..... you lack the essential qualities to ever-be....follow Sir John into the offing.

31 Aug 04 - 03:36 AM (#1260456)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Dewey

Please see my Daily Blog at This writing was received from the Universal Mind, AND NO, I AM *NOT* TRYING TO ASK FOR DONATIONS OR SELL ANYTHING TO ANYONE.

I write about a page a day, from the oversoul and post it at this site.

The written theme is of Directing One's Thought Impluses Toward A Define end, through interaction of the with the infinite intelligents which regulates all intuition, laws of nature, time and space relations through interconnectivity of consciousness. The infinite causeseverything in the universe to work with perfect percission and interactiveness with everything and everyone esle. (i.e. everything and everyone, every time and every event ALL and I do mean ALL has A PURPOSE even the ugly and the disappointing in the universe is PERFECT and has an over-all meaning to the interactive percission and perfection of GOD. This is why all Goals all Goodness , anything imaginable and unimaginable is possible through this higher form of un-ending, never dis-jointed intelligents.

I calculate it will take me a year to compose this text, and about another year to understand it all.

The text has been re-arranged (from as it was written) in prose style for the sake of readability.

Sure it might not be the next Wordsworth, but it is imaginative and profound in its understanding (I am still learning from it)

And the composite language is very diffult to grasp in one sitting.
(For Clarification: the Post Promisary is a time line defining the output of an experience) it is not intended to mean a LEGAL DOCUMENT OF DEMANDS.

Dewey (the nut)

31 Aug 04 - 05:06 PM (#1261054)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: GUEST,Isaac Azimuth

"I've been published twice already."

Martin Gibson, scribbling on a men's room wall does not qualify as "published."

01 Sep 04 - 04:04 PM (#1261889)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

Hardly, Guest Isaac.

Your ignorance on what I have had published or about your thoughts on the world in general have no impact on anything. but if I did write on the men's room wall it would be to contact you through Mudcat to hire yourself out so you can make a few extra bucks with your mouth.

As for those who are bored with my postings, I could care less. I find many postings very boring here, also. I usually point them out. There are those who wait anxiously for me to do so.

01 Sep 04 - 04:37 PM (#1261917)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Jack the Sailor

He was dead and yet he was filled with trepidation. He was sent to that room in hell where bullies and trolls are forced to exprience what his victims felt. He had insulted many. He had berated belittled and baited. There was a lineup of thousands he recognized few. He had carried on his attacks anonymously. He had been an internet troll.

The first one came in and sat down. He felt his consiousness being transferred to the victim's body. Now he could see himself through the other person's eyes. A voice said "You are looking a Martin Gibson." Images flashed through the mind; of cursing and cajoling and witty insults, of booming bragging about everything from literary prowess to sexual adequecy. As the images started to sink in, the victim started to react, with laughter, peals and peals of of uproarious laughter.

It's not so bad thought Gibson. Maybe the next one will be hurt.

01 Sep 04 - 05:10 PM (#1261943)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

He peered through his trailer window, hazy from purple smoke as it sat on the edge of an unchanged landscape since 1953.

On the floor lay a pee stained copy of The Third Reich with a few ripped pages pulled out. He once was a sailor, but now he was land locked in a rural community with no one over a 10th grade education.

The trailor was hot from the computer's and monitor's heat as he and his wife jockeyed for position about who's turn it was next to respond. The bookmark section was overflowing with website links to help justify their morbid existance. A large cockroach walked out of the bag of Doritos on their counter, big enough to carry a completely intact chip. It was so large, it was obvious it needed a shave.

The toilet paper had run out, but a pile of used copies of the Jewish Daily forward set in a pile next to the indelibly stained commode with the plastic seat with a crack in it. There was much satisfaction found by the Sailor in it's usage.

The Sailor was resolved to his fate. His trailor was now his ship, his computer his only window to an America outside of the sounds of dispair and odors of the distrought that surrounded him.

His fingers postioned themselves again on the keyboard but there was a knock on the door. It was his neighbor Mohammad, looking to tell him more stories of his homeland and share the last beer in the Sailor's barely cold refrigerator.

His wife called, "Jack, who's out there with you" from behind the curtain where the commode was.

01 Sep 04 - 05:41 PM (#1261980)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Kim C

Martin, please don't be cross.

01 Sep 04 - 06:04 PM (#1262008)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

You mean like a Cross pen?

01 Sep 04 - 06:06 PM (#1262010)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: CarolC

Well, at least we now know that Martin is capable of writing fiction.

