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BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary

20 Aug 04 - 05:46 PM (#1252465)
Subject: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: Nick


20 Aug 04 - 05:46 PM (#1252466)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: Nick


20 Aug 04 - 05:47 PM (#1252468)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: Nick


20 Aug 04 - 05:47 PM (#1252469)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: Nick


Poor soul.

Never had a chance.

20 Aug 04 - 09:16 PM (#1252623)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: Helen

There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary & those who don't.

20 Aug 04 - 09:56 PM (#1252659)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: s6k

ROFL!!!! at both of you!

21 Aug 04 - 03:45 AM (#1252817)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: Nick

There are 11 sorts of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.

21 Aug 04 - 03:29 PM (#1252972)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: HuwG

Possibly an old one, but here goes ...

Q. Why do computer programmers confuse Christmas and Halloween ?
A. Because 25 DEC = 31 OCT.

22 Aug 04 - 05:23 AM (#1253319)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: The Fooles Troupe

= 19 HEX
= 11001 BIN

23 Aug 04 - 04:02 AM (#1254262)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull


23 Aug 04 - 06:41 AM (#1254349)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: s6k


23 Aug 04 - 06:55 AM (#1254356)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary

Oh dear you've landed on a snake....that makes it 36 I think.

23 Aug 04 - 08:06 AM (#1254385)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: s6k

69 !

23 Aug 04 - 09:45 AM (#1254448)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: Sweetfia

Admit it fancy my Dad don't you?

23 Aug 04 - 11:20 AM (#1254511)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: s6k

who doesnt!

23 Aug 04 - 11:26 AM (#1254518)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: The Beast of Farlington


23 Aug 04 - 12:54 PM (#1254573)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: s6k

you dont fool anyone with your act

23 Aug 04 - 03:33 PM (#1254689)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: belter

A hex

23 Aug 04 - 04:14 PM (#1254716)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary

a pox on all youse houses.

24 Aug 04 - 11:00 AM (#1255298)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: The DeanMeister


24 Aug 04 - 11:06 AM (#1255305)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary

I am disgusted and intend to cease posting forthwith. You are all so binarist.

24 Aug 04 - 11:09 AM (#1255309)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: Grateful Ted

He's just after my Gibson 180 sonex custom electric sweetfia.

24 Aug 04 - 11:17 AM (#1255316)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: The DeanMeister

Give u a fiver for it, Eduardo.

24 Aug 04 - 01:50 PM (#1255452)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: Dave the Gnome

What goes 'pieces of seven, pieces of seven'?

Parroty failure...


24 Aug 04 - 01:59 PM (#1255457)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: GUEST,MMario

unfortunately 100 in binary is not one hundred - it is eight four.

24 Aug 04 - 03:38 PM (#1255535)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: HuwG

I worked for six years in Assembler programming, i.e. as close to actually programming mainframes in binary as it is possible to get, these days. To be fair, assembler instructions are usually rendered in pseudo-english e.g.

    mov    ax,[bx]
    cmp    ax,dx
    jz      L@0001
    add    bx,2


However, a lot of the applications for which assembler work is required, depend on working out the precise offset and segment addresses of areas of code and data in the computer's memory or on discs, and these addresses are in hexadecimal (hex, for short) i.e. they use base 16, with the letter 'A' representing 10, 'B' representing 11 and so on.

When I first tried my hand at this, I ran into the brainwashing inflicted on me at infant and junior school, that of being forced to chant in unison with the rest of the class, "One times two is two, two times two is four" etc. This drudgery left me and most of my fellow programmers unable to warp our minds around hex calculations.

The lazy bought calculators with hex conversion functions (this was long before the days of Windows, with its built-in calculator accessory), some covered sheaves of scrap paper with manual calculations and conversions, while one or two could be heard muttering "eleven times eleven is seventy-nine", and "fifteen times fifteen is fourteenty-one", in an effort to re-educate stubborn brain cells. It is scarcely surprising that one or two programmers of the early days have become known to be obsessive and socially disfunctional types, or perhaps that such types were drawn to programming.

Most of my fellow-coders remained normal (and so did I, or at least as normal as a teapot can be), but one could almost have been used as an illustration of the type. He could look at a page or more of a hex memory dump which read "1B 5B 35 41 53 68 65 20 56 69 64 ...", and read, without a moment's pause, "Ok, escape, left square bracket, five, 'A', that's the 'move cursor to home' command, 'The Widget Manufacturing Company', carriage return, line feed...". On the other hand, he once shipped a floppy disc to a customer with a file called "testicle.exe" on it, and was genuinely surprised at the fuss this caused. After all, it was supposed to test ICL emulation, wasn't it ?

Binary is a powerful tool if you can master it. It allows you to count to 1023 on your fingers (and 1048575, if you remove your socks).

25 Aug 04 - 03:52 AM (#1256007)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: Grateful Ted

    You are too clever by half man, and shouldn't be on mudcat! Binary????? It sounds about as much bloody use as Latin, or strats!
    A fiver for my gibbo? you jest!!! Besides it is made of "resowood" and is very, very heavy. You wouldn't be man enough to even pick it up never mind pose with it down at the youth club!