01 Sep 04 - 06:39 PM (#1262052)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Amos

You may know that, but I find it strangely lacking for someone who brags of writing for the New Yorker. The grammar is atrocious, as well. Hardly what I would call a literary effort!


01 Sep 04 - 06:53 PM (#1262064)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Jack the Sailor

Very poorly written fiction.

Perhaps in Martin's house the Dorito chips need to be shaved.

01 Sep 04 - 07:00 PM (#1262068)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Georgiansilver

Spelling's not so good either but I have to credit the guy with at least having a go. There are probably many on the Cat who have looked at this thread and thought to themselves "I can't do that" and gone their merry way. In many people have made comments on here about Martin Gibson and have not actually contributed an attempt themselves to the literary challenge.
Grammar rubbish, spelling as bad Martin but you had a go!!!
Best wishes.

01 Sep 04 - 08:04 PM (#1262098)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

First of all, I never claimed to have been published in the New Yorker, but I have been published in 2 magazines.

What I wrote was done in about 2-3 minutes, unedited, unchecked before I left to do something much more pressing.

Editors take care of grammar and spelling for all publications. This was just a 2-3 minute exercise basically to shut a few people up already.

I didn't write it to be judged because frankly, I could give a large bowel movement about it.

01 Sep 04 - 08:15 PM (#1262107)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: katlaughing

There are probably many on the Cat who have looked at this thread and thought to themselves "I can't do that" and gone their merry way.

Rather there are many who have looked in and said "I won't stoop that low" and gone on their merry way to the Olde Threads.

Martin, I have ignored all of your crap because of what it is, but you must know you come off as an ignorant ass the way you brag about your so-called ability to write when you know nothing of those to whom you brag. There are many writers on the Mudcat, who've written "off-the-cuff, as you claim, and who could write many, many circles around the few examples you've deigned to share. If you're going to swing a big stick, at least check out the other guy's armory before you will find you are vastly outclassed.

If you don't give a shit, then why are you do you bother?


01 Sep 04 - 10:01 PM (#1262173)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

I ignore most of your total crap, also Kat. I had you kind of pegged right away as one of the in-house arrogant regulars with snide inside comments to your (dare I say it) ilk. the kind that really chase away a lot of new comers here because they see that it's useless to penetrate the Euro-babies and really feel like they belong.

I bother so that you have something continuously arrogant to write about. I'm not all imppressed by what you write either and I haven't really seen that much here by others that impresses me much either, so I don't know who you are referring to. Just a few egos that need to stroke themselves once in a while. Anyone who comes here for good fiction is settling for nothing more than a bunch of lower than tabloid Internet writers. Try a real book for a change.

Why do you waste your time coming off like you own this forum?

You don't.

I wrote what I wrote strictly on a whim, and if I feel like it, I might just do it again with someone named Katcrying as my central character. Depends how I feel about it in the next few days. No big deal.

01 Sep 04 - 11:35 PM (#1262210)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Jack the Sailor

"No big deal." "No big deal" he moaned. "No big deal" he cried. "No big deal" he shouted from the roof tops. "No big deal!" It was obviously no big deal. He spent so much time talking about it only because he wanted to.

"Get a life!" He said for the one hundred and forty fifth time. "Get a life you people who waste so much time on this forum. I know who you are. I watch you constantly."

"Read a book." He intoned as replied to yet another person he considered to be beneath his contempt and unworthy of his time. "Read a book! You'll find no literature here."

Ever since the voices in his head had appointed him. He had carried out his mission with honor integrity skill and grace. Who else would could be the conscience of these aimless people? Who else but he? Who else indeed?

The best guitarist we shall never hear. A writer so good he must mask his talent behind predictable drivel. A wit so stunningly sharp that it must blunt its self with profanity. A man who takes time from his busy schedule to come onto a thread and say it is not worth his time and energy and then post to that same thread at least seventeen times. But its no big deal.

02 Sep 04 - 03:51 PM (#1262848)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

A sailor man in a tin can.

Definately no big deal.

Unless the next hurricane or tornado comes toward you.

Run, sailor man, run.

02 Sep 04 - 05:59 PM (#1262922)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Jack the Sailor

The the blowhard blew
and blew
and blew
and blew
until the face and words turned blue.
The words were blue
But the were not funny.
Come on buddy! Show us the money!
Put it where you mouth is surely
For the blow hard blows hard
but he writes poorly.

You insult us but you don't know us.
Don't tell us you can write. Show us.
Any fool can come here and say it
Don't brag about your guitar. Play it

02 Sep 04 - 10:37 PM (#1263082)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

Pick on Jews, sailor man.
Pick and pick and pick and pick.
Stay obsessive about it in the middle of the night.
Criticize Israel and the Zionists, find no redeeming value.
They run your country don't they? Your media , too.
Write your hate and your unpopular rants over and over again.
Justify the terrorist cause. Pity them.
Find web sites that serve your twisted needs.
Count on one hand how many Jews you come in contact in a day, a week, a month.

Deny it, but many have you pegged, sailor man.

At the same time take your own guitar and shove it up your anal pore sideways. Amazingly good fit, isn't it?

02 Sep 04 - 10:58 PM (#1263095)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Jack the Sailor

So full of spite
He tries to write
But try as he might
Its the same old shite.

02 Sep 04 - 11:06 PM (#1263098)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: The Fooles Troupe

From Complaints about the free ice cream

"If you think you can do something better then do it. Talk is cheap. Nothing is impossible for the person who doesn't have to deliver the goods."

Keep Trying Martin! (and are so trying...) I suppose if I could be bothered to search the web, I could find where you plagiarised it from...

03 Sep 04 - 04:04 AM (#1263212)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Georgiansilver

Once again what seemed to start as a positive attempt at allowing people to show their literary talent, has degenerated into a slanging match. Thank you for the last posting Foolestroupe.
Best wishes.

03 Sep 04 - 05:17 AM (#1263242)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: The Fooles Troupe

Well, GS, as the old proverb says

"Empty Vessels make most noise."

Martin's guitar would never fit in his fundamental orifice in any direction - it's so teeny-weeny that even a human hair would not get thru - which is why he displays such an obnoxious excess of typical anal fixation behaviour. Just like those who make the greatest fuss about their intellect and abilities have the least, but need to keep on proving their alleged superiority over and over again (especially to themselves) projecting their inferiorities on to others, - it's called a "Superiority Complex".

Oh and BTW, working on an interesting literary idea that sheds light on how someone can behave like many different people - apparently nice one minute, nasty the next...

...and that is my response to the literary challenege for today.

03 Sep 04 - 05:48 PM (#1263765)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

Foolstroupe, do you work for a living or just bang on a computer.

Did you ever do anything exceptional in your life?

Did you ever make any money at anything?

Did you ever try to do something about how arrogant you are?

WARNINg! I am fed up with this thread and the arrogance that permeates it by the likes of Foolstroupe.

This thread is now under complete hijack and is now about what people want out of a good cheeseburger. The public will be much better served by a down to eath discussion in that matter than by a bunch of pompous, arrogant and effete snobs trying to impress each other by how shitty they compose what they think is literature.

To start with, a cheeseburger must be made of the best sirloin, which elinates virtually anything in England.

03 Sep 04 - 06:02 PM (#1263777)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!


03 Sep 04 - 06:17 PM (#1263786)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Jack the Sailor

Slagging and bragging

That's MG

03 Sep 04 - 06:19 PM (#1263789)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: GUEST,Isaac Azimuth

"Editors take care of grammar and spelling for all publications."

MG displays ignorance of the way the book and magazine publishing world has been for several decades. Max Perkins helped groom writers such as F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway, but that was in the 1920s. Editors don't do that anymore.

There are plenty of writers wanting to be published who are good at editing and proofreading their own material. Editors read the first page or two of a manuscript and if they encounter two or three errors in spelling and grammar, they evaluate the manuscript as "unprofessional," put it in the return envelop (you did include an SASE, didn't you?) with a pre-printed rejection slip, and toss it in the out-box. Good grammar and spelling are the basic tools of a writer's trade. If they won't spend the time to learn that, no editor will bother with them.

03 Sep 04 - 09:39 PM (#1263902)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

Your full of shit, Guest Isaac.

I really put no effort or passion at all into my 2 minute composition. It is hardly worth the effort on this forum to do so.

BTW, no one has probably ever heard of you as a writer, either. Just another pompous arrogant blowhard who just loves to criticze when he hardly has his own pathetic life together.

Guest, wake up. Life is passing you by. Or already has.

03 Sep 04 - 09:43 PM (#1263903)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: The Fooles Troupe

I'll say it again Martin, cause it obviously slipped between your handful of brain cells: 'those who make the greatest fuss about their intellect and abilities have the least, but need to keep on proving their alleged superiority over and over again (especially to themselves) projecting their inferiorities on to others, - it's called a "Superiority Complex".'