25 Aug 04 - 05:04 AM (#1256041)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: s6k

stop dissing strats!! where do you think richie blackmore would be without one!! (lets forget that he thinks fairies live at the bottom of his garden)

or hendrix....... or......... Clapton

or martin carthy! he used a strat.

you bugger if you want to diss a guitar then diss a bluddy explorer or a flying V !!!!!!!

bluddy buggers on these threads, have no respect!

25 Aug 04 - 07:05 AM (#1256113)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: HuwG

Thanks for your praise, GratefulTed, but has anyone spotted that my code contained an elementary error? (I was going to say deliberate, but I am going to be honest).

In essence, it loops forever. To be correct, it should read:

    mov    ax,[bx]
    add    bx,2
    cmp    ax,dx
    jz      L@0001
    sub    bx,2


In contrast to modern, fourth- and fifth-generation programming languages, like C# and .NET and so on, which practically refuse to allow you to write erroneous instructions, never mind try and compile them, assembler code was always teetering on the brink of programmer-induced disaster. A classic computer saying is, "garbage in, garbage out". Twenty years ago, it was quite often a case of "garbage in, irretrievable system crash, with half the hard disk corrupted".

I did Latin at school too. Indeed, a useless language. It also caused me some embarassment when I saw the immortal scene in Monty Python's "Life of Brian" when Centurion John Cleese is correcting Brian's (Graham Chapman) Latin graffiti; I was the only one in the cinema to get that particular joke and had to suffer everyone else staring at me while I nearly burst laughing.

I don't get on too well with Strats myself either, but that's my fault, not that of the elegantly classic design of the Strat. (I tend to smudge notes on it. When I indulge in Blues or anything more raucous, I have an Epiphone SG-310. Mind you, the SG never was a perfect design. The neck and fretboard and pickups are lovely, but the number of times I have hit the pickup selector switch in mid-riff, causing the sound to suddenly go very muddy, makes me cringe.)

25 Aug 04 - 07:54 AM (#1256139)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: GUEST,Paul Burke

Try counting in binary on your fingers- people get offended when you get to 4 (100).

25 Aug 04 - 08:00 AM (#1256148)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: Grateful Ted

Epiphone!!!!!! You must be one of those poor people I read about in The Telegraph! Nowt against strats really, I just know a couple of berks who play them, never had one myself. Had a fantastic telecaster as a lad, and a Les Paul custom, and a junior and a jazzmaster etc etc..........

25 Aug 04 - 08:15 AM (#1256162)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: The Beast of Farlington

"I just know a couple of berks who play them" - you can't mean me - I've got one, but I can't play it

25 Aug 04 - 08:26 AM (#1256169)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: Grateful Ted

Nay, thrice nay beast. one is called pete and one is called adam.

25 Aug 04 - 01:04 PM (#1256477)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: s6k

i dont play one i play a GIBSON LES PAUL CLASSIC 1960 THAT COST £1900

and not a bluddy epiphone either, modern epiphones = better than older epiphones but still a wannabe Gibson

26 Aug 04 - 10:51 AM (#1257307)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: Dave Bryant

When I was a system programmer many years ago, I could do hexadecimal nultiplication and division - I still know my A, B, C, D, E, & F times tables - sad really.

BTW Ted, I think that a Gibson 10110100 sonex custom electric is a pretty crap guitar.

26 Aug 04 - 11:37 AM (#1257352)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: s6k

get a les paul classic 1960 (or a standard)

27 Aug 04 - 03:55 AM (#1257917)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: GUEST,Grateful Ted

    You are quite right. It might have Gibson on the headstock but it ain't very good!

27 Aug 04 - 06:13 AM (#1257979)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: s6k

nah, its only about £350 - £500 worth of guitar.

i just put 9's (electric guitar strings) on my acoustic (instead of the usual 11's) it sounds quite nice and is very easy to play and soft.

insight into life for you all there, try it

27 Aug 04 - 06:16 AM (#1257986)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: Sweetfia

I've got a telecaster, does that count? You have't really got a Gibson have you dad? I thought you was guna get a mandolin-type-thingy-but-not??

27 Aug 04 - 06:32 AM (#1258001)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: s6k

i thought he was guna get a bozouki

27 Aug 04 - 06:33 AM (#1258003)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: Sweetfia

That's the one!

27 Aug 04 - 06:35 AM (#1258007)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: s6k

hes got too manny instruments that El-Ted he will have one of everything soon and he wont know how to play any of them then he will snap his nails on the bozouki and have a breakdown, for no longer shall he venture upon the true path

27 Aug 04 - 06:40 AM (#1258019)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: Sweetfia


27 Aug 04 - 06:41 AM (#1258023)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: s6k


27 Aug 04 - 06:44 AM (#1258028)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary

have your telephones broken?

27 Aug 04 - 06:46 AM (#1258030)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: s6k


Ted what have you done to El Ted ???? it says "this membership is inactive"

have you been naughty?

27 Aug 04 - 06:46 AM (#1258031)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: GUEST,Grateful ted

Yes i have a gibson 180 electric. the instrument i am going to buy is a MANDOLA. i had a little play on Richard's (the chap who plays with PunchThe Horse)and it felt good.

27 Aug 04 - 06:50 AM (#1258036)
Subject: RE: BS: Help El Ted to count to 100 in binary
From: s6k

post number 11010101010101000110