Your tantrum response proved my point thanks Marty!

"GUEST,Isaac Azimuth" Thanks for posting something that all real writers know - And of course, Marty, you have been called again about being such a great writer - I would have posted something similar myself, but laughingly the more people that you piss off to the point of publicly telling you so, the worse it makes you look. You just don't know how to gracefully quit when you are not ahead.

And your puerile 'hijack attempt' will be ignored. Another one of your failed 'distraction tactics' that works on the hundreds of others of forums that you have claimed to be so proficient on under other names! Just how many threads do you start here nowadays and have the people who know you well willingly join in?

As for your pathetic knowledge of meat products, I now believe that maybe you are not a real person, most likely just a robot script that Jeff runs in his spare time for amusement. I played with the code for simple versions of such things in TRS80 Basic back in the 70/80's. Your responses are becoming very predictable, and we are laughing, not with you because you are clever, but at you because you are so stupid and ignorant. Beside you, John from Hull, oops, Sir John from Hull is a towering intellectual. He has least has a believable excuse - he admits to having a few drinks when he gets on line - what's your excuse?

It is easily possible to respond to your abusive intimidatory attacking tactics without stooping to your level. Even takes less effort than trying to do original creative work, because the responses for a person used to your sort are just reflexive, since your childish tactics are so thoroughly predictable.


03 Sep 04 - 09:44 PM (#1263904)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Jeri

Maybe this doesn't belong here, but the thread was supposed to be about writing. I think I've seen enough recently that I should be convinced humanity is rotting away, with unnecessary things like kindness and conscience crumbling away first. I don't want to lose mine. This isn't very 'literary' but I'm not sure it should go anywhere else.

There is a wooden cross along the Old New Hampshire Highway. I'm not sure how long it's been there, but I first noticed it a couple of years ago. Some roadwork done this spring, and the road crews must have taken some trouble to make sure the cross was still standing after they findished their work.

Yesterday, I drove east to get some work done on my car, and there was a birthday balloon tied to it, and fresh flowers at its base. Once I noticed it, it's real hard not to look at it every time I go by. I don't know who the cross is for. I know that when I was supposed to meet my real estate agent to look at the house I now live in, she was very late. When she showed up, she was shaking. There had been an accident on the Old New Hampshire Highway. Some car had crossed the road and slammed head-on into another vehicle carrying a mother and her kids. My agent was there before any responders, but they weren't far behind. As the fire department cut through the twisted metal of the car to free the woman and the ambulance crew tried to keep her alive until she got to the hospital, my agent sat in the back of her car with those young kids who cried and clung to her. I never heard what happened, and I don't know what that cross is for, but I don't think mom made it.

I don't know why I care. I don't know why plain wooden crosses and birthday balloons should matter. Everybody loses somebody. Lots of strangers die every day, and lots of them died today. But there's this one plain marker to symbolise the hole in somebody's life, and it's real to me.

03 Sep 04 - 10:01 PM (#1263913)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: The Fooles Troupe

Very good Jeri, we have them all over the place in Australia now, there is one just down the road and around the corner from me, covered in writing and flowers all the time.

Just ignore Marty The Troll Script Robot.

Amusingly, I think we should thank Marty for his contributions to this thread. Not for his gutter tactics and mouth, but for his stimulating presence, just like the grain of sand in the oyster is needed for its irritant action to produce pearls of great beauty.

So please stay Marty, we really need your influence here to help stimulate the real talents here. if anybody makes nasty comments about you, they will have to deal with me in future. God has spoken directly to me, and commanded me to be your protector in this forum. I know he was in a serious mood this time, cause he was wearing his little red hat with the blue feather, not the blue one he usually wears wears he has less serious repartee with me.

You have been most helpful to me - I thought I had lost my Muse, but I can feel the spark returning!


03 Sep 04 - 10:13 PM (#1263920)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

Your kind of right, Jeri. It's sad, but it doesn't belong here.

It wasn't a tantrum, Foolstroupe and I can tell that you are seething over it. It's like a bug up your smelly old ass that just won't go away.

I'm no program,Robincock. I'm a real human being who will not go away and who will constantly remind you that your shit does stink. Real bad. Again, I will remind you that you can't hide your arrogance behind your pseudo intellectualism.

You can't even answer the questions that I posed to you because they expose you for what you are. A fraud, a phony, and a nobody.

I'm not running a race with anyone here about how many threads I start, but I've started some damn good ones and they are running right now with a lot of response.

Maybe it's just starting to get obvious to me that like a few others here, you also have a problem with Jews.

03 Sep 04 - 10:16 PM (#1263921)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Once Famous

Foolstroupe, I just showed the kind of crap you post to a few friends and they laughed and thought that you were a snob. They wanted to know if you were a girl named Robin.

03 Sep 04 - 10:41 PM (#1263933)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Ebbie

There evidently are Jews who evidently could give Jews a bad name.

03 Sep 04 - 10:55 PM (#1263938)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: The Fooles Troupe

Ah Marty, dry your tears, have the naughty other little kids been kicking sand in your face again? Well, you do want to play with in the 'Big Kids Sandpit' - and you do start kicking the sand first!

"Foolstroupe, I just showed the kind of crap you post to a few friends and they laughed and thought that you were a snob. They wanted to know if you were a girl named Robin. "


Oh Dear, Marty, that one didn't work on me when I first joined here either! But that was a real person who tried that, and realised that they had made a wrongful and hasty judgement and apologised by PM, not Jeff's Troll Robot!

As for your previous post:

I'll say it again Martin, cause it obviously slipped between your handful of brain cells: 'those who make the greatest fuss about their intellect and abilities have the least, but need to keep on proving their alleged superiority over and over again (especially to themselves) projecting their inferiorities on to others, - it's called a "Superiority Complex".

Your second larger tantrum response in like kind has only proved my point even stronger thanks Marty!

I know my shit stinks, that's why I flush it down the toilet unlike you Marty, who cannot resist picking out of your backside and smearing it everywhere. You claim to have children but then you must also be a bad father, because every parent knows that one of the first things a child discovers is that it is fun to play with its own excrement - the rest of us, unlike you Marty, grow up!

Jeff, you need to build in some more sophisticated 'maturity routines' - this child is getting boring!

Hahahahaha! Exposed again!

Marty, since you ignore all our our nice requests about your personal life, you will in future only get the same treatment from us when you ask us similar questions. "Do unto others as they would do unto you - but get in first!"

And make sure you tell me again when the others little kids are picking on you too much, I will protect you!

Now blow your nose and run off and play nice!


03 Sep 04 - 11:07 PM (#1263944)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: The Fooles Troupe

Marty the Troll Script Robot!
TTO: Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Marty the Troll Script Robot!
Had a very nasty mouth!

03 Sep 04 - 11:09 PM (#1263945)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: CarolC

Now, Robin. Jeff is a good man. I've spent enough time with him to know he's way too much of a gentleman to create a program like the one you're suggesting.

03 Sep 04 - 11:14 PM (#1263947)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: katlaughing

Thanks for that, Jeri. It is good to give voice to things we notice like that; for some reason it seems important, at times.

03 Sep 04 - 11:21 PM (#1263950)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!

Design on wings just barely back, so close was death in Shiloh; so close the breath of lovers left the field dressed down from battle. And later on we rode the wind on angels' wings, and backward-looking eyes of steel were all we had to keep the sounds from hearts of stone that never feel the shadows of a nightmare world. It hasn't changed, it doesn't change, and voices still the sacrifice of blood and tears and mothers' fears that once again the dogs will snarl and snap the breath from only sons. I'll ask once more for wooden stakes to drive into the fucking ground, but please I beg that first they go hard through the chest of Satan's whore; that cemeteries turn from being homes to children killed in war.

03 Sep 04 - 11:36 PM (#1263963)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Jeri

Now THAT is humbling. Beautiful and chilling.

03 Sep 04 - 11:51 PM (#1263971)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: katlaughing

Agreed...down to the soles on ones feet.

04 Sep 04 - 12:33 AM (#1263984)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Rustic Rebel

It seems he ran out of a rhyme, or maybe it was just a rhythm that wasn't the right fit. Regardless this person seemed to arouse all those that were around him. It was stange enough that he was rude and unbashfull, but even stranger, that people took to him so well.
There was an eerie glow that penatrated his tounge in cheek that made him even funnier than he thought he was himself.

04 Sep 04 - 01:34 AM (#1264011)
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
From: Jack the Sailor

Highway 431 from Phenix City to Eufaula Alabama has about 30 of those crosses on about 25 miles of road. Its a few miles from here.

Its eerie and sad.